Would you date a guy with a dangerous profession?


Well-Known Member
The guy i am casually dating is an electrician...he says he tries to be safe, but that his job is highly dangerous....

now ladies who are currently dating, have dated or are considering dating men in highly dangerous position...what are your thoughts...?

is this a major issue for you...be 100% honest.
How is an electrician's job highly dangerous?

When i think dangerous i think Firefighter, Bomb Squad, you know...the jobs featured on that show "World's Most Dangerous Job's"

LOL, i think he told you his job was dangerous to make himself feel important..
How is an electrician's job highly dangerous?

When i think dangerous i think Firefighter, Bomb Squad, you know...the jobs featured on that show "World's Most Dangerous Job's"

LOL, i think he told you his job was dangerous to make himself feel important..

Girl, they are always working with live wire. Also, many of them fall of those electrical poles or get electricuted....:nono:
If carrying a gun equates to having a dangerous profession...then yes.

His will must be in order, and he must have life insurance. I don't expect to be named as a beneficiary of either until after "I do." :look:
My Dad is a Firefighter. He loves his job. My mom and I can get a little scared sometimes especially since he loves his job a little too much (he loves going into the blazing fires :perplexed).

So since I have one of the "dangerous professions" men in my family, I'd have to say yes, I would date one.
I think someone's got to do the job, so yes. My bf's job is in IT--so NOT dangerous--but I think someone who braves danger daily, is honorable, so YES I would date them.
How is an electrician's job highly dangerous?

When i think dangerous i think Firefighter, Bomb Squad, you know...the jobs featured on that show "World's Most Dangerous Job's"

LOL, i think he told you his job was dangerous to make himself feel important..

my dad has been an electrician in NYC for 30 years. He makes alot of money but yes it's dangerous. Not only does he work with live wire but most of the time he's working in the subway tunnels in NY. He's told me tons of stories about men he's worked with that have been hit by trains,decapitated, hurt by heavy equipment, badly cut, electrocuted.

Do they usually work on temporarily unactive tracks? yes. But there have been TOO MANY flukes before where they were all working on the track working, looked up, and saw a train coming full speed @ them & had to LITERALLY DIVE off of the track.

Many times they're working BETWEEN 2 active tracks. On occasion when 2 trains go by at the same time you basically have to stand up straight and NOT MOVE A MUSCLE since there are speeding trains no more then a foot from either side of you. An apprentice he was training once stood up since there was a train coming in front of him, he got alittle nervous and leaned his head back aayfrom the train not realizing there was a train coming from the other angle. He leaned his head back and the train behind him decapitated him.

They breath in dirt and chemicals alllll day. 2 men that he works with now have lung cancer as a direct result.

I would date someone with a risky job but I can't say i wouldn't be constantly worried about them!! After all these yrs i still worry about my dad. In a way i wouldn't wnat that but in a way i'm used to it.

This friend of mines works as an industrial electrician and the stories he tells me...:nono:...he loves his job.....

my dad has been an electrician in NYC for 30 years. He makes alot of money but yes it's dangerous. Not only does he work with live wire but most of the time he's working in the subway tunnels in NY. He's told me tons of stories about men he's worked with that have been hit by trains,decapitated, hurt by heavy equipment, badly cut, electrocuted.

Do they usually work on temporarily unactive tracks? yes. But there have been TOO MANY flukes before where they were all working on the track working, looked up, and saw a train coming full speed @ them & had to LITERALLY DIVE off of the track.

Many times they're working BETWEEN 2 active tracks. On occasion when 2 trains go by at the same time you basically have to stand up straight and NOT MOVE A MUSCLE since there are speeding trains no more then a foot from either side of you. An apprentice he was training once stood up since there was a train coming in front of him, he got alittle nervous and leaned his head back aayfrom the train not realizing there was a train coming from the other angle. He leaned his head back and the train behind him decapitated him.

They breath in dirt and chemicals alllll day. 2 men that he works with now have lung cancer as a direct result.

I would date someone with a risky job but I can't say i wouldn't be constantly worried about them!! After all these yrs i still worry about my dad. In a way i wouldn't wnat that but in a way i'm used to it.
Date - maybe. Marry? Probably not.

Same here. I don't think I could get serious with someone that might die at work on the regular.:nono:

Also, since I'm older now and don't bother dating guys that I don't see future potential with, I don't think I would be dating one either.

Regarding firefighters, I know a few and though their jobs can be dangerous, they aren't put in danger too often. Most of their time is spent sitting around the firehouse.

Now a guy who is on the bomb squad or goes off to the jungle on rescue missions or is an international spy? I'm gonna have to go with NO on all of those.
It depends on the profession. I used to say 'No' without hesitation but now, it would depend on his occupation and if he is in constant danger or what.
I would and have. Most of my exes and military men.

And to add to the electrician thing, I used to have a client that was an elevator repairman. Over the years that I've known him his hair turned from dark brown to completely gray from chemical exposure and heck, being shocked on a regular basis. At the time he was about 32 with a head full of white hair. WHITE.
Girl, they are always working with live wire. Also, many of them fall of those electrical poles or get electricuted....:nono:
I had a friend who lost his BFF this way...fell on to a transformer and that was the end of that. I won't date an electrician, firefighter, police officer, a soldier...nothing that involves too much risk. Not only do you have to worry every time they leave the house, men who hold there positions are usually alpha males and feel the need to rescue everyone...I think we all remembered what happen after 9/11...when firefighters were leaving their families in droves to be with the widows of their friends. Not cool at all. :nono:
I never really realized how dangerous an electricians job could be until we had our recent power outage in Cincy...they did a news story on how dangerous it could be. Scary stuff!

Anyway...I have no problem dating people in "dangerous" professions, I actually am now. I also plan on having a "dangerous" profession in the not-so distant future. I'd be a hypocrite to say I wouldn't.
my husbands in the military and although it does worry me, i love him so, i hope for the best. i think people in the military are amazing. that is something that i could not do.
Im dating a soldier and in some weird way it turns me on. I seem to have dated quite a few military men and police officers.