Interracial Dating...contemplating The Swirl...need Input

IMO no harm in being open to other races. Why not? I think men are men. Really think about what you want character-wise and value-wise. Open yourself up to being treated well and loved, then go from there. If I were you I'd go with the flow. Rule out things like cheaters, arrogance, lack of empathy, etc., not the color of someone's skin. If you end up finding you really just don't click with white men that's one thing, but for now why not just be open? Good luck and have fun.

I second this entire post. As I've aged, I began to challenge my own "Black Only" requirement (and subsequently been treated badly by black men who have no problems dating outside their race AND bashing their own women ... all while claiming to be "woke"). As I opened my own horizons, I found that my perceptions of white men were quite wrong. I knew what I wanted from a treatment standpoint, and did not shrink the box by putting a race stamp on it, and surprisingly I came across a wonderful kaleidoscope of culturally aware men of varied races.

I even met a white guy (blond hair, blue eyed) from San Francisco that schooled ME on some cultural things. His parents were open-minded hippies that rode with the Freedom Riders and marched on Washington. You never know what you will encounter once you open your mind, and even if you don't make a "love connection", you may learn something about yourself and IR dating.

Swirl onward and upward!!!!!
He talked about everything. It was crazy. He said oral is wonderful as long as both partners are okay with it. He talked about how there is no purpose for the clitoris except pleasure, and what that means about how God feels about sexuality. He talked about intimacy on all levels, and how if you aren't noticing your level of intimacy, then that probably means it's just right. Because, too much intimacy feels suffocating, and too little intimacy feels lonely.

There were like 8 classes or so, and there was lots of material. I'll try to see if my husband still has all the handouts. If he does, I'll scan them and share them. This was years ago, and we've moved since, so hopefully he can find them. Good stuff. I was glad to be able to hear/talk about that stuff at church. Refreshing. Answered a lot of my questions and helped me to open up a bit in that area.

Hubby found the material!!! He just got around to emailing it to me. It's 46 pages. Hubby had scanned them all and wrote helpful notes on them.

There's a questionnaire for you and your partner to fill out. There's interesting content on what makes for good sex (trance is a part of it, according to this PhD psychologist who was teaching the class). And there's much more content.

Tonight I will find an app to erase our questionnaire answers, and then I'll share a link to the PDF with the other notes as soon as I can.
Here's the handout, guys. I couldn't figure out how to digitally erase the personal stuff, so I had to black it out. Let me know if you have any questions about the content: These are slides with my husbands notes and, of course, since you don't have a tape recording of the lectures, some things might not be clear.

Blessings, all!
@Tchanelle, @prettywhitty, @prettyinpurple, @CoilyFields, and @Mocha126, @Silkycoils, @Kalani, @weaveadiva, @movingforward, @hopeful, @Maguerite . . . I tagged you in this post just in case you were waiting for the handout. My apologies if I'm mistaken.

Here is the handout: I couldn't figure out how to digitally erase the personal stuff, so I had to black it out. Let me know if you have any questions about the content: These are slides with my husbands notes and, of course, since you don't have a tape recording of the lectures, some things might not be clear.

@Tchanelle, @prettywhitty, @prettyinpurple, @CoilyFields, and @Mocha126, @Silkycoils, @Kalani, @weaveadiva, @movingforward, @hopeful, @Maguerite . . . I tagged you in this post just in case you were waiting for the handout. My apologies if I'm mistaken.

Here is the handout: I couldn't figure out how to digitally erase the personal stuff, so I had to black it out. Let me know if you have any questions about the content: These are slides with my husbands notes and, of course, since you don't have a tape recording of the lectures, some things might not be clear.


Thank you dear.

There are a lot of great points being made here in this thread. :yep:

I don't think there is anything wrong with questioning something you've believed/thought/or assumed your entire life. Life is about growth and understanding. :yep: Sometimes our experiences confirm our beliefs/thoughts, and sometimes they defy them.

One thing I will say though is... I wouldn't start dating WM simply because you feel like there's "nothing better" around.

Why not just (as @hopeful mentioned) start opening yourself up to ANY guys (regardless of race) who show you that they are GENUINELY interested in you, treat you well, want to be with you, and fit your guidelines of what a bf should be and how you would like to be treated in a romantic relationship.

You might be surprised who you can fall in love with when you open yourself up FULLY to love. :yep:

That's not what I meant.

I've always stated that a lot of human decisions are not as principled as we like to think, but many are determined by opportunity meeting circumstance. These WM brought themselves to my attention during a time in my life when dating is a reality so it sparked a question.

example; Pre-DH I always thought I only wanted a degreed white collar mate, but that had more to do with status quo expectations and my not being exposed to many alternatives. Marrying my Ex showed me a whole new option and that white collar wasn't actually important to me.

So now I'm trying to determine what I really want versus what sounds nice or what others want, or even what's simply a reaction to my new status. Questioning if my "only black men" stance was I making that statement because I was comfortably married and so wasn't faced with this as a real option? Easily dismissed because it didn't apply to me? Or is this truly something that would bother me?

I LOVE this. I think you have a very mature way of looking at things, and it seems like you're opening yourself up to possibilities and not just shutting the door on certain men simply because they don't fit the "mold" or image you used to have in your mind.

I too thought that I wanted a certain type of man as well a few years back. Now that I look back, I was very rigid in what I thought that I wanted and what I thought was important to me. But now that I'm older and have had more experiences in life, I find that what I thought I wanted wasn't really all that. I even realized that I wanted certain things in a relationship that I didn't even know until I found it in a particular relationship.

Remaining open to possibilities allows you to truthfully see what is really important to you in a relationship. :yep:

I second this entire post. As I've aged, I began to challenge my own "Black Only" requirement (and subsequently been treated badly by black men who have no problems dating outside their race AND bashing their own women ... all while claiming to be "woke"). As I opened my own horizons, I found that my perceptions of white men were quite wrong. I knew what I wanted from a treatment standpoint, and did not shrink the box by putting a race stamp on it, and surprisingly I came across a wonderful kaleidoscope of culturally aware men of varied races.

I even met a white guy (blond hair, blue eyed) from San Francisco that schooled ME on some cultural things. His parents were open-minded hippies that rode with the Freedom Riders and marched on Washington. You never know what you will encounter once you open your mind, and even if you don't make a "love connection", you may learn something about yourself and IR dating.

Swirl onward and upward!!!!!

This has been my experience as well.

In fact, one of the best relationships I had (in terms of how I was treated) was with a wm. One of my exes. Treated me like a queen. He was so attentive and open w/his feelings for me. For the first time in a long time, I felt so chill, easy-breezy, not anxious, not chasing, etc. in a relationship. I felt so feminine. :grin: It was wonderful. Unfortunately however, he was not what I was looking for spiritually in a husband, so I eventually had to cut it off. But he was a great guy though. We were friends first for years. Never knew he was crushing on me for years lol.

Anyway, I say all that to say...that sometimes people can surprise you. I never saw myself dating a wm either before I dated my ex. Now days I definitely wouldn't rule them out. I'm open to men of all colors, shades, backgrounds who love Crystal. :yep:

I agree with you.....I find that sometimes my assumptions about white people are wrong as well. I think we're so used to seeing all of them as "the devil", that we don't realize that all of them might not be that way.

My motto these days is to treat others the way I would want to be treated (without suspicion, fear, or hatred), but at the same time, protect myself from unnecessary danger if someone turns out to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

We as women should always be discerning (while remaining open of course) regardless of who the man is or what his ethnic background may be imo.
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Thank you ladies for all of this good advice!

Since I first posted this I've gotten on a few dating sites, practiced my flirting, and gone on a few dates. Making this thread also had me keeping my options open on other folks I would normally have automatically rejected (short, older, foreign etc.).

Had some conversations with wm so far but not gone out with any yet. If it happens, I'd probably do it, but I'm leaning more towards dating the rainbow but marrying me an earth tone man!

This whole "evolution of me" that I'm going through is really helping me. I'm learning a lot about men and myself.
Thank you ladies for all of this good advice!

Since I first posted this I've gotten on a few dating sites, practiced my flirting, and gone on a few dates. Making this thread also had me keeping my options open on other folks I would normally have automatically rejected (short, older, foreign etc.).

Had some conversations with wm so far but not gone out with any yet. If it happens, I'd probably do it, but I'm leaning more towards dating the rainbow but marrying me an earth tone man!

This whole "evolution of me" that I'm going through is really helping me. I'm learning a lot about men and myself.

Good for you! :up:

I'm excited for you. :)

You should keep us updated on your experiences. Hopefully you'll find someone nice to share a relationship with.
Good for you!

My advice is give it a try. Don't focus on simply white men, focus on dating the rainbow and learning what YOU want and not what anyone else wants for you.

I've always dated white men (90% of the dates and men that I've dated). My current relationship of 5 years is with a white man. I did date my first black man in college for 1.5 years. He was a great guy but it didn't work out. I also dated a biracial guy in college and that didn't work out either.

I know that I'll end up marrying a wm
And I now know my preference after lots of dating and a few failed relationships.

I demand that a man be open minded, supportive, affectionate, loyal/faithful and all of the basic requirements.

I've learned that I'm attracted to ambition, intelligence, and power. I didn't know this until college. I want a successful man.

I learned that religion does not matter to me. My parents are Christian, and growing up I always thought that a man had to share the same faith.

I now know that religion is not something that's big in my life and a guy who is heavily involved in church/heavily religious is actually a turn off to me. I do want him to be open minded and spiritual.
Many white men are atheist/agnostic. My current guy would probably fall under the agnostic category.

I've learned that the stereotype of white men not being able to please a black Woman like a black man could is WRONG. The best sex that I've had in my life has
been with a wm. I would say that his penis is pink but it does have pink undertones. He's extremely pale.

I do demand that he be SOCIALLY liberal. I want him to be open to listening about my experiences as a black Woman and support me.

I do not deem is a requirement for a wm to have dated a black Women before me. I don't mind being the first. In fact I'm always the first.

Oh and he doesn't mind me bashing white men or women. Heck he laughs with me. He's from a town that's almost entirely white and even then he doesn't mind my venting. He finds it hilarious and mostly agrees.

Openness is the most important thing in our relationship and no conversation is off limits.

Simply date around and figure out what you want! No pressure!
The first time I dated a WM was in high school and I was 16. I was not even thinking about him but apparently, he was crushing since middle school. I attended a mostly white HS and he received a lot of flack for dating me but it was all directed at him from WW. He told them that I was who he wanted to be with and nothing that they did would change how he felt. I don't know if he was woke but I will say he was loyal and supported me and he shut down everybody who had anything negative to say. It was one of the best relationships I've had while dating. He would have been my husband if I could have handled the distance between us for college and the time he put in for football.

I wouldn't date out unless he had an awareness of my struggles as a black woman and be able to understand me when I say white people get on my nerves. Those are the only type of men that I've dated because I wouldn't want to explain everything.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that if a 16-year-old is aware an adult should be too if he's trying to date you.
I've dated WM before, but now....if he's not Black, I'll take a Hispanic guy.

I feel like dating WM in the current social climate is crossing wayyyyyyyyy over to the dark side.

This. I've never dated a WM, and honestly I don't have much desire to. I've dated a lot of Latino men in addition to Black men; most likely if I end up not marrying a Black man, he will be a non-Black/mixed race Latino, or another NBPOC. Black women shouldn't only limit their interracial dating options to White men. If anything, I think Black women and NBMOC make better pairs if you find someone who is open minded and not too traditional/insular.
Now that y'all reminded me that I started this thread...

UPDATE: I've actually given up dating for now.

I needed that rebound attention and to just experience the dating life after 12 yrs. I got the practice I needed to familiarize myself with this brave new world and now I've tucked away that knowledge until I'm ready to use it again. I'm very satisfied with it being just Jesus and me for a while. I'm in no rush and have no doubt that when I am ready to get married again, it will happen.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, it will be with a BM. I don't mind WM but when I start dating for marriage, I will not include them in the pool of candidates. Nothing against them, I just feel like it's been settled in my mind.
Now that y'all reminded me that I started this thread...

UPDATE: I've actually given up dating for now.

I needed that rebound attention and to just experience the dating life after 12 yrs. I got the practice I needed to familiarize myself with this brave new world and now I've tucked away that knowledge until I'm ready to use it again. I'm very satisfied with it being just Jesus and me for a while. I'm in no rush and have no doubt that when I am ready to get married again, it will happen.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd, it will be with a BM. I don't mind WM but when I start dating for marriage, I will not include them in the pool of candidates. Nothing against them, I just feel like it's been settled in my mind.

Thanks for the update! I was wondering how things were faring!

Enjoy your time as a single with the freedoms and fun and friendship that all entails. :kiss:
Here's the handout, guys. I couldn't figure out how to digitally erase the personal stuff, so I had to black it out. Let me know if you have any questions about the content: These are slides with my husbands notes and, of course, since you don't have a tape recording of the lectures, some things might not be clear.

Blessings, all!

This is so interesting to me! Months later, I'm glad you left it up. Thanks!