Have you ever, or would you ever date a broke man?

You're not broke, you just think you are. I went to medical school as well, and worked 3 out of the four years I was there. I paid my own bills with my grants and scholarship. I think of broke as I can't pay my bills, living off some one else asking them for money. Heck I say I'm broke now and my parent just stare at me:lachen:.

Agreed. You dont even qualify for state/govt assistance. Lol. And its several steps higher than college/grad school broke-and the earning potential is much higher. You are a walking winning lottery ticket that hasn't been turned in. Very few are guaranteed to make six figures when their education is complete. For med years 1-4 you live off of scholarships and loans-bills are paid, but typically there is little left over for extras. You can also take out private loans that will increase your quarter/semester stipend. And residency from NY to Cali you will make 40-60k/yr. Bills will be paid and you qualify for even more loans. Then you finish, and your first paycheck will knock you to your knees. :) Depending on your specialty, you will make more in one month than many make in a year. Happy dance. Lol, until those loans kick in. So, it taint the same.

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Yes, I have.
I was the type of girl that went for love and love only. As I get older I realize that "Mo' money, mo' problems" is a crock of $hit. The relationship, as in the the love, trust, honesty, sex, and connection was amazing but being with a dude who cannot buy you a birthday present or always stays behind when you travel is not what's up.

I am not expecting anyone to be a millionaire but at least be on my level.

I wish my sister would catch on to this, she makes a lot of money and she keep dating BROKE men......:perplexed

Thank God she is smart enough NOT to give them any of her money.
Yes, I have.....I have dated a broke man.....back when I was 17 and still in High School. :look: He worked at Pizza Hut and was taking a year off between graduation and college. We were in :love: so it didn't matter. And....our parents were taking care of us.

Other than that, I've been married to a CHEAP man. A cheap man and a broke man might as well be the same thing. :lol: :nono:

We budgeted everything down to the last penny and there WERE no frills! :nono: It was pathetic. Anyway....no, typically, I don't date broke men and haven't since high school.

All the men I've dated outside of the two mentioned above were all successful and paid/pay for everything. So much so, that when I travel alone, I don't like coming out of my purse to pay. *spoiled* I wouldn't recommed dating a broke or cheap man as an adult woman.

But then, let Michelle Obama tell it, you have to look past what they are dealing with now to what kind of work ethic and goals they have and if they have a promising future. I can get with that too. :yep:
Yes, I have.....I have dated a broke man.....back when I was 17 and still in High School. :look: He worked at Pizza Hut and was taking a year off between graduation and college. We were in :love: so it didn't matter. And....our parents were taking care of us.

Other than that, I've been married to a CHEAP man. A cheap man and a broke man might as well be the same thing. :lol: :nono:

We budgeted everything down to the last penny and there WERE no frills! :nono: It was pathetic. Anyway....no, typically, I don't date broke men and haven't since high school.

All the men I've dated outside of the two mentioned above were all successful and paid/pay for everything. So much so, that when I travel alone, I don't like coming out of my purse to pay. *spoiled* I wouldn't recommed dating a broke or cheap man as an adult woman.

But then, let Michelle Obama tell it, you have to look past what they are dealing with now to what kind of work ethic and goals they have and if they have a promising future. I can get with that too. :yep:

I am wondering if this should be a deal breaker in a relationship? Ughh...how can you have money and not want to spent a dime of it while dating someone? Please explain this mess :perplexed
I have never dated anyone who was broke and I cannot do it. Frankly, I purposely try to have a social circle of people who can afford to do dinner, drinks, travel and shopping.

I remember a friend in college dated a guy (he was in college too). He couldn't afford to take her to dinner on Valentine's Day and to this day she says it was so romantic that they ate 39 cent McDonald's cheeseburgers under the moonlight. But I never considered him broke because he spent his LAST on her.

He's a dentist now.
Well he WENT to Law School Even if he did not become POTUS he still had a Ivy League Law Degree and that still would have gotten him a good job somewhere. That is a different kind of broke. I understand that kind of Broke but he finished Law School. That is a whole different kind of broke. I am wondering the broke that they are talking about is the one that stays broke and expects you to cover for everything

Absolutely, if he is in school and is really on his way to achievement and security. Michelle Obama dated a broke, in debt man because he was building a foundation gradually, I'd say that worked out pretty well for her. My mom got engaged to my dad when they were both broke engineering students. The brokeness didn't last but their relationship sure did.

I have a guy pursuing me that's in law school and interning at firms in the summers. I'm sure at this second his bank account isn't bursting at the seams and he probably has alot of debt and can't take me to the met or the four seasons for the next three years....should I dismiss him because he's currently broke?

There are a hundred different kinds of "broke" men. They are most definitely not all the same. I'm cool being with a guy like this while I'm in school because I can relate, once I'm out of school I'll probably be less inclined but its really about the man's character and what kinds of moves he's making.
^^I was like didn't they meet while he was interning at a law firm?? Wasn't he indeed attractive and younger than her? :lick: Girl go on with all the this and that...he had all these things AND he was of good character.
Absolutely, if he is in school and is really on his way to achievement and security. Michelle Obama dated a broke, in debt man because he was building a foundation gradually, I'd say that worked out pretty well for her. My mom got engaged to my dad when they were both broke engineering students. The brokeness didn't last but their relationship sure did.

I have a guy pursuing me that's in law school and interning at firms in the summers. I'm sure at this second his bank account isn't bursting at the seams and he probably has alot of debt and can't take me to the met or the four seasons for the next three years....should I dismiss him because he's currently broke?

There are a hundred different kinds of "broke" men. They are most definitely not all the same. I'm cool being with a guy like this while I'm in school because I can relate, once I'm out of school I'll probably be less inclined but its really about the man's character and what kinds of moves he's making.

THIS! My man is "broke" because he is in med school

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I dated a cheap not necessarily broke man. The thing is that he spent on himself only. It didn't last long once I realized what was up.

I don't consider students, especially full-time, as being broke though. They're students...
cheap man = broke men examples in my life:
1. "Let's go to the lake... in your car... mine doesn't have AC." (in Arizona, wth?)

2. The bill was 23 dollars. He only had $20, he doesn't have a tip. I get my hands ready to wash dishes, embarrassed that I'm with him. We walk out.

3. We arrive at Applebee's in my car. I left my debit card at home. He asks me to turn around and go home because he only has enough cash to tip the baggage people for his flight to Paris.

:censored: can't stand a broke man. Go the heck away, losers.
Nope, its a MEGA turn off, broke & cheap men...I find the inferiority complex they have damming.

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cheap man = broke men

Broke is when you don't have money, cheap is when you don't want to spend your money. I dated a cheap man who made good money as an electrical engineer and side job as a computer programmer. He was just extremely cheap. He carried me for breakfast once and wanted to buy one large drink for us to share. I declined. Yet he was ok with spending money on himself:rolleyes:.
I'm pretty surprised at all the definitions of broke we have on here. In my mind students count as broke. The other kind of broke isn't even broke to me that's just a triflin' loser. Broke is a temporary situation, not a permanent lifestyle.

I've dated the student and upwardly mobile broke, and had some of the most creative fun dates ever, which i really appreciated since some very affluent men like to try to act like they are purchasing a girlfriend :nono: and I am not an accessory to add to your expensive collection of sh*t.

The "student brokes" still had the dignity not to ask me to spot them on xyz, and treat me like a queen so yes.

I feel sorry for those experiences you ladies have had with the loser brokes. So awful! I totally agree don't repeat!

ETA: Cheap is absolutely unbearable!
I don't do broke and I abhor cheap. The second a man cries broke I'm turned off. Grown men should not be broke. I can understand if funds are temporarily spread thin, but perma-broke is unacceptable.
As long as he is attractive then it wouldn't matter. Men who are attractive AND paid are very rare so if I had to pick the lesser of two evils then I would choose broke & attractive vs paid & unattractive. In plus, I'm not looking for a man to take care of me so it really doesn't matter. I'm going to get the things that I want out of life with or without a man. What's his is his and what's mine is mine.
cheap man = broke men examples in my life:
1. "Let's go to the lake... in your car... mine doesn't have AC." (in Arizona, wth?)

2. The bill was 23 dollars. He only had $20, he doesn't have a tip. I get my hands ready to wash dishes, embarrassed that I'm with him. We walk out.

3. We arrive at Applebee's in my car. I left my debit card at home. He asks me to turn around and go home because he only has enough cash to tip the baggage people for his flight to Paris.

:censored: can't stand a broke man. Go the heck away, losers.

Yuck they were broke and TRIFLING. That last sentence was one of my sisters classic lines!
Yes I have and I would do so again if I was really feeling the guy and he was feeling me. You have to look at the situation with an objective eye. Does he have potential to do better in life? Is he trying in life? Everyone is at different stages in their life that needs to be taken into account. A situation can always be improved. Learn to think beyond just today.
Broke is when you don't have money, cheap is when you don't want to spend your money. I dated a cheap man who made good money as an electrical engineer and side job as a computer programmer. He was just extremely cheap. He carried me for breakfast once and wanted to buy one large drink for us to share. I declined. Yet he was ok with spending money on himself:rolleyes:.

this dude was beyond cheap he was selfish so he wasn't for you anyhow. i know cheap folks who splurge on their mates, dates, or loved ones.
I dated a broke man when I was a student (and he wasn't "student broke" because he was about 5 years older; it just took me a second to wise up). And what he taught me is that I wouldn't do again. For what? It's annoying when a broke man is trying to get you to commit or talk about marriage. It sounds like a threat, really.
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I draw the line at a man making significantly less than me...men can't handle those situations very well...either he will be an user or have an inferiority complex..either way I'm good...