would u entertain a guy u didn't like just b/c u liked the attention?

For instance, talk to him on the phone, text, even dates--knowing he liked you, and u don't like him, just because you like the attention he's giving you. Or is this a no-no?

This is a no for me...I would rather be at home on my own with a cup of tea and tv remote. That is just wasting time when I could be doing something more constructive with my time and give this guy a chance to meet someone who will appreciate him. I have been in that situation and no regardless how much attention you pay me, if I dont like you then no amount of attention will change that so there is no point trying.
I've tried but it's hard. My lack of interest comes off too clearly in my voice and manner, I'd just wind up talking all flat and monotone looking bored. It's not a nice thing to do to a person.

I do have a friend that has like 50-11 dudes on reserve, just for talking, texting, and occasionally going out, none of which she has any serious interest in.

Same here.:nono: It never works for me, even when I try to get to know the guy to see if there's a chance they become too commitment minded so I have to let them know with the quickness. Besides, I feel all phony.
I've done it in the nice way and in the mean way. The nice way..being upfront with your feelings and them still wanting to "date" and talk is much better and I think it's ok. But I have to at LEAST like their company just not in a romantic way.

I cannot entertain someone who I don't like in the least. That's torturing myself.
I have done it before but I stopped doing it because I didn't want to lead people on. I also believe that everything that I put out into the world comes back to me.
Sure, if he's not creepy. I always make sure to let him know that it's not gonna go anywhere. I like attention. (being honest)

i'd never let him pay for me, for anything, though. if he offered to take me out to eat, i'd always offer to pay. no point in him investing in something that's not gonna go anywhere.
I think i'm doing it right now.
But believe you me, every night we're having 'the talk' about where this is leading,
and i'm telling him my feelings *are not* changing...
I just enjoy hanging out with him for the summer.

I let him know repeatedly that if this is hard, then I will truly fall back,
because this guy really does deserve someone who appreciates him to the max.

I think i'll have to disappear though, because even hanging out as friends i think is making him go nuts.

But i swear.. it's not like i'm giving him any hope at all.
i've done it plenty of times, but I have always been upfront that i wasn't interested in a romantic relationship. That gives him an opportunity to choose whether he wants to hang out even if it's not going to lead to a relationship.

In my "prime" before marriage (LOL) I enjoyed the entertainment. Why do we only have to hang out IF we plan to pursue a relationship. I've made some friends doing this, sure they might have liked more but a good solid friendship is nice as well.

Women are always soooo concerned about a mans feelings. Do you think men think about this when they hang out with us. Men "kick it" with women they think are "cool" but have no intentions of seriously dating.

As long as you are truly honest about your intentions... there is no harm.

At least those are my thoughts
How do you know if you dont like him? Is it his looks? or personality? Or he's just not your type economically? Im Serious because I may be facing this one day.:perplexed
People say that I am very friendly but sometimes this is taken the wrong way, but I honestly like to meet new people and make new friends.

I DID let them know in the beginning that I was not interested in anything more than a friendship. And I have made friends this way. But unfortunately I've disappointed people this way as well. When I realized that they are REALLY interested in more than a friendship and I was not, I let them know that I appreciated their friendship and wanted it to stay that way. That was misleading and kind of selfish. I pissed a couple of guys off and I hurt and lost a friend this way.

Now, I am still nice but I am not interested in making new friends that way. If they want to spend time with me or talk on the phone or whatever, I decline unless it is with a group of mutual friends. That way, there is no confusion!
For instance, talk to him on the phone, text, even dates--knowing he liked you, and u don't like him, just because you like the attention he's giving you. Or is this a no-no?

Honestly i have and i feel bad about it..... but i just loved the attention.
Sadly, my vain, younger self has done this. :( I'm talking when I was in high school.

Would never do something like that now. It's unfair, a time waster, and pretty mean.

I am on the marriage track. If I can't see a permanent future with you, I don't let things go any further.
I've tried but it's hard. My lack of interest comes off too clearly in my voice and manner, I'd just wind up talking all flat and monotone looking bored. It's not a nice thing to do to a person.

I do have a friend that has like 50-11 dudes on reserve, just for talking, texting, and occasionally going out, none of which she has any serious interest in.

I don't even have the energy to entertain that many people, not even on an acquaintance level. :nono:
it's dangerous because you can actually catch feelings for the person you are so unattracted to.
So true.. At one point I was hanging with a nice guy almost everyday thinking that it wasn't a big deal because he looked like Jiminy Cricket. A couple months later and look whose all hugged up on Jiminy, bug eyes and all lol
So true.. At one point I was hanging with a nice guy almost everyday thinking that it wasn't a big deal because he looked like Jiminy Cricket. A couple months later and look whose all hugged up on Jiminy, bug eyes and all lol

lmaoooo :lachen: well I don't see why that would be a bad thing. He likes you and you got to know him and started to like him. If my only complaint was physical, I could get over that in time. :yep:
lmaoooo :lachen: well I don't see why that would be a bad thing. He likes you and you got to know him and started to like him. If my only complaint was physical, I could get over that in time. :yep:

At the time it my main issue was his looks but I did later regret that relationship because it ended badly. I wish we had remained friends. I still see him once in a while have to smh.

But yea, looks are easy to get over if everything else is cool.