Would U date a guy, just cause he's hott?

Would you date him, hook up, or 1-night stand?

  • Date him openly, I'm grown I have needs & don't care what people think.

    Votes: 33 51.6%
  • Date him on the DL, I'm grown I have needs but I don't want people all up in my biz.

    Votes: 10 15.6%
  • Hook-up openly, I'm grown I have needs & don't care what people think.

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • Hook-up on the DL, I'm grown I have needs but I don't want people all up in my biz.

    Votes: 11 17.2%
  • 1-night stand openly, I'm grown I have needs & don't care what people think.

    Votes: 7 10.9%
  • 1-night stand on the DL, I'm grown I have needs but I don't want people all up in my biz.

    Votes: 8 12.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Would U date or 1-night stand a guy, just cause he's hott?

OK ladies let's say there's a hott/good looking guy, but he's otherwise either a jerk, full of himself, doesn't have it together, or does have it together but you don't find him personally attractive, would you date him openly (I mean your friends/family know) secretly, or just hook up with him and keep it on the DL, or 1 night stand him? TIA
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1 night stand. I don't have the patience to regularly associate with someone I don't like, no matter how fine they are. :lol:
I wanted to say 1 night stand. Then I really thougt about it, and no I couldn't do it at all. Maybe when I was younger. I don't play those games anymore. I know how special my body is now.
I've done this quite a few times. Never again. They always end up being HAMs, probably because I was so caught up in the cuteness.
Noooo....just because he looks good doesn't mean he "performs" well.

I'd think he'd be only interested in pleasing himself.
I did this recently. Never again. He was strictly eye candy. But corny, a jack#ss and boring/incompatible.

The last two guys I dealt w/before him drew me with their personalities but weren't much to look at really. I wanted a FIONE dude for once. It was fun at first but wasn't worth it since the personality wasn't there.
I had a serious relationship with a guy simply because he was beautiful. It wasn't worth it at all :nono:. Although his face looked like a model's and his body was perfection, he was as dumb as a box of rocks. I would actually gasp when he said anything intelligent or insightful (that only happened twice). He visited shortly after we broke up and he had "Bout it, Bout it" tattooed on his wrists. One "Bout it" for each wrist :nono::nono::nono:. I was so glad I let him go.

And to make matters worse I spent a long time with him before having sex; I built up to it thinking it was going to be special. What a disappointment; we were having sex, but I wasn't even aware at first because his manhood was about the size of my ring finger.

Since that awful experience I would not bother to spend any time with a man based on his looks. If he's not intelligent with something to offer, I'll pass.
1 night stand. I don't have the patience to regularly associate with someone I don't like, no matter how fine they are. :lol:

:lol: you're too much, you'd pull a Samantha on him, just make a booty call and be done with him.
I was in this club in DC tonight called The Park. There were a lot of "hot" looking guys in there, but the majority of them were bamas.... I was watching them and they kept trying to holla at the "hot" women and their game was too weak just like they were.

now the quiet guy in the corner, minding his business....kinda easy on the eye, was rockin some nice Pradas....he wasn't what you would consider hot, but I walked over to him and started talking to him. Nice guy. Nice convo....later, he walked me outside when it was time for us to go...valet went and got his car....the valet pulls up in a black Bentley.....it was his. Now, that is what you call HOT. The low key brotha....
Lol...I'm married but I didn't really date much. Sometimes I wonder but even though I voted one night stand, I know I would NOT even have the guts to go thru with it. So maybe it'd actually be a real short term dating thing, if I were still single, that is.
None of the above. Seriously, not even a one night stand. I've had my share of experiences talking to a really fine man and being completely turned-off by the conversation...or lack thereof. By that point I can't be turned back on. :nono:
I had a serious relationship with a guy simply because he was beautiful. It wasn't worth it at all :nono:. Although his face looked like a model's and his body was perfection, he was as dumb as a box of rocks. I would actually gasp when he said anything intelligent or insightful (that only happened twice). He visited shortly after we broke up and he had "Bout it, Bout it" tattooed on his wrists. One "Bout it" for each wrist :nono::nono::nono:. I was so glad I let him go.

And to make matters worse I spent a long time with him before having sex; I built up to it thinking it was going to be special. What a disappointment; we were having sex, but I wasn't even aware at first because his manhood was about the size of my ring finger.

Since that awful experience I would not bother to spend any time with a man based on his looks. If he's not intelligent with something to offer, I'll pass.


that is priceless tomfoolery!

i dated a model i honestly believe is missing atleast 45% of his brain.
He was wonderful to look at, but he couldn't even make text conversations interesting...oh so hopeless...
his name is brandon but i nick named him Blandon. lol.
oh so fitting.
Dang! Nobody wants the ugly dude that is a good guy because he has to be cute/hot but then nobody wants the hot guy that's a jerk...and yes, I know there's a fine line/balance that is ideal...
Re: Would U date or 1-night stand a guy, just cause he's hott?

His looks would get him in the door UNLESS I knew beforehand that he was
...a jerk, full of himself, doesn't have it together...
I don't do self-centered, selfish, lazy, and/or dumb, I don't care how foine he is or how good the coloring is.

And if I'm not physically attracted to a guy, I'm not going to be able to have a physical relationship with him (I don't care how nice, intelligent, etc. he is). I'm not saying he has to be top of the line foine, but he darn sure can't be hideous.
i would not DATE (whatever that means) a jerk, or someone full of themselves, or someone who had it together but I did not find personally attractive (I gotta be attracted to something, doesn't have to be a ten, but just cuz he had his shi# together doesn't mean I'm gonna jump on his team...but if he's cool I'd hang out with him)....

if he didn't have it together I would keep his number in my phone, hang out sometimes, talk sometimes. I can't judge him if his shi* is not together, but it really doesn't matter anyway because I'm not getting serious with anyone now, so we'd just be mad cool
I have been involved with a man based soley off of his looks and while it was fun and exciting I wouldn't expect it to be anything more than just, well... fun and exciting. Don't expect anything to come of it. I don't mix well with jerks.
No. However if we could causally date (no sex) and I could benefits from him.. job promotion etc…Then Yes. But ONLY if I could get benefits and it would only be temporary.

On the real, I don’t waste time like that.
I have had a 1-night stand before with a guy that was hot. His personality sucked, he was arrogant and cocky, and he was full of himself. There was this other guy that I talked to, who was a model. He was gorgeous- but an idiot. Stupid.

I learned from these experiences though- I learned that looks don't mean everything... However, they do still mean something. I learned to "fine-tune" my preferences, if you will.