Wife School - I Know Ya'll Saw This Yesterday...

I totally agree. Crazy. Inhumane. Bullyish. Mean girl. Narcissistic. Sociopathic. I know exactly what you mean and her posts made me take pause before paying. I've dropped more on dumber mess so I did it. I am pleased with my decision.

I'm reading "Fascinating Womanhood" now, I'm a couple chapters in and it seems like it may be her basis. I'll keep updating, but keep in mind I'm a slow reader with a husband and 2 toddlers, it may take me a year to finish this 400 page book. Lol. Who's the member here that reads for Audible?! Can you read Fascinating Womanhood?!?
Everything fascinating womanhood says is the basis of her school. She just regurgitated it in a different way. I still don't think you can teach most of these things but if you're open to a different thought process a woman could change her dating/marriage path.
Everything fascinating womanhood says is the basis of her school. She just regurgitated it in a different way. I still don't think you can teach most of these things but if you're open to a different thought process a woman could change her dating/marriage path.
I agree.

I was willing to give it a shot because honestly I have really been unhappy for awhile. My husband is very intelligent and loving and spoils me but he has many beta characteristics. He wants me to lead.

I serve all of his meals to him. And not on paper plates. I serve him on proper plates and wine glasses to show I care for him.

I don't require he clean in the house at all. Instead I clean and only require him to tend to the outside

I use a more feminine voice when talking to him and during coloring.

I tell him why I "need" him. I need him to open my car doors, drive me around, balance my feminine energy, raise our son, protect me and etc. Before I told him I don't need him because I have three degrees a job and I can do bad by myself.

Because of this he has led more. He came out of nowhere and told me he wanted to grill for his family to give me a break. Bruh he bought a grill last year and has only used it twice.

He came home and wanted to take me on a mini date to the mall. In the past I would have said no because the baby was sleep. I let him take the baby out him int he car and we went on our date. Had fun and the baby slept the whole time.

I let him figure out how to pay for some stuff around the house. And instead of me coming up with the plan he did it and did t ask for ANYTHING from me.

Personally I make more time for my feminine things like tea time, makeup, thrifting, gardening, and yoga.

I'm also considering quitting my job cold turkey. If he said he can do it and I can stay at home...why be scared he can't take care of it...yolo to jobs I hate.
I agree.

I was willing to give it a shot because honestly I have really been unhappy for awhile. My husband is very intelligent and loving and spoils me but he has many beta characteristics. He wants me to lead.

I serve all of his meals to him. And not on paper plates. I serve him on proper plates and wine glasses to show I care for him.

I don't require he clean in the house at all. Instead I clean and only require him to tend to the outside

I use a more feminine voice when talking to him and during coloring.

I tell him why I "need" him. I need him to open my car doors, drive me around, balance my feminine energy, raise our son, protect me and etc. Before I told him I don't need him because I have three degrees a job and I can do bad by myself.

Because of this he has led more. He came out of nowhere and told me he wanted to grill for his family to give me a break. Bruh he bought a grill last year and has only used it twice.

He came home and wanted to take me on a mini date to the mall. In the past I would have said no because the baby was sleep. I let him take the baby out him int he car and we went on our date. Had fun and the baby slept the whole time.

I let him figure out how to pay for some stuff around the house. And instead of me coming up with the plan he did it and did t ask for ANYTHING from me.

Personally I make more time for my feminine things like tea time, makeup, thrifting, gardening, and yoga.

I'm also considering quitting my job cold turkey. If he said he can do it and I can stay at home...why be scared he can't take care of it...yolo to jobs I hate.
This is awesome. I'm glad you're getting what you want and need.

I have preached all of this for years and it all works if you want to be treated a certain way.
I really think men subconsciously stop being men and lead the home when we say "I got it". The whole independent movement and trying to follow misdirected feminism has really damaged relationships. I know Hardcore feminists like to brag about "I make him bring me dinner on a plate or 'he needs to clean up' or whatever else. I just don't think that's cute at all. Go be as hard and take charge as you want to in your career but leave that crap at the door when you get home. No man wants to come home and battle with their wife about dumb stuff like fixing a plate. And nagging a man has the exact opposite effect women are looking for-they simply do LESS and lead LESS. Who doesn't respond to positive reinforcement?

ETA: I'm so proud of the plate fixer converts :lol: my job is done.
I agree.

I was willing to give it a shot because honestly I have really been unhappy for awhile. My husband is very intelligent and loving and spoils me but he has many beta characteristics. He wants me to lead.

I serve all of his meals to him. And not on paper plates. I serve him on proper plates and wine glasses to show I care for him.

I don't require he clean in the house at all. Instead I clean and only require him to tend to the outside

I use a more feminine voice when talking to him and during coloring.

I tell him why I "need" him. I need him to open my car doors, drive me around, balance my feminine energy, raise our son, protect me and etc. Before I told him I don't need him because I have three degrees a job and I can do bad by myself.

Because of this he has led more. He came out of nowhere and told me he wanted to grill for his family to give me a break. Bruh he bought a grill last year and has only used it twice.

He came home and wanted to take me on a mini date to the mall. In the past I would have said no because the baby was sleep. I let him take the baby out him int he car and we went on our date. Had fun and the baby slept the whole time.

I let him figure out how to pay for some stuff around the house. And instead of me coming up with the plan he did it and did t ask for ANYTHING from me.

Personally I make more time for my feminine things like tea time, makeup, thrifting, gardening, and yoga.

I'm also considering quitting my job cold turkey. If he said he can do it and I can stay at home...why be scared he can't take care of it...yolo to jobs I hate.

Everything fascinating womanhood says is the basis of her school. She just regurgitated it in a different way. I still don't think you can teach most of these things but if you're open to a different thought process a woman could change her dating/marriage path.

Totally agree with the bolded.

What do you think the difference is between her school and FW?
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I agree.

I was willing to give it a shot because honestly I have really been unhappy for awhile. My husband is very intelligent and loving and spoils me but he has many beta characteristics. He wants me to lead.

I serve all of his meals to him. And not on paper plates. I serve him on proper plates and wine glasses to show I care for him.

I don't require he clean in the house at all. Instead I clean and only require him to tend to the outside

I use a more feminine voice when talking to him and during coloring.

I tell him why I "need" him. I need him to open my car doors, drive me around, balance my feminine energy, raise our son, protect me and etc. Before I told him I don't need him because I have three degrees a job and I can do bad by myself.

Because of this he has led more. He came out of nowhere and told me he wanted to grill for his family to give me a break. Bruh he bought a grill last year and has only used it twice.

He came home and wanted to take me on a mini date to the mall. In the past I would have said no because the baby was sleep. I let him take the baby out him int he car and we went on our date. Had fun and the baby slept the whole time.

I let him figure out how to pay for some stuff around the house. And instead of me coming up with the plan he did it and did t ask for ANYTHING from me.

Personally I make more time for my feminine things like tea time, makeup, thrifting, gardening, and yoga.

I'm also considering quitting my job cold turkey. If he said he can do it and I can stay at home...why be scared he can't take care of it...yolo to jobs I hate.
That's is great news! I often wonder how or why some women see this as a loss when it's clearly a win. I get to work less, he does what I want without me asking...hell you won! The goal is to get what you want. I'm getting what I want right now so I'm not rocking the boat...except I'm cutting my work hours next year because dh says I work too much. As long as he's knows I'm not changing my lifestyle 1 degree so he's going to have to solve any related problem on his own.
Generally youre correct, except the PT job thing. Passive income is what she preaches exclusively.

You don't win with men by manning up, I learned this pretty early,I just didnt quite know all the ways to execute it. As I practice it more, they become more apparent.

For example, I just had to get all, "my husband is always right" on one of his coworkers yesterday. (In a ladylike way of course.) People love to try to make you speak ill of your hubby/family.

I really agree with a lot that she has to say and I think I should be better perceived here because a lot we have talked about.

1. Women can't do both work a 40 he a week job and adequately take care of children. Because of this women should only have a part time job or be a full stay at home mommy

2. Women were made to nurture their home not nurture and provide

3. GOOD Men don't like oversexualized women. Public Image is everything. Look good at all times.

4. Plating your food teaches kids and spouses to appreciate family time and dinner time together and makes food taste better because it looks better

5. Setting your table sets a habit where children will be able to know proper dinner etiquette if they need it.

6. Buy little girls tea sets to put value on their freedom and ability to meet mid day with other intelligent women make plans, grow, and flourish.

7 if you spend 40 hours a week at work do u also spend 40 hours a week with your spouse/kids. If not which one is most important

8. Date with a purpose don't date fir fun

9. Be careful who y date. Stay away from men that want a "team effort" and require you to work.

10. Teach girls they need a man. Need a man to protect them and build generational success through building a strong foundation for their children.
Totally agree with the bolded.

What do you think the difference is between her school and FW?
Honestly I think it's just the year. But men and women are still the same and we have gotten so far away from traditional gender roles that we think this mindset is crazy. Yet you hear women saying they want men to be men, and want to be treated a certain way yet there screaming this miss independent stuff and TBH women are just too damn hard now. Like own being a woman, be feminine, be soft, men want to be providers and protectors.
@Zaynab is there a thread here for support and ideas that follow along with the FW teachings? At this point, I get what to do, I just need to make sure I'm executing it right.

I honestly thought you were one of the "lieutenants" in her group. :lachen::lachen:
That's a good idea. I can start one :lol: Also if you do a search you'll see that we've discussed this book and topic at length. If you want to be treated a certain way you need to attract that, as simple as that.

ETA: @Southernbella. was my mentee and can attest to this yet she still manages to be a feminist by day so it's possible to do both :lol:
I agree w/many of these points and practice them in my marriage with my unique twist and spin on things. In the end only you know what works for your marriage and happiness.
Now Im not familiar with ole girl but I do agree with this line of thinking to a degree.

1-I agree, its to much expectation and damn near impossible, PT job or SAHM/W
2-I agree, again women having to bare the responsibility of providing and being the best mom and wife is very daunting, for me its one or the other
3-Looking good at all times can be done, the over sexualized part I'm yay/nay on because men say they want type X women but they go for type Y, one can be over sexualized w/ their dh and keep it classy and well-kept in public
4-I do believe having dinner together as a family and plating food feels more harmonious and family like, like I make sure we don't eat out of those plastic food containers if we eat out and of course home cooked meals should automatically be plated-iunno about tasting better lmao
5-I agree, in addition to other household etiquette practices
6-Ummmm, well on the tea sets, I would hope every little grl hsa a tea set, my spin on this is just make sure your teaching your little lady feminine practices, femininity seems to be lost with us sistahs sometimes because again that strong blk woman narrative is preached so heavily
7-40 hours at work is not important to me, the 40 hours with my family are, each couple needs to talk about their expectations for who will be providing and working
8-ALWAYS DATE W/ A PURPOSE, this can not be stressed enough, this "I'm just kicking it with him" "We're not exclusive yet" culture is so bizarre to me, I kick it with my girls but just aimlessly spending time with a man with no end game is a no for me
9-The man who wants you to contribute just as mush as he does, hmmmmm again Im good, I like clear traditional roles, me providing is option but you the man are the man provider
10-I AGREE W/ THIS a gabillion percent, this independent women thing is so ridiculous. No, no and NAH!!!

I really agree with a lot that she has to say and I think I should be better perceived here because a lot we have talked about.

1. Women can't do both work a 40 he a week job and adequately take care of children. Because of this women should only have a part time job or be a full stay at home mom

2. Women were made to nurture their home not nurture and provide

3. GOOD Men don't like oversexualized women. Public Image is everything. Look good at all times.

4. Plating your food teaches kids and spouses to appreciate family time and dinner time together and makes food taste better because it looks better

5. Setting your table sets a habit where children will be able to know proper dinner etiquette if they need it.

6. Buy little girls tea sets to put value on their freedom and ability to meet mid day with other intelligent women make plans, grow, and flourish.

7 if you spend 40 hours a week at work do u also spend 40 hours a week with your spouse/kids. If not which one is most important

8. Date with a purpose don't date fir fun

9. Be careful who y date. Stay away from men that want a "team effort" and require you to work.

10. Teach girls they need a man. Need a man to protect them and build generational success through building a strong foundation for their children.
I agree w/many of these points and practice them in my marriage with my unique twist and spin on things. In the end only you know what works for your marriage and happiness.
Now Im not familiar with ole girl but I do agree with this line of thinking to a degree.

1-I agree, its to much expectation and damn near impossible, PT job or SAHM/W
2-I agree, again women having to bare the responsibility of providing and being the best mom and wife is very daunting, for me its one or the other
3-Looking good at all times can be done, the over sexualized part I'm yay/nay on because men say they want type X women but they go for type Y, one can be over sexualized w/ their dh and keep it classy and well-kept in public
4-I do believe having dinner together as a family and plating food feels more harmonious and family like, like I make sure we don't eat out of those plastic food containers if we eat out and of course home cooked meals should automatically be plated-iunno about tasting better lmao
5-I agree, in addition to other household etiquette practices
6-Ummmm, well on the tea sets, I would hope every little grl hsa a tea set, my spin on this is just make sure your teaching your little lady feminine practices, femininity seems to be lost with us sistahs sometimes because again that strong blk woman narrative is preached so heavily
7-40 hours at work is not important to me, the 40 hours with my family are, each couple needs to talk about their expectations for who will be providing and working
8-ALWAYS DATE W/ A PURPOSE, this can not be stressed enough, this "I'm just kicking it with him" "We're not exclusive yet" culture is so bizarre to me, I kick it with my girls but just aimlessly spending time with a man with no end game is a no for me
9-The man who wants you to contribute just as mush as he does, hmmmmm again Im good, I like clear traditional roles, me providing is option but you the man are the man provider
10-I AGREE W/ THIS a gabillion percent, this independent women thing is so ridiculous. No, no and NAH!!!
And I really had no idea people were eating on paper plates and maybe the kids but your husband too? Like and again the good husbands? Treat him like a king, it's just a plate :lol:

If a woman works that's great but her income is for her to look good and take care of herself and buy incidentals for the children. And not too much of that because kids cost too much and that could easily add up
And I really had no idea people were eating on paper plates and maybe the kids but your husband too? Like and again the good husbands? Treat him like a king, it's just a plate :lol:

If a woman works that's great but her income is for her to look good and take care of herself and buy incidentals for the children. And not too much of that because kids cost too much and that could easily add up
Lol my husband actually doesn't like eating on real plates. He was brought up on paper plates because he had four siblings so I think they just used paper plates to save time on cleaning. He doesn't mind these days as long as he doesn't have to clean the plate but yeahhh he was a paper plate man before me. Lol
Ro is so extra, but she sincerely wants black women/folks to have healthy marriages.

I remember when she was pushing her Man Leads book about 5 years ago after her first divorce. I didnt think she had kids then, so I was surprised when she suddenly had a platform with a husband and 4 kids...well 3 and 1 on the way as she was preggers at the time.

Anyway, I was curious enough about her wife school to pay for it with some fun money, but she also says some seriously problematic things that makes me not want to hand over my money. Her comment blaming Sandra Bland for her own death because she was "masculine and aggressive" made me keep my visa tucked away...even if I really am curious.

Honestly, I can learn most of that from around here anyway(feminity threads, free pdfs, links to gurus, comments from the married women around here)....except it likely requires more precise tools/applications.
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That's is great news! I often wonder how or why some women see this as a loss when it's clearly a win. I get to work less, he does what I want without me asking...hell you won! The goal is to get what you want. I'm getting what I want right now so I'm not rocking the boat...except I'm cutting my work hours next year because dh says I work too much. As long as he's knows I'm not changing my lifestyle 1 degree so he's going to have to solve any related problem on his own.
I'm a feminist
Ro is so extra, but she sincerely wants black women/folks to have healthy marriages.

I remember when she was pushing her Man Leads book about 5 years ago after her first divorce. I didnt think she had kids then, so I was surprised when she suddenly had a platform with a husband and 4 kids...well 3 and 1 on the way as she was preggers at the time.

Anyway, I was curious enough about her wife school to pay for it with some fun money, but she also says some seriously problematic things that makes me not want to hand over my money. Her comment blaming Sandra Bland for her own death because she was masculine and aggressive made me keep my visa tucked away...even if I really am curious.

Honestly, I can learn most of that from around here anyway(feminity threads, free pdfs, links to gurus, comments from the married women around here)....except it likely requires more precise tools/applications.
hence is why I don't wish to fully buy in to wife school. I want to take tidbits she presents and expound on them for free...here. I started a thread. Please join us. I've encompassed many of her ways.

1. Bought a tea set and practice femininity with it.
2. Threw all my black away unless I can pair it with a feminine top and accessories. I invested in about 10 dresses from thrift stores to wear
3. Stopped ordering my husband around and volunteering him for stuff
4. Started back having sex at least every other day
5. Plating food
6. Martini Fridays with my friend girls

And I know there is more to cone
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Ro is so extra, but she sincerely wants black women/folks to have healthy marriages.

I remember when she was pushing her Man Leads book about 5 years ago after her first divorce. I didnt think she had kids then, so I was surprised when she suddenly had a platform with a husband and 4 kids...well 3 and 1 on the way as she was preggers at the time.

Anyway, I was curious enough about her wife school to pay for it with some fun money, but she also says some seriously problematic things that makes me not want to hand over my money. Her comment blaming Sandra Bland for her own death because she was "masculine and aggressive" made me keep my visa tucked away...even if I really am curious.

Honestly, I can learn most of that from around here anyway(feminity threads, free pdfs, links to gurus, comments from the married women around here)....except it likely requires more precise tools/applications.

The Sandra Bland comment was horrible and the message was missed. I unfollowed her for a long while. In their private group ladies told her not to publish it publicly. Candice Adewole was one of those people and speaks to it in her "Blissfully Feminine" book. I think Ro is one of those people that thinks there's no such thing as bad publicity.

One of the children is her new husband's...she speaks a lot about training baby mamas.
I'm a feminist

hence is why I don't wish to but wife school. I want to take tidbits she presents and expound on them for free...here. I started a thread. Please join us. I've encompassed many of her ways

1. Bought a tea set and practice femininity with it.
2. Threw all my black away unless I can pair it with a feminine top and accessories. I invested in about 10 dresses from thrift stores to wear
3. Stopped ordering my husband around and volunteering him for stuff
4. Started back having sex at least every other day
5. Plating food
6. Martini Fridays with my friend girls

And I know there is more to cone

Ro mucked up. Royally. She tried to push the mark and went too far. She does that often. She is a bw and is trying to better bw. Can you find it in your heart to forgive her? Her heart is in the right place but sometimes it is expressed in an undesirable way.

This is out of love because I see you wanting to change. You should take the class. I think you're missing the mark, but I see you realllllly wanting to learn. I dont know what all the other threads here say, but if the above is the take away, Ro'll get you some stronger solutions to reach your goals. I hope I did not offend you darling.

Fwiw, I receive no compensation from Ro or Ro's groups.
Ro mucked up. Royally. She tried to push the mark and went too far. She does that often. She is a bw and is trying to better bw. Can you find it in your heart to forgive her? Her heart is in the right place but sometimes it is expressed in an undesirable way.

This is out of love because I see you wanting to change. You should take the class. I think you're missing the mark, but I see you realllllly wanting to learn. I dont know what all the other threads here say, but if the above is the take away, Ro'll get you some stronger solutions to reach your goals. I hope I did not offend you darling.

Fwiw, I receive no compensation from Ro or Ro's groups.
I'm in part one. I am really dedicated to changing. And I don't take her word as gold but I do think she has some great points.

I take the class. I just don't know if I'm continuing with parts 2-4. I think I could spend $400 elsewhere and widely bug getting the tidbits she posts and working on them on my own. (Natural makeup, more feminine clothes, passive income, nurturing my house, building spect, etc)

And of course you didn't offend me
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Ro mucked up. Royally. She tried to push the mark and went too far. She does that often. She is a bw and is trying to better bw. Can you find it in your heart to forgive her? Her heart is in the right place but sometimes it is expressed in an undesirable way.

This is out of love because I see you wanting to change. You should take the class. I think you're missing the mark, but I see you realllllly wanting to learn. I dont know what all the other threads here say, but if the above is the take away, Ro'll get you some stronger solutions to reach your goals. I hope I did not offend you darling.

Fwiw, I receive no compensation from Ro or Ro's groups.
I can't and here is why: she is currently using the family photo of a friend of mine. This is not the first time and she had asked her to stop doing it as it as she is a professional photographer, blogger, etc and she doesn't want people think she supports Ro's nonsense. Ro basically told her to F off, she was going to do whatever she wants, and get over it. She knows she can't really be sued because she's no longer in the states. She is being incredibly rude, disrespectful and inappropriate with regards to this entire situation. So right now? No I cannot.
I can't and here is why: she is currently using the family photo of a friend of mine. This is not the first time and she had asked her to stop doing it as it as she is a professional photographer, blogger, etc and she doesn't want people think she supports Ro's nonsense. Ro basically told her to F off, she was going to do whatever she wants, and get over it. She knows she can't really be sued because she's no longer in the states. She is being incredibly rude, disrespectful and inappropriate with regards to this entire situation. So right now? No I cannot.

Juicy!!! Can you send me the pic???
I can't and here is why: she is currently using the family photo of a friend of mine. This is not the first time and she had asked her to stop doing it as it as she is a professional photographer, blogger, etc and she doesn't want people think she supports Ro's nonsense. Ro basically told her to F off, she was going to do whatever she wants, and get over it. She knows she can't really be sued because she's no longer in the states. She is being incredibly rude, disrespectful and inappropriate with regards to this entire situation. So right now? No I cannot.
What picture? The couple with the two people dancing?
I can't and here is why: she is currently using the family photo of a friend of mine. This is not the first time and she had asked her to stop doing it as it as she is a professional photographer, blogger, etc and she doesn't want people think she supports Ro's nonsense. Ro basically told her to F off, she was going to do whatever she wants, and get over it. She knows she can't really be sued because she's no longer in the states. She is being incredibly rude, disrespectful and inappropriate with regards to this entire situation. So right now? No I cannot.
that speaks volumes about someone's character