I agree w/many of these points and practice them in my marriage with my unique twist and spin on things. In the end only you know what works for your marriage and happiness.
Now Im not familiar with ole girl but I do agree with this line of thinking to a degree.
1-I agree, its to much expectation and damn near impossible, PT job or SAHM/W
2-I agree, again women having to bare the responsibility of providing and being the best mom and wife is very daunting, for me its one or the other
3-Looking good at all times can be done, the over sexualized part I'm yay/nay on because men say they want type X women but they go for type Y, one can be over sexualized w/ their dh and keep it classy and well-kept in public
4-I do believe having dinner together as a family and plating food feels more harmonious and family like, like I make sure we don't eat out of those plastic food containers if we eat out and of course home cooked meals should automatically be plated-iunno about tasting better lmao
5-I agree, in addition to other household etiquette practices
6-Ummmm, well on the tea sets, I would hope every little grl hsa a tea set, my spin on this is just make sure your teaching your little lady feminine practices, femininity seems to be lost with us sistahs sometimes because again that strong blk woman narrative is preached so heavily
7-40 hours at work is not important to me, the 40 hours with my family are, each couple needs to talk about their expectations for who will be providing and working
8-ALWAYS DATE W/ A PURPOSE, this can not be stressed enough, this "I'm just kicking it with him" "We're not exclusive yet" culture is so bizarre to me, I kick it with my girls but just aimlessly spending time with a man with no end game is a no for me
9-The man who wants you to contribute just as mush as he does, hmmmmm again Im good, I like clear traditional roles, me providing is option but you the man are the man provider
10-I AGREE W/ THIS a gabillion percent, this independent women thing is so ridiculous. No, no and NAH!!!
I really agree with a lot that she has to say and I think I should be better perceived here because a lot we have talked about.
1. Women can't do both work a 40 he a week job and adequately take care of children. Because of this women should only have a part time job or be a full stay at home mom
2. Women were made to nurture their home not nurture and provide
3. GOOD Men don't like oversexualized women. Public Image is everything. Look good at all times.
4. Plating your food teaches kids and spouses to appreciate family time and dinner time together and makes food taste better because it looks better
5. Setting your table sets a habit where children will be able to know proper dinner etiquette if they need it.
6. Buy little girls tea sets to put value on their freedom and ability to meet mid day with other intelligent women make plans, grow, and flourish.
7 if you spend 40 hours a week at work do u also spend 40 hours a week with your spouse/kids. If not which one is most important
8. Date with a purpose don't date fir fun
9. Be careful who y date. Stay away from men that want a "team effort" and require you to work.
10. Teach girls they need a man. Need a man to protect them and build generational success through building a strong foundation for their children.