Wife School - I Know Ya'll Saw This Yesterday...

re: "respecting" an attacker. I actually was cornered in a stair case by a rapist once, I've told this story on here before. Now that I think about it, I did show him "respect" in a weird way. What I did was, I explained the potential consequences of his actions. I assumed he hadn't thought it all the way through so I did him a solid by detailing how my mother would ruin his whole life. :look: It worked. You could see him deflate as I was talking. I was scared to death and I hated him (I had stomped his ass out previously, we had history :look:), but I stayed calm and, yes, "respectful." :yawn: Sometimes I wish I was the type to just cuss people out. :lol:
I really don't remember. Maybe it was so horrible I've blocked it out :lol: if not, then it was never anything I noticed enough to remember.
So probably not 'an effective show of force', then. Based on how you describe her and their relationship (good overall), she probably was mad at first but decided to accept that one small flaw because, otherwise, things were great. That's reasonable. :yep: (I'm curious about their signs, I assume there's some fire and air. Threads on this topic tend to skew toward earth signs who require material security to feel at peace and water signs who need their partner to represent security in the form of an 'anchor' so they're free to float. In white so I don't offend delicate sensibilities. :rolleyes:)
So probably not 'an effective show of force', then. Based on how you describe her and their relationship (good overall), she probably was mad at first but decided to accept that one small flaw because, otherwise, things were great. That's reasonable. :yep: (I'm curious about their signs, I assume there's some fire and air. Threads on this topic tend to skew toward earth signs who require material security to feel at peace and water signs who need their partner to represent security in the form of an 'anchor' so they're free to float. In white so I don't offend delicate sensibilities. :rolleyes:)

Yea, small to her lol.

I am one of those delicate sensibilities you speak of! :mad: You people and your damb astrology! her Gemini him Aries. Bye lol
I never really planned on using my degree. I've attempted grad school 3 times, in 3 different fields. I guess I'm indifferent because I don't really care. I went to college to socialize, not get an education.:look:

This reminds me of my mom. She's got a degree in sociology and a few masters but she was a stay at home mom the whole time. She met my dad and got married at 19.
I wasn't right there when he said it, dh told me later. He was a very nice guy, a little older. We had been there darn near all day so we had been talking and were somewhat familiar.

He would have lost commission if I heard that mess. Bloody goat. Slow your roll.

Like he's implying he has you nicely tamed, nonsense compliment he would never give an oyibo couple. rubbish.

Anyway what car did y'all end up getting? :lol:
nope. shes dead serious.

Is this a joke? Satire?

It's satire that corn bread pic been posted like last year. But look at the date she posted it. Plus there's a thing on twitter now that instead of saying bon appetite when posting a pic of struggle plates (on purpose) you say bon apple tea or bon app the teeth.

A Nigerian guy, salesman, actually complimented my dh on my temperament :rolleyes: He said that usually the black couples he helps have the woman overtalking the man and trying to make all the decisions but I was so quiet and sweet and let dh do all the talking. 10 years ago that might have bothered me but I'm older and wiser now. :look:

I agree with whoever said he wouldnt have said this to a white person. Its not a black woman thing its a woman thing period. Trust me I see it everyday and dont know if its the "chicken or the egg" bc alot of guys dont want to deal with stuff so the wife is the manager and knows more....now since Im on the receiving end perhaps if i was male the guys would put more effort into being the mouthpiece instead of stepping back and letting his wife do the talking. However i have heard guys in my office talk about getting the guy who wants the wife to be the mouthpiece too so idk.

Either way i get it

ETA: To further clarify.......I only deal with employees and spouses so it's different than a husband and wife coming in as equal customers. Whoever is the employee is the one I expect to be talking unless the employee is incapacitated.
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I think it's an empowered woman who can be whatever type of wife she would like to be and still have a successful marriage. These examples of women disregarding their husbands, etc are symptoms of greater issues and they are usually within the individual doling out the bad treatment.

I also think a lot of people marry people who aren't a good match. They put up with it for some time (want to be married or have kids) and then the disrespect eventually starts bc no one is happy.

I agree that several of her ideas have been espoused here. Just in a different way. They always gave me pause.

What she is encouraging practically disregards the woman as....a woman with her own desires, goals, needs, and wants. What the hell kind of life is this?

Forget wife school. Women need to empower themselves. That is how you have a happy home and a happy husband. She along with whomever agrees with this stuff needs to read Pussy by Mama Gena.

Soooooo y'all know I love this kinda stuff and I'm willing to admit I just took Wife School. It was fascinating. The book was as well.

Some of it I think is ways to nuture a Beta male, but it's a solid guide on how to become a kept woman.
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