Here are some questions I have:
1. What's your out and about look? Date look? Light makeup? Heavy makeup?
I wear makeup everyday. I'm not a really heavy makeup girl. I do bright lips and subtle eyes or pale lips and heavy eyes. The number one thing about men is, they want you to look good but not fake. Have you ever heard a man compliment a woman on her eyelashes or eyebrows? I don't wear lashes or overdo my eyebrows. I have a standard makeup look I follow. I noticed that with say Halle and Kim K (sorry) they follow a routine with makeup. That's pretty much what I do. I didn't even deviate from that much the day I got married again.
2. Does the type of car you drive matter when trying to attract a certain type of man? I'm planning an end of year upgrade.
Do you know men? Like socially? Outside of dating?
I'm not being facetious but I'm amazed that women think a real man gives two flips about what kind of car you drive. I was previously a heavy Chevy girl. IME Men liked that I drive a fairly regular vehicle because it showed well I'm regular, responsible and not so materially caught up. Now that doesn't mean men don't like a woman who drives nice cars but I had a few comment like oh you drive Chevrolet's?? These are men who drove luxury cars too. They didn't feel any kind of way at all about it.
Also, on that same vein..IME I never had a man of a certain class ask me what do you do? If a man is asking that he's not a man for me because a man of his worth just needs to know you're intelligent, degreed and can work. What I do is irrelevant to getting to know me and vice versa ladies. They hate when women ask that. And they also hate when women lead with that. It's like are you defined by what you do? WHO ARE YOU? Start there. You should be able to describe yourself and your interests without your career coming up at all. A person's profession will reveal itself after you get to know them in regular everyday conversation. "Hey what are you up to tomorrow? Oh I have three meetings. Oh what do you do? " You wouldn't grill a person on what they do right upon meeting them unless they bring it up.
3. How do you let them lead on dates?
They can't call me the day of and say "what are you up to tonight?" That's code for: I don't have anything else to do and you're my 3/4th option. I don't text but for those of you that do, unless we are really dating, limit allowing the den to text a date too.
If you want to take me on a date I didn't allow them to say "what do you want to do?" You're the man. You figure it out. I'm the prize, I can go out with someone else. True story, new DH would say that and I would SWEETLY say "well you let me know what you have planned for a date, the time, place and I would love to join you." Not being demanding just saying here you do it. He dragged his feet for a few weeks because introvert
, I kept dating other people. When he realized I was dating other people, all of a sudden he was like " Hey this is what we are going to do on x day are you available?" Why, yes I am.
4. How did you know when to take them out of the rotation and keep it moving?
I don't play around
so I had three guys initially in rotation, before I got divorced because I put it out there to my inner (married friends only) circle that I needed them to look in their network of men to set me up with. Weeks later when I was divorced, I was ready you go. I also said region wasn't important (remember I always say cast a wider net) I had 3 guys and one dude I would never seriously date
but he liked me like for like 25 years and I legit let him know I was divorcing so I could use him for a confidence booster.
I then went on dates but not like dinner and a movie, I'm not 12, coffee, brunch, lunch, etc and I vetted them regarding what I wanted and was more important. I.e. Did they want a kid? Have kids? Value extended family like I did? Whatever you're looking for be upfront and honest about it and be SPECIFIC. Sort through and move them up by what's important to you. All three of the guys I dated for about 2 months and then moved DH up. I also subtlety let him know I was dating other people by being unavailable.
Most ladies don't know how to play dating multiple men. They mentally and emotionally settle on one, thinking because you want him, he wants you. And you're going to 'wait' for him to 'choose' you. You have to change that Mindset from the man is in control -to you being in control of who you want to choose from. Does that make sense? Dating multiple men allows you to be in control, be confident and not feel or act desperate. Men (babies and dogs) sense confidence like they sense desperation and fear. You should date them all as months, it doesn't take that long and men know very soon how they feel about a woman, like very soon. If a man is not trying to really be up front about his intentions with you, he's dating other people; you could end up in a situation-ship or undefined relationship because you weren't clear up front and you analyzed things he said vs. his actions. Men are about action, if they want you, you won't have to guess. If you're guessing, keep dating other guys until you find the one you want.