Why Don't Women Put As Much Effort Into Finding A Husband As They Put Into A Career?

Re: Why don't women put as much effort into finding a husband as they put into a care

Agreed. I consider myself pretty nice and considerate, especially towards others. I smile and joke often. I have a pretty good social circle but no, it's not the best. Not because I'm not making any effort though. I just feel like my location is less than ideal.
I also need to mention that if 10 guys approach me, there MAYBE 1 guy out of the group who I would even consider worth my time. And by that I mean, they have a job, a BA degree (in the very least), can hold a conversation, not trying to play games, approached me on a respectful tip, etc. I wish we would stop overlooking the fact that "good guys" are a dime a dozen. It's not like how it used to be. I really think the media and our impressionable society has deluded some black men. Some of the ish they say to me are not only laughable but horrifying! I'm like "Were you raised by a pack of wolves or by your mama?" Mentally, they are still kids! Even those in their 30s!

ellebelle88, I've been thinking about this post since last night (or whenever I first saw it) and wonder how are you meeting people? I actually didn't start meeting men who were interested in me until I started participating in activity related groups - like fun stuff.

Just tonight I just came from a fitness related Meetup group. The only other black folk there was this good looking black man. We were all relaxed, engaging in the team sport, laughing, sweating and having fun with everyone. No pressure to look good (though I do wear nice workout clothes :yep:), or impress anyone with your lifestyle choice or accomplishments. When were were wrapping up, re-hydrating, drying off, he came up to me and expressed real genuine interest. It was not my finest moment while repositioning my pineapple on my head and drying off my armpits, but he apparently saw something there beyond that. I don't know anything about his life other than the fact that he moved here for work 6 months ago. It seemed like he was in a high-powered position, but we didn't get into that because it wasn't important in the moment.

I'm not saying that you, ellebelle88, are doing something wrong (because I don't know what you're doing), but maybe rethinking your strategy down the road may be useful.
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