Are you automatically put into the Groupie category if....

A lot of athletes are married and you never hear anything about their wives.
Unless you put yourself out there, i wouldn't worry too much about it.
If y'all get serious, I would cancel my subscription to LHCF though.

Good luck and have fun!

1. Don't turn him down just so he can chase you. If you want to accept the date, take it.

2. I agree with the bolded above. For the basketball players that are married, how many wives do you really hear about? Those are REAL and CLASSY baller wives. And at the second bolded. I agree.

3. What are you going to wear? :grin:
I wouldn't date him for that reason. Be that woman who turned him down, then made him chase you. Let him wear you down for that date :yep: THEN you have no chance at falling into that groupie trap, and who knows? Maybe we WILL be reading about you in the ET forum. And about your wedding :yep:

THIS! :yep:

Men like that are used to hearing "yes" all the time, it never hurt a woman in this situation to play hard to get. :yep:

I'm gonna PM you OP.
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Sounds exciting :grin:

I dont know how I would feel dating a really famous guy though. It would make me verrry self-concious(sp?) ...
IMO, dating a "celebrity" is like dating any other man out here imo. :imo:

Don't get so "caught up" in his "fame" and who he is that you fail to see the REAL person that he is underneath all of the riches, the big name, and prestigiousness. :nono2: Just treat him like a REGULAR person. He'll probably appreciate it too. :yep: It will be hard (no doubt!), but don't get caught up!

Let him pursue you, take you out and show you a good time. Don't make excuses for him just because he's famous. REAL men will work for the woman they are interested in. He shouldn't get a free pass just because he's a big name athlete. :nono2:

It WILL be difficult if you two end up getting serious simply because the media, PR people, fans, etc. can be a real piece of work. Just ignore them and do you! You can't get too wrapped up in what people say in print or in verbal sentences. Opinions are like butt cracks. Everyone has them, and most of them stink lol. :giggle: So, don't put too much weight on what people write or say if it gets to that point.

Overall, I say....don't take anything too serioiusly, just have fun, enjoy his company, but keep your heart open to other men as well until he says he wants to date you exclusively. :yep: Right now, I'd say just keep it light and friendly. See where it goes. ;)

Good luck! :grin: