Hehe...I was just on vacation visiting family, and my young cousin (she's only 17) said: "We don't chase boys, we let the boys chase us."
I was like: "that's right girl!" I taught her well.
She was talking about this guy that she met that she's now talking to. They've been conversing for a few weeks now. She said that she won't call him unless it's in response to his call, or if it's to ask something pertinent. Otherwise, she lets him do the contacting! I'm like: "Wow....she's already got the right mind-set at her age".
Not to put a damper to ladies out there who like to put things in their own hands (afterall, I used to be one of them), but these days, I've learned from my past mistakes and experiences that it's really BEST to let the guy pursue you. There's nothing wrong with being nice, friendly, approachable, and striking up a casual brief conversation, etc. but I don't think women should be the ones to pursue or "approach" a man. I don't think a woman should be calling up a man just to "say hi" or "see how he's doing" if she's interested in him romantically.
For one thing, I think it shows that you have more self worth if you let the guy do the "chasing" or "approaching". Plus, you won't always be wondering in the back of your mind whether or not he really likes you for YOU, or whether he's just with you because you gave him attention/an ego boost.
Plus, for all those that say that "maybe he won't notice me if I don't approach him...". HA! That's a bunch of crock.
Do you know how VISUAL men are?? Take the time it took you to notice him and divide that by half, and I'm sure he probably noticed you first in that amount of time.
If you're nice, you smile, seem friendly and approachable, then there's no real good reason for him not to either approach you, or ask others about you if he's 100% single and
REALLY interested in you. I hate to be so blunt, but that's basically the nitty gritty of it. Men are not blind.
There are exceptions however, and I've known for some women to always put themselves in the same situation/area where they know a guy they like is going to be, and after spending a lot of time with the girl, the guy eventually ends up liking her. That's cool! But to me it's much nicer and more flattering if the guy ended up liking me without so much coaxing. JMHO.