I do box braids for braidout and single twists for twistouts. I haven't mastered cornrowing or flat twisting yet.
I do single twist outs usually, my friend did me some twists going back like cornrows and it lasted along time so I will definitely try that method again.
What about transitioning ladies? I can't flat twist to save my life and my single twists won't hold at the ends....the only time I've worn a braidout is after taking down my cornrows after two weeks.
Do you normally do yours on wet, damp, air-dried, or blowdried/stretched hair?
I live for the flat twistout! The curls are more defined than braidouts and it takes less time than single twists for me. I do my flat twistouts on damp hair in 6 sections.What about transitioning ladies? I can't flat twist to save my life and my single twists won't hold at the ends....the only time I've worn a braidout is after taking down my cornrows after two weeks.
Do you normally do yours on wet, damp, air-dried, or blowdried/stretched hair?