Men and Their Silly Categories! Which Category are you in?

Do you really believe that men place us in categories?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 98 99.0%
  • No.

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Other: Pls. explain.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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What is the break down of the categories you all are discussing? The OP doesn't say what Category 1 and 2 are.
What is the break down of the categories you all are discussing? The OP doesn't say what Category 1 and 2 are.

She had lists up but she took the them down. Basically you are someone he wants to wife or a stand in until wife shows up.
Don't women have these categories as well? I don't see why any of this is surprising. I always figured that everyone had some sort of variation of this.
Don't women have these categories as well? I don't see why any of this is surprising. I always figured that everyone had some sort of variation of this.

Yup I have categories. :yep:

"Marriage-Material" :grin:

"Friend that will pay for dinners" :look:

"Yummy to look at but too dumb to hubby" :lick:

"Would love to....but I love Jesus" :look::lol:
Don't women have these categories as well? I don't see why any of this is surprising. I always figured that everyone had some sort of variation of this.

Mr. Right, Mr. Right Now, and Mr.You are a kang and I can't!!!

Yup I have categories. :yep:

"Marriage-Material" :grin:

"Friend that will pay for dinners" :look:

"Yummy to look at but too dumb to hubby" :lick:

"Would love to....but I love Jesus" :look::lol:

^^^^ too funny:lol:
I'm at the point in my life where I am no longer concerned about fitting into a mans category, he needs to make sure he fits into mine.
Interesting breakdown. I absolutely do think men place women in categories and will hang around with a "category 2" until he meets his "category 1."

I think I will google this "ladder system."

If it's anything like "The Ladder Theory" then it's definitely an EYE-opener! :nono:
But it definitely makes sense.

I'm at the point in my life where I am no longer concerned about fitting into a mans category, he needs to make sure he fits into mine.

LOL! :lachen: I LOVE it! :lachen:

My only question is: How does a woman ensure that she is treated as a "Category 1" woman and not a "Category 2, 3, or 4"?? :confused:

Does it really matter what the woman does or how she treats the man? Or, do some men just put ALL women into "Category 2" at first? I'm trying to figure out how much is due to the WOMAN and how she views herself or allows herself to be treated by the man, and how much is really due to the MAN himself (ie. not really ready for a committment at the time, just not as attracted to her as he is to a future woman coming into his life, etc). Just curious....:look:

I know one thing, if I EVER get the impression that a guy is trying to put me in "Category 2", I will swiftly kick his butt to the curb! I don't have time for that mess. :naughty: :nono2:
^^^I used to think there were like certain guidelines and only certain types of women that fall in category one. And that I just wasn't it and either needed to change who I am or throw in the towel. But there is somebody for everybody. I really am just a chill, easy going person. But just bc one guy automatically thinks that puts me in a certain category doesn't mean thats going to be the case for everyone. I just keep being the best me possible, don't try to change for anyone and whoever doesn't like it can kick rocks. Bc eventually someone will. :yep: I just maintain my standards and don't put up with BS and when I see someone trying to place me in a category I'm not trying to be in, I KIM and on the next one.
^^^I used to think there were like certain guidelines and only certain types of women that fall in category one. And that I just wasn't it and either needed to change who I am or throw in the towel. But there is somebody for everybody. I really am just a chill, easy going person. But just bc one guy automatically thinks that puts me in a certain category doesn't mean thats going to be the case for everyone. I just keep being the best me possible, don't try to change for anyone and whoever doesn't like it can kick rocks. Bc eventually someone will. :yep: I just maintain my standards and don't put up with BS and when I see someone trying to place me in a category I'm not trying to be in, I KIM and on the next one.

:yep: That's a good moto to live by.

I don't like changing myself TOO much in order to "catch" a man either . :nono: I know there's SOME man out there who will like me just the way I am. :yep:
:yep: That's a good moto to live by.

I don't like changing myself TOO much in order to "catch" a man either . :nono: I know there's SOME man out there who will like me just the way I am. :yep:

Who said anything about anyone changing? I Didn't read anything about changing to catch a man in the Are y'all in the wrong thread?
Who said anything about anyone changing? I Didn't read anything about changing to catch a man in the Are y'all in the wrong thread?

[mention=14364575] kibbles318[/mention], what Imani was just saying in HER post was that before, she felt like she was either just NOT one of those women who were put into "Category 1", OR she felt like she had to change something about HERSELF in order for men to put her in the "Category 1" (or the "Marry Me" category) box, but now...she sees that some men will like her just the way that she is. She doesn't have to change herself in order to be in that Category in other words. Some men will either like her, or they just won't! Period.

Her response was to me asking the question: "What can women DO in order to ensure that they are seen as 'Category 1' women?" When in reality....(aside from the obvious things of course) you don't have to change anything really. As long as you're not selling yourself short, you should be fine. :yep: Some men will always put you in "Category 2" no matter how "great" you are. That's just them. :yep:

So all I was saying was that I was agreeing with her and stating that I didn't feel the need to try to bend over backwards and change myself either in order to fit a certain man's "category". :rolleyes:

I hope that makes sense? lol
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[mention=14364575] kibbles318[/mention], what Imani was just saying in HER post was that before, she felt like she was either just NOT one of those women who were put into "Category 1", OR she felt like she had to change something about HERSELF in order for men to put her in the "Category 1" (or the "Marry Me" category) box, but now...she sees that some men will like her just the way that she is. She doesn't have to change herself in order to be in that Category in other words. Some men will either like her, or they just won't! Period.

Her response was to me asking the question: "What can women DO in order to ensure that they are seen as 'Category 1' women?" When in reality....(aside from the obvious things of course) you don't have to change anything really. As long as you're not selling yourself short, you should be fine. :yep: Some men will always put you in "Category 2" no matter how "great" you are. That's just them. :yep:

So all I was saying was that I was agreeing with her and stating that I didn't feel the need to try to bend over backwards and change myself either in order to fit a certain man's "category". :rolleyes:

I hope that makes sense? lol

Lol girl I had BEEN figured that out like right after I posted. Lol. That was my bad, I posted/replied without reading... My bad lol

ETA: guess I should have recanted a month ago when this was posted, lol... but I figured no one was coming back in this post
Lol girl I had BEEN figured that out like right after I posted. Lol. That was my bad, I posted/replied without reading... My bad lol

ETA: guess I should have recanted a month ago when this was posted, lol... but I figured no one was coming back in this post

LOL! :lachen: That's okay! I hadn't been in here in a while too, and I JUST saw your last post today! lol :lachen:
Personally, I think most of them have their own way of categorizing us. I wish they’d be more honest, so we wouldn’t waste our time.

Cuz women are the conquest in nature's biology, as in stringing us along. And if they were more honest about these categories, we'd know immediately and squash their game in the nutsack. :giggle:
My SO has been honest with women if they asked, or something becomes apparent. Has got him dumped a few times because of it.

I do know a fair amount of men who are honest to a fault and if actually asked they will answer very clearly how they feel. If a woman says do you love me they will say "no":look: or "not yet but I'll tell you when I do" for example.

One of the things I've noticed about some of my BFFs is they are so scared to broach any subjects, say what they are looking for, or ask whats popping. Like they just want to start sleeping with a man and hope it will end in relationship.:drunk: See how it goes lol.

I ask EVERYTHING. Even if I did stumble upon a liar I'd know. Women aren't that stupid, we know when guys lie. Sometimes we want to pretend we don't though. :rolleyes:

I've had some experience with this too as I've met guys who have vocalized they are fine with "see how it goes", just get to know each other. Then it later became obvious they wanted me to be a potential long term girl friend.
Cuz women are the conquest in nature's biology, as in stringing us along. And if they were more honest about these categories, we'd know immediately and squash their game in the nutsack. :giggle:

I know this thread is old but has anyone read the book "The List: 7 Ways to Tell..."?

It is scary how accurate it is to figure out a man who is marriage-minded for you. The book sounds old in traditions but I was surprise when it actually happened just as the book describes. It is not for all relationships but it is a good book if you want no stringing along.