Are you more likely to approach a man or wait for a man to approach you? Which technique works best in terms of actually starting a relationship?
(Yes, I am strategizing for my own single self )
I am sort of the "go getter" and I am that way in all ascpects of my life including men. If I find a man that I believe matches what I want in a guy, then I will not wiat for him to make the first move. The worst he can say is no *shrugs*
Wow..ok. That was inspirational, coz I just did something stupid erplexed. I approached a man today...a friend actually! I suddenly started having 'these' feelings for him since a month now (we've been friends for a year and he was there for me when I broke up with my a friend). Now, he too confesses he likes me, but thing is..I dont believe him. I think he's saying that just coz I told him so. I am so confused, yet excited now. But I'm all chickening out and I'm actually thinking of saying it was all but a mistake . Lol...ok I need helpI agree with Val.......I was the one who always let a man approach me because that is what I was taught. As I got older I started doing the approaching and it worked out well for me. I'm ok with a man saying no, because I surely say it all of the time. The one time I went out of my way to approach a man was my husband. I just knew he was for me and I made the first move and then I let him woo me. No regrets.
Wow..ok. That was inspirational, coz I just did something stupid erplexed. I approached a man today...a friend actually! I suddenly started having 'these' feelings for him since a month now (we've been friends for a year and he was there for me when I broke up with my a friend). Now, he too confesses he likes me, but thing is..I dont believe him. I think he's saying that just coz I told him so. I am so confused, yet excited now. But I'm all chickening out and I'm actually thinking of saying it was all but a mistake . Lol...ok I need help
I don't do the actual approaching, but I will do little things to get the ball rolling. Like I'm good for "accidentally" bumping intoa guy I'm interested in. I did twice to the guy I'm seeing now, but after that it's on him. I also will make sure i'm in their vision, and then do something like smile or just look alittle flirty, not like my tough new yorker face, so they know they could approach. this way I don't get my feelings hurt if they don't follow through, and they know I'm interested.
Well said!I'm old school, so I like being chased. I like for men to intiate first, because if you do it and get into an relationship with them, it's most likely that you will be making all the decisions instead of as a couple. Men have gotten real lazy nowadays. We have to give birth to their kids, clean the house, cook dinner, etc. Now we have to ask them out?????? I'm sorry but that's not my job. Also, Men who approach women have confidence, and that's sexy.
When I get an indication from a man of his interest, I will confirm his interest by some sort of contact (i.e., e-mail, telephone call, meeting, lunch, etc...). I love being in control and I do not wait for some one’s actions to validate my loveliness (this goes for all people). I tend to be the initiator for contact/communication for most relationships (man, woman, child, mother, father, brother, sister, etc…) and I must say I am a part some of the most amazing relationships with most people in my world. My SO demonstrated his interest and I followed up. My litmus test is: as long as I am consistent with my behavior with my SO as with everyone else that is equally significant in my universe, I can never go wrong. It is only when I deviate from that; I begin to have challenges…(misplaced expectations) Lastly, you have to find the approach that works best for who you are; everything doesn’t work for everybody…
I'm old school, so I like being chased. I like for men to intiate first, because if you do it and get into an relationship with them, it's most likely that you will be making all the decisions instead of as a couple. Men have gotten real lazy nowadays. We have to give birth to their kids, clean the house, cook dinner, etc. Now we have to ask them out?????? I'm sorry but that's not my job. Also, Men who approach women have confidence, and that's sexy.
This may be unpopular, especially in '07 but I have never initiated anything with a man I was interested in.
I don't doubt that being the aggressor works sometimes, but it's just not my style. Letting the guy approach me first has always worked. HTH!
I was just having a convo about this last night with some guy friends. They said any female that's ever approached them wasn't worth talking to. I thought that was a crock of bs but looking at the women they date they shouldn't be complaining.
In my experience, approaching the man is taken as you're coming on too strong. It could be a red flag for the man. I usually just wait to be approached. Also, if you're eyeing somebody more than likely if you make eye contact or speak, they'll eventually come over and talk to you. It's like you're giving them the okay by interacting with them.
ITA. My male cousins and god-brothers said the same thing. They basically said if females approached them, that some easy *** and not worth anything other than that. *I clutched my pearls.* lol