Where are the single straight men?? (NYC rant)


Well-Known Member
... because i think they're all gay.

and then i did some research after having a conversation with a coworker about how men supposedly naturally have homosexual tendencies and found this article from 2006: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/52200.php

"A survey of 4,193 men living in New York City conducted by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene found that nearly 10 percent of male participants who identified themselves as straight reported having sex with at least one man during the previous year."

shocking. the article goes on to say that 70% of these men are married!!!

i have too many gal pals who are intelligent, pretty, and have careers yet they are single! and the guys we wind up dating suck! (or have gay tendencies)

WTF??!! what is it about this city? and where do you find the good guys without heading to a bar?
Girl sorry to say, but I dont think its just limited to NY. Chicago got its fair share of weirdos too. And I'm pretty sure its the same way for most, if not all, major cities.
so sad.

some of my friends have even said that they think they might have to move to another city in order to find a man because there are so many slugs here. it's so not fair!

Wow, these definitely are the end times we're living in. The Bible does say that men will be lovers of themselves, but I always thought about it in a vanity, selfish sort of way not same gender:look:. Not to mention this down-low mess!
Hmmm I havnt come across this issue. I dnt quite get the concept of "moving to possibly meet a man" though. Makes no sense. If they're gay in Ny chances are they're gay elsewhere.