cos all the single men are GAY GAY GAY :lachen:

If that were the case, San Francisco wouldn't be on the list. Their male gay population percentage is higher than Atlanta's!

This is according to our tour guide (young guy) and what I've seen when visiting.
What about Interracial Dating in Dallas/Austin/Houston?

I'm from New Orleans and that was kind of taboo.

Are there problems with racism? I mean I know it
exists everywhere, but what I'm asking is if the races
are segregated like in New Orleans & Atlanta... or does
everybody kind of co-mingle????
Right. San Francisco the capitol of gayism.

San Jose the capitol of Latinos only, everybody else keep the hell out.
Thought this was funny!

Life in America's fifth largest city Dallas
  1. First you must learn to pronounce the city name. It's DAL-LUS.
  2. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Dallas has its own version of traffic rules... Hold on and pray.
  3. All directions start with, "Go down to Beltline"...which has no beginning and no end.
  4. The Chamber of Commerce calls getting through traffic a "scenic drive."
  5. The morning rush hour is from 6:00 to 10:00. The evening rush hour is from 3:00 to 7:00. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning.
  6. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will get rear ended.
  7. Major roads mysteriously change names and direction at intersections.
  8. Intense construction on the highway system is a way of life, and a permanent form of entertainment.
  9. All unexplained sights are explained by the phrase, "Oh, we were in Fort Worth!!"
  10. If someone actually has their turn signal on, it is probably a factory defect.
  11. All old ladies with blue hair in Cadillacs have the right of way. Especially in the vicinity of Neiman Marcus.
  12. If asking directions east of downtown, you must have a working knowledge of Spanish.
  13. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport has four terminal buildings connected by one tram that never works.
  14. A trip across town will take a minimum of four hours. Pack a lunch.
  15. Don't carry money, jewelry, family, etc., on Martin Luther King Frwy. And keep all doors locked at all times.
  16. The wrought iron on windows near Oak Cliff is not ornamental.
  17. Never stare at the driver of the car with the bumper sticker that says, "Keep honking. I'm reloading."
  18. If you are in the left lane, and only going 70... people are not waiving when they go by.
  19. The North Dallas Tollway is our daily version of the Nascar circuit.
  20. Any section of Dallas above IH-635 is considered too far and too close to Oklahoma to be driving.
  21. Plano and Flower Mound are not real cities, they were produced and brought to you by the nice people at Disney for the pure entertainment of housewives.
I was seriously considering Texas, until I remembered it's been getting drenched the past couple of years by by heavy rains and threatening direct hits by hurricanes :ohwell:
Shoot, I took a look at that map and I'm either moving to Houston or Phoenix, baby! :lol: Detroit is completely the wrong ratio. Big orange dot. No wonder I don't go out on any dates.

Is it? I moved to Detroit from California and met my husband within a year of living here. At that time all of his friends (all college educated and hetero) were single too.

Does anybody know anything about Cleveland? :look:
Ditto. I live in a small town that is 30-45 minutes away from Durham and I totally agree. Durham is riddled with crime and the bad areas out number the good. It might just be my small town mentality, but I don't get caught after dark in Durham.

If anyone is thinking about NC, Charlotte is it! It is often compared to Atlanta, there are a variety of succesful men there all races. I live in Raleigh and would prefer to drive 3 hrs to Charlotte to have a good time. Alot of opportunity career wise in Charlotte. Although Raleigh is the capital more to do in Charlotte, but Raleigh starting to catch up. Expanding its downtown and nightlife.

Durham has it nice parts, but for the past few years Durham has been riddle with murder, people getting shot left and right. I attest to that personally as my former boyfriend, his cousin and about 3 others where are shot to death in Durham. :mad:

Raleigh is lax when it comes to the brothas, alot of the men here are young. I am constantly approached by guys in the early 20's. If you ask most women here that are looking for more, they'd probably say there is too many women here not enough men and the few decent ones here, take advantage of the fact there are too many women.

If your into Medicine, Pharmacetuicals, Computers, Chemistry, bio chem..etc RTP which is in between Durham and Raleigh is a very "high profile" place to work and live.
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cos all the single men are GAY GAY GAY :lachen:

Or trifling as ALLLL ass. You know its bad when a random stylist starts warning you about looking into a dudes background to see if he has 7 different gfs. Damn Georgia charm. I'm surprised my brother settled down and married someone at his age.
In it's May issue, Black Enterprise Magazine, released it's ranking for the top 10 cities for American African Americans. Here are the top ten:

1. Washington, DC
2. Atlanta, GA
3. Raleigh-Durham, NC
4. Houston, TX
5. Nashville, TN
6. Dallas, TX
7. Charlotte, NC
8. Indianapolis, IN
9. Columbus, OH
10. Jacksonville,FL
In it's May issue, Black Enterprise Magazine, released it's ranking for the top 10 cities for American African Americans. Here are the top ten:

1. Washington, DC
2. Atlanta, GA
3. Raleigh-Durham, NC
4. Houston, TX
5. Nashville, TN
6. Dallas, TX
7. Charlotte, NC
8. Indianapolis, IN
9. Columbus, OH
10. Jacksonville,FL

THey lying out of their ass!!! Don't ever move to JAX black people (unless you want to marry a white man... they are heavy into that).
Is it? I moved to Detroit from California and met my husband within a year of living here. At that time all of his friends (all college educated and hetero) were single too.

Does anybody know anything about Cleveland? :look:

Um... I've been in Detroit my WHOLE LIFE and um... yeah....:perplexed:sad: Once I got out of undergrad, what happened to all the college-educated hetero males?

Any tips? Any possibilities?
I really think these kind of polls are pointless. The opportunities for meeting a guy are pretty much the same whereever you go.
THey lying out of their ass!!! Don't ever move to JAX black people (unless you want to marry a white man... they are heavy into that).

Hmmm... the article says in regards to work and play, not necessarily relationships. Having said that, I grew up in Jacksonville, and I've met a lot of nice Black men here. *shrugs* Too bad I'm not here permanently, though I'm looking into it.
Hmmm... the article says in regards to work and play, not necessarily relationships. Having said that, I grew up in Jacksonville, and I've met a lot of nice Black men here. *shrugs* Too bad I'm not here permanently, though I'm looking into it.

In the matter of jobs. Romance you will definitely have a chance because people in JAX get married young.
Okay i believe that about TX....i heard something like this along time ago...because also they said its a Navy/Army base somewhere over their thats full of eligible Black need to get out their to visit my Uncle he lives not far from Houston, TX...

now those other places listed on the list...i hardly believe it especially San francisco...sorry i heard that was Gay men Mecca so thats kind of hard to believe....

i lived in MIA and Ft. a native Floridian and i dont know i had problems with dating down there...since moving to ATL havent really had a problem have gained a phonebook full of numbers and met several men....but i definetly have been on more dates then i did when i lived in Ft. Lauderdale....
Okay i believe that about TX....i heard something like this along time ago...because also they said its a Navy/Army base somewhere over their thats full of eligible Black need to get out their to visit my Uncle he lives not far from Houston, TX...

now those other places listed on the list...i hardly believe it especially San francisco...sorry i heard that was Gay men Mecca so thats kind of hard to believe....

i lived in MIA and Ft. a native Floridian and i dont know i had problems with dating down there...since moving to ATL havent really had a problem have gained a phonebook full of numbers and met several men....but i definetly have been on more dates then i did when i lived in Ft. Lauderdale....

I live in ft lauderdale and it's terrible here. No single guys in sight but then again I'm picky but that should'nt stop me from having a boyfriend.......

I live in ft lauderdale and it's terrible here. No single guys in sight but then again I'm picky but that should'nt stop me from having a boyfriend.......

girl good luck i couldnt meet a guy the entire 2 1/2 years i lived down there and when i did meet guys they were on some other picky also but i guess thats why i was single all during that time....
I'm so confused with ladies saying Texas is where it's at b/c I think otherwise. I'm from Houston and have lived in the DFW area (Arlington) for 5yrs and I'm tryin to get the heck out along with all my single friends. Guys in Texas especially Dallas suck!! I have lived here and been single for 4yrs. it's not that u can't meet people, it's the type of people. I'm 27 and I have I an active social life. Dallas is the home of the 30 thousand dollar millionaire. Dudes here think they're best thing since slice bread and expect u to know it. My friends and myself are beautiful, intelligent, and educated woman yet we're all single. Something's wrong with that.

Ladies that live in Dallas where u meeting these great guys?
I need to move. Everyone in LA is so freakin' stuck on themselves. I am virtually ignored, and I'm a really good person...:ohwell:

You're too pretty for that. But I agree. The options here are terrible! I haven't been near a date in almost three months. I admit that I haven't gotten out much since I started my new job but still. I agree with San Fran being on the list too. I went there two months ago and had more successful, single men try to date me in a weekend than I had here in months.
Yep same thing goes for Durham, NC...and Raleigh, NC (I'm really shocked that Raleigh was number 4 :eek: )

and watch out for the married men in both Durham and Raleigh...they will wine and dine and set you up nicely, all while wearing their wedding band. I am shocked about Raleigh also..
Ditto. I live in a small town that is 30-45 minutes away from Durham and I totally agree. Durham is riddled with crime and the bad areas out number the good. It might just be my small town mentality, but I don't get caught after dark in Durham.

DH and I lived in durham for 2 years, during that time we had 2 cars stolen, one was taken to NY. I know cause I got a ticket in mail from Brooklyn for parking and not moving the car for the street sweeper. I was propositioned numerous times and called a bit*h because I refused to answer their cat calls...our cable was stolen by the 3 apartments to our left, the house behind us and a house clear across the street, and they had the nerve to get pissed when we called Time warner to cut the lines. Also, one evening DH and I drove to Raleigh to see a movie ($1.50), when we returned home the lights were not working...I called the electric company, while I was on the phone DH looked in back of the apartment and noticed that someone has stolen our meter...the entire meter...I was heated! There were live wires sticking out...Duke power had to come out and give us a new meter! Lastly, I have a really close gay friend and he frequents Durham for all of the undercovers living there.

Ladies, beware of Durham. Ohhh...and almost everyone works at Duke or BCBS....and they all know each other. Don't wear red or blue...the kids there want to be like California so much they will provoke you...We had to get out of there.
What, is this a joke? Seattle has the largest number of single women living alone. This according to Oprah's survey. I guess if you're into white men, you might find somone here, if you don't mind a blue collar worker. But if you want an executive, someone who wears a suit to work with a degree behind his name and makes at least 100k per year. Move on!
Is Houston still on and poppin? I've been doing research on Houston for a while now, not for the men but if it's an added bonus then hey....