What I can say about Houston is that black man/black woman couples are still the majority if that is important to any of you.

And you will get hit it may not be by the type of guy you are looking for, but I don't think any decent looking sistah has to worry about going months and months being completely ignored like some of you say is going on in your cities.

Here is a tradeoff though. It is slower down here and I think there are fewer money making (100k+, which is considered doing extremely well down south) type men down here compared to the say the east coast. If a guy is making 50k or above, he is doin alright and more than 70k, he is semi-ballin.

So if a middle class type guy is what you are looking for, then Houston probably has plenty of options.
MzLady78 said:
Yeah, I have family (well my cousin's soon to be ex wife) down there as well as fam right on the NC/SC border.

Everytime I made up my mind, I'd meet some dude and decide to say- then when it didn't work out, I regretted not going.

Maybe that's where I'm supposed to be, I don't know.

If anyone is thinking about NC, Charlotte is it! It is often compared to Atlanta, there are a variety of succesful men there all races. I live in Raleigh and would prefer to drive 3 hrs to Charlotte to have a good time. Alot of opportunity career wise in Charlotte. Although Raleigh is the capital more to do in Charlotte, but Raleigh starting to catch up. Expanding its downtown and nightlife.

Durham has it nice parts, but for the past few years Durham has been riddle with murder, people getting shot left and right. I attest to that personally as my former boyfriend, his cousin and about 3 others where are shot to death in Durham. :mad:

Raleigh is lax when it comes to the brothas, alot of the men here are young. I am constantly approached by guys in the early 20's. If you ask most women here that are looking for more, they'd probably say there is too many women here not enough men and the few decent ones here, take advantage of the fact there are too many women.

If your into Medicine, Pharmacetuicals, Computers, Chemistry, bio chem..etc RTP which is in between Durham and Raleigh is a very "high profile" place to work and live.
I need to move. Everyone in LA is so freakin' stuck on themselves. I am virtually ignored, and I'm a really good person...:ohwell:
If that is you in your avatar, then those men must be crazy. LOL

I mean, maybe they are intimidated and think they can't get you. But I've heard that men in Cali period are addicted to white women.
SouthernTease said:

I'm 24... I'm into meeting a man more settled.
I think they choose these cities and that age
range because it's more about men that are looking to
settle down, you know... done with college/clubbing...
established in their careers blah blah blah.
If you want to meet a dude under 30 you can probably
go to any city on any college campus. Men over 30 are hott!!

I know, I feel ya' girl. Men over thirty are so hott but I've had one man say, "Awww, you're a baby." This is when I told him how old I was but it didn't stop him from talking to me.:lol:

Man, you all have really got me thinking about Dallas,Austin, Houston. Off to look at job postings.:lol:
I was born and raised in Texas. I've lived in Dallas(baby), Houston and Austin.

I'm currently relocating to Fort Worth next year.

I think overall the quality of men is better in Texas. I'm only 24, but I seriously have dated and meet a lot of successful, attractive and cool brothas. I see black men handling their biz all day everyday.

Houston-is a melting pot really. All classes and all types of dudes. There is a lot of do of course. My only gripe is that it's too congested now.

Austin- beautiful city. The people here are very laid back and mellow. My only issue about Austin is the lack of upper middle class blacks( this was 5 years back). It's growing though. The cost of living is kinda high as well. Austin tends to be were people retire and settledown, so the 35+ men will be plentiful :lol:

Dallas- a nice metroplex so you can't go wrong with any of the outside burbs(arlington, irving, ft worth etc). Everything is about 20 minutes away from each other. I think Dallas is a nice mix for the younger and older crowd. It's like Houston just on a smaller scale.

And yes Texas dudes are fine as hell!
Nobody is saying anything about Seattle, but for the definitely should not be on this list. I hate to generalize, but the only men who date black women there are white men over 40.
BrownSkin2 said:
Charlotte, NC is number 11. :eek: My sister has been there over 5 years and still can't find a suitable dating partner that really wants to be in a relationship. Too many players and broke brothers.

Yeah I so agree. I have been down here(charlotte) for close to two years. The only person I have really met and kicked it with is my on and off again boyfriend from Maryland. I wish I would have moved to texas because it was my second choice after NC. Maybe I would consider a grad school there.
sea1980 said:
Nobody is saying anything about Seattle, but for the definitely should not be on this list. I hate to generalize, but the only men who date black women there are white men over 40.

Pump-pump! How much they pay?

And for the pretty girl in Los Angeles... join the crowd!

White is RIGHT! No, I take that back! LATINO!
I dunno Michelle&Brownskin, I think Charlotte ranking high is fair. The problem with most of us who relocate to the area is that we don't get out enough. Now I will say that I don't mesh well with men that are native to this area, BUT at the same time - about 80% of the people I meet are also it all balances it out I suppose.
pink_flower said:
I was born and raised in Texas. I've lived in Dallas(baby), Houston and Austin.

I'm currently relocating to Fort Worth next year.

I think overall the quality of men is better in Texas. I'm only 24, but I seriously have dated and meet a lot of successful, attractive and cool brothas. I see black men handling their biz all day everyday.

Houston-is a melting pot really. All classes and all types of dudes. There is a lot of do of course. My only gripe is that it's too congested now.

Austin- beautiful city. The people here are very laid back and mellow. My only issue about Austin is the lack of upper middle class blacks( this was 5 years back). It's growing though. The cost of living is kinda high as well. Austin tends to be were people retire and settledown, so the 35+ men will be plentiful :lol:

Dallas- a nice metroplex so you can't go wrong with any of the outside burbs(arlington, irving, ft worth etc). Everything is about 20 minutes away from each other. I think Dallas is a nice mix for the younger and older crowd. It's like Houston just on a smaller scale.

And yes Texas dudes are fine as hell!
when i went to Texas in 2005, i spent a weekend in Austin and i loved it. If i ever mved to Texas (god forbid, i would definitely be looking into Austin)
Averoigne said:
I need to move. Everyone in LA is so freakin' stuck on themselves. I am virtually ignored, and I'm a really good person...:ohwell: ain't lying! No decent men in LA...PERIOD!
Blossssom said:
San Francisco?

Yea, right... the land where homosexuality is KING?

Uh huh!

And San Jose is full of Latinos. They aren't messing with us either.

Try again.

:lol: Sitting in the San Jose Desert as we speak :lachen:

Hmm I wonder what the job situation is like in TX.:sekret:

Well it did say over 35 maybe I'll have to settle for a sugar daddy? :ohwell:
I'm certainly not surprised Chicago isn't on this list. I've been thinking about relocating to Texas since last year. I might go give it a look see :)
I can't believe San Jose is at the top of the list!! I grew up there, then moved away in 1990. Shoot, even in the late eighties, the majority of the black guys in high school were dating something other than a sista. They HAVE to be talking about just men in general.

And I see Nashville's nowhere on the list. :lol:

I KNEW Houston was where it's at! I guess I'll start making plans to visit family there. :user:
I can't believe San Jose is at the top of the list!! I grew up there, then moved away in 1990. Shoot, even in the late eighties, the majority of the black guys in high school were dating something other than a sista. They HAVE to be talking about just men in general.

Seriously! There are a lot of single men here but they are of the geeky variety so they're hard to meet...unless you work with them. Also in Northern California you will have better luck if you're open to dating other than black men. Numbers and quality of black men are low IMO.
sorry i'm late, but DENVER to find a single black male?

let me reprahse that, a single black male who dates black women...

i guess i don't know since i'm married, huh?

You will definitely get all the attention you can handle when you move to Houston! And you will have a british accent too! Men will be all over that!

All the women on this board are BEAUTIFUL and would definitely take Houston by storm because ANYBODY can get a man in Houston! I have never had a problem getting attention by men there, the problem is sometimes (especially them Louisiana men) they can ruthless!

Based on my observations:
-if you're looking for a good man, a blue collar worker with no preference in career or education then Houston is a good place for you.

-If you have no preference in race then San Antonio & Austin and is great place to look for men.

-And finally, if you are looking for white collar brother I would definitely date in the Dallas/FtWorth Metro area, but stay the hell away from North Dallas unless you want to be featured on Dallas Swat! :nono:

Why isn't Atlanta on this list???

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's what I'm wondering. Plenty of good men here. I mean my friends and I didn't really have any problems. Then again... that was 7 years ago when I was on the dating scene. I guess a lot can change in 7 years.

Well I know one thing, the men are VERY nice in Houston! Dallas too. Such gentlmen... I'll agree with fine too! Yep! That's where y'all should go. :yep: