Last Out of the Closet-Bisexual Men

Oh she's sharing her husband! Bisexual/homosexual men are sexual promiscuous and in now way that man is just laying up with his wife. There's no way that man lived a monogamous relationship with that woman for 18 years. That man is creeping with other men and I hope that women get tested. Bisexual/homosexual men almost never wear condoms.

really?... :nono:

sentiments like yours is why intolerance will always prevail... i can't even type what i really want to say unless i want to get banned...

you can't be serious... i refuse to believe that you've typed any of your posts for anything other than shock value...
really?... :nono:

sentiments like yours is why intolerance will always prevail... i can't even type what i really want to say unless i want to get banned...

you can't be serious... i refuse to believe that you've typed any of your posts for anything other than shock value...

You could take all her statements and replace them with 'black' and that's exactly what popular culture dictated about us for hundreds of years. It's amazing how blind and oppressive minorities can be, you'd think we'd know better.
:yep: My friend and I were talking about this, but not about sexuality. There were stories in the tabloids about how crazy the actress Helen Bonham Carter and her husband are because they live in separate houses. I think it's fab, they've communicated and found something that works for them, what's wrong with that?

I'm still learning about this, my cousin was dating a woman for a good couple years and I had assumed she was gay. Then she started talking about settling down and marrying a guy and I was like :drunk:

Now she's single and dating, it's still really surreal to hear about her date with a guy that was great, or one with a girl that was bad. Joke is man or woman, the dating scene seems pretty dire! :lachen:

I'll have to google Helen Bonham Carter...I don't believe I'm familiar with her or her work. More couples probably have this arrangement than we think.

And yes, the dating pool is pretty shallow these days...there's all kinds of mess out there!

Then on top of that, people make dating more complicated than it has to be.
Yes it does. All bisexual men and women cannot control their sexual urges and they are addicted to sex.

I didn't realize you were acquainted with ALL of the bisexual men and women of the world and knew of their sexual activity.
You're another smart one. I think your skepticism is on the right track. I feel so sorry for women who see this as "cute" and okay.:nono:

I don't think anyone referred to anything as "cute". What I believe people are applauding is the open dialogue that occurred and the collective (two people) decision that was made based on that dialogue.

She made an informed decision - not one based on misinformation and assumptions. And he was honest enough to provide her with the information necessary to make an informed decision.

Shoot...people can't even disclose their credit scores or the number of hetero partners they've had, or people who smoke cigarettes "only in social situations" or "only after I've been drinking" but still call themselves "non smokers" - this man was able to look her in her eyes and be honest about his sexuality? THAT is incredible to me.
Celestial maybe you shouldn't comment on something you haven't read in full. And yet again being bisexual is not synonymous with being promiscuous. I'm bisexual and celibate so how does that fit into your "all bisexual men and women cannot control their sexual urges and they are addicted to sex"? :rolleyes:

It fascinates me how straight people seem to know what is going on in all bisexual/gay people's lives. I mean, was I asleep during all this promiscuous sex I'm suppose to be having? Maybe my out of control sex urges had me fallen into a trance so I don't remember any of the sex parties or whatever it is that people think bi folks do all day. I must have missed a memo somewhere. :lachen: I got better stuff to do with my time like stress over school which is currently kicking my butt. :wallbash:
i enjoyed reading this thread, though i'm hetro i truly believe a small perecentage of folk are completely gay or straight....most just choose not to act on it or hide in the closet. i'm glad this was for the most part a mature thought provoking dicussion and this thread didn't get shutdown or go to pieces.
I'm wondering if one of the reasosn the gay community poo poos bisexuality is because it seems to undermine a central premise of the movement that people are with a specific sexual orientation. If in fact bisexual people can go either way in effect whether they engage in same sex relationships is a choice...they could easily choose not to and still be consistent with their stated sexual orientation.