Whats the worst thing a stylist has done to your hair?!!


New Member
For me i have been fortunate not to have to many horror stories but the common thing with my experiences is getting my hair wacked off like weeds
so im sure many of you have had worst and gruesome experiences than this so whats your story??????? whats the dumbest thing YOU KNOW a stylist isn't suppose to do to your hair, but the ***** did it anyway to your precious hair????????

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I had a stylist (not my regular) double relax me once. She relaxed my hair the first time and it was underprocessed so she told me to come back the next day and she relaxed it again with another brand of relaxer. Needless to say, within 90 days my hair started breaking and shedding very badly. I was at APL at the time and had to cut it to collar bone length.:mad:
my former stylist overprocessed my hair, badly to the point of having all the hair snap off from the root,on one side of my head, it was glued to my head,:eek: she said, it came out because, I had drank a Coke prior to having my touchup done,:confused: needless to say, I have taken control of touchups myself
Well a few yrs back before I knew anything about taking care of my hair, a stylist put some crimps in my hair with the crimping iron. She left it on this one particular section for too long, I know it smelled kinda funny but I didnt think much of it. Well, when I washed my hair about a wk later, that chunk of hair just fell off into the drain.:eek: :( Man, I was sooo hurt. I had to cut about 2" off. I dont ever wanna go thru anything like that again. I know its only hair, but damn, my heart was HURT. Thank God I learned how to take care of my hair, so I dont even need a stylist now if I dont want one (well, Im still going for relaxers cuz Im scared to self-relax).
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The stylist's assistant used a rat tail comb on a wet wrap. Unwrapped and rewrapped about 5 times and took my hair out each time. Then my stylist wondered why my hair was thin and she thought it was from coming in too often for relaxers. Umm, I came in every 8 weeks and had nary a problem. It's your assistant, ma. Then my next stylist thought my hair was thin from me using a relaxer that was too strong. I'm like umm, I could have sworn I told you about the assistant using the rat tail comb on a wet wrap.
Happened in Jr. High, the day before I went to a new school...this so-called beautician burned a big chunk of my hair off while trying to curl it. :(
Another time, I was natural and wanted to get my hair pressed. I went to my grandma's salon. The stylist must have pressed my entire scalp and not my hair. I was in tears (I was 10 at the time). They thought I was "tenderheaded" at the time. I get home and my dad looks at my scalp. I had a bunch of knots all over my head. I think they later found out the stylist was on drugs. I'm like geez, yall let anybody work there, huh? That's part of the reason why I dont do "low end/hood" salons anymore.
One stylist I went to in Atlanta back combed my hair on the top to achieve fullness. A couple of days later, my hair was hard, crunchy and tangled in that spot and started breaking. I vowed that NO ONE would EVER TOUCH my hair again.
A few years ago a "stylist" proceeded to relax my hair from root to tip (I went for a touch up), detangled with a fine rat-tail comb, put me under the hooded dryer then still ripped through my hair with a round brush as she blow dried my hair AGAIN, then flat ironed my hair with no heat protectant to the point where I saw smoke, then she attempted to give me a trim. But when I saw her coming at me with those scissors I high tailed it outta there.

Needless to say, I never went back there again, but that was years ago and I've had a great relationship with all my stylists since.:)
Many years ago I had a stylist, that I actually liked, cut my hair much shorter than I wanted it and in a style I didn't care for. :( I was upset, to say the least. I think that kind of stuck with me to this day, even though it was over 20 years ago! I basically never go to the salon or let anyone else do my hair. I might in the future, but I'm going to have to be really sure I can trust that person.
Straightening my hair with a pressing comb!!! maaaan...she pressed it soooo hard that when I washed my hair a week after there were some parts of my hair that was permanently straight! I had to tell her the next time I went, NO PRESSING COMB, LIGHT PRESS WITH THE FLAT IRON! hahahaha
Overprocessing like she never went to hair school, never even looked at a store brought relaxer that tells you and should be common sense that you aren't suppose to do THAT! Looked at me like I was an alien when I said "You are only going to apply it to new growth right?" And in a duh like tone said I am going to comb it through, and proceeded to apply then re-apply over already processed hair! Then the kicker, she combs through with a rattail comb and OF course has a hard time with it and is pulling out hair. I swear it's like she had a mission in her mind to thin out my hair because I had just taken out my braids and it was hella thick with alot of growth. For months before she was like my savior that got my hair on a healthy track, she was great at everything else but she surely sucked at touch-ups. That was my last visit, I'd probably have 2 strands on my head if I kept going to her.
"Deep Conditioned" my hair for only 2 minutes without sitting me under the dryer:eek:
and detangled my hair with a rat tail comb.....needless to say that was the last time I went to that stylist. or any stylist since last year.:ohwell:
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tryingto said:
my former stylist overprocessed my hair, badly to the point of having all the hair snap off from the root,on one side of my head, it was glued to my head,:eek: she said, it came out because, I had drank a Coke prior to having my touchup done,:confused: needless to say, I have taken control of touchups myself

WHAAAAT! These stylist should be reported to whatever organization requires them to have a license, some kinda of a bureau or something so that their licenses get revoked. They are committing hair crimes with alot of these things. I know they can't possibly getting taught this nonsense in hair school.
Before I moved here I went to a JC Penny in Lithonia, GA. I needed a trim really bad. This woman trimmed my hair sooooooo unevenly. One side was about 3 inches shorter than the other. Not too mention the rest just looked like she used hedge clippers or something. It took about a year to get it all even again.

Worst trim ever.
Well, it's been a while since I've actually went to a hair stylist, but I can remember back in the early 90's when I went to a hair stylist in my area to get my hair relaxed.

From the moment I got there, the stylist put her hands in my hair and said that I had fine hair and I should try putting my hair in a wrap style to flatter my face. I was ok with that so I went into the chair and told her I had a sensitive scalp so put the mildest relaxer on my hair...especially since my hair was fine as well. She said ok and started putting the relaxer on my hair and pulling it all the way through to the ends (I had previously done a relaxer so only the NG was supposed to get coated).

The next thing you know, my scalp was burning like crazy! I told her that I was burning and my head was starting to hurt and she told me to LEAVE IT ON FOR A FEW MORE MINUTES, that if I wanted a bone straight wrap, that it had to stay on to penetrate the hair!! I was young at the time, so I did what she told me to and finally after what seemed like hours she washed the relaxer out. My head felt better, but my scalp was already covered in sores :eek:

I stated tearing up and the hair stylist told me that they would heal up and it was natural for someone to get a few burns because a wrap requires the hair to be so straight. She continued with setting my hair with the wrapping lotion, which had protien and fillers in it to make my hair look like it had more volume and set me under the dryer for about an hour . After it dried, she brushed it out vigorously with the comb, bumped the ends and put hairspray on to finish, which burned tremendously since I now had open sores on my scalp.

After she was done, my hair looked like a wig because it was soo shiny and straight! After a couple of days when I got up the nerve to comb my hair, my worst nightmare had come true - clumps of hair was coming out when I combed and my hair was so fine that you could see my scalp! I cried probably for an entire day and from that day on, I vowed to never go back to a stylist again until I knew how to take care of my own hair and could make sure that I would never go through an experience like that again.
I have had one relax me with Dudley's super relaxer mind you Im a 3b 4a.. I was burned so badly the next day was my cousins wedding, my hair was stuck to my scalp that was forming scabs. It was so bad I went to the wedding with a mini curly fro cause I could not style my hair my scalp hurt so bad and was juicing so bad.

But my other fear when I go to the Salon is when they are detanglingmy hair in the sink and I cannot see whats coming out. I was there was a way they can do it from up front and I could see.. I swear my heart beats fast during that process.
I had blondish highlights, relocated and was recommended to a local "stylist."

This **** put BANTU relaxer in my hair and, well, you know what happened.

Within 2 weeks my hair started breaking like crazy. I was SO pissed and told everyone I saw that was black not to go to her. :mad:

She is STILL on my ish list. Grrrrrr....
-i went in for a touch-up and she put some on my ends....i was 10 :ohwell:
-one stylist trimmed my hair unevenly
-she also would wash my hair with dish detergent because she said it was -too oily ( i didn't know any better at the time )
-she would brush it with a comb brush instead of a wide tooth comb after having washed it with it piled on top of my head.
-she let her washgirl (who has no license whatsover) put a permanent die in my hair. it was also a store bought brand of hair color, not professional at all.

needless to say, I blame her as the reason my past apl length hair broke off and was uneven and dry/brittle.

ladies watch who you let in your hair!!
I was 13 and the stylist kept insisting that since I was about to go to high school I needed to have a "hairstyle". I agreed and then this lady proceeds to cut the right side of my hair almost pixie cut short and the left side she cut to my earlob and the back of my hair was left long (past shoulder length). It looked cute for THAT day. But for the rest of the year I was walking around looking like an a** until that crap grew out. :ohwell:

Another stylist relaxed my hair and didn't put conditioner on it. I asked her about it and she said she was going to use a leave-in instead. The "leave-in" ended up being Motions foaming wrap lotion. :mad:
This is an easy one.

I got a few pieces of weave sewn in my hair for the first and last time. It was for a special occasion, but I almost left the salon bald!

The stylist attempted to straighten my hair to get it to blend in with the extensions. This is what she did: She washed & conditioned my hair, then had me sit under a hooded dryer, then blow dryed my hair with a handheld dryer, then hot combed my hair, then flat ironed my hair, and then curled my hair!

I seriously prayed to God to not let my hair fall out, although it smelled burnt and crispy for days afterwards. Luckily, my hair survived that incident, but I vowed never again to allow a stylist to treat my hair in such a manner.
Ummm, let's see....
-use bantu relaxer
-no neutralizer with every touch up
-applied a aphogee treatment and pressed down really hard to make sure it was dry
-use products i've never even heard of in my head
-slapped my edges down with some of that dark brown gel- i 4got the name
-finishing touch, thousands of products-lotion it, spritz it, and sheen it
Did a weave and put my braids in too tight and sowed the weave in too tight. When I got it taken down, my hair was matted and half of my hair was on the floor. I went from almost APL to barely chin length. That was the worst experience ever.
Bad stylist + Overprocessing x Scissors = Bald Spots and no way to cover them. Now that's a formula I won't forget. :mad:

However, it was a good stylist that helped my hair recover. :)
She didn't wash all the relaxer out. I didn't like how she handled my hair afterwards either. She used a hotcomb on my freshly relaxed hair. WTF?!? I let her finish and vowed to never go back to her again. When I went to a different stylist the next week (more like 5 days later) for easter and she washed my hair she could still feel the relaxer in there. :eek:
This lady told me my hair was underprocessed.
She relaxed my hair. DID NOT use any type of shampoo, no neutralizing, nothing! Rinsed with water. Put conditioner on my head and put me under the dryer. Two days later my hair started falling out in clumps with white bulbs on the end. I went back and she said "Its just shedding, and the white bulbs are from not enough protein in your diet." Then she did a protein treatment for free. AHHH!!!!:mad: My hair continued to come out and it was sooo thin.
A stylist in TX when I was little and had near tailbone length hair tried to wash it all at once and wound up getting it tangled so badly that my Grandma wound up cursing this lady out and then taking me home.

It took all day of rinsing and conditioning to get it untangled. That was my first memory of the beauty salon.

Then when I was about 10 and had about mid back length after a cut a lady who "did hair" (that's what she told my mom) thinned my hair so I had almost bald patches in the back.

When I had super short natural hair I made the mistake of not going to the barbershop to get it cut and this lady cut up the back of my neck and head so bad I had a rash for weeks and had to wear hats. :(
Well, the overprocessing incident of 2006 would be the worst. Clumps of hair melted off of my head.

I also got my hair braided so tight once my scalp bled.

Between these two incidences, I've decided I just need to do my own hair.
she kept cutting my hair even though i didn't need a touch up. blowdrying with the comb attachment raking and burning my scalp, using marcel irons and spraying my head with something that made my scalp burn each time she sprayed it. reading through your stories i guess i got off easy.