Relaxers... lots of relaxers... unknowingly have my mother transition me twice and then getting relaxed all over again.

having a pro take down a weave then immediately relax...

scratching my head, washing my hair right before a relaxer

flat ironing my hair while wet.

not knowing how to detangle so just ripping at my hair until it laid right (much younger).

never sleeping with a satin bonnet

and never speaking up in a hair salon!!!
Washing my hair right after taking down braids. Didn't comb my hair before jumping in the shower. Yeah, I'm sure you could figure out why that was stupid.
1. Putting a relaxer on top of a perm

2. Letting ghetto fab braiding stylists braid my hair too tight just so I could look cute (for awhile I barely had any hair around my hair line)

3. Not taking care of my hair while it was in braids and thinking that bushels of hair coming out when I took them down was normal.

4. Not combing properly

5. Not moisturizing regularly

6. Not deep conditioning

It all seems so simple now but I was clueless for years! :perplexed

I would have to say that the first one was the worst though. My hair just fell out in the bathroom sink about a week after I relaxed my hair. :spinning:
1. Flat ironing my hair wet with no heat protectant. I had some 3-inch splits in the middle of my hair shaft.
2. Coloring my hair every 2 weeks and not DCing. Breakage, breakage, breakage.
Before i had a flat iron, my relaxed hair was so full i didnt know what to do with it, so i used a real iron for ironing clothes to iron my hair(stupid i know)