Who Has Damaged Your Hair the Worst?

Who has damaged your hair the worst?

  • A stylist at a salon

    Votes: 130 38.9%
  • Yourself

    Votes: 181 54.2%
  • Someone else (explain)

    Votes: 23 6.9%

  • Total voters
I selected someone else.

The person who has damaged my hair the most was my uncles wife. Sophmore year!!!! My aunt did both me and my twin sister hair on a Sunday night and did not rinse out all of the relaxer from our hair. I remember asking if I could wash my hair a little longer and she said she had got it all (meaning no!) She went ahead and styled our hair and it looked very nice, but the next morning our scalp was juicy & runny.

A cosmetology student in my 1st period class told me I still had relaxer on my scalp. She saw me contstantly wiping my forehead during class. She asked who did it and when and for the teacher to excuse me from class b/c I could go bald. I was taken down to the cosmetology classroom. Plus I told her my twin sister head is doing the same thing too. My sister was informed to report to Cosmetology over intercom.

Long story short.....we missed 1st and 2nd period class, got our hair washed, deep conditioned and styled for free and never let our aunt touch our hair again.

(I always believe my aunt did that on purpose) She didn't even apologize!
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A mixture of my mama and myself. My mama for going the relaxer route, me for my styling methods. I mean I wa sa lil kid with WSL hair of course all I could do to it was ponytail that ish. My mama assumed b/c it was relaxed I coudl handle it... Hmmm WSL to BSL in under 2 years... :nono:
a various collection of people. my cousin who used to do my hair regularly, random women came to braid my hair, random women came to relax it and myself damaged it. i never had a regular stylist. i rarely went to the salon to get my hair done. a lot of the people who braided or relaxed my hair knew next to nothing about hair-care, just knew how to braid (but did it too tight) or relax (and overlapped and did a lot of wrong things).
I selected someone else.

The person who has damaged my hair the most was my uncles wife. Sophmore year!!!! My aunt did both me and my twin sister hair on a Sunday night and did not rinse out all of the relaxer from our hair. I remember asking if I could wash my hair a little longer and she said she had got it all (meaning no!) She went ahead and styled our hair and it looked very nice, but the next morning our scalp was juicy & runny.

A cosmetology student in my 1st period class told me I still had relaxer on my scalp. She saw me contstantly wiping my forehead during class. She asked who did it and when and for the teacher to excuse me from class b/c I could go bald. I was taken down to the cosmetology classroom. Plus I told her my twin sister head is doing the same thing too. My sister was informed to report to Cosmetology over intercom.

Long story short.....we missed 1st and 2nd period class, got our hair washed, deep conditioned and styled for free and never let our aunt touch our hair again.

(I always believe my aunt did that on purpose) She didn't even apologize!

Sorry that happened to you. Family huh?!?!
I selected someone else.

The person who has damaged my hair the most was my uncles wife. Sophmore year!!!! My aunt did both me and my twin sister hair on a Sunday night and did not rinse out all of the relaxer from our hair. I remember asking if I could wash my hair a little longer and she said she had got it all (meaning no!) She went ahead and styled our hair and it looked very nice, but the next morning our scalp was juicy & runny.

A cosmetology student in my 1st period class told me I still had relaxer on my scalp. She saw me contstantly wiping my forehead during class. She asked who did it and when and for the teacher to excuse me from class b/c I could go bald. I was taken down to the cosmetology classroom. Plus I told her my twin sister head is doing the same thing too. My sister was informed to report to Cosmetology over intercom.

Long story short.....we missed 1st and 2nd period class, got our hair washed, deep conditioned and styled for free and never let our aunt touch our hair again.

(I always believe my aunt did that on purpose) She didn't even apologize!

Ahhhhh!!! Why would she do that?!?!?! What a horrible lady!!! I know your thankful for that cosmetology student that told you the truth.
Ahhhhh!!! Why would she do that?!?!?! What a horrible lady!!! I know your thankful for that cosmetology student that told you the truth.

Yeah, my uncle married a real selfish jealous woman. Haven't talked to her for 8 years.

I was lucky my high school had a cosmetology course and classes (Langham Creek in Houston, TX) And I thank God for that girl.

OT: My high school even had a daycare for teachers and students to use.
I would say "All of the above".:sad: Me (for the overlapped relaxers and frequent color changes). Stylists (for tight braids, burnt hair from hot marcel irons). Someone else (there's a story behind this)...

I started bleaching my own hair in 1998. I DC'ed almost every other day and trimmed my ends. I wanted to relax my hair (I know what you're thinking) but I was scared so I asked a "friend" who recently earned her cosmo license. She said she could do it with a mild relaxer and protein treatment to prevent breakage. Cool, I thought. I let her do my hair but while she was doing the treatment, I look over to the table and I notice the relaxer jar. This :censored: used SUPER STRENGTH! I started to panic and I asked her about this. That's when she told me she used the wrong one by accident.:wallbash: She assured me that my hair would be fine and instructed me to keep it moisturized and to condish daily. Two days later, I'm brushing my hair and I noticed huge clumps of hair in my brush. I look in the mirror and see my hair so thin in the top, I can see my scalp!:cry:
So, I go to her house and she refuses to answer the door. I made such a scene in front of her house, she called the cops on me. Needless to say, I ended up going to real stylist who gave me a good cut and style. I went from having shoulder length hair to close to Fantasia length with a "comb over" to cover the bald spot.:cry::cry::cry::cry:
Definitely a stylist I went to when I was between 14-16yo. She used super strength Bantu relaxer on my head (on everybody's head) and my hair was BONE straight. And chopped off an inch every time I needed a "trim." On top of that, she used alot of heat. Instead of rollersetting my hair, she'd use the marcel to do the curls. My hair was almost midback length before she got to it and when I left her it was SL. But I do take the blame for letting go on so long.
I hate to admit it, but I used to be my own worst enemy. There is nothing that a stylist ever did that rivals the damage I did to myself, including the following:
  • I always used super strength relaxers on my fine, thin hair
  • I used to hot curl and flat iron my relaxed hair every day
  • One time, I gave myself copper highlights, only to have my entire head turn Bozo the Clown orange. Upon seeing this, I screamed in horror and slapped a permanent black dye on top of that. Then -- unsatisfied with the muddy brown look -- I slapped ANOTHER box of black dye on top of that until it turned jet black.
Ummmmmmm ... yeeeeaaahhhh. It's a wonder I have any hair at all!
definitely have to blame myself....years of daily curling iron usage, blowfrying my hair, and getting relaxers too soon damaged my hair...

but at the same time it definitely didn't help that i had a stylist who overlapped my relaxers :perplexed
I would have to say myself. I have had some horrible stylist (and I was to ignorant at the time to even know how bad they were) but Im at fault for much of my damage :nono:
Thank goodness that cosmetolgy student took notice, and that you had a cosmetology class at your school! You could have been bald! :nono: That was too careless to be an accident!

I selected someone else.

The person who has damaged my hair the most was my uncles wife. Sophmore year!!!! My aunt did both me and my twin sister hair on a Sunday night and did not rinse out all of the relaxer from our hair. I remember asking if I could wash my hair a little longer and she said she had got it all (meaning no!) She went ahead and styled our hair and it looked very nice, but the next morning our scalp was juicy & runny.

A cosmetology student in my 1st period class told me I still had relaxer on my scalp. She saw me contstantly wiping my forehead during class. She asked who did it and when and for the teacher to excuse me from class b/c I could go bald. I was taken down to the cosmetology classroom. Plus I told her my twin sister head is doing the same thing too. My sister was informed to report to Cosmetology over intercom.

Long story short.....we missed 1st and 2nd period class, got our hair washed, deep conditioned and styled for free and never let our aunt touch our hair again.

(I always believe my aunt did that on purpose) She didn't even apologize!
I selected someone else.

The person who has damaged my hair the most was my uncles wife. Sophmore year!!!! My aunt did both me and my twin sister hair on a Sunday night and did not rinse out all of the relaxer from our hair. I remember asking if I could wash my hair a little longer and she said she had got it all (meaning no!) She went ahead and styled our hair and it looked very nice, but the next morning our scalp was juicy & runny.

A cosmetology student in my 1st period class told me I still had relaxer on my scalp. She saw me contstantly wiping my forehead during class. She asked who did it and when and for the teacher to excuse me from class b/c I could go bald. I was taken down to the cosmetology classroom. Plus I told her my twin sister head is doing the same thing too. My sister was informed to report to Cosmetology over intercom.

Long story short.....we missed 1st and 2nd period class, got our hair washed, deep conditioned and styled for free and never let our aunt touch our hair again.

(I always believe my aunt did that on purpose) She didn't even apologize!

OMG!!! This is so wrong on so many levels, but I am glad you and your sis got it taken care of in good time!
I had a stylist put a relaxer and honey blond highlights (which ended up looking like honey blond hair with dark brown highlights) at the same time. It's what I wanted, but she should have told me what my current stylist told me- that I should wait at least 3 week after a relaxer to get highlights. My hair was in terrible shape.

Seriously, a person could sleep all through beauty school and still know that this is a huge no-no. That stylist needs their license suspended.
I am the only culprit! I have had tons of stylist save my head and what did I do???

Mess with all over again!!! Until Now!
I blame the stylists I've gone to and I blame myself.

I honestly think that the various stylists I've dealt with had absolutely no common sense when it came to dealing with relaxed hair. I mean, just by reading various posts on LHCF and going to fotkis and reading blogs, I think I know more about taking care of and maintaining length and thickness w/ relaxed hair than they did.

Various stylists did the following, which jacked up my hair (when it was relaxed)...

-tore through my soaking wet hair with a fine-toothed comb and left clumbs of hair everywhere

-told me it was okay to relax my hair once a month! I didn't know any better. I believed them

-relaxed my hair BONE STRAIGHT (it didn't move, it didn't bounce, it was DEAD)

-jacked up my scalp (scabs, sores, etc.) too many times to count

-refused to teach me how to take care of my hair at home

However, I must take some of the blame. As a natural here are some of the things I did to jack up my hair and/or stunt my length attainment...

-thought natural hair was super strong and treated it accordingly

-didn't protect my hair at night

-wore cotton scarves

-didn't deep condition...shoot! I barely conditioned at all

-didn't moisturize or seal with oils

-used shampoos with harsh sulfates

etc. etc.

Boy, I am sure glad that I found this forum. It's helping me tremendously.
There. I'm done. :grin:
:blush: Shocking! What did you/are you doing to get your hair back healthy?

I was the only person damaging my hair.


This is what the last one did to me. She didn't wash out the relaxer properly.


and this one from another stylist that burnt my hair off with the pressing comb.

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I'am currently recovering from breakage of self relaxing. I thought I could do this myself to save money and end up losing about 30% of my hair last October 07. My hair is still recovering from the damage caused by ME!!
Honest answer: I never had more damage than when... *cough*...

...OK, than when I started trying a lot of the stuff I read about here, on LHCF. When I wasn't getting curious about things and experimenting, I never experienced the breakage and shedding I have dealt with off and on since coming here. Stretching, not combing, new techniques, strange concoctions all meant to do stuff they never did for me but other ladies raved about...

But the trial and error have paid off in many ways--especially now that I've figured out more of what to do and what NOT to do. I think you have to try to know. But when we're talking hair, you never know till you try. And sometimes you find out some stuff just ain't for you...the hard way.
locabouthair, I'm so sorry that happened to you. That happened to me twice in my teens.

I would say mix of both things...

For over 10 yrs I got lazy and would go to the salon every week to let them fry my hair. I never retained any length and they'd always go scissor happy no matter how much I asked them to just cut less than 1/2 inch. My hair always looked flat and boring.

In the past I damaged my hair twice by dying it incorrectly. On one occassion a black hair dye made me lose hair on the right side.

Now that I've learned my lesson I just do my own hair and I give it the TLC it needs and deserves. My hair is finally retaining length and I don't put any chemicals in my hair, including dye. If I cover my grays I only use 100% natural henna.
I dont believe I am admitting this!!! When I was younger I had got micro braids and I had had them in for a while and I was ready to take them out. I kept complaining about how much they itched and how I wanted to take them out.My mother said wait until she comes home but I let my dad do it. BAD MistakE!!! He doesnt know how to do it and he started randomly cutting my hair with scissors and a FORK!!!! My hair was damaged!!! My mother was pissed and I feel like my hair will never be the same again!!!! Thanks DAD!!boo on u!!!!!
Besides a horrid experience I had at a salon, I would say Me with the lack of knowledge I had before these boards.

..knowledge IS power for sure
I would have to say that I did with all the weaving and the braiding, the colouring and the lack of moisture, the rough treatment. That was all me. Sure I told my stylists what to do to my hair and they always did it well. It was the after care that was the problem because I just had no idea how to care for it properly once I stepped out of the salon. Now I do:grin:
I would say I share most of the blame over stylists. I definitely have had my share of scissor-happy, lazy, overbooked, late to start your appt stylists, but I think the most damage came from my own hands. A lot of it also came with being uneducated when it came to how to take proper care of it. I never slept with a scarf or satin pillowcase, I would wash it sporadically, never did deep conditioning, when I would wash, I would just slap some conditioner in it for a few minutes and wash out, I would get perms way too often than I needed to, used way too much heat, ya, ya, ya, and the beat goes on. THis site has done wonders to my hair and keeping me educated. :)
Sometimes I get too caught up in the new products endorsed on this forum ( Product Junkie ). I think I need to keep my hands out of my hair and let nature take it's course.