Whats The Worst Thing You've Ever Seen Done In A Salon??

I am so shocked and appalled at the things that happened to the people mentioned in this thread. These so-called "stylists" really need to be outed for the terrible treatment they dish out. I wonder if there's any way to get these horror stories out to the general public because people really need to know that this should not be tolerated.
I too had fried chicken experiecnce when I was getting my hair done!

I was down on 125th street in Harlem getting some braids put in. Talk about torture...this is why I do my own now. I'd rather take my chances. The woman knew nothing about deordorant and had the nerve to eat a greasy two piece and a biscuit meal from Popeye's while she worked on my head. Then she did the lighter trick on my braids...my hair was jacked up when I took those braids out. It was the 90's and I just didn't know any better. :nono:

Another braider was taking out someone else's braids. She cut the braids where she felt the natural hair ended...ya'll know she cut this woman's hair right? The woman didn't see it but I saw the sly look she gave the other woman who was working with her. Then they proceded to "open" the braids using a bent bobby pin. They just yanked the pin through the braid. :(

I'm sorry did I already say never again?
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I really loved my hairstylist. She was nice- on time and professional. So I wanted my co-worker to get her hair done there too. Now my friend has past bra strap length hair and my stylist took a rat tail comb and tried to get her tangles out with it !!!! I could not believe it. I got out of my chair and walked over and told her she really needed to change combs. What is up with these hair dressers using thin rattail combs on long tangled hair? Don't they know you have to part the hair in sections and work the hair gently!!! Sometimes I think these hairdressers do not want us to have extreme long hair!!! That was the last time I went to my stylist. I went to a new stylist and had to let her go immediately......she wanted to flat iron my hair dripping wet!!! What is up with the techniques that these licensed hairdressers are doing? I truly believe if you want to grow your hair bra strap length or longer...you have to make changes ---find the formula that works and stick to it!!! ebony88
bellydancer said:
that happened to me again recently. That was just the last straw. I'm done with hairdressers. Only ONE of my friends is allowed to do my hair because she listens to EXACTLY what I say and she's always asking me to teach her a lot.
Thats why i recently dropped my relaxer lady :) Before applying the relaxer she would comb thru my AIR DRIED hair with a fine-tooth comb :mad: I recently found out the entire front of my head is under-processed to :mad: :mad:
I still say we should form LHCF clubs to trade relaxer/blowout services. Who wants to put my relaxer in for me? I can do it but its such a paaaaaiiiiiiiiin.
EXACTLY, and using those FRAIL small tooth combs you get from like the DOLLAR STORE! I'm talking about those cheap dumb plastic ones that come in different colors. :nono:

This is why I'm going to self relax with Phytorelaxer.

Dana03 said:
Thats why i recently dropped my relaxer lady :) Before applying the relaxer she would comb thru my AIR DRIED hair with a fine-tooth comb :mad: I recently found out the entire front of my head is under-processed to :mad: :mad:
I don't get, whats the point of combing thru the length of the hair before relaxing :confused: I see sectioning, but combing :mad:
I am going to a LHCF member Renise for my touch-ups from this day out :)
ms_kenesha said:
EXACTLY, and using those FRAIL small tooth combs you get from like the DOLLAR STORE! I'm talking about those cheap dumb plastic ones that come in different colors. :nono:

This is why I'm going to self relax with Phytorelaxer.
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ms_kenesha said:
This is why I'm going to self relax with Phytorelaxer.
Kenesha, I want to try it too. (But I'm scared and cheap.)

I don't feel so bad about having been victimized by stylists knowing that it happens to other people too.

Once the cost of my braids jumped mid-braiding session. The braider wouldn't finish until I went to the ATM and got more money out to pay her. I could have just not returned, but my hair was 1/2 styled...:ohwell:
dreemssold said:
OMG...Girl, I'm sorry! I know this wasn't funny, but that "what is it with stylists and fried chicken" probably made me wake my neighbors I was laughing SO loud.

Ok, I came back to this thread, because a few hours ago, I was like, oh heck, how did I forget to talk about the time I sat in a salon for 28 hours because I needed my hair to be "so fly" for the KY Derby. Can I tell you ladies how I ate breakfast, lunch, dinner and breakfast again in there? How I left for an hour at 8 am so I could hand in a paper to my professor? Shame, shame, shame on me.

Dreems! What in da hell?!? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
candibaby said:
DAMN. Maybe I should open a salon just so there will be at least ONE stylist in the world that people could trust not to f them up like that.

Awww this is sooo sweet. :kiss: I'll be your faithfull customer. :)
Dana03 said:
I don't get, whats the point of combing thru the length of the hair before relaxing :confused: I see sectioning, but combing :mad:
I am going to a LHCF member Renise for my touch-ups from this day out :)

How much does she charge? I just saw her album and I'm sure more than a few of us wouldn't mind going to her (if she didn't mind, of course.)
Dreemsold I was laughing right along with you as I was relaying this experience. Funny I can laugh about it now but at the time I was ready to cry.
UmSumayyah said:
Say it with me ladies... NO. MORE. STYLISTS!

NO MORE STYLISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy to say that. I have so many bad stories. I was so shy so I never said a thing. I went to an African woman to get my hair braided and she ripped my hair out with a rat tail comb and braided it TIGHT. She even braided the baby hairs. I told her not to braid so tight and she said she had to if I wanted them to last. I let it go and cringed (i'm TENDER headed). When she was combing with the rat tail comb I handed her my wide tooth comb (I had already combed out all the tangles before I came though) and told her to use it and she said NO THANK YOU!!!! (Hoe I wasn't asking, I was telling) Finally after she braided half my head I asked if I could just leave it like that cuz it was cute that way (i was lying. i jus wanted to leave so bad). She said that they don't let clients leave with half the head done. I wanted to walk out of there, but I'm too damn shy!!! The entire time she kept on telling me "I wish I had nappy hair like yours" (I didn't like this comment at all!) and "I'm trying to go natural too" She's going to be so bald headed if she takes care of her hair like she did mine.
Wow these stories are just awful!

Do you think the "level" of the salon matters? For example I've had some bad experiences in the "low end" Dominican salons (i.e. the ones that charge like $20 lol) but better ones (USUALLY....) in the more expensive ones...hmm...
woah. terrible stories! i've only had pretty much 2 stylists my whole life and the only thing i can say is the RAT TAIL COMBS tearin up my hair. i mean, i already have thin hair. what the hell would posess someone to pick up a rat tail and attempt to comb through new growth???

i havent been to a salon in months. next time i do, i'm going to be sure to tell them what to do instead of letting them hae their way in my head, because i'm kinda shy and a lot of the times i dont say anything.
Dana03 said:
I don't get, whats the point of combing thru the length of the hair before relaxing :confused: I see sectioning, but combing :mad:
I am going to a LHCF member Renise for my touch-ups from this day out :)
I just checked out her album, and I am truly impressed. Looks like she may have more LHCF women beating down her door.
Ennyaa said:
Y'all ever been to a salon with a roach problem?!?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Ahh the good ole days!

I've never been to a salon with a roach problem, but I did get my hair done years ago " 'round the way" in somebody's kitchen and a MOUSE ran right across the floor. The girl doing my hair actually had the nerve to laugh and say "oh girl, that little mouse is always running around here!" WTH? :ill:
Ennyaa said:
Y'all ever been to a salon with a roach problem?!?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... Ahh the good ole days!

unfortunately....yes. I remember the salon i went to until i was 16 or 17 had roaches BAD. I mean to the point where I didn't take my purse or anything in cause I didn't want any roaches to get in it. If you didn't watch it a roach would crawl on a dryer chair and might crawl on you. Disgusting.

At this same place my hairstylist used to smoke, flat iron my hair, spray hairspray, and eat all at the same time. She would also apply my relaxer and go talk on the phone while it was on my head. I just knew that my head was going to explode in flames in her chair one day.
pookeylou said:
I was sitting in the salon when a woman who had finished getting her hair done lit up a cigarette.

All the stylist screamed, "Noooooooo!!!!" She was like, "What?!" When they told her it was against the law to have open flames in a salon where sprays and chemicals were being used, she had the neve to get mad and put the cig out in a sink where someone was getting their hair rinsed!!!

:eek: WHAT!!!:eek:
MizAvalon said:
I've never been to a salon with a roach problem, but I did get my hair done years ago " 'round the way" in somebody's kitchen and a MOUSE ran right across the floor. The girl doing my hair actually had the nerve to laugh and say "oh girl, that little mouse is always running around here!" WTH? :ill:

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Naaaawwww! That ain't right! Girl, this is too funny!!:lol: