Who Has Damaged Your Hair the Worst?

Who has damaged your hair the worst?

  • A stylist at a salon

    Votes: 130 38.9%
  • Yourself

    Votes: 181 54.2%
  • Someone else (explain)

    Votes: 23 6.9%

  • Total voters
this salon called hair show here in newport news...the owner and a girl who no longer works there. they did two of my sew-ins and bleached my hair blond for me. never gave any suggestions as to what i should do to make my hair healthy, and i suffered for it. told me i didnt have to wash my tracks (but i could come back and they would do it for $60 :grin:), didnt hesitate when i BROUGHT them the dark and lovely blonde color :look: and when i went for the sew-ins the first time they used hair out of a drawer cause it was "better for me since i didnt know what to look for" and when i asked about remy hair (i did a little, and i mean tiny, amount of research for the next one) they said "whatever brand is ok". total tards, man.

my hair did not turn around till i went to a dominican salon, initially cause i got the sew-in taken down and began crying since i had lost so much hair. i have heard people say some bad things about DS's up here but mine is awesome, especially this girl named nelly. when i was dumb enough to want my hair dyed back to dark brown from the red i had used to cover the blond, she suggested semi-perm color, introduced me to emergencia, let me know i didnt have to cut off all my hair at once to go natural, and got me hooked on growth aids. i love her.
It's all my fault. :(

Not knowing any better, I allowed my hair to suffer from neglect and abuse. Oh well - when you know better, you do better. :yep:

Same here. I've had some stylists do bad things to my hair, but for the most part it was me on a daily basis. Now I know better :yep:
I bleached my hair in HS using Loreal Chunking. My relaxed hair began snapping off like nobody's business. ALL me! Smh.
my mom, for relaxing my hair at the age of 7 when she didn't know
what the heck she was doing or how to keep up with what it meant
to take care of my hair.
10% my mom for relaxing my hair at the age of 12 because it was "too much to deal with" and "she didn't have enough time"

40% stylist because even though she use to stretch my relaxers, she would ALWAYS trim waaaay too much off. On top of that she would spritz my hair before flat ironing it... It looked great, but I'm pretty sure my hair was screaming.

50% me because I flat ironed my hair EVERYDAY! There was never a day heat DIDNT touch my hair. My mom always use to tell me that I was gonna burn my hair out, but I didn't listen... Then on top of that I decided to have my nape bleached in order to put a purple rinse in (BIG MISTAKE) as well as a few highlights in my bangs. For some reason it didn't do as much damage to my bangs as it did to my nape. I was letting the bleached hair grow out, but it wasn't leaving fast enough for me. lol. so I decided that I would go buy a box dye closer to my natural hair color. It wasn't my natural hair color, but it looked good. I'm still growing it now, along with my relaxed ends. Now I can't wait to be natural and color-free!
I haven't had severe damage yet. My very first relaxer was dark & lovely at the age of 18. I'd never really fussed over my natural hair and never had any issues so I didn't know that relaxed hair was going to be different. So I did have some breakage but I wouldn't say it was catastrophic. I transitioned right out of it, and wore press n curls for a while. My hair bounced right back.
That would be me. I used to curl and flatiron my hair every single day. When it was short you couldn't tell that it was damaged because I was getting it trimmed every few weeks. Basically, I was constantly cutting off all the damage so I thought I was doing fine. But when I would start to grow it out :nono:
my mom and myself. my mom taught me relax hair needed heat after ever wash or it would be poofy, so I used to blowdry and flatiron my hair every time it got wet with no heat protectant. I also knew nothing about moisture / protein balance so i though just any old deep conditioner would solve my hair issues (some actually caused hair issues). Also my mom new nothing about stretching relaxers. She said you had to get a retouch every 6 weeks or our hair would fall out. I was taught bad habits that LHCF helped me unlearn.
I messed up my hair the worst because of overlapping relaxers and leaving the relaxer on too long to get it straight all over. Those chemical burns are no joke!

Experimenting with stuff I had no business experimenting with. I could blame the stylists but most of the time I was too lazy to do my own hair so its my fault.
I am so upset that I did not look into this site a few years ago!!! But anyhow, I damaged my hair dying it too much and relaxing too soon! Just shameful!!! Its going to take awhile to get back to normal, but its getting there, I am half way there! Back to being healthy with chemicals, only chemical I use now is a relaxer... cant do both... For years I could relax and dye, but then one year it caught up to me because I was doing wayyy too much!
I voted a stylist, but I meant "other"...Over 10 years ago, I went to get microbraids and apparently, the hair that was purchased (the braider went with me to purchase it) was "bad". After two weeks, when I went to wash the hair, it matted up and I had to get the braids cut out of my hair...It probably took a good year for my hair to regain its strength and health...
My mom and all of the other Auntie/Babysitter/Homegirl "stylists" that did my hair back in the day. Once I started going to a stylist on the regular my hair actually started getting healthy even though she was scissor happy so I never retained as much length.
Def. stylist...the hair in my nape area never grew past 2 to 3 inches until I stopped going. Also when I went to the salon on a regular basis my hair was much thinner than now ( I went from paper thin hair to Rudy Huxtable thickness) just don't make no sense....
Stylist....after a highlight job she told me to use protein because my hair needed it. So i bought a protein masque and more after that...my hair was getting drier and i had a lot of breakage...i didn't get it so i went back and SHE EVEN GAVE ME A HARDCORE PROTEIN TREATMENT>>>>STUPID WOMAN>>>>

Thanx to LHFC i learned to follow up with moisture...i still get angry when i think about it...no stylist is ever gonna touch my hair again!!
Me, myself and I. I am guilty of pulling, tearing, yanking my own hair. I am so greatful I found this site and and I am finally learning to care for my hair.
i did. not washing frequently enough, and when i did, only using shampoo. rough detangling with no conditioner, no moisturizer, and flatironing way too often. smh. all that led me to my first bc. ♥
50% me 50% stylist. I went to an evil stylist and she chemically burnt my scalp with bleach. Right after dying it the wrong color... Hurt for months! Had to get medicated creams and pills and everything! My hair started to fall out. It's still pretty thin. I had also gone through a traumatic experience at the time...

I don't wrap my hair, don't DC, don't moisturize or seal. I flat Ironed my hair almost everyday. If I hadn't went natural last year I would have NO HAIR left.

I'm learning proper hair care techniques and I've ordered everything to get my reggie started. One more shopping trip tomorrow and I'm ready to go!
Hi ladies I'm a newbie, but I was a Lurker for a while. I am the culprit with my hair.I flat ironed every day, only used shampoo once a week and was rough with my hair. Now that I know better I'm doing better. I haven't used heat in a year! And I cowash 3-4 times per week. My hair is happy, finally.
I chose someone else a family member use to braid my hair so tight I'd cry. I'd tell her to stop and I'll just get a different style and she wouldn't let me get up *stands up shouting* (cruel and unusual punishment I tell you) it made me feel like that po chile' from the utube combing video
When I was in middle and high school it was 100% me because I NEVER washed my hair on my own within the 6 weeks i"d get my hair done so just imagine tons of spritz and a gold n hot curling iron on high every day monday - friday......not a good look.

Then all on my stylist when I went to college and right after because they ALWAYS wanted me to relax 6 weeks or less and wanted me to blow out and trim my hair every single visit...think edges soon came.
I say both, myself and the stylists;mainly because I had no idea how to care for my hair properly, or how to convey the needed requirements of my tresses to the stylists (as if they were listening anyway:rolleyes:)

Thanks be unto God, that I have learned better over the years. With God,all things are possible.
myself. between being flat iron crazy and bad habits (grease and baby oil :nono:), i'm surprised that my hair was as healthy as it was.
I have damaged my hair the most, with overprocessing with relaxers and experimentation with permanent hair color.
I alone have damaged my hair good and proper. Thnx to grad school and a hectic schedule, my hair has taken a backseat these past few months.