Whats The Worst Thing You've Ever Seen Done In A Salon??

fletgee said:
I was in a local salon where my girlfriend was my hairdresser. We were laughing and trading gossip as she finished my up-do. I was going out that night and sister/friend had hooked me up.

Well, a young customer of the stylist in front of my chair came in. Let me say that I did not like this stylist. She was attitude personified. When she went up to the stylist this young girl had a bandana wrapped around her head.

The stylist starts screeching and yelling at her. "I told you not to cover your hair..I told you to let the air get to it..You are so stupid with your nappy bald self..I hate you b^%&h!

Then she snatched the scarf off the girl's head. It was like someone sucked all the air out of the room..it was so quite.

The young girl's hair and head were horrible! There were large bald paches on her scalp that were red and the skin looked raw. As for hair, she had only fuzz, here and there.

I got out of my chair and snatched the scarf out of her hand and put it back on the girl's head. And took her to the back of the salon-she was crying.

This stylist had done this damage to her hair the day before. And she did it after everyone had gone home for the day, so no one saw it.

My girlfriend who owned the salon fired her on the spot.

OMG! Just reading this made me want to cry for that poor girl! I am so glad you were there to help recover whatever dignity that girl had left, and thank goodness that horrible animal of a stylist was fired!
Tracy said:
I've seen that glued ponytail thing done too. It was very difficult to hide the horror....

I saw a woman go into a salon for a perm and she and the stylist together took a metal tool each and began digging CHUNKS of skin out of this woman's head.....To "lift" her dandruff, they claimed. Then she got a PERM y'all.......said it wouldn't take unless she lifted the dandruff first. :covereyes

The damage to her hair and scalp were upsetting enough - but the fact they they were doing this in mixed company as if it were all good..... :barf:

I've never been so REPULSED in ALL my life..... :nono:

*falls out from the chair from shock*
fletgee said:
I was in a local salon where my girlfriend was my hairdresser. We were laughing and trading gossip as she finished my up-do. I was going out that night and sister/friend had hooked me up.

Well, a young customer of the stylist in front of my chair came in. Let me say that I did not like this stylist. She was attitude personified. When she went up to the stylist this young girl had a bandana wrapped around her head.

The stylist starts screeching and yelling at her. "I told you not to cover your hair..I told you to let the air get to it..You are so stupid with your nappy bald self..I hate you b^%&h!

Then she snatched the scarf off the girl's head. It was like someone sucked all the air out of the room..it was so quite.

The young girl's hair and head were horrible! There were large bald paches on her scalp that were red and the skin looked raw. As for hair, she had only fuzz, here and there.

I got out of my chair and snatched the scarf out of her hand and put it back on the girl's head. And took her to the back of the salon-she was crying.

This stylist had done this damage to her hair the day before. And she did it after everyone had gone home for the day, so no one saw it.

My girlfriend who owned the salon fired her on the spot.

The first post had me so sick I couldn't even reply, but THIS takes the cake. I'm truly nauseated :ill:
KAddy said:
Well this actually happened to me.

I had about 10 weeks of new growth (before I found LHCF) and I went to a dominican salon where the person getting me ready to apply my relaxer proceeds to comb through my hair anre new growth with a .... wait for it.... RAT TAIL COMB!!!!!

I'm mad that she made us wait for it. :lachen:
prettygrl said:
dreemssold said:
My old stylist was a drug addict and used to go to the restroom to do drugs during heads :mad:. When I say my hair never looked better, though...oh my goodness. I was almost sad when she went to rehab :look:. J/K!

Other incidents of you're just plain old wrong: eating fried chicken while flat-ironing (Crisco is not my preferred essential oil of choice :mad: ); applying perm root to tip; pressing relaxed hair that is more than two weeks post relaxer (the stylist I am referring to has this as a hard and fast rule); running out the salon to talk to your husband "real quick" while a client has just had a relaxer applied; and having clients mix their own relaxer (been here, done this, have the t-shirt).[/QUOT

My old stylist was a drug addict too!! His hands were constantly shaking in my head...the times he remembered to show up. When I left him to go to another salon, I was 16 I went to that stylist for 10 years. I stopped when I came in one Saturday Morning and she and another stylist were drinking Alize...

Damn...I feel for those who gotten their hairstyled that day.
I went to this hair salon in paris for a relaxer touch-up and blowout.
It was on a sunday. There was only 2 stylists for at least 20 customers !!!
I arrived at 11 am, and left at 5 pm !!!!!
First major no-no: she wanted to put the relaxer from roots to end :eek: Heck no !!! when I told her she shouldn't, she argued for 10 minutes that it was THE way to do it. Well, not with MY hair!
I was the first one to go under the sink, and they didn't think of putting the heater on when they arrived. So the water was ice cold. Well she washed my hair like that anyway. I had to clinch my teeth and suffer because I coudn't stay with the relaxer on my head any longer.
Then she proceeded to dry my hair with a towel that had already been used and that was still damp. :angry2:
Then when she was to blowout my hair, she realized that the blowdrier wasn't working. She wanted to slather on some gel (the dreaded lusters pink oil gel !!!!!! :barf: ), and do a high ponytail instead. That was the last straw !!
I made scandal, and said I wouldn't pay unless my hair was correctly blowdried. She had to rush out and buy one at the beauty store nearby. If her looks could kill, I would have died straight away, but I didn't give up.
Besides the place was dirty (they didn't bother to sweep the hair on the floor), noisy and crowded as hell. Some ppl were waiting for their turn standing!
After this experience, it took me a whole year, before I went to a salon again.
Over the summer my mom got tired of seeing my hair in my boring ole ponytail and bugged me til I caved in and went to her stylist.SHe decided to do twists on my hair.Using a rat tail comb to part my 8 weeks post relaxer hair she started doing these teeny tiny twists in my hair.She would apply a huge glop of some no name gel to each piece of hair before doing the twist.She ended up using 1/2 a bottle of gel on my head.And I left with about a bilion little rock hard (the gel hardened)twists all over my head.It looked awful and she had the nerve to ask me if my hair breaks a lot while raking the rattail comb thru.Steups
I hate having to actually pay for crap other people do to your hair!At least if you do crap you're no poorer and you only have yourself to be angry with.
fletgee said:
I was in a local salon where my girlfriend was my hairdresser. We were laughing and trading gossip as she finished my up-do. I was going out that night and sister/friend had hooked me up.

Well, a young customer of the stylist in front of my chair came in. Let me say that I did not like this stylist. She was attitude personified. When she went up to the stylist this young girl had a bandana wrapped around her head.

The stylist starts screeching and yelling at her. "I told you not to cover your hair..I told you to let the air get to it..You are so stupid with your nappy bald self..I hate you b^%&h!

Then she snatched the scarf off the girl's head. It was like someone sucked all the air out of the room..it was so quite.

The young girl's hair and head were horrible! There were large bald paches on her scalp that were red and the skin looked raw. As for hair, she had only fuzz, here and there.

I got out of my chair and snatched the scarf out of her hand and put it back on the girl's head. And took her to the back of the salon-she was crying.

This stylist had done this damage to her hair the day before. And she did it after everyone had gone home for the day, so no one saw it.

My girlfriend who owned the salon fired her on the spot.

Wow...That young girl was a good one. Me and my mom would have tag-team her @$$.
When I went to get my last relaxer, my stylist was busy when I got there so she asked my if I would mind if another stylist started my relaxer and I told her no because I didn't want to wait all day and I knew of her. First of all she asked my if I was scratching and I told her a little bit a couple of days before but not too much and she said ok. When I sat down I told her that the back starts to burn before the front so asked her if she could start in the front and she said don't worry she'll work fast. This ***** was the most heavied-handed person I have ever come across in my life she was actually beating me in the head with her hands when she applied the relaxer. So when I told her it was burning (in the back) she took out a comb and started combing through it, not trying to pull it straight but combing my scalp. Then she started combing through the rest of my hair. I turned around and asked her what she was doing and she said, trying to gt your hair straight and I told her she shouldn't be combing my scalp while the relaxer is on it and I started to get up so that I could go and talk to my regular stylist but she wouldn't let my hair go, saying she was almost done. OMG I lost it and started cursing at her. My stylist and the owner came over to see what was going on and she told them I was trying to tell her how to do her job. My regular stylist told her how I have a sensitve scalp and she was wrong for combing my scalp with the relaxer on it. In the end I ended up not paying for the visit and the crazy stylist went home for the rest of the day. If I ever see her in the street we're going to have a misunderstanding.
I have never been to a salon to get my hair done but I know now what to watch out for, you know, IF I ever decide to go to one. From reading these posts, I'm kinda glad that I haven't been to a salon before, especially since I didn't know hardly anything about healthy hair care before coming to this site.
dreemssold said:
My old stylist was a drug addict and used to go to the restroom to do drugs during heads :mad:. When I say my hair never looked better, though...oh my goodness. I was almost sad when she went to rehab :look:. J/K!

Other incidents of you're just plain old wrong: eating fried chicken while flat-ironing (Crisco is not my preferred essential oil of choice :mad: ); applying perm root to tip; pressing relaxed hair that is more than two weeks post relaxer (the stylist I am referring to has this as a hard and fast rule); running out the salon to talk to your husband "real quick" while a client has just had a relaxer applied; and having clients mix their own relaxer (been here, done this, have the t-shirt).

:lachen: :lachen:
I had just moved to Florida and didn't know anyone there. The humidity had my hair looking crazy because I did'nt know how to take care of it. Anyhoo, I went to this stylist who had a combination day care and hairshop. I could just knock myself down for going in there anyway but I was desperate. This was the most loud mouthed ***** I had ever encountered! First I got a relaxer, after she starts to apply it, she remarks to other patrons that she makes her own relaxer!!! WHAT???!!! But by that time, she was almost 3/4 the way done so I had to let her continue!!!! Then she starting SINGING and mock modeling....at one point she physically put herself between me and another patron and said "you guys are leaving me out of the conversation and this is my shop! I run the show...I am the center of attention." Now, I have a bad temper and did not want to go postal so I just didn't talk anymore because I didn't want to upset some of the children that went in and out of the shop all of the time. Then she said to me I hate to ask you this but can you pay me early so that I can pay one of my employees?? It's payday you know!!! :mad: This story is so long I can't even tell all of it!!! To make it shorter she asked me if my daughter had any clothes that were too small becuase her daughter deserved to look that cute too. She told me not to come to her church becuase I was too quiet and they were a "screaming" church! WHAT???!!! I left with pus oozing out of my scalp and d$mn near a bald head! That is how I lost my sides and front. But, thanks to you guys and Labett (don't mean to put you out there but thanks girl), I am after 3 years, getting back on track!! Oh and yeah you better believe I tried to go back there but she had shut down by then duh!!!!
sharee said:
she remarks to other patrons that she makes her own relaxer!!! WHAT???!!! But by that time, she was almost 3/4 the way done so I had to let her continue!!!! Then she starting SINGING and mock modeling....at one point she physically put herself between me and another patron and said "you guys are leaving me out of the conversation and this is my shop! I run the show...I am the center of attention."

:lachen: :lachen:

This thread is KILLING me!

:rofl: @ the junkie stylists and sipping on Alize! :lol:
DAMN. Maybe I should open a salon just so there will be at least ONE stylist in the world that people could trust not to f them up like that.
I have one word for these stories"Priceless" When I was about 13 and before I got a relaxer for the first time I used to get my hair pressed. This stylist was nortorious for eating chicken while she was working on someone's head. What is it with stylists and fried chicken? Anyway she proceeds to press my hair while burning the hell out of me. I tell her your buring me. I mean really burning me. My scalp was Hot Like Fire just like Aaliyah. That comb was hot going against my scalp I was ready to jump out of that chair and put my head in a toilet bowl for relief. Her reply I am sorry but it's supposed to burn like this. WTF? I am sorry but it's not supposed to burn at all if your know what your doing and put the chicken and telephone down so you can see what's going on. I refused to go back after this episode and demmanded my mom schedule me for a relaxer at a different shop all together.
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All of these stylists should have been ligned up against a wall and shot for their uncanny ways of taking care of someone's hair.
no MORE HAIR STYLISTS!!!!! Why do they license these people to damage our hair. I will never step otuside of another hair salon and I will never send my baby girl to one either
This thread is scary but don't forget that there are stylists out there who really care about a client and their hair and their skills are top notch. I was lucky to find one several years ago. Do I trust anyone else? hell no.
I remember when I was in school, I went to this salon in the germantown section of philadelphia. I MADE an appointment so I thought it shouldnt take longer than two hours for a touchup and style. I had a formal that night so I needed to be home at 5pm to get ready for the 7pm formal. My appt was for 11am. This ghetto ass stylist was sitting there on a chair while she was working on a client's hair who was also sitting, and every 10 minutes went outside to smoke. She took me at 1pm....releasing me to some young chick to do my touchup. Done by 140, they make me pay and then sat me under a dryer for 30 minutes, dryer shuts off, read a magazine...hello do you know i am still here? Meanwhile the stylist is talking to the other stylist and the other stylist is saying those clients of yours going to be mad at you you got them sitting there all day. Then my stylist said "Well they need to know Saturdays is just busy, its like that everywhere." I was so mad, my hair was froing so I knew i couldnt up and walk out.

This woman took three breaks to sit and eat a hoagie with onions. By the time she started my hair after 430pm, she had smoked about 10 times that day, ate a hoagie with onions and started on a cup of coffee. WHY THE HELL was she flat ironing my hair and blowing her onion, cigarette coffee breath in my face? I was so mad by the time I left there! And dont you know she had the nerve to ask me if I wanted to make another appt. I looked at her like I was crazy, just to walk out and see a ticket on my car because I was there forever!
Tracy said:
I've seen that glued ponytail thing done too. It was very difficult to hide the horror....

I saw a woman go into a salon for a perm and she and the stylist together took a metal tool each and began digging CHUNKS of skin out of this woman's head.....To "lift" her dandruff, they claimed. Then she got a PERM y'all.......said it wouldn't take unless she lifted the dandruff first. :covereyes

The damage to her hair and scalp were upsetting enough - but the fact they they were doing this in mixed company as if it were all good..... :barf:

I've never been so REPULSED in ALL my life..... :nono:

This so nasty...my stomach is turning. Why? Why? The ignorance of some people. :confused:
Never go to a solon with one sink. Once I went to this salon with one sink and 5 stylist I had to wait 40 minutes after she apply and smooth the relaxer out to wash the relaxer out. Basically the process took 1 hour. The stylist took turns with the sink. :) Who finished first with a client first use it first ...When she was finish I noticed a mark difference in the thickness of my hair.
When I first moved down to Maryland from NYC, I hadn't a clue about the hairdressers. I went through the phone book and I called one. I specifically asked her over the phone if she knew how to do thick hair. I said I have very thick hair and its long. She said oh, thats no problem. I went in. She washed hair then took the smallest rattail comb EVER and started trying to comb my hair, mind you it is not budging,Its damp almost dry and she didn't re wet it. she is pulling and yanking. She finally gets through it twice and a whole bunch of my hair is on comb.
I said do you have a bigger comb(still trying to be nice and calm).
She got a bigger comb, like a milli inch bigger.
She then proceeded to TRY and roller set it. It took her damn near an hour to put in 2 rollers. I got up and took the rollers out, I handed her $10 and said very nicely, I changed my mind and ran out of there w/ hair Damp and AFro looking. What made it worse, there were some men in the front of salon, soon as I came out, they were like DAMN, whats up with your do.
I just pointed behind me and yelled "ask them, they jacked up my hair".
michelle3147 said:
I have one word for these stories"Priceless" When I was about 13 and before I got a relaxer for the first time I used to get my hair pressed. This stylist was nortorious for eating chicken while she was working on someone's head. What is it with stylists and fried chicken? Anyway she proceeds to press my hair while burning the hell out of me. I tell her your buring me. I mean really burning me. My scalp was Hot Like Fire just like Aaliyah. That comb was hot going against my scalp I was ready to jump out of that chair and put my head in a toilet bowl for relief. Her reply I am sorry but it's supposed to burn like this. WTF? I am sorry but it's not supposed to burn at all if your know what your doing and put the chicken and telephone down so you can see what's going on. I refused to go back after this episode and demmanded my mom schedule me for a relaxer at a different shop all together.

OMG...Girl, I'm sorry! I know this wasn't funny, but that "what is it with stylists and fried chicken" probably made me wake my neighbors I was laughing SO loud.

Ok, I came back to this thread, because a few hours ago, I was like, oh heck, how did I forget to talk about the time I sat in a salon for 28 hours because I needed my hair to be "so fly" for the KY Derby. Can I tell you ladies how I ate breakfast, lunch, dinner and breakfast again in there? How I left for an hour at 8 am so I could hand in a paper to my professor? Shame, shame, shame on me.
sylver2 said:
What made it worse, there were some men in the front of salon, soon as I came out, they were like DAMN, whats up with your do.
I just pointed behind me and yelled "ask them, they jacked up my hair".

:lachen: I'm sorry for laughing...but whipping is too good for some of these so called stylists! :whip: :spank: