Woooo! Ya'll are crazy!(as in funny):lol:

But I'll tell ya what my "stupid" moment was.

I had about 16+ inches of hair the summer before going to the 9th grade. My mom had a...dun dun dun duuuuuun jheri curl. I saw how she could get up in the morning and fix her "low maintenance" hair, so in my mind I just had to have one too. Ya'll, ya'll, ya'll. :whyme:

That lady cut my hair down to 1-1/2 inches!:eek: I knew I had made a mistake with the first snip, but I was so timid and shy:nono: , I didn't say anything. I looked like a straight boy. Oh but that's not all. I got to thinking, "How can I jazz this style up?:scratchch" I don't know what I was thinking but those damn 'banana clips' didn't look no where near feminine, but I thought they looked good...until I got my school pics back. Can you say bonfire?
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teressa9 said:
Woooo! Ya'll are crazy!:lol:

But I'll tell ya what my "stupid" moment was.

I had about 16+ inches of hair the summer before going to the 9th grade. My mom had a...dun dun dun duuuuuun jheri curl. I saw how she could get up in the morning and fix her "low maintenance" hair, so in my mind I just had to have one too. Ya'll, ya'll, ya'll. :whyme:

That lady cut my hair down to 1-1/2 inches!:eek: I knew I had made a mistake with the first snip, but I was so timid and shy:nono: , I didn't say anything. I looked like a straight boy. Oh but that's not all. I got to thinking, "How can I jazz this style up?:scratchch" I don't know what I was thinking but those damn 'banana clips' didn't look no where near feminine, but I thought they looked good...until I got my school pics back. Can you say bonfire?

Well damn.
That one definetely takes the cake right there.
getting invisible braids and not making sure that she braided down below my hair before tying the knot.

Mine will probably be the worst

(No laughing Y'all I was a Hair Fool!)

1. Curly perming at 8years old (but the moisture from the products actually made my hair grow to shoulder(ish) length.

2. Getting fed up of my hair stylist scissor happy cousin, every time I got to shoulder length she cut it to ear length! I was so frustrated but scared to talk whilst she was chopping it!

I left her then began SELF texturising at 15, I didnt cut it or anything...I just switched no transistioning!

3. Made my friend switch me to a relaxer from ages 15/16 until I was 17.No transitioning just "I'm fed up of texturiser i'm gonna relax!

I bleached my hair white, coloured it burgundy, then a light blue, and purple! When Sisqo came out I wanted silver hair:eek: Some stylist bleached it (again)and I sprayed silver colour on it 3x a week(even done it to my litttle bro's hair!:lol: ).....My family thought I was mad, going through a CRISIS or a lesbian!

4. I then noticed every person around me with long hair either had curly perm or braids....(i didnt want the curly perm again)
So a friend started braiding it monthly/every two months. She told me not to wash it as it would dry my hair out and prevent growth! So I went about 6months without washing! Yes I had MAD Product build up! Half the hair on my haed fell out when I washed it! The bath was full of hair, I cried for weeks..."My new growth is all in the bath!:cry: "

5. discovered weaves/bonding began that too and my whole nape was ripped out by the glue!

6. Discovered micro braids.....took me 12 hours to get them done and take them out, i was frustrated at take down time ?(nobody wanted to help) so sometimes i would rip the braids out....:eek:

7 Going natural at 18 was the best thing ever no more chemical damage!
Last year I was frustrated at the hair supply store, every month i was spending £50/$100 on human hair didnt know about moisturising or hair care, used to put styling gel and beeswax in my hair every day!!!! Yes, it was HARD constantly!
My family kept saying 2me what has happened to your hair?"
Believe it our not I had a Jackson 5 afro at 3months old...My moms hair is long (she loves the scissors too much, she's had about 10 BC's in my life, from bra strap or shoulder length to a TWA, She BC'd again 6months ago and is now shoulder length!!! I'm not sure why i wasnt born with that mega growth gene!)

I could go on and on with my hair HORROR stories....

My miracle was when my and my baby sister (who was bra strap but cut 5 inches recently) were at a BSS I was so frustrated because they had no good hair in stock. She says to me
"I'm sick of you always buying this fake ish, and wasting so much money! you have damaged your hair beyond belief and my advice is you grow it and take care of it"
I thought "wow, she's right but I cannot grow my hair, I'M THE BLACKSHEEP Of the family with dry/pickey head! Lol..... I found LHCF days later and nothing aint stopping me reaching my goals:) That's why I 've got to THANK you all....Love Y'all
(and if it wasn't for the praying the lord wouldn't of directed me here!")


pookeylou said:
I never did this!!!!

But I went to school with a girl...who we will call "Lena". Her hair was only 2 or 3 inches long. She would get her hair relaxed. Then the following days she would hot comb it. Her hair broke off horribly. But the saddest thing about her was melted stiff. She would put Ultra Sheen grease on it in order to try and smooth it around a roller...and her hair wouldn't even bend around the roller.

No matter what we would tell her...she could not understand she was melting her hair. Her hair constantly smelled like it was burned.

Dayum! Now thats some serious damage!

lillian743 said:
Puting real bleach on my hair.. (dont ask)
And Dyeing my hair 5-6 times in one day, then I used a relaxer in the same week.
Puting lemon on my hair and hot combing it when it was still wet..

whoa mama! Thank God for most of us hair grows back.


Relaxing my hair bone straight, relaxing my hair PERIOD!, allowing chemicals to eat my hair from waist length to shoulder length, dyeing my hair (although it was too damn cute!), hot combing WET hair (What The Smurf?!), cutting braids out of my head, letting a braider burn my hair in the ends of the braids, letting the relaxer stay on until it burned, abusing heat on my hair, and many many more!
-relaxing my hair and not deep conditioning.
-Putting relaxer on certain parts like edges and ends
-blow drying hair every single day.
-brushing hair real hard w/ a 10 year old hard bristle brush w/no bulbs on end.
-doing my own relaxers, half head would be overprocessed, half would be underprocessed, thats why it all broke

Netta1 said:
The stupidest thing I ever did was get a perm.

Yep, me too. I've been making attempts for years to go natural but I just can't seem to do it.
The stupidest thing I've done is get a relaxer. I should have transitioned sooner. But hey, at like 8 years old (first relaxer) you can't tell your mama what to do and what not to do with your hair. At least I couldn't tell my mom that.

wantlonghealthyhair said:
Mine will probably be the worst

(No laughing Y'all I was a Hair Fool!)

1. Curly perming at 8years old (but the moisture from the products actually made my hair grow to shoulder(ish) length.

2. Getting fed up of my hair stylist scissor happy cousin, every time I got to shoulder length she cut it to ear length! I was so frustrated but scared to talk whilst she was chopping it!

I left her then began SELF texturising at 15, I didnt cut it or anything...I just switched no transistioning!

3. Made my friend switch me to a relaxer from ages 15/16 until I was 17.No transitioning just "I'm fed up of texturiser i'm gonna relax!

I bleached my hair white, coloured it burgundy, then a light blue, and purple! When Sisqo came out I wanted silver hair:eek: Some stylist bleached it (again)and I sprayed silver colour on it 3x a week(even done it to my litttle bro's hair!:lol: ).....My family thought I was mad, going through a CRISIS or a lesbian!

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

4. I then noticed every person around me with long hair either had curly perm or braids....(i didnt want the curly perm again)
So a friend started braiding it monthly/every two months. She told me not to wash it as it would dry my hair out and prevent growth! So I went about 6months without washing! Yes I had MAD Product build up! Half the hair on my haed fell out when I washed it! The bath was full of hair, I cried for weeks..."My new growth is all in the bath!:cry: "

5. discovered weaves/bonding began that too and my whole nape was ripped out by the glue!

6. Discovered micro braids.....took me 12 hours to get them done and take them out, i was frustrated at take down time ?(nobody wanted to help) so sometimes i would rip the braids out....:eek:

7 Going natural at 18 was the best thing ever no more chemical damage!
Last year I was frustrated at the hair supply store, every month i was spending £50/$100 on human hair didnt know about moisturising or hair care, used to put styling gel and beeswax in my hair every day!!!! Yes, it was HARD constantly!
My family kept saying 2me what has happened to your hair?"
Believe it our not I had a Jackson 5 afro at 3months old...My moms hair is long (she loves the scissors too much, she's had about 10 BC's in my life, from bra strap or shoulder length to a TWA, She BC'd again 6months ago and is now shoulder length!!! I'm not sure why i wasnt born with that mega growth gene!)

I could go on and on with my hair HORROR stories....

My miracle was when my and my baby sister (who was bra strap but cut 5 inches recently) were at a BSS I was so frustrated because they had no good hair in stock. She says to me
"I'm sick of you always buying this fake ish, and wasting so much money! you have damaged your hair beyond belief and my advice is you grow it and take care of it"
I thought "wow, she's right but I cannot grow my hair, I'M THE BLACKSHEEP Of the family with dry/pickey head! Lol..... I found LHCF days later and nothing aint stopping me reaching my goals:) That's why I 've got to THANK you all....Love Y'all
(and if it wasn't for the praying the lord wouldn't of directed me here!")


Wow! to you entire SAGA
Miss_Jetsetter said:
Well damn.
That one definetely takes the cake right there.


I'll take the cake, ice cream, award and everything else. I learned alot about following other people from that episode. My hair is almost back to that same length, so it all worked out for me. I can't wait to see where the constructive advice from well meaning members will take me. Thanks ladies!;)
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Coloring hair then perming in the same week.
Never ever deep conditioning or moisturizing
Slapping gel all over my head
Glueing weave tracks
Gluing in tracks
Perming every five weeks

My hair would be down my back if I didn't do these two things.
jumping on every bandwagon.
Coloring whenever the mood strikes me.
Handling my hair roughly.
heat styling on a regular basis.(But I only put my flat iron on like 4)
I was about 13 and I wanted to color my hair. My mother wouldnt let me. So I poured bleach all of my hair.

It was totally fried and all blonde!:nono:
I was 13 when my parents told me we were moving from NY to Texas, of all places...unfortunately for me, I'd just read a book about native included cutting off the hair when in mourning.
No more bra strap lenght for this little girl, hacked it off right above my ears.
I though my mom would die of a heart attack.
Then came the punk phase...mohawk (:eek:), dyed it fire engine red, lawd, what was wrong with me????
Back in high school putting dry cherry koolaid straight ( no water) from the pack on my damp hair, then ( no rinsing )blowdrying then pressing my already relaxed hair all in the same day. AND THEN wondering why chunks were just landing on the bathroom floor :perplexed

One other time was my first sew-in a few years ago. Two weeks had past and I thought I should wash the hair. I picked up a bottle of CON nuetralizing shampoo and began working in all over my head after I went to rinse, that mess was so tangled it looked like a birds nest. I couldn't even feel my scalp. I was in a panic, hot flashes and all. I rushed to a friend house about 30 mins away and told her to cut that mess out ASAP while I sat and cried. I was so distressed. 20 inches of human hair all balled up in a knot, I couldn't comb it out or pull it apart. It was so jacked up !!
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go 2-3 months without washing cause i had a weave in. using glue to attach the edges broke off something terrible....just recently theyve been filling in :(
Getting too tight braids when I was younger. My hairline on the right side now is thinner because of it and probably won't grow back in fully. Also begging to get a relaxer @ 9 yrs old.
in an attempt to get a "halle berry" i let the hair dresser shave my hair halfway up my head :eek: he went up so far my hair was shaved to the top of my ears! what a disaster :lol:
I put a relaxer on top of a wave nouveau-and wondered why my hair fell out
My biggest mistake was letting a pro relax my hair- dry, matted, horrible:mad:
and lastly, not being happy w my natural hair at first. If i would've stuck it out, I probably would've had at least neck length hair by now, instead of having to start from scratch,:look: I now know that chemicals and my hair do not meld well anymore. i guess my hair said 22 yrs of relaxing are enough.:lol:
Letting a the braid lady put in synthetic hair when doing my twists. Because of that I was more tempted to relax instead of being at 11 months post now.
Put in bleached streaks...then go back two weeks later and bleach it again.

Wondering why my hair broke off...then putting in a sew in weave and have more break off.

My hair was very uneven,one side was up to my shoulder the other side of my hair to my bottom armpit(a hot mess).

I had to finally cut it all around my shoulders.The cut looked really good.But i lost 4 inches of hair.:eek: