What's the one thing you're most consistent with in your hair care?


Well-Known Member
This morning I realized that I forgot to take my vitamins and herbal supplements, and it dawned on me that for the past 2 months, and I do mean EVERYDAY for the past 60 days, I have not once forgotten to take my vits! :eek: :woot:

It felt really good to realize that I've been consistent with that aspect of my hair journey, even though I haven't been that perfect with others. And I do know that I see the difference and the benefit of my consistency in my hair, it was one of those stop and look moments that makes you realise that what you're doing is actually working. :)

What is the one thing you're faithful to in your regimen? That is so natural to you it's become like breathing? :lol:
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isioma85 said:
What is the one thing you're faithful to in your regimen? That is so natural to you it's become like breathing? :lol:
Besides looking at it :lol: , I'd say taking my vitamins. I take my vitamins everyday.
Everyday I put Chi Silk Infusion Silk Reconstructing Complex on my hair along with the Garnier Anti-Frizz Serum (all the Garnier products make your hair stronger so I consistently make sure at least one is on my hair everyday).
Washing. If I don't do nothing else, I will wash my hair. Every day if I feel like it. When I was relaxed (before I started taking care of my hair) I used to put wash day off for as long as possible. I'm still working on the vit thing though... :lol:
navsegda said:
Everyday I put Chi Silk Infusion Silk Reconstructing Complex on my hair along with the Garnier Anti-Frizz Serum (all the Garnier products make your hair stronger so I consistently make sure at least one is on my hair everyday).

OT: Welcome! I went to grad school at Emory and I actually live down the road from the campus. Small world!
Bunning.....................................and if I could sneak another in I'd say moisturizing.
Only one thing? I'd have to say doing my conditioner washes...

2nd: bunning
3rd: henna treatments
For me as well I would have to say moisturizing my hair and oiling the scalp. But I am also religious with tieing my hair up! I know, way more than 1 :p
But I also take my vitamins and wash 2xs per week as if I was born to do these things :D
preciousjewel76 said:
OT: Welcome! I went to grad school at Emory and I actually live down the road from the campus. Small world!
Thanks! Yup, small world after all! What did you concentrate on in grad school? And when did you graduate? I just graduated from the college in May.