What's the one thing you're most consistent with in your hair care?

dc 1x week and daily moisture

i slack on the protien and vits sometimes....but its not that crucial for me as the conditioning/moisture
Protecting my hair at night, I've been sleeping in a satin cap for 16 years.
Conditioning- Always used leave-in's and always deep conditioned at least 1/wk
Washing-minimum 1/wk
Heat-very little
daily moisturizing the ends at nite
double wrapping and wearing a silk scarf at nite
daily vite and 1/4tsp of MSM
And just lately I have been faithful to weekly washing/rollersetting, as well as monthly henna trtmnts...
deep conditioning and twists

I'm actually bad with daily moisturizing sometimes I get on moisture kicks but when I slack off I slack of big
I need to work on that
Good thread!
For me, there's definitely more than one thing I'm consistent with. But I'll say washing and deep conditioning twice each week. I've been doing that for almost 3 1/2 years now.
I'm religious with my supplements, treating my scalp nightly and doing protective styles to sleep in.
Probably the most consistant thing is taking my vitamins. Althought this past week I was kinda sick...so i did forget. Also deep conditioning. I pretty much deep condition every single wash(weekly)...but prior to sunday (my last wash) I was being lazy. BU...I'm back now, and I am starting a new regime. Adding in Co-washes mid-week. Pray for me yall!!!