minimal heat and keeping ends moisturized

A lot of other stuff helped too but I think doing those things turned my hair around.
:yay: :woot: :bud: Hiding my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that plus taking over as my own resident hairdresser!!!!!!!!!!
I couldnt pick just one thing I think it was a combo of frequent washing/DCing, buns, and no direct heat.
I would have to say weekly deep conditionings. That was the first step to getting hair in a manageable state to stop breakage and infuse moisture in my hair. It was important to learn the moisture/protein balance that sistaslick so knowledgably wrote about.

ETA: Deep Conditionings with heat for a minimum of 20 -25 min.
I would have to say deep conditioning twice a week. I would also say that moisturizing my hair and focusing on my ends twice a day changed my hair too. :)
msportugal said:
little to no manipulation especially minimal manip during wash/detangle

Aside from weekly washing, dc'ing and mtg'ing this has helped my hair ALOT!
bajanplums1 said:
Time to testify.

My hair now is only a bit past shoulder. I was looking at some 2005 pics and I basically had NO HAIR (posted them in fotki). I am pushing for armpit in 6 months. But I am now truly grateful for where I am today. I realize through experimenting with conditioners, poos, etc, the one factor that changed my hair between 2005 and 2006 was NO HEAT. In six months I made more progress than I had in ONE YEAR!

What's that one thing that really changed your hair?

No heat also turned my hair around and my progress from July 2003 to December 2003 was a miracle. It was so noticeable my bf kept asking me what I was doing differently after only a couple of weeks and watching me and my products very closely :sekret: My hair started thickening up in the first 3 months or so before showing length. I am truly grateful for where I am today. :)
Since my chop, butters have saved my hair and sanity. I've been using avocado butter and am sampling olive butter, from FNWL. It is my all in one, wonder product!
Ambitious1013 said:
I would have to say deep conditioning twice a week. I would also say that moisturizing my hair and focusing on my ends twice a day changed my hair too. :) really need to go somewhere w/ that awesome progress..... :eek: !!!!!!!!

We're talking a little over a year and you're past your shoulders in hair!
Wow! :grin:

(btw...I have referenced you like a billion times in other threads... :lol:'re officially a hair hero)
Frequent co-wash, deep conditioning, MTG and stretching. My hair is sooooo much better than it was almost a year ago when I joined this board thanks to you ladies. :clap:
When you say NO HEAT do you really mean NO BLOW DRYING, CURLING IRONS or FLAT IRONS or do you really mean no heat?
Protective styling. I have never been a big fan of protective hair styles, but my hair really took off when I started wearing one.