What Was The Most Horrible Date You Ever Had

bump...wow just came across this thread and laughed my butt off...thought I'd add one, it pales in comparison to some of these...

So this was about 3 years ago, and this guy I was talking to decided that we'd go out on a date. He picked me up at my house and I was wearing heels and stumbled a bit. He asked "are you okay?" And I was like "yeah". He had the nerve to respond, "oh, because if you fell, I would have laughed". So we get to his car and he doesn't open my door...instead he says "open your own door". Whatever, I had little confidence back then and settled for less . So he takes me on an EXCITING date.....at the mall. Yes...the mall. We went and looked at hats.:look: Then we had a ROMANTIC meal at the Food Court where he made me pay for my own meal. :ohwell: Not even 10 minutes later his little brother called because he locked himself out of the house. So the date was over, yes my 30 minute date. Now that I look back on it, I can laugh. Thank Goodness I'm no longer so desperate to settle for less.
I can't recall any mess up dates of my own ( Probably becuase I have blocked them from my memory) But I do remember going on a double date with my BF and my BFF and a new guy that we were screening. He was younger than her by 2 years and very loud and boisterous. He ordered all sorts of things, expensive drinks, steak etc when the bill came, he looked at it, let out a huge sigh, turned to my friend and said "Sooooooo you got some of this right??" I was mortified for her. Now don't get me wrong, I have no problem going Dutch, but the brother ordered everything under the sun on the menu and THEN asked my friend to come out of pocket. Needless to say he didn't get the stamp of approval. :-)

I went on a date with this guy....I'll call him Robert. We went to see X-Men and there was another guy there (Michael). Michael was the RA at my school. We flirted with each other and hung out a lot. Soooo, unbeknownst to me, Robert had a couple of eating and drinking problems. He chewed with his mouth open and slurped his drink. I was grinding my teeth almost through the whole movie. Then, he laughed like a maniac and I really thought the rest of the people in the theatre were staring at us.

So, the movie ends and of course, I wanna be the first person out, but Robert said 'Oh, I just want to see some of the credits.' When we left the theatre, I saw Michael and he had a huge grin on his face. Back at school, I told Robert that I had stuff to do and went over to Michael's room where we laughed about the incident. He said he thought I had better tatste and I said I thought I did too :lol:
Most of my bad dates were set up by my cousin.

#1 He picked me up and took me to a restaurant on City Island. Afterwards he claims he is too tired to drive back to Queens, so he wants to rent a hotel room. I decline and he drives me home. A week later he calls me up to tell me he's going to jail. Then he says the least I could do is sleep with him, since its my fault. So i'm like wtf? It's my fault since he took me out on a stolen credit card and got busted.

#2) She sets me up and says is good-looking, has a great body, smart, etc. When I meet him, he's about 400 pounds, with plate size pimples on his face and smells like piss.

#3) This time my cousin has to plead and beg for me to go out on a double date with her. I speak to the guy on the phone. His description sounds nice, and he's able to hold a conversation.For the entire time we are waiting for them to come, my cousin keeps saying please be nice, please be nice.

He shows up, and barely comes to my chest. He looks like a damn treasure troll. We all go out to eat, and he says nothing to me for the entire time. Then we all go back to his house. I sit on the couch and this boy starts rubbing my back. So i say" GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME." My cousin says oh no, why did you touch her. And i start flipping on this boy.

"You were talking all that s--t on the phone, knowing I was going to see you, then you don't speak to me for the entire date, and now you're rubbing me like I'm a petting zoo." We end up arguing, he threatens to bake a pie and throw it in my face, then tries to throw me out of his apartment. I told him I would whup his arse. We argue for a bit.

He finally drives us back and tries to throw me out on the highway. And I let him know I would beat the s--t out of him, take his car, and run his arse over. When he pulls up to my building, my cousin tells him how people around my block dislike me. And he's like yeah, I hate her too.
mvonnesha said:
Most of my bad dates were set up by my cousin.

#1 He picked me up and took me to a restaurant on City Island. Afterwards he claims he is too tired to drive back to Queens, so he wants to rent a hotel room. I decline and he drives me home. A week later he calls me up to tell me he's going to jail. Then he says the least I could do is sleep with him, since its my fault. So i'm like wtf? It's my fault since he took me out on a stolen credit card and got busted.

#2) She sets me up and says is good-looking, has a great body, smart, etc. When I meet him, he's about 400 pounds, with plate size pimples on his face and smells like piss.

#3) This time my cousin has to plead and beg for me to go out on a double date with her. I speak to the guy on the phone. His description sounds nice, and he's able to hold a conversation.For the entire time we are waiting for them to come, my cousin keeps saying please be nice, please be nice.

He shows up, and barely comes to my chest. He looks like a damn treasure troll. We all go out to eat, and he says nothing to me for the entire time. Then we all go back to his house. I sit on the couch and this boy starts rubbing my back. So i say" GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME." My cousin says oh no, why did you touch her. And i start flipping on this boy.

"You were talking all that s--t on the phone, knowing I was going to see you, then you don't speak to me for the entire date, and now you're rubbing me like I'm a petting zoo." We end up arguing, he threatens to bake a pie and throw it in my face, then tries to throw me out of his apartment. I told him I would whup his arse. We argue for a bit.

He finally drives us back and tries to throw me out on the highway. And I let him know I would beat the s--t out of him, take his car, and run his arse over. When he pulls up to my building, my cousin tells him how people around my block dislike me. And he's like yeah, I hate her too.

i am in tears :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
My date was 2 hours late picking me up that should have gave me a sign on how the night was going to go, but i went any way. At first the date was alright while we were driving to Phillips we had a pretty good conversation in the car. So i am thrilled because Phillips is one of my favorite restaurants. So i am enjoying my food and this fool picks his nose:eek: , I mean his finger was so deep in there i was so disgusted, he tried to play it off but I couldn't finish my meal. So we leave and apparently he had gas and tried to release it before he got in the car with me but the smell followed him in. So I am gasping for air and tried to roll down the windows and the stupid windows didn't work. When we finally made it to my place he tried touching my shoulder trying to give me a back rub. I told him I m good and good night. So he asked if he could come upstairs and have something to drink. I told him I don’t have any drinks, so he asked for a drink of water, and I told him my pipes were rusty and goodnight.

I never talk to that disgusting fool again.
mvonnesha said:
Most of my bad dates were set up by my cousin.

#1 He picked me up and took me to a restaurant on City Island. Afterwards he claims he is too tired to drive back to Queens, so he wants to rent a hotel room. I decline and he drives me home. A week later he calls me up to tell me he's going to jail. Then he says the least I could do is sleep with him, since its my fault. So i'm like wtf? It's my fault since he took me out on a stolen credit card and got busted.

#2) She sets me up and says is good-looking, has a great body, smart, etc. When I meet him, he's about 400 pounds, with plate size pimples on his face and smells like piss.

#3) This time my cousin has to plead and beg for me to go out on a double date with her. I speak to the guy on the phone. His description sounds nice, and he's able to hold a conversation.For the entire time we are waiting for them to come, my cousin keeps saying please be nice, please be nice.

He shows up, and barely comes to my chest. He looks like a damn treasure troll. We all go out to eat, and he says nothing to me for the entire time. Then we all go back to his house. I sit on the couch and this boy starts rubbing my back. So i say" GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME." My cousin says oh no, why did you touch her. And i start flipping on this boy.

"You were talking all that s--t on the phone, knowing I was going to see you, then you don't speak to me for the entire date, and now you're rubbing me like I'm a petting zoo." We end up arguing, he threatens to bake a pie and throw it in my face, then tries to throw me out of his apartment. I told him I would whup his arse. We argue for a bit.

He finally drives us back and tries to throw me out on the highway. And I let him know I would beat the s--t out of him, take his car, and run his arse over. When he pulls up to my building, my cousin tells him how people around my block dislike me. And he's like yeah, I hate her too.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Why would he go threw all the trouble, baking a pie just to throw it?
donna20745 said:
My date was 2 hours late picking me up that should have gave me a sign on how the night was going to go, but i went any way. At first the date was alright while we were driving to Phillips we had a pretty good conversation in the car. So i am thrilled because Phillips is one of my favorite restaurants. So i am enjoying my food and this fool picks his nose:eek: , I mean his finger was so deep in there i was so disgusted, he tried to play it off but I couldn't finish my meal. So we leave and apparently he had gas and tried to release it before he got in the car with me but the smell followed him in. So I am gasping for air and tried to roll down the windows and the stupid windows didn't work. When we finally made it to my place he tried touching my shoulder trying to give me a back rub. I told him I m good and good night. So he asked if he could come upstairs and have something to drink. I told him I don’t have any drinks, so he asked for a drink of water, and I told him my pipes were rusty and goodnight.

I never talk to that disgusting fool again.

OMG a nose digger :lachen: Rusty pipes :lachen: this was funny!
donna20745 said:
My date was 2 hours late picking me up that should have gave me a sign on how the night was going to go, but i went any way. At first the date was alright while we were driving to Phillips we had a pretty good conversation in the car. So i am thrilled because Phillips is one of my favorite restaurants. So i am enjoying my food and this fool picks his nose:eek: , I mean his finger was so deep in there i was so disgusted, he tried to play it off but I couldn't finish my meal. So we leave and apparently he had gas and tried to release it before he got in the car with me but the smell followed him in. So I am gasping for air and tried to roll down the windows and the stupid windows didn't work. When we finally made it to my place he tried touching my shoulder trying to give me a back rub. I told him I m good and good night. So he asked if he could come upstairs and have something to drink. I told him I don’t have any drinks, so he asked for a drink of water, and I told him my pipes were rusty and goodnight.

I never talk to that disgusting fool again.

BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Ole' boy was TRYING HARD to get into that apt.
Ahem.. new bad date... the date that almost was.

I had gone out with this guy once before - it wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't so bad that I wouldn't go out with him again.

Soo -- the date was set for 7:00. At 6:15, I'm halfway ready - when he calls to say that we'll need to push the date back to 7:30. No problem - he called pretty early. At 7:15 I'm about to step into the cab to meet him at the restaurant - and he texts to tell me that he won't be there until 8pm. I hop in the cab anyway - since DC traffic can be tricky - and I'm about to walk into the restaurant at 7:55 when I get another text saying he won't make it until 8:45.

I'd had enough, so I call a girlfriend of mine to meet up for drinks (don't want to waste a cute outfit) and text him to say nevermind for tonight. I was willing to reschedule.

DO You know this FOOL lost his darn mind and flipped out!!! I received an angry text and phonecall EVERY minute for the next HOUR.

Sample text messages:
I'm sorry you will never get to know the PASSION within me.

You're a loser with no soul.

God will punish you for your actions against me.

You are a COWARD. You're afraid of a man as deep and soulful as me.

You're a liar. You never went to the restaurant. (How the heck would he know? Did he call up to this establishment and ask for "the black girl"? he was italian)

I could have shown you the world.

I'm breaking up with you. .:eek: 2nd date people!

And the KICKER..

I called him up to tell him to leave me the H#ll alone and stop calling/texting me. He interrupts me with...

I'm so glad you came to your senses and called me. Now I forgive you for your transgressions against me and will give you an opportunity to make it up. I think a bed and breakfast is in order. Your Treat?

:eek: :perplexed :eek: :mad:

I changed my phone number that night.
LadyChe said:
Ahem.. new bad date... the date that almost was.

I had gone out with this guy once before - it wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't so bad that I wouldn't go out with him again.

Soo -- the date was set for 7:00. At 6:15, I'm halfway ready - when he calls to say that we'll need to push the date back to 7:30. No problem - he called pretty early. At 7:15 I'm about to step into the cab to meet him at the restaurant - and he texts to tell me that he won't be there until 8pm. I hop in the cab anyway - since DC traffic can be tricky - and I'm about to walk into the restaurant at 7:55 when I get another text saying he won't make it until 8:45.

I'd had enough, so I call a girlfriend of mine to meet up for drinks (don't want to waste a cute outfit) and text him to say nevermind for tonight. I was willing to reschedule.

DO You know this FOOL lost his darn mind and flipped out!!! I received an angry text and phonecall EVERY minute for the next HOUR.

Sample text messages:
I'm sorry you will never get to know the PASSION within me.

You're a loser with no soul.

God will punish you for your actions against me.

You are a COWARD. You're afraid of a man as deep and soulful as me.

You're a liar. You never went to the restaurant. (How the heck would he know? Did he call up to this establishment and ask for "the black girl"? he was italian)

I could have shown you the world.

I'm breaking up with you. .:eek: 2nd date people!

And the KICKER..

I called him up to tell him to leave me the H#ll alone and stop calling/texting me. He interrupts me with...

I'm so glad you came to your senses and called me. Now I forgive you for your transgressions against me and will give you an opportunity to make it up. I think a bed and breakfast is in order. Your Treat?

:eek: :perplexed :eek: :mad:

I changed my phone number that night.

WTF! :eek: Dude was crazy....
candy1214 said:
BWAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Ole' boy was TRYING HARD to get into that apt.

I know when I told him about the rusty pipes he just look at me. i didn't care i just wanted to get away from him and that funky car.
LadyChe said:
Ahem.. new bad date... the date that almost was.

I had gone out with this guy once before - it wasn't the greatest, but it wasn't so bad that I wouldn't go out with him again.

Soo -- the date was set for 7:00. At 6:15, I'm halfway ready - when he calls to say that we'll need to push the date back to 7:30. No problem - he called pretty early. At 7:15 I'm about to step into the cab to meet him at the restaurant - and he texts to tell me that he won't be there until 8pm. I hop in the cab anyway - since DC traffic can be tricky - and I'm about to walk into the restaurant at 7:55 when I get another text saying he won't make it until 8:45.

I'd had enough, so I call a girlfriend of mine to meet up for drinks (don't want to waste a cute outfit) and text him to say nevermind for tonight. I was willing to reschedule.

DO You know this FOOL lost his darn mind and flipped out!!! I received an angry text and phonecall EVERY minute for the next HOUR.

Sample text messages:
I'm sorry you will never get to know the PASSION within me.

You're a loser with no soul.

God will punish you for your actions against me.

You are a COWARD. You're afraid of a man as deep and soulful as me.

You're a liar. You never went to the restaurant. (How the heck would he know? Did he call up to this establishment and ask for "the black girl"? he was italian)

I could have shown you the world.

I'm breaking up with you. .:eek: 2nd date people!

And the KICKER..

I called him up to tell him to leave me the H#ll alone and stop calling/texting me. He interrupts me with...

I'm so glad you came to your senses and called me. Now I forgive you for your transgressions against me and will give you an opportunity to make it up. I think a bed and breakfast is in order. Your Treat?

:eek: :perplexed :eek: :mad:

I changed my phone number that night.

Wow:perplexed. I bet for a second there you thought you were being punked.
Whoa! These stories are good. This thread reminds me of one that was pretty bad.

I was about 19 and met this guy (Let's call him Rodney) who was about 24. He was a regular customer at the place I worked. We got to know each other, became friends, talked on the phone but never really went out. After a while, we decided to go out, give it a try. It was a pretty nice date. We went out to eat, went to the movies, etc. He owned a few houses near my neighborhood and asked if I wanted to see the one he lives in. Sure. We get there, I'm admiring his house, how it's decorated, blah, blah, blah...all of a sudden I hear BAM! BAM! BAM! on the door, next the windows. I was like "Rodney, what's up? Who's that?", he was like "That's Veronica, my crazy ex." I remember he told me about her and why he left (she was crazy), but damn, I didn't want to see it first hand.

She's banging and hollering stuff like "Rod, Why you doing this to me?" "You know I still love you!" "Who is that *****?" "Come on, Rodney! Don't do this to me!" and etc.

Me: That ***** IS crazy. Take me home and handle your business. I'm not in the mood for this bullsh*t.

Him: (Angry) I'm so sorry about this. I HATE her ass. (Yells at her thru the door/windows to get the **** on, blah, blah, blah.) This is what we'll do, I'll walk you to the car. When you get in, lock the door. Don't worry, she won't touch you b/c she knows I'll **** her up.

So he opens the door, they are arguing back and forth, but we're walking too. She's saying the same stuff she said when banging on the doors/windows (I love you, why you doing this to me, etc). I get in the car. I look out the rear view window and see/hear them arguing. She gets mad, makes like she's going to come to my side of the car, he grabs her and they are fighting. He keeps throwing her to the ground when she gets up. When she can't do anything but scream about her love for him, he tells her to take her crazy ass home and leave him alone or he's calling the police next time. He gets in the car, apologizing, and takes me home.
We stayed friends, but I couldn't hang out with him after that. Heck 2 tha naw!

I must really like ya'll. I NEVER told the story to anyone. My family and friends weren't going to hold it over me 4ever!
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mvonnesha said:
Most of my bad dates were set up by my cousin.

#1 He picked me up and took me to a restaurant on City Island. Afterwards he claims he is too tired to drive back to Queens, so he wants to rent a hotel room. I decline and he drives me home. A week later he calls me up to tell me he's going to jail. Then he says the least I could do is sleep with him, since its my fault. So i'm like wtf? It's my fault since he took me out on a stolen credit card and got busted.

#2) She sets me up and says is good-looking, has a great body, smart, etc. When I meet him, he's about 400 pounds, with plate size pimples on his face and smells like piss.

#3) This time my cousin has to plead and beg for me to go out on a double date with her. I speak to the guy on the phone. His description sounds nice, and he's able to hold a conversation.For the entire time we are waiting for them to come, my cousin keeps saying please be nice, please be nice.

He shows up, and barely comes to my chest. He looks like a damn treasure troll. We all go out to eat, and he says nothing to me for the entire time. Then we all go back to his house. I sit on the couch and this boy starts rubbing my back. So i say" GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME." My cousin says oh no, why did you touch her. And i start flipping on this boy.

"You were talking all that s--t on the phone, knowing I was going to see you, then you don't speak to me for the entire date, and now you're rubbing me like I'm a petting zoo." We end up arguing, he threatens to bake a pie and throw it in my face, then tries to throw me out of his apartment. I told him I would whup his arse. We argue for a bit.

He finally drives us back and tries to throw me out on the highway. And I let him know I would beat the s--t out of him, take his car, and run his arse over. When he pulls up to my building, my cousin tells him how people around my block dislike me. And he's like yeah, I hate her too.

:lachen: :lachen: Well, at least he can cook...
GeechyGurl said:
Whoa! These stories are good. This thread reminds me of one that was pretty bad.

I was about 19 and met this guy (Let's call him Rodney) who was about 24. He was a regular customer at the place I worked. We got to know each other, became friends, talked on the phone but never really went out. After a while, we decided to go out, give it a try. It was a pretty nice date. We went out to eat, went to the movies, etc. He owned a few houses near my neighborhood and asked if I wanted to see the one he lives in. Sure. We get there, I'm admiring his house, how it's decorated, blah, blah, blah...all of a sudden I hear BAM! BAM! BAM! on the door, next the windows. I was like "Rodney, what's up? Who's that?", he was like "That's Veronica, my crazy ex." I remember he told me about her and why he left (she was crazy), but damn, I didn't want to see it first hand.

She's banging and hollering stuff like "Rod, Why you doing this to me?" "You know I still love you!" "Who is that *****?" "Come on, Rodney! Don't do this to me!" and etc.

Me: That ***** IS crazy. Take me home and handle your business. I'm not in the mood for this bullsh*t.

Him: (Angry) I'm so sorry about this. I HATE her ass. (Yells at her thru the door/windows to get the **** on, blah, blah, blah.) This is what we'll do, I'll walk you to the car. When you get in, lock the door. Don't worry, she won't touch you b/c she knows I'll **** her up.

So he opens the door, they are arguing back and forth, but we're walking too. She's saying the same stuff she said when banging on the doors/windows (I love you, why you doing this to me, etc). I get in the car. I look out the rear view window and see/hear them arguing. She gets mad, makes like she's going to come to my side of the car, he grabs her and they are fighting. He keeps throwing her to the ground when she gets up. When she can't do anything but scream about her love for him, he tells her to take her crazy ass home and leave him alone or he's calling the police next time. He gets in the car, apologizing, and takes me home.
We stayed friends, but I couldn't hang out with him after that. Heck 2 tha naw!

I must really like ya'll. I NEVER told the story to anyone. My family and friends weren't going to hold it over me 4ever!

Wow, this should be made into a movie. :lol: crazy!
Most of my bad dates were set up by my cousin.

#1 He picked me up and took me to a restaurant on City Island. Afterwards he claims he is too tired to drive back to Queens, so he wants to rent a hotel room. I decline and he drives me home. A week later he calls me up to tell me he's going to jail. Then he says the least I could do is sleep with him, since its my fault. So i'm like wtf? It's my fault since he took me out on a stolen credit card and got busted.

#2) She sets me up and says is good-looking, has a great body, smart, etc. When I meet him, he's about 400 pounds, with plate size pimples on his face and smells like piss.

#3) This time my cousin has to plead and beg for me to go out on a double date with her. I speak to the guy on the phone. His description sounds nice, and he's able to hold a conversation.For the entire time we are waiting for them to come, my cousin keeps saying please be nice, please be nice.

He shows up, and barely comes to my chest. He looks like a damn treasure troll. We all go out to eat, and he says nothing to me for the entire time. Then we all go back to his house. I sit on the couch and this boy starts rubbing my back. So i say" GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME." My cousin says oh no, why did you touch her. And i start flipping on this boy.

"You were talking all that s--t on the phone, knowing I was going to see you, then you don't speak to me for the entire date, and now you're rubbing me like I'm a petting zoo." We end up arguing, he threatens to bake a pie and throw it in my face, then tries to throw me out of his apartment. I told him I would whup his arse. We argue for a bit.

He finally drives us back and tries to throw me out on the highway. And I let him know I would beat the s--t out of him, take his car, and run his arse over. When he pulls up to my building, my cousin tells him how people around my block dislike me. And he's like yeah, I hate her too.

Okay... I needed a little bit of time. Mine isn't nearly as funny or traumatic as some of these that have been posted.

So... this wasn't a first date. It was the 2nd date and we were supposed to just go out for ice cream. We were eating the ice cream, and he asked me if I'd ever seen this movie before and I said no. Never did I say that I wanted to see it. We left, and all of a sudden, we're on the way to his house. I'm like, "Why are we going to your house," and he acts all surprised like "I thought you wanted to see the movie!"

Whatever. So we're at his house (the movie sucked) and he's kissing on me (his lips were like... sticky and slimy. It was so weird), and I keep telling him to stop, but he won't. Finally, I'm like, "I only get physical with people that I can see myself in a relationship with, and I'm sorry, but I don't see myself in a relationship with you." He says, "Oh that's cool. I'm not looking for a relationship either. We don't have to have sex, I just want to be intimate (whatever that means)." Then he invites me upstairs.

I try to explain that he must have misunderstood me... NOTHING is happening between us that night or ever again... it took like an hour for him to get it through his head. No... I'm not tired, no, I'm not afraid of intimacy, I'm just not that into you. So finally, I tell him that I have class in the morning, so he should probably just take me home. Dude gets all mad, and starts throwing a hissy fit, like... "Oh, I knew I shouldn't have dated a younger girl... you gotta run home before curfew, huh? You're just scared because you think you can't handle it... I would have had you screaming all night long... You wouldn't have been able to last the night... it would have been so awkward in class tomorrow... don't test the skills, baby..." I didn't really reply. I was just ready to leave his presence. So no more chillin at the crib for me! Public... well-lit places AT ALL TIMES.
dannie_19 said:
GiGi said:
I went out with this guy that I had a crush on in high school. He picked me up in this brand new Mustang GT and we went to the movies. Everything was find until we were back in the car ready to leave and he ducked down in the seat. We I asked him what he was doing, he told me that he lied about the car being his and living on his own! Turns out that he stole it from his parents after he totaled his while high in pot! They had pulled his keys and told him not to drive the car or they would call the police! He waas also grounded. Keep in mind that we were both 22 at the time. How do you ground a grown man with a child? "Sorry son, I can't take you to the park today because I can't leave the house."

Oh my!!!! I'm crying over here...

OMG thats freakin hilarious....
"Im sorry Jr., daddy is grounded. Maybe tomorrow, ok??"

LMFAO :lachen:!
Not a bad date, just a tripped out scene. Some friends of mine were performing in my town. My ex BF (still considered a 'friend with benefits) came into town to see them and stayed at my place. The night of the show, the guy I was currently seeing showed up all dressed and ready to go! Turns out I casually mentioned the show to him and forgot about it. So now I am still getting ready with my 2 dates sitting in my living room drinking beer :perplexed Next thing I know, there is a knock on my door, and it's this Haitian guy that I had really liked before I met my current BF. I'm like "What are you doing here?" and he was like remember we talked about going to this show before? I'm like, Dude, haven't seen nor heard from you in 2 months!!!! I just handed him a beer and told him to have a seat in the living room. :nono: We all went to the show together. It was very surreal. But I managed to introduce the Haitian guy to this model chick I knew, so he went off with her. The guys in the band invited my ex to go off with them to an after party after the show, I gave him a key, so that took care of him for the night. I ended up going back to the BF's place after the show. It worked out nice and neatly, but I did entertain some rather wicked thoughts about the situation :lick:
Most of my bad dates were set up by my cousin.

#1 He picked me up and took me to a restaurant on City Island. Afterwards he claims he is too tired to drive back to Queens, so he wants to rent a hotel room. I decline and he drives me home. A week later he calls me up to tell me he's going to jail. Then he says the least I could do is sleep with him, since its my fault. So i'm like wtf? It's my fault since he took me out on a stolen credit card and got busted.

#2) She sets me up and says is good-looking, has a great body, smart, etc. When I meet him, he's about 400 pounds, with plate size pimples on his face and smells like piss.

#3) This time my cousin has to plead and beg for me to go out on a double date with her. I speak to the guy on the phone. His description sounds nice, and he's able to hold a conversation.For the entire time we are waiting for them to come, my cousin keeps saying please be nice, please be nice.

He shows up, and barely comes to my chest. He looks like a damn treasure troll. We all go out to eat, and he says nothing to me for the entire time. Then we all go back to his house. I sit on the couch and this boy starts rubbing my back. So i say" GET YOUR DAMN HANDS OFF OF ME." My cousin says oh no, why did you touch her. And i start flipping on this boy.

"You were talking all that s--t on the phone, knowing I was going to see you, then you don't speak to me for the entire date, and now you're rubbing me like I'm a petting zoo." We end up arguing, he threatens to bake a pie and throw it in my face, then tries to throw me out of his apartment. I told him I would whup his arse. We argue for a bit.

He finally drives us back and tries to throw me out on the highway. And I let him know I would beat the s--t out of him, take his car, and run his arse over. When he pulls up to my building, my cousin tells him how people around my block dislike me. And he's like yeah, I hate her too.

:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: What?!!! Wow