What Was The Most Horrible Date You Ever Had

Aaahhh, I remember like it was yesterday. In actuality it was about 10 years ago but it still holds the title.

I go on a BLIND date, the kind that makes you want to turn the car around when you see the person. I wished so bad I hadn't told him what kind of car I had, he was waiting outside his apartment for me. He was soooooo ugly. I'm sorry but he was through! I unwillingly get out of the car and go inside and his apartment smells like old garbage, dirty n*gga's and a$$. No nice way to put it. Trash and dishes everywhere, hello??? you knew I was coming. Ever hear of first impressions? His cousin/roomate was drunk as hell on the couch, stinking like a wino and trying to hit on me. We decide to go eat. We get in his car, a broke down tore back 1970 whatever nine different color Camaro that smelled as bad as his raggedy a$$ apartment and just as full of trash. I didn't even want to sit down, I was wondering what was gonna be on my clothes when I got up. He has the nerve to take me to Denny's. Not to sound haughty but I'm sorry, I don't think I'd EVER been to Denny's before midnight. Definately not for dinner and definately not on a first date. That's just a no no. I'm not 19. Did I mention he brought his drunk a$$ cousin? Gross. I ordered coffee and french fries. They argued loudly amongst themselves over who was paying for his cousins food.

The Denny's was only a couple of blocks from his house and the entire time I was thinking how I could say I was going to the bathroom, sneak out the back door, run the 3 blocks back around the corner to my car and bone out before they finished their grand slams. Instead I waited it out, went back to his house called my cousin had her page me and did the emergency I gotta go routine. Of course those types don't give up easily, he called me for about 2 weeks after that before he got the hint and then his cousin me called for another 2.
sprungonhairboards said:
Aaahhh, I remember like it was yesterday. In actuality it was about 10 years ago but it still holds the title.

I go on a BLIND date, the kind that makes you want to turn the car around when you see the person. I wished so bad I hadn't told him what kind of car I had, he was waiting outside his apartment for me. He was soooooo ugly. I'm sorry but he was through! I unwillingly get out of the car and go inside and his apartment smells like old garbage, dirty n*gga's and a$$. No nice way to put it. Trash and dishes everywhere, hello??? you knew I was coming. Ever hear of first impressions? His cousin/roomate was drunk as hell on the couch, stinking like a wino and trying to hit on me. We decide to go eat. We get in his car, a broke down tore back 1970 whatever nine different color Camaro that smelled as bad as his raggedy a$$ apartment and just as full of trash. I didn't even want to sit down, I was wondering what was gonna be on my clothes when I got up. He has the nerve to take me to Denny's. Not to sound haughty but I'm sorry, I don't think I'd EVER been to Denny's before midnight. Definately not for dinner and definately not on a first date. That's just a no no. I'm not 19. Did I mention he brought his drunk a$$ cousin? Gross. I ordered coffee and french fries. They argued loudly amongst themselves over who was paying for his cousins food.

The Denny's was only a couple of blocks from his house and the entire time I was thinking how I could say I was going to the bathroom, sneak out the back door, run the 3 blocks back around the corner to my car and bone out before they finished their grand slams. Instead I waited it out, went back to his house called my cousin had her page me and did the emergency I gotta go routine. Of course those types don't give up easily, he called me for about 2 weeks after that before he got the hint and then his cousin me called for another 2.
GROSSS!!!!! its shame when you cant just keep on driving...go right on by! :lol::lol::lol:
Whoa, yall have me in tears! This is a funny thread.....
Dannie19- :lol: leave them HS boys alone!

Tonya- :grin: Why do i keep invisioning your stilettos(sharp of course) crossing the gear shift!

LadyChe- :nono: the nerve to send flowers

Shatani- :spank: you know better ! Now I know why you get "A's in school!:look:

Now i see my dates arent so bad...:lol:
First one:

I go out with my bosses brother, because my boss begged me to go out with him. He says he's a good guy but parties too much and needs a good woman like me to keep him in line. Whatever. I was 20, bored, broke and figured this was a good way to get a free meal and go dancing. Anyways, the guy was good looking, like, you lost all thoughts in your head, good looking, and can't even remember your name! Fine as wine in the summertime! So we go to the club and we order dinner and he says he gots to go to the restroom. He's gone for 5 minutes, 10, 15....our dinner shows up....20 minutes.... he's no where around! So, I go to the club part of the restaurant to see if he's talking to someone over there....He's nowhere around. So I say "bump him" and go back to finish eating my dinner. Bro' man ain't no where to be found. Now, mind you this is in the Mid-80's and there was no such thing as a cell phone. So I go outside to walk to his car and he is, shall we say, playing Hersey Highway with some guy!!!!!!!!! I was like:eek:. He apologized non stop and begged me never to tell his brother! He wanted to give me a ride home, but I refused to get in that car! I called my Daddy to pick me up!

Next one:

My girlfriend called me to go the the club. I said yes I would go only if it were the two of us and no guys were involved (she would hook us up with the worst dates). She said okay. We get there and, wouldn't you know it, she has two guys there waiting for us. I was irrated and this one guy just would not get it that I didn't feel like being bothered. But he was buying drinks even though I was treating him like dirt. Anyways at the end of the night he asked if he could call me. I felt bad that I had treated him rotten all night and said yes. The next day he called me and asked me if I would like to go on a date and I again felt bad and said yes. One date, no biggie.
He picked me up for the date in a old silver dodge dart. It was the ugliest car I have ever seen. The door on the passenger side did not open. He had to get in first, open the door and then run over to my side of the car to let me in. He kept saying how sorry he was that he didn't have a better car. On the way to the restaurant it started to rain cats and dogs and his windshield wipers did not work. We almost wrecked twice and he was rolling down his window to look outside and see traffic ahead. When we finally got to the restaurant, we ran into some of his friends. He forgot my name when he tried to introduce me. When he went to take me home, his car would not start and we had to run to his apartment in the rain so that we could get his roomate to help him start the car. I was so irratated....

Can you believe that we've been married now for 14 glorious years....:lol:....and oh yeah, he still loves Dodge, but now he taking me for dates in a 2005 Dodge Durango!
Stylepink said:
First one:

I go out with my bosses brother, because my boss begged me to go out with him. He says he's a good guy but parties too much and needs a good woman like me to keep him in line. Whatever. I was 20, bored, broke and figured this was a good way to get a free meal and go dancing. Anyways, the guy was good looking, like, you lost all thoughts in your head, good looking, and can't even remember your name! Fine as wine in the summertime! So we go to the club and we order dinner and he says he gots to go to the restroom. He's gone for 5 minutes, 10, 15....our dinner shows up....20 minutes.... he's no where around! So, I go to the club part of the restaurant to see if he's talking to someone over there....He's nowhere around. So I say "bump him" and go back to finish eating my dinner. Bro' man ain't no where to be found. Now, mind you this is in the Mid-80's and there was no such thing as a cell phone. So I go outside to walk to his car and he is, shall we say, playing Hersey Highway with some guy!!!!!!!!! I was like:eek:. He apologized non stop and begged me never to tell his brother! He wanted to give me a ride home, but I refused to get in that car! I called my Daddy to pick me up!

Next one:

My girlfriend called me to go the the club. I said yes I would go only if it were the two of us and no guys were involved (she would hook us up with the worst dates). She said okay. We get there and, wouldn't you know it, she has two guys there waiting for us. I was irrated and this one guy just would not get it that I didn't feel like being bothered. But he was buying drinks even though I was treating him like dirt. Anyways at the end of the night he asked if he could call me. I felt bad that I had treated him rotten all night and said yes. The next day he called me and asked me if I would like to go on a date and I again felt bad and said yes. One date, no biggie.
He picked me up for the date in a old silver dodge dart. It was the ugliest car I have ever seen. The door on the passenger side did not open. He had to get in first, open the door and then run over to my side of the car to let me in. He kept saying how sorry he was that he didn't have a better car. On the way to the restaurant it started to rain cats and dogs and his windshield wipers did not work. We almost wrecked twice and he was rolling down his window to look outside and see traffic ahead. When we finally got to the restaurant, we ran into some of his friends. He forgot my name when he tried to introduce me. When he went to take me home, his car would not start and we had to run to his apartment in the rain so that we could get his roomate to help him start the car. I was so irratated....

Can you believe that we've been married now for 14 glorious years....:lol:....and oh yeah, he still loves Dodge, but now he taking me for dates in a 2005 Dodge Durango!

Awww.....how sweet.
hell's yeah! i went on a date with this guy..he was really nice, and very nice looking..to make a long story short..we went for a walk at the sea port..and he started talkin bout how he wanted to light incense and blind fold me and feed me exotic fruits..and rub spicy oils all over my body...and i was like..brotha i just met u..take your exoctic fruits and shove em down ya thraot...yuk..get a life ..some guys are just booty fiends...
oh, yeah..i went on a blind date..that an old friend set up..she said the guy was my type..when i met him..he looked like a lurch..big and tall and ooogaaaleee...we talked and my body language was all off..i had my hands folded like get me the heck up outa here! i stuck it out to the end..and we went to his apt..not to far form my house..and his 2 son's were there..he went to the bathroom..and his young son..about 7 maybe came in the livingroom and asked me.."are you my new mommy"..i was out!
o..here is another...( i went thru alot of bad apples yall)..i went on another blind date..when i was about 20 or 21..and i had talked to the guy for a long time on the phone..for a few weeks..we finally met up..he lived across the street from me..at first i didint see him..so i went back home to call him and his gand papi answered the phone and said..he is looking for you out side..so i went back out..and i met him..chile..my man had glasses that were so thick..i was like o my lawd..what the hell have i done..so i went to his apt. and his whole family was in the living room lookin at him and i walk thru the hall way..i mean mama, daddy, grandpa..granny, and misc. friends...were like hi ...then i had to walk over crates to get into his room to watch a movie...no seats..so i sat on the bed that had no frame so it was low to the floor..i am 5'11, so my knees were hittin my chest..i watched some crap move..me knees were killin me and my back was too from sittin on the mattress with no frame..then i went home..he wanted to walk me home..but i was embarrased and said..oh no..i will be ok...he never heard from me agian...man...i have been thru some ish!!!
asummertyme said:
oh, yeah..i went on a blind date..that an old friend set up..she said the guy was my type..when i met him..he looked like a lurch..big and tall and ooogaaaleee...we talked and my body language was all off..i had my hands folded like get me the heck up outa here! i stuck it out to the end..and we went to his apt..not to far form my house..and his 2 son's were there..he went to the bathroom..and his young son..about 7 maybe came in the livingroom and asked me.."are you my new mommy"..i was out!

awww, did you at least answer the boy!!?!?!?
asummertyme said:
hell's yeah! i went on a date with this guy..he was really nice, and very nice looking..to make a long story short..we went for a walk at the sea port..and he started talkin bout how he wanted to light incense and blind fold me and feed me exotic fruits..and rub spicy oils all over my body...and i was like..brotha i just met u..take your exoctic fruits and shove em down ya thraot...yuk..get a life ..some guys are just booty fiends...

Exotic fruits and spicy oils had me on the floor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
shantini..i was speechless..i think his dad walked in, and laughed it off..and said.."get in the room boy"...lol
style...the guy was just nasty...strait up!
boy im reading thru some of the previous worst dates and it doesnot sound hardly as bad as mine has been...and believe me i dont get to go on many dates....

okay let me start with the most recent one...(let me warn some of you for some reason i have a issue with dating a particular background/culture of men i dont know what it is but it happens everytime that i date one of them)so no offense to anyone but it just happens...

Most recent date #1
I met this guy thru my frat brother they went to high school together..so he is a civil engineer...but lives with his parents.....im not knocking that....28 years old...is definetly my type...nice and clean cut...no kids....drives a 2005 nissan maxima...went to college at FSU...his birthday is only two days frm mine(two virgos) so it happened like this i called my frat brother...and they were working out together...he heard me on the phone...and wanted to talk to me....so we talked on the phone for a little bit exchanged phone numbers...so he was very persistent and wanted to go out that same night from me talking to him on the phone for the first time...so he came to pick me up..for one he wanted to go to the movies...and im like what no dinner(not that i was hungry but most of the time most dates start out by going out to dinner so we can talk or get to know each other)...so he was like well lets go around 6 or 7...he wanted to stop in the office and do some work but this was like around 2 or 3...and i told him that i would check on the times for the movies...he wanted to go see Batman Begins(not my type of movie to see) but i was like okay...so i called him back after washing clothes and tld him the movie started at 7:40 pm...so i started getting ready at about 5:30pm...i called him back and by then it was 6:45pm so i was like are you okay are we still on for the date..he was like yeah...and he mentioned something about tht he wanted to wash his car..so i knew we were going to be late and i hate being late going really anywhere...and i knew from where he was coming frm it would take at least 30 minutes to get to me and he wasnt familiar with where i lived...so we missed that movie at 7:40 ..and we went to a different theater and the movie at the time that we got their was sold out...he tried to feed me popcorn(i wasnot too crazy about that and i told him no i didnt want him to feed me) okay so the date was okay...it was just those little things...i was like okay so im thinking most men that if they are interested would call you..no he txts me...so im like okay thats no problem because i know him and i both are at work..but he stops txting me like after 3pm and then on like the 3rd day of txting he starts asking me about different fruits(strawberries, grapes, bananas) and then asks how do i feel about honey...and then asks me how do i feel about whip cream...im like okay let me call him out because where he is leading im not trying to lead towards...so i told the fruit freak that...and he tried to make it seem like i was crazy or something "what im just asking about deserts" im like yeah whatever..and since then i havent spoken to him lol..(i kind of figured out where his mind was at and what he wanted)

Meeting a guy off the internet

it wasnot really a date...we just wanted to meet up...i actually met him off of match.com..he seemed cool...definetly my type...but something wasnot right..he told me that he had a female living with him..but he was going thru a situation with that and trying to get her to move out ..but some of things he would tell me would not add up...he never really talked about things relating to what she was doing or their relationship...and i remember one time he called me and he sounded like Rupaul(lol) and i was thinking come on now who is playing on the phone..but it was him..so we finally decided to meet up..he was brown skin and tall...drove a fairly new cadillac...but after the first meeting he never called again...i guess i may have not been his type..but it wasnot like i didnt have a picture on my page and description of myself....i just think i wasnot a man...i think he was on the down low....

another meeting of a guy off the internet

i actually met this guy online and we talked back and forth and exchanged emails...i called him the one time never the less he set up a date that night after we talked...i told him that since i work two jobs..that i would get off at like 9 and it wldnt take me long to get ready..so he said fine we can meet up by 10 or 10:15...okay so i rushed home got ready and cleaned up...so i called his phone but no answer i left a message..by then it was like 10 minutes to 10..so he didnt call me back...and i have a rule that anything after 10:30 or 11 im not bothering with even stepping foot out the door and thats getting too late for a date...so i said watch this he is going to try to be smart and call me back at 11 and thats what he did...and then he wanted to tell me that he never heard his phone ring..and that he never got the message i left(which i knew was a lie)...and then had the nerve to say that he was "still" in fort lauderdale and wanted to know if i still wanted to meet up...im like what the hell for i more than once tld him that i had to work in the morning...and then i was like still you mean to tell me that you were all this time in fort lauderdale and that you set a time with me for us to meet up at 10 or 10:15 and i mean something didnt jump off to maybe call me when it went past that time and noticed that i supposedly hadnt called....well that was it...so i cursed him up and hung up on him....he would still send me emails but i hardly ever responded to him...and he killed that....

worst date #2
okay on this one i had just recently moved to fort lauderdale...but me and one of my frat bros had met on the internet and started talking on the phone for almost for awhile before i moved down...so when i moved into my place..he worked in ft. lauderdale but lived in miami..and was always coming and seeing me..he was okay not really my type...but i said hey i'll give it a try...so i was like well to be nice i will come and pick you up..so we decided to go out to eat..earlier that day he called me and asked me where would i like to go out to eat to...since i knew he was allergic to seafood i was like why not Fridays..so as soon as he got in my car..he started making comments about how i drove..which i got smart and tld him that he shouldve drove since he had a problem about the way i drove...so we got to the mall parking lot because the Fridays was inside the mall...as soon as i pulled into one of the driveways looking for parking..he looked over...at the cars on my side that were parked..and i was like what whats wrong...he was like damn my ex is here...so im thinking that this idiot would say well since she is here lets go to another restrauant...but no he didnt...so we went in...and soon as we got into the restrauant it was his ex and about 10 of her sorority sisters sitting towards the front...i was like damn...i hope the host doesnot take us past them but he did...you know this fool expected me to stop and say hello to them...but no i kept walking...why would i stop i mean they arent my sorors...and for what i dont know those girls...i didnt even expect him to stop and carry on a conversation....and just to walk by and say hello and thats it...so we got to the table...he asked me what was wrong at first i didnt say anything about it...and excused myself and went to the restroom...i went in to call one of my friends...but changed my mind and couldnt get her...when i came out of the stall 1 of the girls was in there...so im thinking okay is this his ex...so i went back to the table..and i asked him if that was her..since where we were sitting where you could see full view of who went into the restrooms...so we asked to be moved to a booth...by then we had ordered our food and his ex and her friends had got up and left..so then again he asked me what was wrong...and i finally told him...he claimed that he wanted to show her that he could move on and the wht he said was like he was using me...i fussed him out and even had the waitress looking at us...so we finally finished eating...that was like an hour after his ex had left by the time we finished....but what really made it bad was when we got outside and as soon as we got outside...his ex and her friends were still out in the parking lot...and my car was like right towards the front...and its not really hard to not be able to tell which car belonged to me because of my sorority tags...and as soon as we came out they started walking off...i was like what the hell the last thing i need is for someone to cut my tires or do something stupid to my car over this gorilla looking n***a..but they didnt do anything...before we could get out the parking lot of the mall..she was already calling his phone..but he wasnt answering it...and he tld me it was her...so that was the last date we ever went on..he asks me to go on dates with him..but i always tell him no because of that...and come to find out he had talked to her earlier that day and mentioned to her that he was going out and probably even told her what restrauant...

so those are some of the worst dates and meetings that i have been on..its gotten to the point that if i do get asked out on a date that i know something isnt going to go right on it...
Stylepink said:
First one:

Next one:

My girlfriend called me to go the the club. I said yes I would go only if it were the two of us and no guys were involved (she would hook us up with the worst dates). She said okay. We get there and, wouldn't you know it, she has two guys there waiting for us. I was irrated and this one guy just would not get it that I didn't feel like being bothered. But he was buying drinks even though I was treating him like dirt. Anyways at the end of the night he asked if he could call me. I felt bad that I had treated him rotten all night and said yes. The next day he called me and asked me if I would like to go on a date and I again felt bad and said yes. One date, no biggie.
He picked me up for the date in a old silver dodge dart. It was the ugliest car I have ever seen. The door on the passenger side did not open. He had to get in first, open the door and then run over to my side of the car to let me in. He kept saying how sorry he was that he didn't have a better car. On the way to the restaurant it started to rain cats and dogs and his windshield wipers did not work. We almost wrecked twice and he was rolling down his window to look outside and see traffic ahead. When we finally got to the restaurant, we ran into some of his friends. He forgot my name when he tried to introduce me. When he went to take me home, his car would not start and we had to run to his apartment in the rain so that we could get his roomate to help him start the car. I was so irratated....

Can you believe that we've been married now for 14 glorious years....:lol:....and oh yeah, he still loves Dodge, but now he taking me for dates in a 2005 Dodge Durango![/QUOTE]

That's cute!:Rose:
bluediamond0829 said:
boy im reading thru some of the previous worst dates and it doesnot sound hardly as bad as mine has been...and believe me i dont get to go on many dates....

okay let me start with the most recent one...(let me warn some of you for some reason i have a issue with dating a particular background/culture of men i dont know what it is but it happens everytime that i date one of them)so no offense to anyone but it just happens...

Most recent date #1
I met this guy thru my frat brother they went to high school together..so he is a civil engineer...but lives with his parents.....im not knocking that....28 years old...is definetly my type...nice and clean cut...no kids....drives a 2005 nissan maxima...went to college at FSU...his birthday is only two days frm mine(two virgos) so it happened like this i called my frat brother...and they were working out together...he heard me on the phone...and wanted to talk to me....so we talked on the phone for a little bit exchanged phone numbers...so he was very persistent and wanted to go out that same night from me talking to him on the phone for the first time...so he came to pick me up..for one he wanted to go to the movies...and im like what no dinner(not that i was hungry but most of the time most dates start out by going out to dinner so we can talk or get to know each other)...so he was like well lets go around 6 or 7...he wanted to stop in the office and do some work but this was like around 2 or 3...and i told him that i would check on the times for the movies...he wanted to go see Batman Begins(not my type of movie to see) but i was like okay...so i called him back after washing clothes and tld him the movie started at 7:40 pm...so i started getting ready at about 5:30pm...i called him back and by then it was 6:45pm so i was like are you okay are we still on for the date..he was like yeah...and he mentioned something about tht he wanted to wash his car..so i knew we were going to be late and i hate being late going really anywhere...and i knew from where he was coming frm it would take at least 30 minutes to get to me and he wasnt familiar with where i lived...so we missed that movie at 7:40 ..and we went to a different theater and the movie at the time that we got their was sold out...he tried to feed me popcorn(i wasnot too crazy about that and i told him no i didnt want him to feed me) okay so the date was okay...it was just those little things...i was like okay so im thinking most men that if they are interested would call you..no he txts me...so im like okay thats no problem because i know him and i both are at work..but he stops txting me like after 3pm and then on like the 3rd day of txting he starts asking me about different fruits(strawberries, grapes, bananas) and then asks how do i feel about honey...and then asks me how do i feel about whip cream...im like okay let me call him out because where he is leading im not trying to lead towards...so i told the fruit freak that...and he tried to make it seem like i was crazy or something "what im just asking about deserts" im like yeah whatever..and since then i havent spoken to him lol..(i kind of figured out where his mind was at and what he wanted)

Meeting a guy off the internet

it wasnot really a date...we just wanted to meet up...i actually met him off of match.com..he seemed cool...definetly my type...but something wasnot right..he told me that he had a female living with him..but he was going thru a situation with that and trying to get her to move out ..but some of things he would tell me would not add up...he never really talked about things relating to what she was doing or their relationship...and i remember one time he called me and he sounded like Rupaul(lol) and i was thinking come on now who is playing on the phone..but it was him..so we finally decided to meet up..he was brown skin and tall...drove a fairly new cadillac...but after the first meeting he never called again...i guess i may have not been his type..but it wasnot like i didnt have a picture on my page and description of myself....i just think i wasnot a man...i think he was on the down low....

another meeting of a guy off the internet

i actually met this guy online and we talked back and forth and exchanged emails...i called him the one time never the less he set up a date that night after we talked...i told him that since i work two jobs..that i would get off at like 9 and it wldnt take me long to get ready..so he said fine we can meet up by 10 or 10:15...okay so i rushed home got ready and cleaned up...so i called his phone but no answer i left a message..by then it was like 10 minutes to 10..so he didnt call me back...and i have a rule that anything after 10:30 or 11 im not bothering with even stepping foot out the door and thats getting too late for a date...so i said watch this he is going to try to be smart and call me back at 11 and thats what he did...and then he wanted to tell me that he never heard his phone ring..and that he never got the message i left(which i knew was a lie)...and then had the nerve to say that he was "still" in fort lauderdale and wanted to know if i still wanted to meet up...im like what the hell for i more than once tld him that i had to work in the morning...and then i was like still you mean to tell me that you were all this time in fort lauderdale and that you set a time with me for us to meet up at 10 or 10:15 and i mean something didnt jump off to maybe call me when it went past that time and noticed that i supposedly hadnt called....well that was it...so i cursed him up and hung up on him....he would still send me emails but i hardly ever responded to him...and he killed that....

worst date #2
okay on this one i had just recently moved to fort lauderdale...but me and one of my frat bros had met on the internet and started talking on the phone for almost for awhile before i moved down...so when i moved into my place..he worked in ft. lauderdale but lived in miami..and was always coming and seeing me..he was okay not really my type...but i said hey i'll give it a try...so i was like well to be nice i will come and pick you up..so we decided to go out to eat..earlier that day he called me and asked me where would i like to go out to eat to...since i knew he was allergic to seafood i was like why not Fridays..so as soon as he got in my car..he started making comments about how i drove..which i got smart and tld him that he shouldve drove since he had a problem about the way i drove...so we got to the mall parking lot because the Fridays was inside the mall...as soon as i pulled into one of the driveways looking for parking..he looked over...at the cars on my side that were parked..and i was like what whats wrong...he was like damn my ex is here...so im thinking that this idiot would say well since she is here lets go to another restrauant...but no he didnt...so we went in...and soon as we got into the restrauant it was his ex and about 10 of her sorority sisters sitting towards the front...i was like damn...i hope the host doesnot take us past them but he did...you know this fool expected me to stop and say hello to them...but no i kept walking...why would i stop i mean they arent my sorors...and for what i dont know those girls...i didnt even expect him to stop and carry on a conversation....and just to walk by and say hello and thats it...so we got to the table...he asked me what was wrong at first i didnt say anything about it...and excused myself and went to the restroom...i went in to call one of my friends...but changed my mind and couldnt get her...when i came out of the stall 1 of the girls was in there...so im thinking okay is this his ex...so i went back to the table..and i asked him if that was her..since where we were sitting where you could see full view of who went into the restrooms...so we asked to be moved to a booth...by then we had ordered our food and his ex and her friends had got up and left..so then again he asked me what was wrong...and i finally told him...he claimed that he wanted to show her that he could move on and the wht he said was like he was using me...i fussed him out and even had the waitress looking at us...so we finally finished eating...that was like an hour after his ex had left by the time we finished....but what really made it bad was when we got outside and as soon as we got outside...his ex and her friends were still out in the parking lot...and my car was like right towards the front...and its not really hard to not be able to tell which car belonged to me because of my sorority tags...and as soon as we came out they started walking off...i was like what the hell the last thing i need is for someone to cut my tires or do something stupid to my car over this gorilla looking n***a..but they didnt do anything...before we could get out the parking lot of the mall..she was already calling his phone..but he wasnt answering it...and he tld me it was her...so that was the last date we ever went on..he asks me to go on dates with him..but i always tell him no because of that...and come to find out he had talked to her earlier that day and mentioned to her that he was going out and probably even told her what restrauant...

so those are some of the worst dates and meetings that i have been on..its gotten to the point that if i do get asked out on a date that i know something isnt going to go right on it...
awww, blue! those dates arent so bad....those guys were idiots though!!! and i HAVE been known to put a n**ga out my car if he has a problem with how i drive....i cannot STAND that mess! :lol:
Oh yes, I hate backstreet drivers too, especially on dates. It's like fool I've been driving just fine before I met you!!! Or men who change my stations or worse bring their own CD's to play.
Shatani said:
awww, blue! those dates arent so bad....those guys were idiots though!!! and i HAVE been known to put a n**ga out my car if he has a problem with how i drive....i cannot STAND that mess! :lol:

well it never fails for me to meet the village idiot or town fool..lol...and decide to go on a date with them...and believe me ive tried that lets get to know each other before going out before and thats what i got on the worst date wit the ex girlfriend being at the restrauant...ladies im telling you im just not good at the dating thing...so im perplexed on how im even going to meet a nice decent man that isnt going to put me thru what these fools have...
You guys are sooooooooooooo funny. Sorry I dont have none, but please keep them coming. Time is going by so fast at work. I cant really laugh loud like I want to. I keep running to the bathroom and letting it out.
caligirl90044 said:
You guys are sooooooooooooo funny. Sorry I dont have none, but please keep them coming. Time is going by so fast at work. I cant really laugh loud like I want to. I keep running to the bathroom and letting it out.
girl, they gonna think you have some special kind of food poisoning! :lol:
LadyChe said:
This stuff is hilarious... here's mine.

I was out at a nice restaurant with a man I'd met at the gym. Very cute man, and on top of his game business and class wise. We're at dinner, and his phone rings. The 1st time he ignores it. But then it rings again. He puts it on silence and it rings again. He answers it and takes it to the restroom. While he's gone, this woman storms into the restaurant like "Where IS HE! I KNOW he's here!" This fool exits the bathroom and walks back to our table with a new accessory - a wedding ring! When his loud-mouthed wife snarls her way over to the table, he had the nerve to introduce me as one of his clients! I stand up to leave and this woman has the nerve to try to swing on me - she missed and hit a woman at another table. It took her husband and two waiters to hold her down. I go outside, she's flattened his tires and smashed in the passenger window. He comes outside with a bloody lip like - can I give you a ride home? We can take her car...

I rode home with the maitre'd.

The next day - this nut has the nerve to send me flowers with a message I will NEVER forget...

"My dear, I hope we can get past last night's misunderstanding. Surely you understand how desperate people can be to be around men on my level. But you look like a lady that can keep my attention."

LOL!!! And I thought I had been out with some losers.
I read this thread earlier and I'm still crying laughin' over here. :lachen:

I went on a date with this guy. He had been eyeing me when I would be walking home from school. So he finally approched and asked if we wanted to go out. I said sure.

So he picks up that Friday night to a movie. I believe it was "Enemy of the State." So we went to the line and the lady said "The total is $15.28. So he just stood there looking stupid. :look: So I pulled out my wallet and and grabbed the $15 then he had the nerve to say "Oh I've got the 28 cents!!" :swearing: I said foget it I got it.

So we went in saw the movie and later on we went to Hermosa beach. He was steadily trying to edge for a kiss but I pumped the brakes on that one!! :driver: We were walking along the shore until he realized that he dropped his glasses and pager in the beach water!! :shocked: So he went walking all over the beach while I just sat there on the blanket. I gave him a lighter to look for it but he got pissed and through it at me saying "I wouldn't have lost my pager and glasses if you would've kissed me!" :shocked: So he storms off to the car and drives off. Leaving me at the beach. :swearing:

So I call my pops to come and get me. I got home @ 2 a.m. and at the time my twin sis, Cinnabuns, were living together. I told her what happened and why it took me so long to get home. I said "Let's play a trick on him!! You call him in the morning and say that I never came home last night." So her fiance and my dad got involved too. My dad even played like he was the policeman calling his house. :lol: That tough, good-for-nothing date was shaking in his boots!! His family was over his house and everything. This story went on for the whole day until I finally called him and told him I was ok. I explained that he could at least have been a gentlemen to make sure the girl comes home safely. Anything could've happened to me and he would be the one the police would come after becuase he was the last person to see me.

And come to find out yall he done this very same exact thing to another girl prior to me. So he learned his lesson when he bumped into sugaplum. :grin:
Well my story is not really a FIRST date, it was more like a second or third date...I was young and stupid, so let me say that. Anyway, I went to dude's house (he lived w/ his parents, but that was OK but he was in college and I think I was only like 21 myself). Anyway, so I went to his house and we were just hanging out, watchin a movie, drinking something, whatever. Well, every once and a while he would go out of his room and he always closed the door behind him and would tell me just to keep our voices low (it was pretty late, so I thought it was b/c his parents were asleep). Well, when he came back the last time, he was like, my dad is looking out the window at your car (I parked in front of the house-red car). I was like what? He said my dad is looking at your car and doesn't recognize it in front of the house, so he's calling the police! I'm like WHAT!?!?!? Your dad doesn't KNOW I'm here??? He was like no, but it's OK, just be very quiet. So, I was like, that's OK, I'll just leave before the police get here. Do you know that I had to SNEAK out of the house and speed off b/c this guy was too much of a sissy (can you say understatement?) to tell his father he had company!! Needless to say, I never spoke to him again and he kept emailing and calling me and whatnot. I never responded!! Absolutely ridiculous! I'm a grown *** woman having to sneak out of a grown *** man's parent's house!!! I told my cousin the story and she still laughs about that to this day!!
chocolat79 said:
Well my story is not really a FIRST date, it was more like a second or third date...I was young and stupid, so let me say that. Anyway, I went to dude's house (he lived w/ his parents, but that was OK but he was in college and I think I was only like 21 myself). Anyway, so I went to his house and we were just hanging out, watchin a movie, drinking something, whatever. Well, every once and a while he would go out of his room and he always closed the door behind him and would tell me just to keep our voices low (it was pretty late, so I thought it was b/c his parents were asleep). Well, when he came back the last time, he was like, my dad is looking out the window at your car (I parked in front of the house-red car). I was like what? He said my dad is looking at your car and doesn't recognize it in front of the house, so he's calling the police! I'm like WHAT!?!?!? Your dad doesn't KNOW I'm here??? He was like no, but it's OK, just be very quiet. So, I was like, that's OK, I'll just leave before the police get here. Do you know that I had to SNEAK out of the house and speed off b/c this guy was too much of a sissy (can you say understatement?) to tell his father he had company!! Needless to say, I never spoke to him again and he kept emailing and calling me and whatnot. I never responded!! Absolutely ridiculous! I'm a grown *** woman having to sneak out of a grown *** man's parent's house!!! I told my cousin the story and she still laughs about that to this day!!

WOW!! :shocked: It's funny I had a simular story to this but me and my sis were 15 and she hid the guy in our closet untill my father left. :lachen: TOO FUNNY!! :lol:
sugaplum said:
I read this thread earlier and I'm still crying laughin' over here. :lachen:

I went on a date with this guy. He had been eyeing me when I would be walking home from school. So he finally approched and asked if we wanted to go out. I said sure.

So he picks up that Friday night to a movie. I believe it was "Enemy of the State." So we went to the line and the lady said "The total is $15.28. So he just stood there looking stupid. :look: So I pulled out my wallet and and grabbed the $15 then he had the nerve to say "Oh I've got the 28 cents!!" :swearing: I said foget it I got it.

So we went in saw the movie and later on we went to Hermosa beach. He was steadily trying to edge for a kiss but I pumped the brakes on that one!! :driver: We were walking along the shore until he realized that he dropped his glasses and pager in the beach water!! :shocked: So he went walking all over the beach while I just sat there on the blanket. I gave him a lighter to look for it but he got pissed and through it at me saying "I wouldn't have lost my pager and glasses if you would've kissed me!" :shocked: So he storms off to the car and drives off. Leaving me at the beach. :swearing:

So I call my pops to come and get me. I got home @ 2 a.m. and at the time my twin sis, Cinnabuns, were living together. I told her what happened and why it took me so long to get home. I said "Let's play a trick on him!! You call him in the morning and say that I never came home last night." So her fiance and my dad got involved too. My dad even played like he was the policeman calling his house. :lol: That tough, good-for-nothing date was shaking in his boots!! His family was over his house and everything. This story went on for the whole day until I finally called him and told him I was ok. I explained that he could at least have been a gentlemen to make sure the girl comes home safely. Anything could've happened to me and he would be the one the police would come after becuase he was the last person to see me.

And come to find out yall he done this very same exact thing to another girl prior to me. So he learned his lesson when he bumped into sugaplum. :grin:

That guy was a 100% pure jerk. Glad you got him good! :lachen: