Well-Known Member
praying ain't gonna do ish. she needs a divorce.
I know this is a serious topic but I for real at this comment.
praying ain't gonna do ish. she needs a divorce.
I do too and I am a Christian. Unless the OP and her husband are also Christian, this may not be the best response.
I also do not believe you should stay in a bad marriage. Especially if one person is unwilling to change.
The op also didn't post this in the Christian section.
Eta: Zuleika I don't mean you response. I agree with your response. I was referring to dancing stallion/unicorn telling her to pray in the rest of my post.
i won't say it's over if you have to get cops involved. the reason is why was the cops needed ? was he hitting her or threatening her life?
That is a whole nother thread. Yes x 10,000
some men make great boyfriends but terrible husbands.
Zaynab said:Right. And I'm a Christian.
But I think this "Pray over it" foolishness has just got to end. Women are praying to save no good marriages, bum *** men and abusive men, oh and praying for a husband at church--still never doing anything about your situation. Welp. Prayer without works is nothing--works meaning action. You can pray all you want for something but God also doesn't want you to be a fool either.
I believe in prayer and I've seen it do amazing things but praying at the self-sacrifice of her and her baby being in the dark isn't going to work. She can pray and love him at a distance and maybe things could change, for now, she needs to roll.
OP I know you were trying to keep it brief but hmmmm....having the cops throw your husband out....yeah that's important information. And unless I missed it still don't know why you did that.
I get the sense that you're embarrassed about your decision to marry this guy which is why the info is coming in dribble drabbles. Don't be. We all get caught up and make bad choices for ourselves. Own it and then take action to rectify it.
Because to me, when you have to call the cops to escort your husband out of the house it is already over. You just need to do what you need to do to end it.
caltron stated it so much better than I could have.ITA.
Also please know that guys like these are master manipulators. They know exactly what most women's fantasy men are and they are very skilled at making themselves appear to be that ideal fantasy man. They are also good at figuring out areas where you are lacking emotionally and filling those needs.
They do this early on so that the woman falls in love with them. By the time their true colors come out, the woman is so hopelessly in love that she is willing to overlook all his shortcomings. This is how intelligent, attractive, successful women wind up with losers.
I really don't think you are in love with your hubby. What you are in love with is the illusion that he created for you early on in your relationship that he was this wonderful, caring, sensitive man. The outside world sees your hubby for the bum that he is, but you are still pining away for a man who never existed in the first place.
One of the problems for women is that we think with our hearts and not our heads. In order for us to have fulfilling relationships, we have to be able to look at our mates objectively. When we do this, we are often criticized by other women who might see this kind of objectivity as being cold, or a golddigger, etc, but it's really all about self preservation.
I've tried to throw him out before, several times actually. I had the cops escort him out and everything. But he moved to this state to be with me so if I throw him out, he's homeless. I mean, he's a bum but I don't want him to literally be on the street. He can't just crash on a couch while he gets back on his feet. He doesn't know anyone here. I do still have feelings for him, even though I agree at this point that he is just dead weight in my life. I want him to man up, but I don't hate him. That's why I said it would be easier if I moved out because at least I have family in this state. I know I shouldn't, but I'd feel bad for bringing him to this state where he has no friends or family and then tossing him out, even if he does deserve it. I know I am the victim here but I don't want to be a heartless ***** about it either. He doesn't deserve to be with me but I don't know if homelessness is a proper punishment.
He didn't move to live with you! He moved to live off you! You shouldn't feel guilty about anything. I'm agree with the other ladies that he needs to go.
Carrie A said:I hadn't read the whole background so I went back to review your old threads and OP I must say I'm confused. Things just don't add up.
You have a three month old so you conceived in Dec 2011?
You have been married 15 months which would make the wedding in August 2011
In the first thread you said you got pregnant before you got married.
You said you had a long distance relationship for a few years before he moved to NY.
You said during the time you were dating he was going through divorce.
So in the two years y'all were long distance was this like an emotional affair. He would have been married during this time.
In the first thread you said you reconnected last year.
He was your high school sweetheart but his mom and sister confirmed that he had a job since he was 15?
You make nearly six figures but had unpaid maternity leave and now you're behind on the rent and light bills.
I though you owned your home not renting.
You pined over this man for the past 15 years? Even that number is IDN
Just for others that are reading this - your husband is suppossed to do those things when you are carrying his child. Those actions are not exchangeable in lieu of future security. You think if you told your midwife what he said about the lights she would say "oh but he was so nice during labor give him a pass?"
We get that you love this man but please see the situation for what it is. You are giving him extra credit when he hasn't completed his original assignment. (check you pm's).
I'm not giving him EXTRA credit, but if it was the other way around- like if he had a stable job but never helped around the house, brought me food, or supported me through my pregnancies, etc- would your advice to leave him be the same? I know being a provider is more important, but I would be equally unhappy if he had a stable job but never did those things for me. Pretty much every man I've dated before him had money but they never did anything nice. And when I said men with money, I mean doctors and architects and lawyers and other six figure earners. Some men feel if they have money they don't have to do anything else. That's why I was saying in the other thread that it's better to date a really sweet broke guy than a rich jerk. It's possible that DH is depressed and getting his certifications will boost his confidence and get him out of his funk. He was definitely working steadily when we were dating. He wasn't lying or exaggerating about that. I witnessed that firsthand. He paid for my air faire a few times when we were doing the long distance thing. All of his "bummyness" started when he moved to this state and was unable to get a well paying job. New York's job market is a little more competitive than the little po dunk town he came from. Don't get me wrong, he has some other MAJOR character flaws that he needs to work through, but I don't think he would purposely hold out on me if he actually had the means to provide for me and the baby.
Hi Perfextion, I think its obvious that you are not ready to leave your husband; you are not mentally, emotionally and physically ready to deal with it. I understand that as I've told you my personal story. As another poster stated, I think you are afraid; afraid of giving up on a marriage, being a single mother and yes, i'll say it, being single again. You may feel like you have failed. I totally understand those fears as I and many others here have been through similar thoughts. The thing is, and i'm not sure you realize this but you are already a single mother, just a "married single mom" which is IMO is worse because you have a partner who is reneging on the marriage contract, father contract and friend contract.
You did not fail, you stood by your vows and gave your love, your time and your strength in the relationship. You are providing for your child and contributing to the household and working every day to keep your house afloat. You are doing a 2 person job, which will, if not already exhaust you physically & mentally. You just happen to love someone who may not know how to love you in the right way and may just love himself a whole lot more.
I will take a little bit of the advice that everyone has given you and apply to you;
1. Everyone says " Leave", I say, get your ducks in a row and plan for " just in case". When you are finally fed up, then you have made a decision.
2. Pray for your relationship: I think you have already done this so I say pray for yourself- pray for strength to take it one day at a time, pray for sanity and pray for peace of mind so you can have the confidence to do what you need to do and to stick with it.
3. Babies are not babies forever, don't put yourself in a situation that you will have to explain to your daughter as she gets older. Children are intuitive and no dummies.
4. I have to disagree with the poster who said men respond to facts; you can give a man facts all day long and they will either be defensive and throw you under the bus, deny or tune you out. Men respond to action and ultimatums-always! If you issue an ultimatum, stand by your words and follow by action. Don't talk about it, be about it.
5. Get some self help books and join a mommy message board or a board similar to issues you are going through. You would be surprised at some of the things posted but also how comforting that you are not alone in your troubles.
As for your hubby, no more babysitting and hand holding, let him be A MAN!!! Let him do it himself, he shouldn't ask if he should go back to school to get certified- he should just get up and go. He's setting you up to be you a mommy to him and not a wife. He will resent you for the mommy role he put you in. He shouldn't have to ask your permission in issues regarding his own self improvement, he needs to do the damn thing. You should not have to ask for money, he should be asking if you have enough and what more can he do? If money is tight, he should be able to communicate with you in an adult manner and not a vindictive, passive aggresive way. Men are very good at pretending that they can't do anything by themselves, they can and they will if they have no choice. So dont give him options, let him stand on his big grown feet.
if he is a good man, a good father, and over all a good husband, then give him a chance to get it together. but if he is a bum and you are making excuses, so you won't look bad in the choice you made, you need to just kick him to the curb.
See this is what I'm trying to figure out before I leave him. I agree that I did dive in head first to a situation without thinking it through completely. I was blind sided by love and I am really embarrassed to admit that. But I'm just as confused as all of you as to why a seemingly hard working man would suddenly became a complete bum for no reason. I think in order for me to determine whether he is a bum or just down on his luck, things need to be parallel to how they were in his old state, meaning if he has all of his certifications and licenses, and STILL doesn't get stable work then I will know he's just a bum and I can let him go. What if the only thing that has been holding him back all this time was a piece of paper that certifies him in this state? I don't know if that is a valid reason or an excuse.
See this is what I'm trying to figure out before I leave him. I agree that I did dive in head first to a situation without thinking it through completely. I was blind sided by love and I am really embarrassed to admit that. But I'm just as confused as all of you as to why a seemingly hard working man would suddenly became a complete bum for no reason. I think in order for me to determine whether he is a bum or just down on his luck, things need to be parallel to how they were in his old state, meaning if he has all of his certifications and licenses, and STILL doesn't get stable work then I will know he's just a bum and I can let him go. What if the only thing that has been holding him back all this time was a piece of paper that certifies him in this state? I don't know if that is a valid reason or an excuse.
That's why I was saying in the other thread that it's better to date a really sweet broke guy than a rich jerk.
ThirdEyeBeauty said:It's possible he could be severely depressed. Depression can have you give up. Still, do what is best for you.
I have seen this used as an excuse for some men to do nothing. It makes me mad because depression is a real illness.
ThirdEyeBeauty said:I don't want to derail the thread but I'm sorry, what?
You have seen my quote used as an excuse for men to do nothing and you are upset that depression is a real illness?
Maybe this topic should be left for another thread.
It is my house but if I move out with the baby and there are no lights, cable or hot water, I imagine he will leave at some point. That is, unless he actually does get his ish together and turn everything back on himself with his own money somehow. Either way, I can stay with my mom as long as I want until he figures out where to go.
I have seen many black men "claim" depression. It was used as a tool to control when all other methods failed.
As I said, depression is real and too many people use it to get their way.
I don't want to derail the thread but I'm sorry, what?
You have seen my quote used as an excuse for men to do nothing and you are upset that depression is a real illness?
Maybe this topic should be left for another thread.