Tell me I'm wrong..... (LONG)

yes, you were rude. you knew you weren't interested in him, but you still went on the date & proceeded to act bitter for NO reason :ohwell: that's just remedial. :rolleyes:

The fact that you have to ask us says a lot about your state of mind. Maybe you should re-evaluate your values and what is important to you.
ok .......thats taking it way too far.


She wasn't interested in him yet still pursued him... not the other way around.

She allowed herself to be in a vulnerable/ subordinate position with someone she didn't even think was worthy enough to consider an option in the first place.

Why would she need to ask us? It seems so clear.

She needs to reevaluate why she would choose to continue to entertain this fool.
Heck no.... Girl, delete his number from your phone and don't even look back once.

This guy sounds like a LOSER with a capital L.

I could see if you liked him or were at least somewhat feeling the dude. But it seems like you don't like him at all!! So, what's the problem again?? Forget what your friend says. It's YOUR life! Don't settle! :naughty:
If you dealing with a Starkville local, what the hell did you think you would get?? :lol:

ANd PLEASE don't tell me you met him at Level3... or during BWW.

and what is this nice Mexican restaurant in Starkville? :look:
There is this dude that is feeling me, but I don't feel the same. Anyway, we met up in Starkville, but I must admit I was pretty rude to him and just killed his ego every chance I had. My fault. My friend felt bad, and invited him to dinner and told me that I need to be more cordial to him because how I was treating him as rude.

I said okay....I will play nice.

He's dead broke. At the mexican restaurant he wouldn't even order water. (Guess he was scared they might charge). He played all of his ringtones at the restaurant (a nice restaurant at that) to see if I wanted to swap. He opened every door, and was really nice, but after talking to him about his future goals it seems like he has plans (to be a teacher) but no motive of getting there

I left Starkville and he followed me back to campus. We watched a movie and parted from there. I txted him a day later, he doesn't respond. Instead he calls me at 3am and tries to talk. (Strike one)
I'm in school. I feel you don't respect me if you call me after 11pm. You prolly don't have anything to say except talking about sex. I'm not feeling it.

He asked me to come see him in Starkville a few days later. (He does not have a car) I say I will. I told him I had meetings yesterday but I would come to starkville @ 6. He never responds so I figure that he's busy or doesn't want to see me. He txts me (doesn't call, txts) to tell me he left Starkville and is in Jackson. (Strike 2)

I told him that common courtesy was to tell me that he was leaving Starkville and going home because what if I had drove 20 minutes to see him and I had found out he was gone? I would have been furious. I told him I must not be on his priority list.

He told me that he has priorities but while I'm badgering him, I'm the one with no priorities. (Strike 3) I'm pissed. I told him I'm not the one to argue and beat a dead horse, but I feel like he's the one with no priorities. I went into my tangent.

-He has two kids. They live in the same town with him. He sees them MAYBE once a month. (He's busy. Baby momma is always workin)
-He just got laid off from both of his jobs (He claims it's cause of the economy, but if you don't show up one day, they WILL fire you)
-He has a prepaid phone that he can't keep one for 2 consecutive months (I told yall i do not like a man who cannot keep hsi phone on. Have responsibility)
-He has YET to enroll back into school (He is 26)
-He is struggling to pay bills (rent, lights, gas)

So I ask him, if he can't take care of his own (kids) how could he ever provide for me? I'm not asking for money or tryna be a gold digger, but this is how I feel. I'm in college, making something of my life and I need a man not a boy that I have to teach to be a man, and I need a man of great caliber and I don't think he is that person for right now. I asked him what if we were in a relationship. What if we did one day have relations and had a child. If he can't take care of the two he has right now, how could he take care of ours? I started hurting his feelings so I told him we'd be better as friends because he's not what I'm looking for right now.

THIS FOOL WENT OFF. I guess I'm just some spoiled trick who is used to "ballers". I make him feel bad, like he doesn't do anything. He tries. His mom told him he would neva be anything in life, and that's exactly how I make him feel. Like he is nothing. He doesn't have money, but he has time. He gives his kids time. I should be proud :look:

Am I wrong to ex his number out my phone?

I read this, and all I could see was "he is 26"...
You were wrong for going against your standards. This guy shouldnt even be dating, and it sounds like he's looking for a sucka.
If you dealing with a Starkville local, what the hell did you think you would get?? :lol:

ANd PLEASE don't tell me you met him at Level3... or during BWW.

and what is this nice Mexican restaurant in Starkville? :look:

LMFAO HOW DID YOU KNOW?!! lol I been known him but yeah we met up for Blue n White Weekend :perplexed: lol. But hey, you live and learn. I am not attracted to anyone in the Golden Triangle area....except a few of my sexy phrats in this piece :lick: I love me some snakes...:blush:

Mi Hacienda is the Mexican Restaurant it's over there across from Walmart in that shopping area I think it's next to Lucky Nails maybe? It's over there by Claires Shoe Department and those other stores
Why did you even waste your time? How did he get so many opportunities for you to be rude to him?

He's from Starkville, and you're from SNARKVILLE! :lachen:
Since you are worried about being rude to him, how about you politely lose his number?
Seriously, this man has nothing to bring to the table-at least nothing you wrote about plus you did say you were not feeling him anyway.
You are not wrong for wanting to just be friends.

Girl! You don't even need to be friends with HAM like that! C'mon now- we all know what it's like to waste time and energy on people with bad energy going nowhere. You're in school too trying to work on you. This is the one moment in your life you get to be completely justifiably selfish and work on you. I know you feel bad for him but name ONE. REDEEMING. QUALITY. in this person. Crickets...

I can work with a dude that's got a few things going for them and working on the rest but this fool is cancer- please run far away.
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True. Hm. He isn't my boyfriend, not even a close friend. I guess I could jsut cut off all contact of him. I have no ties to him anyway. I dunno, I just worry about how people feel too much.

You remind me of myself in college. You're a vampire magnet aren't you? Too nice and always attracting crazy folks that suck the life out of you. You need to get mad and ditch the losers! You do not deserve to be treated like that. It takes time- one day you'll decide that you're tired of it and not a minute before.
Am I wrong to ex his number out my phone?


You were wrong for allowing his # in your phone in the first place:lachen:

I had a nickname (given to me by my now DH). 'Here today, gone today'. I had NOOOOO problem kicking folks to the curb. At some point there were enough of them out there that they had someone to talk to.

You can do one of 2 things...

1. Delete his # and k.i.m or

2. If you don't recognize the # put DNA in front of his and assign him (and anyone that is on the Go to Hail list) a special ringtone. This way you will know who is calling before you even look @ your phone. And you won't reach for your phone. Just because You delete him does not mean he may stop calling you.