Update: I think I'm ready to leave him


Well-Known Member
My DH has been sick at home all week long and I'm pretty sure he's going to be let go from his construction contract. I know legally they shouldn't be able to fire him for being legitimately sick, but he is an unskilled worker so they can pretty much fire him for whatever reason they want. He doesn't seem too concerned by this because he said if he gets laid off he can get on unemployment. I don't know how those laws work but he's only been working for them for a few months (definitely less than six) and he willingly quit his previous job so I don't even think he qualifies for unemployment. I told him that either way, now would be a good time to either get those state certifications he needs or go back to school. It would be a financial stretch but I would be willing to pay for that. I'd consider it an investment. He kinda brushed off that idea because he said he's "not in the right mind frame" for any studying right now. I got mad and straight out told him that he wasn't pulling his weight and he needs to step up. We are actually BEHIND on rent and bills, the baby needs supplies that we can't afford right now, plus we really need to start thinking about our financial future. We were living off of my savings while I was out on maternity leave so we have no emergency money at all. He said that I whine and nag and stress too much about money and if the lights get cut off then we'll just have to be in the dark (and cold) for a while. Then he said that he will pull his weight by applying for food stamps so that at least we'll have food if nothing else. No offense to anyone here who uses government programs but our household income is nowhere near the poverty line. I think that for a young, able-bodied man to apply for government assistance when he can work is just lazy, and I told him that. He said that it sounds as though I'm saying he isn't sh*t and that makes him feel bad. To which I replied, "If the shoe fits!" In my rage I accidentally gave him another ultimatum, which I know I shouldn't have done. I told him that if he loses this job he has until the end of the year to find another one or pack his bags. And if the lights get cut off I'm packing up myself and my baby and I'm staying with my mother until HE can afford to turn them back on. And he said, "Whatever." I was honestly willing to work with him as long as he was willing to work with me, but clearly he doesn't. He even took his paycheck to a check cashing place this time. He said HE will determine which bills HIS money goes to. I honestly don't know what I am going to do after he leaves because I'm still going to be struggling financially for a while since we are in the red, but at least that's one less mouth to feed until I figure something out!
Reading this I'm upset for you. Personally if it was me I would have to leave, because I can't stand lazy men! While I wish things would turn around for the better... I feel that no one should be bearing the burden of a lazy/lousy spouse!
I wish you all the best, I'm sure this situation must be stressful.
(((HUGS))) to you! You and your child do NOT deserve this behavior at all. I am happy you have your mother. I know he is your husband and I will not speak poorly about him WTF is his problem?! What kind of a man is he to just accept sitting in the cold darkness?! I am happy you are not there. I really hope whatever funk/depression he is in, gets lifted. Hang in there honey!
I wish you all the best OP. My blood pressure actually went up while reading it. That is such a tragedy that he cannot see the logic in his thought process.

I'm sorry you are going through this. I don't have any advice but you didn't ask for any so I'll assume you are just venting. :(
Zaynab loved any advice please :ohwell:

OP You've said what you've needed to say to him so dont repeat yourself and keep focus on the baby

if lights do cut off/he still doesnt do anything, then I'd suggest going to your parents. No need on telling him..when he sees your actions and how serious you are, hopefully he will step off. No need or "nagging" anymore. He knows the deal. :yep:
This whole situation is messed all the way up. I don't want to speak bad about your hubby, but why does he not want to be a contributing, productive member to your household, but when he was married to the white woman, he worked hand over fist to provide for her?!!!

You are not a mule, and it is unfair for him to put you in the position of having to keep things afloat when he is very able to make ends meet.

I am so sorry you are going through this. There is nothing worse then being with someone who has no desire to meet you half way or work with you.
This whole situation is messed all the way up. I don't want to speak bad about your hubby, but why does he not want to be a contributing, productive member to your household, but when he was married to the white woman, he worked hand over fist to provide for her?!!!

You are not a mule, and it is unfair for him to put you in the position of having to keep things afloat when he is very able to make ends meet.

I am so sorry you are going through this. There is nothing worse then being with someone who has no desire to meet you half way or work with you.

Woah??!! Say what? Did I miss that somewhere in the original post?? Or did you just reference info that the OP has written about in the past? If thats the case, I see why people be deleting post! Y'all do be bringing up stuff and referencing it for later. :lol: Great memory lol
Can you move out? Or is it your house? Either way, you're right. Better to struggle by yourself than to have him there not helping you. Best of luck to you.
Can you move out? Or is it your house? Either way, you're right. Better to struggle by yourself than to have him there not helping you. Best of luck to you.

It is my house but if I move out with the baby and there are no lights, cable or hot water, I imagine he will leave at some point. That is, unless he actually does get his ish together and turn everything back on himself with his own money somehow. Either way, I can stay with my mom as long as I want until he figures out where to go.
Is this your house (mortgage) or apartment (rent)?

Please do not leave that man in your house where he can comfortably chill until he feels like leaving or acting up. Get your action plan together which includes telling him when he needs to vacate. If you can't manage the home on your own then get what you have to get together so you can sell. Don't let pride allow him to mess up your credit - that will only affect you as you attempt to move forward. Doesn't matter what he should be doing - if paying for everything gets him out of your life then that's a small price to pay.

MixedBerry Maitai was referring to another thread that was posted about 2 weeks ago. At this point I don't believe at all that her husband provided and took care of his ex-wife the way that he claims to have been. The race was a red herring to distract from the fact that he just isn't the man he pretended to be. Men don't lose their hustle like that especially when he now has the kid he wanted for so long. He's said what he needed to say to get the next woman and OP fell for it. Now its time to pick up the pieces and make the best for herself and her child.
i stopped after reading this

He kinda brushed off that idea because he said he's "not in the right mind frame

the right mind frame is to provide for your got-damn family!!! da hell you thinking---
I am so sorry you're going through this. I had an ex husband who pulled the same crap (no kids). I worked full-time while he stayed home and essentially did nothing during a time and place when he could have easily found a job (1999, Bay Area). He was actually really good at sales, but didn't want to apply himself.

With that said, no matter what you decide to do, I would come up with an ex-strategy just in case like Southernbella. said. Thankfully you have your mom to fall back on. When I was planning on leaving, I would put away little bits of money at a time in a savings account he didn't know about. I also kept a stash of money on my person in case I needed to make a quick getaway (he was abusive). I had a stash of boxes at my job to use in a pinch. I kept a change of clothes at work and at a friends house.

Whatever you need for you and your daughter, start gathering up little by little. It may not happen, but your post tells me you are at the end of your rope.

ETA: I didn't know was your house.. bklynbornNbred -Don't let him screw up your credit. I had an eviction on my record for 7 years when I left my ex-husband, but I had to leave him. Do what you can to take care of yourself and your baby. Do you have family that can give you some money so that you can keep things running for the time being so your credit is not on the line?
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It is my house but if I move out with the baby and there are no lights, cable or hot water, I imagine he will leave at some point. That is, unless he actually does get his ish together and turn everything back on himself with his own money somehow. Either way, I can stay with my mom as long as I want until he figures out where to go.

Is this your house (mortgage) or apartment (rent)?

Please do not leave that man in your house where he can comfortably chill until he feels like leaving or acting up. Get your action plan together which includes telling him when he needs to vacate. If you can't manage the home on your own then get what you have to get together so you can sell. Don't let pride allow him to mess up your credit - that will only affect you as you attempt to move forward. Doesn't matter what he should be doing - if paying for everything gets him out of your life then that's a small price to pay.


It still seems like something is being left out to me. If he had been such a hard worker all of those years, why didn't he have any savings? And why was he so willing to give up the good life I assume he would have built over the years to move to your city and into your home? And if you have such a good income and had been saving money and had been easily taking care of yourself for years, how could ALL of your savings be wiped out from maternity leave? Do you actually own your home or are you renting? Because if you own your home, how could you even consider leaving it and letting him stay? You can't figure out how to keep the electricity on and you go to work every day? I am confused and don't understand why everything is so out of control.

Based on the info you have provided, it sounds like I said previously, that your loneliness clouded your judgement and you settled on this guy, but although you knew you were settling, you didn't realize just how much, which is usually how it goes.

Please focus on protecting yourself, your baby, and your credit. Whatever you do, please stop and think and plan, no more impetuous decisions for awhile. Sit down, think, and plan.
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All I can say is wow! I don't respect his way of thinking at all... Those are character issues! This is beyond being down and out about a job!!! Best of luck to you OP with whatever you decide!!!
With a house, new baby, wedding, maternity leave, and extra bills brought on by the new hubby, other emergencies, I can see how her savings could be gone. Who knows how much savings she had, how long she was on maternity leave, if she had medical bills from the pregnancy or delivery. Either way it doesn't really matter, OP is where she is and she needs to get out of it. OP I hope you don't feel the need to break down your finances for us.
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It sounds like your DH has checked out and your efforts to reason with him is going in one ear and out of the other.

Do what you have to do to take care of yourself and your baby.

I wish you the best, it was hard to read your post because I can't imagine a father of a infant child saying such things :nono:
:bighug:Come here.:bighug:

He said that I whine and nag and stress too much about money and if the lights get cut off then we'll just have to be in the dark (and cold) for a while.
So you should just wait and do without until when? It's not like he has a plan to keep things together. This is totally unacceptable.

He said that it sounds as though I'm saying he isn't sh*t and that makes him feel bad.
This has nothing to do with his pride. He's just trying to sucker you into a guilt complex because he doesn't want to you to remind him of his short comings.

I was honestly willing to work with him as long as he was willing to work with me, but clearly he doesn't. He even took his paycheck to a check cashing place this time. He said HE will determine which bills HIS money goes to.
I think you were more than trying to be reasonable in you approach to the situation but his response was just immature. He really should have considered the affect that his actions will have on you and not just your finances. I don't think he wants to work with you but continue to ignore the problem.

Here's another:bighug:

My mom was in a similar situation when I was little. She and my father were having it out over their finances, my father had gotten laid off from his job and my mother was working 2 jobs to make ends meet. Well my dad had refused to get another job. Ma was struggling to keep our utilities on and basically keep our heads above water while my father sat around the house all day. There really shouldn't have been a problem were money was concerned because my parents owned the house that we all lived in and the lower apartment was being rented out at the time. My mom couldn't figure out where all the money was going from the rented apartment. The bank was calling on the mortgage and our house was going to go into foreclosure. One winter my dad told her that the heat was going to be turned off. Now we lived in upstate New York at the time and the winters there were no joke. We had been cold before and my mom didn't want to go back to that. Then he told her that our lights were going to shut off at the same time.:shocked: Well he told her this the day before it was going to happen.:nuts: That was the straw that had broken the camel's back. My mother had heard from a friend of hers that she was moving out of her apartment and wanted to know if my mother knew of anyone who might need a place to stay.:thought: Well that was it. My mother packed us up and moved me and my two sisters down the street with just a mattress and a couple of bags. She left the house and my father behind.

It was hard for my mom to provide for us but she did it. Fast forward 30 years later. She has purchased two more houses besides the one that she owns with my father, put my both sisters through college, paid off all of her debts, and built up a sizeable nest egg along the way. She's retired now living off of the considerable savings that she has earned over the years. She actually has good financial security, far beyond most people who are retired at her age (65+) and she can still hold her own. Meanwhile my dad had to hold his own which he did. He never reached the level of financial security that my mother did but I guess he didn't have her determination to survive.

I guess you have to make a decision about what is right for you and your child. I don't know anything about your marriage or how commited you two are to each other but you may have to take your savings and go off on your own. Looking at the bolded it seems to me that your husband thinks you will be his safety net and that you will wait until he decides to get it together, if he ever does. Have a contingency plan. Start planning for yourself. Get your ducks in a row just in case ish hits the fan so that you won't be devastated trying to make it with your husband's dead weighted self in tow. It might seem very hard now but in the end your efforts will pay off. Just look at what my mom did.:yep:

I hope everything works out for you.

Good luck.
Woah??!! Say what? Did I miss that somewhere in the original post?? Or did you just reference info that the OP has written about in the past? If thats the case, I see why people be deleting post! Y'all do be bringing up stuff and referencing it for later. :lol: Great memory lol

If I recall correctly, OP wrote about her situation about a month ago and that detail just really stood out to me because it broke my heart. I normally don't remember specific details about posters unless I put my LHCFBI hat on.

OP...I hope you know I only brought up your previous post because it really sickens me how your husband is conducting himself in your marriage. Please know that I am not trying to sling mud or bring up the past.
OP...I hope you know I only brought up your previous post because it really sickens me how your husband is conducting himself in your marriage. Please know that I am not trying to sling mud or bring up the past.

It was obvious from the beginning

That person is just being messy :rolleyes:
So sorry to hear this OP but I have to be honest, something isn't adding up. Based on what you wrote about your relationship and his work history before and what you're saying now, he really does sound like two different people.

Do you think he's depressed? Although that's neither here nor there since you've already moved on mentally.

Best to you and your baby.
MixedBerry Maitai was referring to another thread that was posted about 2 weeks ago. At this point I don't believe at all that her husband provided and took care of his ex-wife the way that he claims to have been. The race was a red herring to distract from the fact that he just isn't the man he pretended to be. Men don't lose their hustle like that especially when he now has the kid he wanted for so long. He's said what he needed to say to get the next woman and OP fell for it. Now its time to pick up the pieces and make the best for herself and her child.


Right, I totally get why folks "recall" info. Sure, everyone has a reason why they remember and may make mention to an old previous thread posted by another user. I still just find it kinda funny. Makes me chuckle. Tis all.
OP not telling you to leave your husband, but don't you dare leave the house to him. Do you pay for the mortgage? If you do, then make him leave. This is your child's home and she deserves to be there.

Does he have a close friend or family member that can talk some sense to him?

ETA: I don't believe he was a workaholic with his first wife. Nobody goes from 60 to 0 like that. I bet he was the same way, but since she didn't work he really had no choice but to keep working.

Sent from my iPhone 10 using LHCF
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