This Was His Last Time Telling Me "this Is My House!!!"...

This right here is making me think you are still in danger of taking him back. I hope I'm wrong.

Either way give us an update...

You may have a point @Bunnyhaslonghair BUT I feel the same as @BrickbyBrick.
The hardest part is mending her broken heart and most of us have done that and we always survive no matter the pain during. Maybe this is preparing you for something bigger, who knows. But check this out:
1/ you didn't say I do and have to go through annulment or divorce after dishing out money for a wedding. Money saved is always dope! Sorry, I'm cheap.
2/ you have good formal education guuuurl! Doctah! You don't need his money, F his pennies.
3/ did I get it right that your 25? Uhm, mad young with plenty of time to play some more IMO.
4/ you can stay with family while you recover emotionally and plan financially.
Some people don't have that backup.
5/ rejoice in the fact that he'll be someone else's problem and will have to pay child support and be brok now that he has a mortgage Bwahahahaha...
6/ you still have your health.

You have so much to be grateful for and there's nowhere else to go but up from here. Trust, when the dust clears, you'll be poised and ready to move up in life. Keep reaching your goals! Come join us in the David Ramsey thread :D

So yeah I'm with @BrickbyBrick on this one. GRA-TI-TUDE.
OP you are guiltless here. He knew the full truth before he signed that contract. He thought he could buy his way out of the ultimate betrayal. And the nerve of calling you selfish and ordering you from "his house."

That there has me ticked off.

Tell him to consult with that woman if he needs help.

You are beyond good. 25 and headed to the top...this is just a bump in the road
Sis. First of all how are you at 25 dealing with all this? Girl I can't. Secondly, don't kick yourself for staying that's in the past you can't change that. But what you can do is cut all ties. That's HIS house remember he can deal with it or figure out how to get out the contract not your concern.
Change your number. Learn to love you sis. No way you should have been sitting there allowing all that to go on.
This made me sooo mad. Especially when he called you selfish for not accepting his kids. And all this time everybody knew about it and this n*gga making a fool out of you. That's always the thing that burns me up the most.

You will have the last laugh when you marry a good man, have a bomb job and he is left with his ratchet ass baby mama drama.
Do not look back, engage or worry about him. At least you have no kid with him so you don't ever have to see him ever again. The greatest punishment to this man is to live well and find an even better man. The bile he will feel with choke him with bitterness till the day he draws his last breath. Trust me, they never ever forget the good ones they lost coz of foolish behavior. Men love to reminisce and he'll still be talking about you at 80 yrs and his people will still be STDH at him for being a complete fool.
@PeaceLover your avatar change threw me off so I didn't recognize your past threads.

I'm 26 and I completely understand feeling like you're an adult and your life should be a certain way by now. Please don't look at this as a setback. Don't worry about what your friends are thinking on Facebook.

You are dodging a huge bullet.
Life happens , we make mistakes , we grow, we learn . Don't beat yourself up over this and try not to let other's thoughts about you consume you. You can't live in others reality. You have much bigger things to focus on .

You are preparing yourself for something huge, you had to rid yourself of baggage before you could make your next move. You are young and have so much to look foward to. When you reach your 30's you will look back at this time and be so grateful for the experience because It helped make you who you were meant to be. I can state almost as a fact that you will never be in a toxic situation like this again, and you were lucky enough to get the lesson early.

Also, bump that fool and his house . This isn't your concern. He has little concern for your physical or emotional health. Let him and his new family additions figure out the house. Distance yourself from him.
Better her baby than yours girl! He is a lying manipulate piece of ****.

Could you imagine your hard earned money going towards some damn child support??? Now the thought of that pisses me off more than the cheating!

You started your post off by stating you are strong, attractive, and smart. Remember that while you're blocking him!!!
That's HIS house, remember? Let him figure that ish out. It's not your problem. He has a lot if damn nerve telling you that if you can't accept his children to get out of his house.. A child he conceived while you two were together? Is he serious? Let him have his house, that baby, and his bm, and you go and continue to be successful.

You dodged a major bullet. He's not even worth the air you breathe. He couldn't have loved you and treated you like this... But be lucky you didn't marry this loser!
@PeaceLover, I was in a similar position (engaged to a guy who got another woman pregnant early in our relationship when we were supposed to be exclusive). I was a single mother too. I was 21. It was an awful situation that I wouldn't wish on an enemy.

I can assure you that leaving that man was the best thing that you could've done for yourself and your daughter. You're much stronger than you know. (I remember thinking that when I read through your prior thread.) Take this time to focus on finishing your education, raising your daughter and setting yourself up to live well, the ultimate revenge.
What a POS. The Victory is that you recognize it and left his ssa. Thank the Lord you didn't get married so it will be just a tad less messy for you to move on with your life. What you did took a lot of Courage and Confidence. You still have that...God Bless...your future is bright! Stay at your dads and save your money.
He told you to get out of his house multiple times. It's his house let him worry about it. He can still back out and lose a little money. Oh well those are the breaks for lying, conniving, and then having the nerve to tell his future possible wife to (repeatedly) get out of his his house.

Warning, as I mentioned in other threads on this dude, he is who he is and is not changing. People seldom really change. So be prepared, if he guilts you back, to have ultimatums thrown at you at various times for how you can get out of HIS house whenever he is angry at you when he is wrong about something.

Who cares about people laughing at you. Suck it up and they can choke on it when you're a doctor living well and happy. I have relatives who would like nothing more than to swallow my tears to feed their joy. I remember one time thinking eat it up and enjoy because you only have so long and then you can choke on them.

Dont let bitter people influence your destiny. Every decision you make can move you closer to your dreams or further away. People mocking you, if you let them influence your actions, can change the trajectory of your life. And then what? You're left in even more sorrow with them still mocking you because you let them influence you into making bad decisions.

Sometimes you have to make the tough decision and suffer a little in order to have joy later. That's better than taking the somewhat coplacent easier route to save face,and suffering long term, but at least no one knows what is really going on.

Do not look back. Everytime you go back you're wasting your time and life. I hope you are going to stay gone and not let this cry baby drag you back into his b.s web of lies and drama.
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Don't let him use the house as a way to reel you back in, I'm not sure if someone already stated this but there should be a 7 day grace period for him to say he doesn't want the house and if there is anything fishy in the inspection he can also get out of the contract or he can walk away lose his earnest money but not have to worry about paying a mortgage on a property he doesn't want. Ultimately, none of that matters all that matters is your well being and emotional sanity. Stay away from him, take time to heal and learn the value of protecting your heart then move on. Never look back because the beauty waiting for you in the future won't reveal itself if your mind is stuck in the past.
The thing about the house is that he knew what he was doing when he committed to it. He knew you might leave and he was looking for anything that might tip the odds in his favor. This isn't a sign of him being a great guy who is concerned about your happiness. It's him manipulating you. Even him talking about "his house" is a manipulation. He's trying to show you that you need him so that you'll accept the bullsh*t. You just didn't give the right response when you packed up and left.

Also, you told him you didn't think you could do it if the child was his but he made the offer on the house anyway. He had a warning. He's using this house as his "in" because you aren't responding to the regular relationship stuff. It's the only angle he has so he's working it. Once he gets your attention with this he'll beg and plead in hopes of you wavering.

Don't look back. You did the right thing.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. Don't let this keep happening.

He won't stop begging you back and he knows how to push your buttons to make you feel sorry for him.

He will never stop cheating and if you go back to him you will regret it for the rest of your life. Now is the time to be selfish and take care of you.

Don't keep letting him talk to you. Let him feel hurt and alone. Trust me. A new chick will be in that house. He is not a loyal, loving partner. You deserve so much more.
:twocents: again:

This is probably an unpopular opinion but he needs to go try to work it out with the girl he got pregnant. Why? Because he now has 3 kids by 3 different women.

You are the mother to none of his kids! It would be foolish to spend the young years of your life raising those kids, sis. You will spend a lifetime dealing with 3 baby mamas :thud:.

You need to make a list of reasons not to go back to him. Look at our posts in your previous threads if you need to. Look at the list every time you feel weak.