This right here is making me think you are still in danger of taking him back. I hope I'm wrong.
Either way give us an update...
You may have a point
@Bunnyhaslonghair BUT I feel the same as
The hardest part is mending her broken heart and most of us have done that and we always survive no matter the pain during. Maybe this is preparing you for something bigger, who knows. But check this out:
1/ you didn't say I do and have to go through annulment or divorce after dishing out money for a wedding. Money saved is always dope! Sorry, I'm cheap.
2/ you have good formal education guuuurl! Doctah! You don't need his money, F his pennies.
3/ did I get it right that your 25? Uhm, mad young with plenty of time to play some more IMO.
4/ you can stay with family while you recover emotionally and plan financially.
Some people don't have that backup.
5/ rejoice in the fact that he'll be someone else's problem and will have to pay child support and be brok now that he has a mortgage Bwahahahaha...
6/ you still have your health.
You have so much to be grateful for and there's nowhere else to go but up from here. Trust, when the dust clears, you'll be poised and ready to move up in life. Keep reaching your goals! Come join us in the David Ramsey thread
So yeah I'm with
@BrickbyBrick on this one. GRA-TI-TUDE.