The candid questions regarding relationships thread (for grown folks)

Researchers are now saying that squirting is essentially involuntary urination.

Female ejaculate is technically the small amount of milky white fluid that’s expressed when climaxing,New Scientist explains. Squirting, on the other hand, results in a much larger gush of a clear fluid, which comes from the urethra, the duct where urine is conveyed from the bladder. The findings, which combine biochemical analyses with pelvic ultrasounds, were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine on Christmas Eve.

What do u ladies think?

Where's the craziest place you ever had sex?

Me: behind some bushes.

That park at the end of The Promanade in Brooklyn Heights at about 2:00 in the morning in full view of all the cars on the Brooklyn Bridge and on the BQE. Central Park at about 3:00 am. Prospect Park at some unknown hour after leaving The Garage. Church basement. Random elevator. Staircase between the 8th & 9th floors in BklynTech.

I could go on and on.............
That park at the end of The Promanade in Brooklyn Heights at about 2:00 in the morning in full view of all the cars on the Brooklyn Bridge and on the BQE. Central Park at about 3:00 am. Prospect Park at some unknown hour after leaving The Garage. Church basement. Random elevator. Staircase between the 8th & 9th floors in BklynTech.

I could go on and on.............

Scandalous!! Get yours!!:thumbsup:

Researchers are now saying that squirting is essentially involuntary urination.

Female ejaculate is technically the small amount of milky white fluid that’s expressed when climaxing,New Scientist explains. Squirting, on the other hand, results in a much larger gush of a clear fluid, which comes from the urethra, the duct where urine is conveyed from the bladder. The findings, which combine biochemical analyses with pelvic ultrasounds, were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine on Christmas Eve.

What do u ladies think?

I don't agree. Urination and squirting feel completely different to me.
Yes. He couldn't last five minutes. Actually, I have broken up with two guys over this. The second one was not only a
One-minute man he was small as hell!

:lol: The "is it in yet?" scenario!

I did a slow fade because of a small peen.

LOL @ "slow fade", I've done that too! This is one reason why I struggled with the idea of no premarital sex. Supposing you don't find out until the wedding night that the situation is wack?
I did a slow fade because of a small peen.
*hangs head*

I :cowgirl: it out of there.

:roadrunner:Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

I was so pissed I jumped on train to get home from Harlem at 3 am.

I would like to think I'd show some more compassion now but slow fade was not in my vocabulary. I'm still pissed he slipped past my sensors but quality control was revamped after that disaster. He absolutely was someone who's mind was the main attraction but after many long talks and flirting eventually it moved to physical and he failed miserably. Had I not been slipping it wouldn't have gone that far. Lesson learned.

Saw through mutual friends that he got engaged a few years ago. She has to be a virgin.
Most definitely. It may not be fair but weak peen game can make or break a relationship. I will do a (not so) slow fade after about 4 chances. I remember this one guy hit me in the mouth with his bunny "hopping" self. I never called him again.

I can only tolerate so much. Lol.

This question brought back some not so great memories. Lol.

Has anyone ever dumped anyone because of below-par coloring? :look:
Yeah, I just remembered a couple other incidents where I had to tip out like a thief in the night. Folks were passed out like they did the damn thing! Thank heavens for caller ID cause I sure in the hell didn't answer the phone for any of those calls.

I shaking my fist at you @Daughter! Lol.

@meka72 You right this question just reminded me of another fail but he got a second chance because he had a jumbo crayon and I was hoping he had potential. After the second fail I was done. This was before cell phone so it was easy to curve him. I hope he got it under control.
*hangs head*

I :cowgirl: it out of there.

:roadrunner:Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.

I was so pissed I jumped on train to get home from Harlem at 3 am.

I would like to think I'd show some more compassion now but slow fade was not in my vocabulary. I'm still pissed he slipped past my sensors but quality control was revamped after that disaster. He absolutely was someone who's mind was the main attraction but after many long talks and flirting eventually it moved to physical and he failed miserably. Had I not been slipping it wouldn't have gone that far. Lesson learned.

Saw through mutual friends that he got engaged a few years ago. She has to be a virgin.
The guy was smart and fine. His hands and feet were my size but I was hoping he'd be the exception.
I can't believe I am saying this here but the guy I am seeing is um...very large and I am not sure how to handle that.
We dated briefly about two years ago but I wasn't ready for a
relationship and he was. Now I am in a better space and we
are trying again. We never slept together but he definitely
gave me a disclaimer about his size and I have felt it. He
told me a story about a woman running out of his
apartment. Has any one had a peen larger than 9 inches?
Is this an African thing because I have heard stories? He is Ghanaian.
I can't believe I am saying this here but the guy I am seeing is um...very large and I am not sure how to handle that.
We dated briefly about two years ago but I wasn't ready for a
relationship and he was. Now I am in a better space and we
are trying again. We never slept together but he definitely
gave me a disclaimer about his size and I have felt it. He
told me a story about a woman running out of his
apartment. Has any one had a peen larger than 9 inches?
Is this an African thing because I have heard stories? He is Ghanaian.
Been there before and had that problem. First, no not all Africans are big. I've been with 3 and 2/3 seemed pretty well endowed while the other one was painfully small. So maybe on average they are bigger than normal, but not all are that big. But about your huge problem (pun intended) first it was really uncomfortable for me but the more aroused I was, the better it felt. Make sure you are in the mood or make sure he gets you there. But if he went for a long time, it can start to feel a bit painful again. Also, condoms dried me up real quick.
Also, condoms dried me up real quick.

He suggested STD testing(which we have done). He is
the first man I have dated to suggest it first! His reasoning
was because of his children. I have a daughter as well and
I want to be safe. I am getting Mirena put in next week so
we don't have to use condoms. Thanks for the advice!
He suggested STD testing(which we have done). He is
the first man I have dated to suggest it first! His reasoning
was because of his children. I have a daughter as well and
I want to be safe. I am getting Mirena put in next week so
we don't have to use condoms. Thanks for the advice!
Please don't forget the window period. Even if his tests are negative today, it doesn't mean he doesn't have anything. As for the big problem, lube is your friend.