In 10 questions: How did you get your boyfriend or SO?

1. How did you meet him? At a party in grad school.

2. Who approached who first? He asked me to dance. Afterwards we chatted for a bit and exchanged contact info.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? I liked him on first glance. But the more I got to know him the more he grew on me.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? 3 months

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? Monogamy. He is introducing me to his friends. We are spending signficant free time together

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? I would give strong hints to a guys to signal I am interested, but he has to make the first move. I have tried being the initiator before and it never worked out. I don't want to have to be the aggressor all the time.

For this guy (mentioned above), for our first date, he had the dinner reservation set. He arrived early at our meet up spot and already had my subway tokens ready. He was very romantic. He left no doubt that he was not looking for a friend.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? At least 2-3 months. We took our time and he did not rush anything.

9. How long did the relationship last? We just got married this July :grin:

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?I am just as excited to be with him now as I was 4 years ago when we met. We try to do interesting things and are respectful to each other. We both still have our own friends and we allow each other to have breathing space. We are very compatible. I admire and just enjoy being with him
1. How did you meet him? Out dancing

2. Who approached who first? He approached me and asked me to dance, I said I don't dance until after guys buy me a drink (I was trying to be mean). He said he will wait til someone else brought me a drink and then ask again. In five minutes he brought me the drink but, I told him I didn't feel like dancing lol. So instead we talked for two hours at the table.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? He was the first black guy I ever talked to. At first I wasn't sure but, every time I see him I see something else that I love about him.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? Every fast about two weeks:grin::grin:

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? It means to be my companion, my go to guy for a shoulder to cry on. It means that you are someone i think about and you think about me. I thought it was great that we always seem to be concerned about the other before ourselves.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? He was aggressive but still respectful. He saw my game and excepted the challenge.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? it did take long:lick: its a hobby we both share lol:lachen:

9. How long did the relationship last? We are married now and its been a year we have been together.

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
I think its because we still listen to each other and we don't just accept things. If something is on our minds we don't hold it back we tell each other. We balance each other out. He is the ying to my yang
1. How did you meet him? We lost contact after being friends since kindergarden and through high school then found each other on Facebook 2 years ago lol

2. Who approached who first? I did contact him first but he was first to talk about a relationship.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
Well, I actually found him boring and too quiet at first but he positively grew on me afterwards

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? A year

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? Monogamous relationship.
A relationship in which we are communicating and are on the same page about what we want out of this.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? They would play it like they were cool and stuff but thinking back now, they actually didn't do anything to pursue me. I just said yes after they said they liked me :s :nono::nono:.

My current SO however showed me that he really wanted to be with me for me and that he respected me for who I was. From the beginning, he was very clear about his intentions and tried to make it more about what I wanted. I liked that.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? It is a sexual relationship and it took us 9 months after we became a couple but mainly because it is long distance.

9. How long did the relationship last? A year now
For the women who became official after a year, how was that year? Did you communicate everyday? Did you both want to date towards something long-term?

I just stopped seeing a guy because he did not communicate with me often and we saw each other maybe every two weeks because we are an hour apart with jobs.
For the women who became official after a year, how was that year? Did you communicate everyday? Did you both want to date towards something long-term?

I just stopped seeing a guy because he did not communicate with me often and we saw each other maybe every two weeks because we are an hour apart with jobs.

For me, How was that year?? It was a we had ups, downs, pitfalls, crashes,and ups...wasn't a perfect year by a long shot, but i'm thankful for that year because it taught us about each other. Did we communicate everyday??..I wouldn't say everyday because I was/am stubborn and liked to give the silent treatment some days :lachen:... As far as did we both want to date towards something long term, not really it just kinda happened that way. We both just went with the flow of things until we decided okay lets stop playing around and make it official.
Keshieshimmer, that year was actually great. We did a lot of sizing up (not sure am using this right here) and tried to find out if the other person was what we wanted. I actually didn't want to be in a relationship for a long time (I was taking a break) and he was looking for something long term. Then I got to know him more and after I got it to my head that I wanted to go out with him, yes it was also for something long term.

We communicated every day and for long periods of time. I guess it helped that we were far from each other. I don't know if this would have happened if we were in the same country / city.
For the women who became official after a year, how was that year? Did you communicate everyday? Did you both want to date towards something long-term?

I just stopped seeing a guy because he did not communicate with me often and we saw each other maybe every two weeks because we are an hour apart with jobs.
We had a VERY interesting emotional year lol... We were 300 miles apart and had to communicate daily. We alternated visits every 2 weeks.
1. How did you meet him? At his brother's wake. :sad:

2. Who approached who first? I saw him and thought, "Now that is a man I want to climb! Come here baby and let me comfort you all night long!" And then I thought, "Oh Lord! God is going to strike me any minute for my impure thoughts." I approached him on the way out (with no thoughts of thinking any would happen between us) and offered him my condolences. I had no idea I'd see him again with my sister at his sister's house 3 days later. From that point on, he made his move. :lol: He did tell me that he saw me first at the wake but I was engrossed in conversation. He said I was sitting very elegantly talking to my sister and despite all his grief made it his mission to find out who I was. He kept saying to himself, "Nancy, you are mine." I was like who the heck is Nancy? He said, I thought that's what your sister called you during the service. :lol:

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? Please see question #2.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? It would have taken a few days if I had accepted exclusivity quicker.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? A man that loves my imperfections perfectly and wants the best for me.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? I can't say there was a big difference because I only deal with thoughtful, relationship-minded men.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? It took about 2 months. He told me he didn't want to just get under my skirt. He wanted to build a life with me and that the first time we made love, he wanted me to feel his love. I guess that pun was intended. :lol: He wanted me to feel the intensity in his movements and the love in his eyes. I damn near melted and wanted to rip his clothes off but he kept his word.

9. How long did the relationship last? We are planning on getting married.

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? Because we love each other and strive to be the best we can for each other. We know the heartache each has suffered in the past, have learned from our own personal mistakes, and feel blessed to have found love for the second time. I was a bit nervous because he is older (almost 12 years) than me, and I had some reservations about his culture but he has proven time and time again, that he is down for me in all ways, always!

OP, donde esta numero 7? :grin:
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Hello ladies,
For those who have/had serious long term relationships and regarding your longest and/or best relationship.

Not asking for any hopeful advice. I'm just curious. Please Just answer the questions. Thank you. :yep:

1. How did you meet him? This is a long story but very nice.
There was a fire at my mother's business place and we got the call 1am the morning, i dragged on a pair of hipsters skinny fit jeans, a tank top and my head was satin scarf wrapped up in bantu knots. The fire had not spread to my mother's store yet but i realised somone running down the isle i was standing with a hose. By the time he almost reached the burning store, the hose bucked, i picked it up started pulling it and gave him some more length on the hose.
I saw him on his knees several times up and down, i was calling his Supervisor to tell him to come to another section where i was standing so he could put out the blaze, after his hose ran out of water, he came and stood beside me, he sighed and i felt everything from his body run through mine (he was really tired) (weird i know). was pitch black and i never saw his face. I asked him his name and he gave me his sir name (which i later found out, that's how they all refer to each other) i then asked him for his first name, he told me K.... i said ok and told him thanks. In my mind i wanted to write a special thank you letter to the Commissioner to thank him(the one i met and asked for his name) and his other team mates.

It turns out, he helps saved my mother's store from a possible burnout.....The fires surrounding us were MASSIVE, my mother never got an ounce of burn, just some water that was splashing from him trying to put out the fire from the other stores next to my mother's store.

I asked his supervisor at the time which station they are from and she told me. Two days after i called to tell her thank you, I asked to speak with the guy who i asked for his name to thank him personally. We chatted a while and he asked me for my number, which i declined. I told him to give me his number....but he was fearful i would not call. I did call the following day and we chatted on the phone for one week until we met face to face one week later. WOW!!! THAT WAS LONG!

2. Who approached who first? I did

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
Hell yes!....he is FOINE! It was a mutual attraction. It was also my first time seeing him...i didn't know who i was talking to the night of the fire. You can just imagine my surprise and pleasure at seeing how handsome he is and the hot body he has!

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? We became exclusive 1Mth and 2wks after

What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? My definition of SO is someone who i share, joys, pains, someone who makes me tick, someone to share future plans with and someone i really see myself having a future with

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
He was very slow, very passive and very gentle. Others seemed more interested in getting the cookies and having an attractive lady to walk with.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? We became sexual after 4mths

9. How long did the relationship last? We are still together. Oct 27, this thursday, will be two years since the incident and a week later will be 2years since we met officially

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? We are committed to each other and we really love each other...He says that i'm the best thing that has ever happened to him. He makes my heart and eyes smile.

Thanks for your input! I won't be able to thank from my mobile.

You are welcome. I enjoyed sharing!
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I really like this thread. Thanks to the OP for starting it and everyone for sharing.:grin: I've also noticed some patterns I like, such as for the most part, the ladies here were initially attracted to their SOs/DHs, and it grew over time.:look:
1. How did you meet him?
- on MySpace... No for real lol. We both got into school early decision and he created a group for people accepted into our class. I thought who's this handsome black male? We became friends and then 4 years later (senior year) became a couple.

2. Who approached who first?
- I guess he approached me and I was somewhat interested. But then he got a girlfriend and I was interested in this other guy. Then 4 years later I came to MY senses and realized the man with everything I'd been looking for ha been right in front of my face the whole time.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
- I was initially attracted to him, but he definitely grew on me also.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
- 4 years I guess? Lol. I'd had no idea we weren't platonic friends until I kissed him and he called me a punk asking me what took so long to do it lol

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
- he's one of my best friends, but we're romantically involved, exclusively and with a title.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
- he's always been honest with me. And he patiently allowed me to come around. That just tells me of his patience and character as a man. It was very different. Plus because we had been friends it was very natural.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
- not very long... But we'd known each other for 4 years by that point.

9. How long did the relationship last?
- Still together. Will be 2 years in January :-)

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
- He gets me lol. We understand each others flaws and help each others strengths. I think we complement each other well.
Hello ladies,
For those who have/had serious long term relationships and regarding your longest and/or best relationship.

Not asking for any hopeful advice. I'm just curious. Please Just answer the questions. Thank you. :yep:

1. How did you meet him?
I meet him through a site my brother put up, ( i actually knew him before that but we only said hi and bye, He is one of my brothers friends,:spinning:)

2. Who approached who first?
I approached him first, he was a personal trainer, i was bigger then needed.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
I was not attracted since i saw him as a friend of my brother, but I did think he was handsome ( i hope that makes sense)

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
Well when we met he was still in a relationship that was unfortunately ending... we hung out while he was still with his ex but didnt officially start dating until they had broken up and became and exclusive couple about 2 months after that.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
My definition of a SO is a person who has no delusions about the relationship being perfect. Someone who adds to your life. Someone who expresses themselves to you and who can listen when you need to express. Of course someone who wants to be around, have fun, cuddle (regular relationship perks:grin:).

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
It was different because niether one of us planned on being together, in fact it was sort of Taboo since he was my brothers friend close too (they lived together at one point) I was supposed to be the little sister. We tried to play that game for a while but the chemistry was just too great. I have never felt that type of chemistry with anyone before.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? It took about 4 months for it to become sexual.

9. How long did the relationship last?
3 years+ and going strong

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? i think we are still together because we accept eachothers faults, we help eachother, we encourage eachother. WE DONT BLAME EACHOTHER. When we do argue, we always come back (on a cooler head) And figure out what the actual problem was and what can we do to change it if there is anything that we can do to change it. We laugh with eachother.

Thanks for your input! I won't be able to thank from my mobile.

My answers are in the quote
I really like this thread. Thanks to the OP for starting it and everyone for sharing.:grin: I've also noticed some patterns I like, such as for the most part, the ladies here were initially attracted to their SOs/DHs, and it grew over time.:look:

[mention=14492531] ScorpioBeauty09 [/mention].... Did you mean that the ladies "WERE" or "WEREN'T" initially attracted to their SO? :look:

I'm just wondering if I should be holding out for that guy that I'm at least SOMEWHAT attracted to, or if I should just go ahead and give the guys I'm not attracted to a chance. and hope that the attraction "grows over time". *sigh* :ohwell:
Well my SO and I just became officially late last night/early this morning but it's definitely one of the best experiences I've had.

1. How did you meet him? I actually [vaguely] knew him 8 years ago when I was in a relationship with my best friend. He was one of my best friend's friends. My best friend and him kept in touch after HS but nothing too major, but he ran into my b/f recently and asked for me.

2. Who approached who first? Well, when my bestie told me that he asked for me, I asked to see what he looked like and saw his FB page and thought he was soo cute. So I told my b/f to tell him that and see where it goes from there.. I wound up messaging him on FB just to open the lines of communication, but he was the first to give his number and ask that we take things offline.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? I was VERY attracted to him from the jump.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? We exchanged a message on October 21st, went on our first date on November 5th, and he asked me to become his g/f on November 9th. That's about what, 2 or 3 weeks.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? Someone who you are in a mutually exclusive long term relationship with.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? With SO, he really put forth the time and effort to express to me how he felt about me. There was never a single time where I had to question if he liked me or cared about me because he made me feel it every day.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? Nope, we haven't been intimate yet. Not saying that I don't want to because his kisses alone are amazing, but I'm trying to do this differently this time and not have sex be such an important factor so early on.

9. How long did the relationship last? We're still going. :)

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? I think we'll be together because we understand each other and what we want/need. I've never met a man like him, and he always tells me that his only wish is to make me happy. If we can weather anything that comes along, I think we can do some really great things.
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1. How did you meet him?
Myspace... well at least he knew people i knew lol

2. Who approached who first?
He messaged me and I was irritated at the way he came at me so i decided to go off on him.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
He grew on me as time went on, he was not my type

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
we had texted back and forth for at least a month as friends but i knew he liked me. We decided to become bestfriends because we talked everyday and really got to know one another. I was really warming up to him, we then decided to meet and it went from bestfriends to besties with benefits..but 3 or 4 months later we made it official.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
someone that is committed to only you..

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
For the ones i casually dated it was never a get to know me on a true friend level first thing.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
we may have fooled around early on but didn't have sex until after 1 year of dating.

9. How long did the relationship last?
we are still together almost three years later.

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
were still together because we have been through alot and the love is still fresh, hes one of my bestfriends.
The longest relationship I've ever been in was 2 years. But my current relationship is the best one I have ever been in so I answered questions for that.

1. How did you meet him? At his band's first show. My best friend's fiance is in the same band as him and I tagged along. He was in a long distance relationship at the time though.

2. Who approached who first? A few months later, my best friend dragged me out to another one of her fiance's shows. I had given up on dating by then and was just focusing on work and grad school applications. And of course, that was when my current boyfriend pursued me. After his band played I was watching the next band play and he kept whispering, "psst! psst!" When I turned and looked over he waved at me and we chatted the rest of the night.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? I was initially VERY attracted to him. Even when he had a girlfriend I felt some type of weird silent chemistry... like a magnetic pull towards him. It's hard to explain but I shrugged it off when my friend said he had a girlfriend.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? 2 or 3 months? I dunno. He thought we were boyfriend/girlfriend before I thought we were. We typically have good communication but since I didn't want to pressure him we never talked about it until people asked us.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? An exclusive monogamous relationship where the guy meets my parents.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? He and I took it REALLY SLOW. It was almost painfully slow. In fact, I kissed him first because I felt like he wouldn't! Also, I hung out with his family alot which is so refreshing.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? Not at all. I remember the first time we started kissing heavily... He picked me up off the couch and carried me to my bedroom. Once he put me on the bed I told him that I "wasn't ready" and he said he wasn't either. He wanted to wait as long as possible before having sex. He just moved me to the bedroom so my roommate wouldn't walk in on us being all over each other :lol: . It was almost 4 months into our relationship before we did anything sexual.

9. How long did the relationship last? We are still together (9 months so far)

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? We have a lot in common. Not only hobbies but the way our minds work--we understand each other. We are super laid back and don't get worked up over petty things. We always talk things out when something bothers us. I've never met anyone who completely understands and accepts me as I am.

Can I say....What you wrote is EXACTLY HOW I met the guy I'm "dating" and how our relationship has going...In fact we have been talking for 9 months too..He has a band, he pursued me the second time after seeing his band play...(because the first time he had a girlfriend)It's just eerie how this sounds like my story. Only difference is, he hasn't taken things to "boyfriend/girlfriend" status. We are still technically friends..but this gives me a lot of hope!
i'll answer about my longest/ex.

1. How did you meet him? At the lightrail after a spoken word event

2. Who approached who first? We were just hanging out with a few people from my school after the event and started talking. We later took a class together, and I asked for his number, and then later called to ask him to study.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? I was attracted to his intelligence/what i heard about him through my friends. Physically, he wasn't my type (he actually changed a lot physically over our relationship and became super my type. omy).

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive? We were exclusive pretty early on, like 2-3 weeks.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend? Someone I'm in an exclusive relationship with, someone I care about/who feels the same way, someone who makes me happy/I enjoy being around

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you? I was more interested in getting to know him as a friend, so I made a lot of the first moves (and I was bored). I'd say the difference was that he engaged my mind, challenged me, made me happy, was always honest, and made it clear I was the only one. Every committed relationship I've EVER been in was because I was absolutely not looking for one, had NO expectations, and really just letting it go where it went.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? So we met at the lightrail, took a class together a few months later, I asked for his number, and invited him to eat in the dining hall/study. After we studied, he invited me to his place to watch a Spike Lee movie. We hung out a few times after that, and then we hooked up. So about a month after we starting hanging out. We had sex 3 months after the first time we hung out.

9. How long did the relationship last? 2.5 years

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together? I graduated college and moved to another state for a job. We actually wanted really different things out of life (and a relationship in some ways), and we were both sacrificing a lot trying to make it work.
[mention=14492531] ScorpioBeauty09 [/mention].... Did you mean that the ladies "WERE" or "WEREN'T" initially attracted to their SO? :look:

I'm just wondering if I should be holding out for that guy that I'm at least SOMEWHAT attracted to, or if I should just go ahead and give the guys I'm not attracted to a chance. and hope that the attraction "grows over time". *sigh* :ohwell:

Late response but I meant "were" initially attracted to their SO. I struggle with the whole attraction thing because I'm not attracted to men but feel pressure to continue to date them because of their only qualities in hope that a physical attraction will develop but it never does (in my situations) and I'm left feeling like attractions isn't important at all. So it helped to read this thread that a lot of women WERE initially attracted to their SOs. It made me feel not so strange.
1. How did you meet him?
Trip to Africa with my school and he was part of the group.

2. Who approached who first?

He did. Told me flat out he was interested the first day we talked.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?

As soon as I peeped him.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
Less than a month.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
Commitment to that one person.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
He was more forthright and wanted to see me constantly plus the mutual attraction was high.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
Not long.

9. How long did the relationship last?
Still going.

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
We click despite our arguments and really are there for each other.
1. How did you meet him?
Through a friend of mine which is his current (well one of them) roommate. We met after a poetry slam on a college campus by his house.

2. Who approached who first?
Neither. me and my bestfriend were suppose to go get wings with him and his roommate (my friend) after the slam and his roommate ended up bailing for some female so SO ended up getting wings with my and my bestie.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
He definitely grew on me. He wasn't my type at all lol.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
quite a few months

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
He is developing into one of my best friends... Idk its weird. we just mesh so well together.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
He didn't actually persue me per se, we just started hanging out more and more and kind of grew on each other due to common interests and likes.
It was very natural... he really doted on me.
Others persued me in a much more aggressive way. which can sometimes be a turn off if your not trying to even go there.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
It wasn't at first but after we started officially dating like bf/gf it became which was quite a few months.

9. How long did the relationship last?
still togther

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
I think we are still currently together due to our commitment to healthy communication and really investing into each other. we want something completely different from what we see in life, but with each other. There is a mutual respect and understanding with each other and also patience. So hopefully things will only get better.:yep:
For those who have/had serious long term relationships and regarding your longest and/or best relationship.

Not asking for any hopeful advice. I'm just curious. Please Just answer the questions. Thank you. :yep:

1. How did you meet him?
Through my former best friend

2. Who approached who first?
He approached me.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
I found him physically attractive and I was attracted to his wit. Then when he showed more of who he was I was completely attracted.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
One Month

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
When you and the man agree to be together in a monogamous relationship that hopefully grows into marriage.

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
Your boyfriend is non stop, he wants you, he sticks around and does what it takes to let you know just where he is and what he wants. I never really casually dated. So I cant say too much about that..I've always been in a relationship.

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship? It took about a month and it was after we agreed to be in a relationship. We both wanted it that way.

9. How long did the relationship last?
Still going and we are now engaged.
Here are my responses . . .

Hello ladies,
For those who have/had serious long term relationships and regarding your longest and/or best relationship.

Not asking for any hopeful advice. I'm just curious. Please Just answer the questions. Thank you. :yep:

1. How did you meet him?
I placed an ad on Love@AOL (11 years ago).

2. Who approached who first?
He answered my ad and I responded.

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you?
Although he's attractive physically, I only require that a man be clean and well groomed. I'm attracted to a man's personality, and I fell for his right away.

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
We were pretty much exclusive from the start.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?
He's my soulmate. My best friend, my partner, my lover . . .

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
He wasn't afraid to let me know that he wanted to be with me (not sexually) all the time. He also let me decide things (e.g. when we had our first kiss, when we made love for the first time). He believed his patience would pay off. :grin:

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
I purposely put off sex for about 3 months. In a way, I thought that sex might wreck the great friendship we developed. Boy, was I wrong. :lol:

9. How long did the relationship last?
We met 11 years ago. I broke it off 2 years later. After 9 years, we realized that we still love each other and we're back together for good. :yep:

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
I let baggage from a previous relationship (where I waited 5 years for a proposal) affect my actions - expecting the second BBF to 'hurry up' because the first BBF took so long. :sad:

Thanks for your input! I won't be able to thank from my mobile.
1. How did you meet him?
i was at a jazz concert with my dad in haiti and the concert was being held outside of a really nice hotel but it got rained in everybody rushed inside the hotel and the owners told everyone to wait 30min to see if the rain would pass and if it didnt we would get refunded. so im standing with my dad but leaves to go talk to some old friends. so im standing by myself like a complete loser lol and i turn to my right and i saw him looking at me but i quickly turned my head the other way lol
2. Who approached who first? he started walking up to me and in my head i was like "aww hayl...." and then he was like "hey." i said "hey.." and then he said "you wanna go for a walk?" :ohwell::perplexed:perplexed:lol: i was like "...its raining..." but in my head i was like wtf is this dude tryna abduct me and rape me or something?lol. and he looked so embarrassed and he started blushing lol.i started laughing and then we just kept talking for like 1hr.he asked for my number and we hit it off from there

3. Were you initially very attracted to him or did he grow on you? i wasnt too attracted to him at first his was in need of a haircut and he had a mini-beard which really took a lot away from his face.but on our first date he had his hai cut and he got rid of the beard and i was like *tweet voice* Oh My! lol. he has the most gorgeous smile ever lol

4. How long did it take to go from casually dating to official and exclusive?
we causally dated for 2weeks then i went over his house and he asked me to be his gf and if i was willing to do long distance [he goes to boston university and i go to school in atlanta] because he was willing.and i was like ok im dooooown lol.

5. What is your definition of a SO/boyfriend?

uhhh..a man that youre in a relationship with?lol????

6. What was the difference between how your boyfriends/SOs pursued you and how others you casually dated pursued you?
he was so classy.on our first date he took me out to a nice restaurant, told me to order whatever i want, paid for everything. then he told me he had a suprise for me so we went in his car and he drove me to this gated spot in the mountains where you can see all of was soo beautiful (it was like 8:00pm) and then he pulled out flowers and chocolate:cupid:. that first date alone set the tone for me

8. Was/Is it a sexual relationship and how long did it take to become a sexual relationship?
nope we almost had sex in his jacuzzi though:look: but i thought it was too much too soon and that i wanted to wait.we still havnt had sex yet

9. How long did the relationship last? its about to be 6months

10. Why did you break up or if not, why do you think you are still together?
we were about to break up because we were having some err issues which i posted about lol but he started begging me and pleading and he told me if i broke up with him he wouldnt know what he'd do because im the only girl he's ever felt so strongly about and that im special to him.and then he started singing our song lol and hes a horrible singer btw lol.but thats when i realized that the same way he felt about me was the same way i felt about him.