The candid questions regarding relationships thread (for grown folks)

do yall ever call him daddy?:look:

there was a thread years ago and i remember reading it disgusted at people who were fine with it. like :barf:. why would you call a man you're ****ing daddy? how weird.

but now, i was thinking about it for some reason yesterday, idk. i haven't done it but it doesn't freak me out anymore.

maybe i'll test the waters and see how he responds.

Only did that with ex dh. I think it's a cultural and/or generational thing so I understand people that are weirded out by it. Not speaking for everybody in my generation so don't come for me talking bout not me! :lol:...I'm clearly generalizing here... but it's not uncommon for women my age and older to call the man of the house daddy when addressing them and to also use it in the bedroom. I don't know if I would do it again, it implies a certain kind of relationship if I'm calling you that in the bedroom and that would not be a boyfriend or fwb... would have to be a husband that takes care of home. It has no "father " type connotation in my mind when used in this way.
Only did that with ex dh. I think it's a cultural and/or generational thing so I understand people that are weirded out by it. Not speaking for everybody in my generation so don't come for me talking bout not me! :lol:...I'm clearly generalizing here... but it's not uncommon for women my age and older to call the man of the house daddy when addressing them and to also use it in the bedroom. I don't know if I would do it again, it implies a certain kind of relationship if I'm calling you that in the bedroom and that would not be a boyfriend or fwb... would have to be a husband that takes care of home. It has no "father " type connotation in my mind when used in this way.

I think to me this makes sense watching the older movies...and watching the women call their men Big shorten it and you get Daddy....

it kinda makes sense?
I think to me this makes sense watching the older movies...and watching the women call their men Big shorten it and you get Daddy....

it kinda makes sense?

my cousin's wife calls him big daddy. i dont think ive ever heard her use his name.:lol:

I think I was the loudest one in that thread. years later Im still disgusted by the thought

i remember being genuinely upset that some women felt this was ok.:lachen:
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Yes, but I don't call my own dad daddy. Maybe that's why i'm not freaked out. My father has always been "Pops."
SO is "boo-daddy" :look:
Lol, its not for everyone!!
Yes, but I don't call my own dad daddy. Maybe that's why i'm not freaked out. My father has always been "Pops."
SO is "boo-daddy" :look:
Lol, its not for everyone!!

Yeah, I never called my father daddy so it's not creepy for me, not that I really say it anyway.
Are you trying to be exclusive? Is that the road yall are on? If so, I would wait to give blowjobs after exclusivity without the condom :look:
Without it, who wants lubricant in their mouth. I imagine it feels almost like swallowing plastic
That's what I was thinking as well. But then i thought about protection...
Are you trying to be exclusive? Is that the road yall are on? If so, I would wait to give blowjobs after exclusivity without the condom :look:
Girl I am so off the road I'm lost in the field somewhere lmao. I just like to be aware regarding sex. And I just have a lot of questions lol.

I guess you just gotta trust your dude isn't cheating on you.
You can buy flavored condoms.

I've been lurking this thread for 32 pages but I had to jump in on this.


Remember bubbilicious? That gum was off the chain for 30 seconds and turn turned into a flavorless hunk of rubber. Same thing with those.

Fighting auto correct everyday
Is it easier to lick the crayon with or without a condom? I assume without but what if you're not exclusive?

Wrap it up. Especially if he hasn't been tested for you.

I'm with qchelle with just waiting until you're in a relationship (still make sure he gets down to the clinic though lol).
I've been lurking this thread for 32 pages but I had to jump in on this.


Remember bubbilicious? That gum was off the chain for 30 seconds and turn turned into a flavorless hunk of rubber. Same thing with those.

Fighting auto correct everyday

:lachen: :lachen: I can only imagine.
Wrap it up. Especially if he hasn't been tested for you.

I'm with qchelle with just waiting until you're in a relationship (still make sure he gets down to the clinic though lol).

I plan to wait. But you never know.

You brought up another good question: how do you tell him he needs to get tested? "Heeeeeey. Let's go do a blood test for STDs! It'll be fun!"
I plan to wait. But you never know.

You brought up another good question: how do you tell him he needs to get tested? "Heeeeeey. Let's go do a blood test for STDs! It'll be fun!"

if you want a guy to get tested before you engage in any sexual contact with him

a.) dont tell him youre a virgin

b.) don't be cute or friendly or funny about it. be firm and direct because otherwise you will let him talk you out of it. ("before we do anything, i would prefer that we get tested together, or if you have some paperwork i can see that would be fine too.")

c.) dont take his word for it. if youre going to ask, follow through and dont accept any evidence you cant actually see.
Yea man just be like when's the last time you were tested? Ok cool, well go do it again before we phuck. Bam.
To be honest, if I'm dating someone and we get to the point where we want to have allkinds of sex with or without protection (aka exclusive), I expect him to bring up sexual health, tests, etc. The kind of man that I'm interested in is the kind of man who is all about those conversations from jump. If I don't feel comfortable talking to a guy about being exclusive and everysinglething that entails, that's not the guy for me. I shouldn't have to hide the fact that I'm a virgin just to get some honesty.
Presex testing is very important but it gives many people a false sense of security and I've seen many a woman burned by a guy who tested clean at first... did a stint at planned parenthood and it made me want to be single & celibate for LIFE. Do all the testing but pick a partner you can truly trust...that piece of paper is only good up until his next sexual encounter with someone else.
presex testing is nice but i dont understand why people are so quick to dismiss condoms. testing or not. i mean its an effective TOOL but to use that strategy as a general rule without reference to that specific man and relationship is ridiculous to me. i feel like it should be more a place to start than a blanket "testing = no condom."

i used to overhear conversations like that in high school. i side eyed that **** back then and im still side eying it now.
Yeah....I would never abandon condom use just because of a clean test. condoms don't provide complete protection from genital warts or herpes so there's that to consider also. There's always some element of risk to being sexually active even if you are married, women just need to be smart and minimize the risk as much as they can.