TGIF....August 21,22,& 23 Ladies..what are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans?


PJ Rehabilitation Center
It's the Weekend Ladies, What Are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans?:grin:

I am entering my 14th Week -- Post Relaxer. Will Self-Relax Labor Day Weekend, so Tonight

1) Clarify with Aubrey Organics Green Tea Clarifying Shampoo
2) Giovanni Nutra-Fix Reconstructor
3) DC under the Steamer with Alter Ego Garlic Hot Oil Conditioner 1 Hour
4) PC Final Rinse
5) AG Fast Food Leave-In/Fermodyl 619
6) Half Air Dry & Half Under Dryer

That's Me. How are You Doing You??????????:look:
I'll be washing with Aphogee shampoo, doing a Aphogee 2 step treatment, deep conditioning Aphogee, and then using leavin conditioner and the Tea tree Aphogee, and then putting in the Fermodyl 619.

And then trying the curlformers..
I'm going to DC on dry hair then co-wash, my hair always feels really moisturized when I do this, especially in the summer when the sun dries my hair out to no end... then I'll do a braidout...
Clarifying: :yep:

  • Separate hair into 4 sections
  • Clarify with KeraCare 1st Lather
  • Shampoo with KeraCare moisturizing
  • Apply half Roux Porousity Control and half my deep conditioning mixture and sit under dryer for 30 mins
  • Let dc cool, add more Roux Porousity Control & my dc mixture
  • Rinse conditioner in shower with running water, detangle each section
  • Apply Lacio Lacio & KeraCare leave-in, and setting lotion
  • Rollerset (airdry) and saran wrap for 15-20 mins w/ biosilk silk therapy
  • Moisturize as needed with Humectin and NTM silk touch seal w/ EVOO
  • Pincurl and baggy as needed
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I plan to twist my hair up. Since falling in love with the BKT treatment results and wearing my hair in a puff for weeks now, I need to put my hiar away for awhile.

It will probably only last a week or two, but something is better than nothing.
I am going to flat iron for the third time this year. Or maybe I should rollerset. How long would it cant to dry MBL hair? :D :(

Regimen for flat iron:
DC with Humectress or Mane n Tail
Spray a little Keratin and Green Tea
Apply a little Provitamin Leave in
Apply Chi to ends of hair
(A little goes a long way for bouncy hair)
Air dry
Flat iron
I will be wigging it this weekend until i see my SO because he hates weaves, wigs and all extras so all i have to do is pull it off lol

I braid my daughters hair last night so thats out of the way because today is her bday she turned 3. it will be all about her this whole weekend so i have to neglect my hair
Well on 8-20-09 I went from APL back to now EL.......

So, what I will be doing this weekend is just wrapping my hair and wearing it out.....
Tonight I am going to Henna and deep condition
Tomorrow if I am brave enough I will do my first BKT

I am hiding under my hair until December 15 so I'll either be in a bun or under a wig 'til then.
keep my newly fried hair happy with DCs and oil treatments lol

other than that I'm helping my friend open up her new store.
Tomorrow I plan to color my hair using henna (mixed since last night), dc, rinse with a brew containing rosemary, sage, and mint, then style using KCCC.
Pree poo tonight with Amla oil or a protein treatment.
Washout out in the AM
Co-wash with my pumkin conditioner for yummy smell for the evening...
DC under dryer with cap for 15-30 mns and if I have time leave it on for another 45-30 mns with no heat.
Roux it up & rinse
Twsit it up with shea butter and seal with jojoba oil.
Sit under dryer for a twist out later that evening.
Apply MT

Next day moisturize the heck out of it to bun for the week and repeat next weekend.
-Apply Megatek
-Prepoo with EVOO overnight

Saturday morning:
- Shampoo with Infusium 23 Shampoo
- Check to see if I need protein (if so, Aphogee 2min.)
- DC with Alter Ego Garlic Condish under heating cap for 30min.
- ACV Rinse
- Salerm 21 Leave In and a little Infusium 23 Leave In
- Seal with JBCO
- Air dry and bun.
Deep condition on dry hair for an hour with heat.

Wash and do a sort of a braid out

Get braids tomorrow!!!! I got the hair last nite and am to excited. I dont have to do my hair for a couple weeks thank god
I am 9wks post and there isn't to much i can do to this hair.

condition wash/deep condition under a heat cap for 20-30min with Wen Fig & Ors Replenshing conditioner

Moisturize w/S-curl & Proline

And Oil it and leave it.
I still have some DC in my hair from last night. Will wash out later, apply my leave in (keracare conditioner), let hair dry, flatiron tomorrow am, wrap, put wig over it, comb wrap out later that night and wear my hair out for the night..Sunday, braid hair up and leave it alone till relaxer. I'm 5 weeks post today.
I'm letting my mom give me a touchup on Sunday with Mizani regular. I'm 12 weeks post (the longest i've ever stretched). Friday and Saturday I will be rocking a braidout. My live-in bf rarely sees my hair styled so I'm gonna wear it out.
I clarified this morning with ORS Aloe & followed up with CON green label shampoo
Applied Henna & I'll leave it in for a few hours
Next I'll DC with AO GPB mixed with EVOO & Honey
Then maybe a roller set OR braid out...I'm not sure yet
I am thinking of breaking my 6-month stretch 2 weeks early. I had a horrible morning with my newgrowth. My crown area was matted something aweful! Took me over an hour to get it together. Now, I am thinking about running to the creamy crack :roadrunner:

Why did this have to happen 2 WEEKS before my 6-months is up???
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I am 11 weeks post. Hopefully I can find some bentonite clay at wholefoods so I can clarify and then dc. I have no idea how I will style it after that.
This will be my first wash since my relaxer. I plan on doing a prepoo with Qhemet Cocoa Tree Detangling Ghee mixed with two drops of rosemary essential oil. Wash with Giovanni Smooth as silk and Elucence MB shampoo (one on each half of my hair. I am trying to gather which shampoo is better for me. Then put some porosity control conditioner for 30 second, do my protein tx with aphogee 2 min and then deep condition with Yes to Carrots Mud Mask. Put my hair in pin curls and sit under my hair dryer.
I just washed and dc my yarn braids with yes to carrots Mud mask..They are drying now.. we shall see how frizzy my roots are lol
Prepooing tonight with mustard oil on roots and amla oil on strands. Cassia treatment tomorrow followed by cowash, DC with sitrinillah and JBCO, then haven't decided how I'm going to style my hair. Probably in twists, like I always do :yep:.
i jus did a black rinse to the front of my hair to blend with my half wig,
i used clairol beautiful collection and i love it,
i will apply MN to my scalp as soon as my nails dry, and thats about it. ill be wiggin out all weekend as usual