TGIF....August 21,22,& 23 Ladies..what are YOUR Weekend Hair Plans?

I'm so proud of myself...I did all the stuff I needed to last night. And this morning I took my braids out and I have a great braidout. I've never had a good braidout, they're always flat with no volume but this one I can actually wear outside of the house without pinning it up first. And that JC made my hair smell so yummy, I love it!

I'm attaching pics. I took them with my camera phone so they're not good at all but they'll have to do. Oh and I was really close to the light which is why there's a random color in there.

Your braidout looks great. Did you do regular braids or cornrows?
well,Today is monday. Doing a protein treatment.Komaza-protein & the DC Olive Mask.
KBB-Hair Nectar as leave-in & Njoicreations coconut hairdress for scalp & ends.Happy Hair Growing!
I love this!! how did you do them? They are so defined and gorgeous. Thanks for posting your pics.

Your braidout looks great. Did you do regular braids or cornrows?

Thanks y'all!

I did 6 cornrows on damp hair with the JC Nourish & Shine. My hair always gets more defined in the front area because the texture there is very loose and not coily (from constantly being pulled back and/or held down with headbands while wet). The other areas don't get as defined but it helps when the hair is wetter and I use more product.