September 25,26,27..What are Your Hair Plans?


Are you cutting your hair????

Or are you cutting your regimen short tonight?

I almost read your post and moved right along until I realized you might actually be cutting off your hair. What do you mean?? Short or shorter or just the ends or what?

ETA: Am I the only one who read this??? This is like a LHCF new alert!

Why am I attached to your hair? I cannot be alone. No way.

Ummm...okay...regrouping...waiting to hear back...

This weekend, I am trying to figure out if co-washing is good for me or not. My hair feels great and looks like boo boo. It's dull and I think Aussie Moist should revise that rinsing clean from the scalp claim.

I'll try one more time...and then I am trashing co-washing for my hair.


Aw, don't worry. I'm bsl now and the most I'll cut is to apl. I might not even cut that much. Depends on how much I see after I "straighten" (I never get it really straight). I'm going to try to cut out most of the knots and keep my hair semi-straight for a while to see if that helps me manage my hair. I hate to cut my hair, too. But I tell myself that if I keep it straight it won't hurt so much since it will actually look longer to the general public than now.

Thanks for caring. :)

Hope your cowashing experiment turns out okay. How are you wearing your hair? How about braids after cowashing and then releasing the braids for a braid-out?
Aw, don't worry. I'm bsl now and the most I'll cut is to apl. I might not even cut that much. Depends on how much I see after I "straighten" (I never get it really straight). I'm going to try to cut out most of the knots and keep my hair semi-straight for a while to see if that helps me manage my hair. I hate to cut my hair, too. But I tell myself that if I keep it straight it won't hurt so much since it will actually look longer to the general public than now.

Thanks for caring. :)

Hope your cowashing experiment turns out okay. How are you wearing your hair? How about braids after cowashing and then releasing the braids for a braid-out?


I actually thought about your hair last night as I was trying (unsuccessfully) to watch a movie with my Dexter. I made myself not get online to check. I do know (kind of) how you feel about the knots. Mine are not out of control yet, because I am just now long enough to have them...but they are aggravating and seem to keep coming.

I twist my hair while wet after washing. I didn't think I was long enough to braid yet. (I know that's silly...if I am long enough for a twist, I am long enough for a braid.) I will do that this weekend and see how it goes. I just want the conditioner to be actually OUT of my hair and my hair to feel clean...

Please post pics if you can when you are done. I know it's going to be BEAUTIFUL!!!

I am going to clarify my hair with Aloe Rid, then I am going to try my new Aveda Black Malva conditioner. I am actually going to do a color gloss, as I will be adding my black colorshowers with the conditioner. I am going to DC for 10 minutes and then let it cool for about 20. I will do a quick conditioner in the shower, maybe rollerset or flat iron. This all tomorrow, btw.
I did a second application of henna and let sit overnight. Now I'm just sitting here with my hair braided waiting for it to dry.
It's a rainy Saturday afternoon, so I'll just be chilling.

Shampoo with staple Elasta QP Creme Condish Shampoo.

DC with AO White Camellia (love this stuff -- has replaced my Elasta QP Intense conditioner).

Now that my hair is SL, I can airdry in a loose bun.

I'll flat iron using some CHI silk infusion on Sunday morning.
saw my curlformers sitting in the back of my closet. havent used them since cutting off my hair, so i decided to try them out again. haha.
went pretty smoothly, i still think my hair has to grow out a little longer before i fully start using them again, but they turned out alright. :)


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I relaxed my hair yesterday with Phyto Index II (Mizani BB ALMOST had me, but I am glad that I stuck with my tried and true Phyto :love:!).

After rinsing out the relaxer, I did my Joico 17 minute miracle routine. I left the Intense Hydrator in over night and rinsed it out this morning.

I am thinking of doing a henna/indigo treatment tomorrow. Well see ...
Tonight, prepoo with EVOO

Tomorrow, Wash w/ Infusium 23 Shampoo, Check for protien needs (Aphogee 2min), DC w/ AO HSR, ACV Rinse, Alter Ego Cren, either Salerm 21 or Redken Buttertreat, Airdry, seal w/ EVCO and JBCO, Bun.
So, I'm sitting here watching tv and just realized that I haven't done anything with my hair last night or today. So, hopefully I can wash it tonight. I'm feeling lazy.
Today im going to do a quick dc under dryer bonnet for 30 minutes with curls deep conditoner and moisturize with ytcu leave in and seal with avocado butter mix.
I am currently in a sew-in. Its kinky straight hair

So last night I shampooed, conditioned and air-dried it.
Slept in two cornrows.
Today I flatironed it to get it straight. And applied some IC serum.
Lightly oiled and brushed my leave out hair (I never flat iron it because it blends well with the kinky straight weave hair)

I am ready for work tomorrow :-)
Last Thurs. I blowfried and flat ironed my hair. Today I am cowashing since I spent the last couple of days with dry hair and tad bit of product buildup. Today:

CW with Vo5+Honey+Jojoba oil
A little EVCO on my hair and ends+blowdry
Biosilk silk therapy+flat iron

My hair is pretty tough. It can handle all of this but i'm always extra careful with my ends.
I did a wet bantu knot out on Friday which looked fab but took forever to dry. Unfortunately it rained on me yesterday and now Ill be rocking whats left of the knot out pulled back with a scarf.
Last Thurs. I blowfried and flat ironed my hair. Today I am cowashing since I spent the last couple of days with dry hair and tad bit of product buildup. Today:

CW with Vo5+Honey+Jojoba oil
A little EVCO on my hair and ends+blowdry
Biosilk silk therapy+flat iron

My hair is pretty tough. It can handle all of this but i'm always extra careful with my ends.

My hair came out surprisingly awesome. Despite the breakage and shed hair, it's sleeker, softer and swingy thanks to the coconut oil. If i woulda done it like this last week my hair wouldn't have been so wack!
Saturday - 9/26

Design Essentials Relaxer after an eight week stretch and a spiral roller set. I'm not able to extend for too long. The breakage and shedding is a BEAST!
I did not do the henna/indigo treatment (got too comfortable aka lazy!) I will co-wash my hair and do a braid out shortly.
hi all.

I am going to:

Pre poo with aussie 3 min miracle mixed with coconut oil

wash with aphogee shampoo for damaged hair

emergecee for 20 mins with heat.

deep condition with Kuz condish


and dry:grin:
Ugh, I failed! I wanted to flat iron and cut or at least a big trim. I didn't even make it to the flat iron. I got to the blow dry and conked out. I just don't have the stamina. After detangling, washing, dcing, blow drying, I was done for. Like 3 hours already. My hair is still tangly so I know flat ironing would require me to do even more detangling. It would be at least another 3 hours.

I need help!
Did do my hair today using my new Joico products and I LOVE the results. Think I'd like to try another braidout sometimes during the month of October. Maybe the week before my relaxer....