Tell Us How You Stroke The Male Ego

I gave up. I just cannot. I was brought up by my dad and I am too alpha for alladat.
Thanks for this thread. I have been a nut crusher for so long. Despite this my DH loves me. I would like to be a kinder, more loving person. Only because i think he deserves better and i notice our relatioonship flourishes when i am a nicer person. I like this thread

I have settled for just trying to be kinder and being less angry all the time. I can only stroke his phallus. He can take care of his own ego...
Not sure if I posted in this thread (didnt check and dont even care :lol:) because after a few years of lessons, thoughts, experiences, counseling others, aging, maturing, etc...I say Screw men and their dog on egos. Better yet how about MEN cater to mine! YEAH...How about that! I'm tired of women dancing around men and their whims. Not saying this is what the thread it about...just venting period ...this paternalistic society can kick rocks.
Not sure if I posted in this thread (didnt check and dont even care :lol:) because after a few years of lessons, thoughts, experiences, counseling others, aging, maturing, etc...I say Screw men and their dog on egos. Better yet how about MEN cater to mine! YEAH...How about that! I'm tired of women dancing around men and their whims. Not saying this is what the thread it about...just venting period ...this paternalistic society can kick rocks.
i totally agree. On the Steve Harvey show a woman asked why we women always have to change or adjust for men he said it's because it's hard for men to change or adjust. I think he's right even though I don't like him.:look: There's a reason that we women have to suffer in labor it's because men couldn't handle it. It's not fair all we have to endure but it's like you can't change the game just play it right.
I need to learn how to do this..I am very self sufficient and get irritated by women that act helpless. My only issue is I feel uncomfortable getting help from men cause I end up feeling like I owe them something for helping me. :perplexed:
You don't owe them anything. And you deserve all those things on the virtue that you're a woman. Men should do nice things and look out for women.

Sorry girl I didn't even see this was an old thread lol.
i totally agree. On the Steve Harvey show a woman asked why we women always have to change or adjust for men he said it's because it's hard for men to change or adjust. I think he's right even though I don't like him.:look: There's a reason that we women have to suffer in labor it's because men couldn't handle it. It's not fair all we have to endure but it's like you can't change the game just play it right.

I think it has to do with the way our minds are structured (multi-tasking, multi-dimensional, able to see connections across different areas) vs men who are single-focus and can only do one thing at a time. RR gave this amazing image of a woman shining a light from her heart to guide a man in doing the actual leading. We are the neck that influences where the head turns so to speak. But we have to own our influence and really get comfortable with this part of ourselves.
My cousin works with trucks. He told me anytime I need anything with my car, go to AutoZone and play dumb and use the word thingy. He said they'll fall over themselves to try to help you.

Yea, I didn't get my car inspection in time and police pulled me over. I played ignorant to what I needed to do lol. He smiled and said you have no idea what Im talking about do you? I was like I sure don't with a smile :blush2:. He just gave me directions on how to get my state inspection done and didnt give me a ticket lol. So it works.
i totally agree. On the Steve Harvey show a woman asked why we women always have to change or adjust for men he said it's because it's hard for men to change or adjust. I think he's right even though I don't like him.:look: There's a reason that we women have to suffer in labor it's because men couldn't handle it. It's not fair all we have to endure but it's like you can't change the game just play it right.
You aren't changing really. You're channeling your power as a woman to be treated the way you want.
I never thought about how intimate me just running bath water and giving him a bath is until a read that Man Leads book.

I did it last month and DH was like bruhhhh what did I do to deserve all of this?!

So tonight, I'm going to run DH's bath water and gift him his favorite kind of cupcake. This Facebook group I am in was giving out free gourmet cupcakes today from a local bakery. I'm going to stroke his ego and tell him how hard and tirelessly he works to provide for our family and allow me to prioritize our home:family by staying at home. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Last week I bragged in front of him of how great of a provider he is and how I needed to get the baby his first shoes but I would have to hold off and prioritize since I wasn't working. Dude pulled out $60 and said whatever you need you can have it. This is the same guy that half a year ago couldn't buy a $20 meal because xyz insert excuse here. Stroking his ego does not come easy to me but I'm learning. It has made me a lot more feminine and him a lot more driven to take care of us.
I don't know how I got on Renee Wade's or who she is mailing list, but...

Re: complimenting a man:

"The more you try to compliment a man, the more he's going to view you as a friend. And the more he's going to pull away"

Question I have for this thread & another discussion in this relation group, if you're not a wife, are you doing too much when you're GF status? Just curious to hear opinions.
I don't know how I got on Renee Wade's or who she is mailing list, but...

Re: complimenting a man:

"The more you try to compliment a man, the more he's going to view you as a friend. And the more he's going to pull away"


Hmmm....I wonder if it matters about the types of compliments you're giving them and how you're doing it. Like if you're doing it in a desparate, pick me, kinda way, I bet men would pick up on that, as opposed to if the compliments are genuine and appropriate.

Actually, come to think about it, this book that I read once called "How to Marry the Man of Your Choice" had a chapter on compliments and criticism. I've been meaning to re-read the book.