Well-Known Member
Aww, such a sweet ending!!
Let's just say that ALOT has happened since then, as far as getting to know him, etc.
Totally not a stalker or serial killer. Just extremely passionate about things that are important to him.
But he was right. I love him like you wouldn't believe. Didn't even see it coming. I didnt have a chance.
Up pops this old thread while I'm sitting here thinking about what to get him for his birthday next week.
Ummm, I'm afraid you're going to need to go into a bit more detail than that!
This thread made me all happy. I read it from the beginning thinking how sweet it was, then got to your update and I just started cheesing! I love when things work out.
Anyway, I'm waiting...*taps foot*
erplexedAww wow. Is he West Indian?
Okay - I'll try to sum it up as quickly as possible.
It was instantaneous. We clicked right away. He wasted no time in making his intentions known and making it clear to me what he wanted. No guessing games. He introduced me to his "world" almost immediately, so I always had a certain level of security with him from the very start. When I say his world I mean his parents, siblings, other family, friends that I didn't know etc. For example - my birthday was mid October and by Halloween he had planned our first trip. By Thanksgiving I was meeting his out of town family. By Christmas, he was flying to nyc to meet my folx.
I'm just going to pause right here to address one thing that once again has proven to be true: When a man wants you - he wants you. You wont have to guess where the relationship is going. His past skeletons wont pose a threat to your new relationship. He is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that you are secure. He wants to spend time with you. He wants you in his world & often encourages you to have relationships with other people in his life who are important to him. Even when he's mad, he may do some things to upset you but he doesnt disrespect you.
I'm not saying that everything between us has been perfect because it hasn't. The one problem that we encountered is that we were moving too fast. I laughed when he told me "I've been looking at your picture for so long that by the time I finally met you, I felt like we've been together for a year already. So by the time we actually met I had everything set."
We were SO into each other and all the bliss & emotions that goes along with it, that we lacked good communication on earth in some areas. It gave us a few problems as a result. I knew something was different when we tried to break up and I felt like I was going to die and his mama was calling me to ask what happened cuz her son is actin crazy. So after 6 months, I feel like we are just getting to a point where we are getting a good grasp of each other's flow & style. Who knows what will really happen? But the fact remains that I know he loves me more. He continues to keep that crystal clear with his actions. Its a little scary honestly. For now however I'm feeling good. That's my man. No mistake about that.