Male Gold-Diggers: What are the signs?

They believe that the girlfriend should "share" the expenses in the relationship and they tell you this like on the first or second date to make themselves clear from jump.

That means paying for dates every now and again, outings, gas in the car, etc...

Very curious in knowing EXACTLY how much money you make...

I so agree with this. I experienced this from my ex-boyfriend. Never again!!:wallbash:
I've got a gold digger story!

I met J while walking through the park. He asked me what I did for a living and I told him I was an engineer.

On the first date:
  1. He told me GOD didn't want him to work:nono:. GOD told him he was supposed to find a professional woman and he was supposed to stay home and take care of the family.
  2. On our first date (Friday night) we went out. The following morning (Saturday) he called me and asked me to repay him the money he spent for the date. He said he accidentally spent his TYTHING MONEY and he needed it back for church on Sunday!
  3. After two weeks and only one date, he asked me to marry him.
Our relationship lasted two weeks. . .which was two weeks too long!

BTW. . .I did pay him back his money--WHY??? I don't deal with crazy people-and he was obviously CRAZY:spinning:. I didn't want him to have anything on me. I didn't want to give him a reason to be stalkin' me or nothing. I gave him his money back and I was through with him.
He told me GOD didn't want him to work:nono:. GOD told him he was supposed to find a professional woman and he was supposed to stay home and take care of the family.

Now that's a special brand of pimpology right there.

I'm glad you cut Reverend Ike loose, cuz um yeah wow :nono:
I've got a gold digger story!

I met J while walking through the park. He asked me what I did for a living and I told him I was an engineer.

On the first date:
  1. He told me GOD didn't want him to work:nono:. GOD told him he was supposed to find a professional woman and he was supposed to stay home and take care of the family.
  2. On our first date (Friday night) we went out. The following morning (Saturday) he called me and asked me to repay him the money he spent for the date. He said he accidentally spent his TYTHING MONEY and he needed it back for church on Sunday!
  3. After two weeks and only one date, he asked me to marry him.
Our relationship lasted two weeks. . .which was two weeks too long!

BTW. . .I did pay him back his money--WHY??? I don't deal with crazy people-and he was obviously CRAZY:spinning:. I didn't want him to have anything on me. I didn't want to give him a reason to be stalkin' me or nothing. I gave him his money back and I was through with him.
this was hilarioussssss....
I've got a gold digger story!

I met J while walking through the park. He asked me what I did for a living and I told him I was an engineer.

On the first date:
  1. He told me GOD didn't want him to work:nono:. GOD told him he was supposed to find a professional woman and he was supposed to stay home and take care of the family.
  2. On our first date (Friday night) we went out. The following morning (Saturday) he called me and asked me to repay him the money he spent for the date. He said he accidentally spent his TYTHING MONEY and he needed it back for church on Sunday!
  3. After two weeks and only one date, he asked me to marry him.
Our relationship lasted two weeks. . .which was two weeks too long!

BTW. . .I did pay him back his money--WHY??? I don't deal with crazy people-and he was obviously CRAZY:spinning:. I didn't want him to have anything on me. I didn't want to give him a reason to be stalkin' me or nothing. I gave him his money back and I was through with him.

He has you pay for almost everything and will pay you back when he gets his check. Then he is scarce for a few days after payday. Just long enough to not have anymore money. Ofcourse he shows up again when he's broke. :nono:
I was with a gold digger, WCG, and I didn't even know he was a gold digger until like a year into the relationship. Here's a chronology of gold-digging events.

1) First date, he ordered water. Then I ordered water, and then he said, "Well, let me get a sweet tea." I insisted on paying for the first date and tip, and he let me. He thought $2 was a good tip.

2) A couple weeks later, he wanted me to be his girlfriend, because he thought I would be "down for him." read: spend money on him. On the same day, I asked him to bring me a burger and small fries from McDonald's, a total $2.13. I offered him the $2.13, and he took it! I thought that was odd.

3) He use to brag about going on 3 dates in one day and not having to pay for any of them.

4) You know when someone takes you somewhere, and you offer them gas money to be nice. He took my money everytime I offered and then spent the remainder, because gas was cheap in 2004.

5) When I moved, he ransacked my fridge, and got mad when my dad opened a pack of chicken and cooked in on my George Foreman grill. He also asked for my big jar of change.

6) He was having trouble paying his bills or so he said, and he said his mom said that I should be helping him pay his bills.

7) He said that his mom told him not to spend money on girls.

8) He saw my dad's Hummer and saw dollar signs in his future.

9) He told me that he loves my dad, because when he's around, he always gets a free meal.

10) He always talks about the material things he could have had, had his daddy paid child support.

11) He always talks about all the material things he could have had had his mom taken a generous cut of the settlement she got for his uncle.

12) Talks about the ilife nsurance policy his mom has on herself and how much he's going to get.

There's a whole bunch of other stuff. Basically, if you ever gave this guy anything of monetary value, he was stuck on you like white on rice! I never should have paid for that first date, or if I did, I never should have answered his calls again. At least now I know better.

MissJ, if you had told us that before, we woulda been told you to RUN!!!!!
Miss Ann, OMG! He asked for the money he spent on you back? :lachen: That is crazy. What was your response when he first asked you?
At first I told him, "Hell NO!!!!"

But the more I thought about it. . .the more I figured he was probably crazy. I didn't want this fool dropping by my house (or work) asking for his money back. Think about it. . .if this fool was stupid enough to ask for his money back, he's stupid enough to continually show up at my house (or work) and ask for it. I wanted to cut all ties with him totally!

Don't get it twisted. I didn't want to give him the money. I just never wanted to see him again & by giving him his money back--It worked.:grin:
Ok. . .Ok. . .OK. . .I have to be honest. . .

He did come back.

I think there is already a thread on why do ex-boyfriends always come back (and let's be clear. . .he was not my boyfriend yet).

He showed up at my house wanting to "talk". . . I told him it was over!

See ya later buddy!
I dated this guy that was always dressed nice! His closet was full of gucci, name it.

Well, one date we went on his card got declined so I had to pay!
I let this slide.

The next date after this he asked me to borrow 200 bucks. I was like hell naw. I also noticed his mom had been sending him money. This is a grown ass man. He was 10 years older than me asking for $$$. I ended it right there.

He should have sold his gucci n stuff...
WOW, it is scary that many men try to run this GAME on women and sad that some women may fall for it in the name of having a relationship!
WOW, it is scary that many men try to run this GAME on women and sad that some women may fall for it in the name of having a relationship!

I didn't fall for anything in the name of having a relationship. I fell for it in the name of being a GOOD person. There are alot of people out there that make doing good things feel like ish...
It really depends on the man and where he is in life, but if he's asking you to pay for things he can't afford or to support a standard of living that he cannot support by himself, I think he's a gold digger.

I think that I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T song is the male gold digger anthem. I did appreciate the song for awhile, but then some of those phrases have me wondering.

I was hoping someone said that! That's exactly why I hate that song!
Wow, sorry some of you ladies have been through this. Some of it's funny, some is just plain crazy, some just plain sad!
It really depends on the man and where he is in life, but if he's asking you to pay for things he can't afford or to support a standard of living that he cannot support by himself, I think he's a gold digger.

I think that I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T song is the male gold digger anthem. I did appreciate the song for awhile, but then some of those phrases have me wondering.

That makes sense. I never did like that song. Maybe my instinct kicked in:lol:!
I was with a gold digger, WCG, and I didn't even know he was a gold digger until like a year into the relationship. Here's a chronology of gold-digging events.

1) First date, he ordered water. Then I ordered water, and then he said, "Well, let me get a sweet tea." I insisted on paying for the first date and tip, and he let me. He thought $2 was a good tip.

Ladies, NEVER EVER OFFER TO PAY FOR A DATE! Maybe this is how gold diggers get their "in" on unsuspecting women!
I have never had respect for a man that takes money for a woman. Never. My father never took money from women. Even when he would offer them a ride somewhere and they would reach for gas money, he always said no. We would be out somewhere, see a group of women he knows, and he will buy everyone dessert or drinks. He was always the one who was generous.

I think a lot of women put up with these type of men because it was not reinforced to them growing up that MEN just don't do certain things. Men don't ask women for money. Men don't let women pay for their meals. Men handle their business.

Bravo:clap::clap::clap:! I totally agree with you, that's why I started this thread. ALL of the guys I have dated were the opposite of this. They could NEVER be okay taking money or things from me, even if they had no money. They would rather borrow from their boys than ever take money from a woman! My daddy taught me this!!!!!!!
Well, according to the fool my neice called herself all in love with (the one I told her from the begining was up to no good) but was using her for the little money she made from her part time job........:wallbash:

A male gold digger is this:
1. Significantly older or younger than you
2. In the begining, he attends to all your needs EXCEPT the financial ones
3. He starts small then moves up to asking you for sizable loans.
4. He goes in your purse without your permission
5. He is married or seeing someone else along with you.
6. His car is in another woman's name (not his wife's)
7.He has been to jail.
8. He doesn't work.
9. He lies a lot
10. He is a very smooth talker and can talk you into believing anything he says.
ANNNNNND here is the biggest indicator that he is a gold digger.

His wife texts him and asks him when is he going to get the money she asked for from you!

Yes, this happened to my neice.:nono: We tried to tell her.
Freeloader- I can talk all day. They can't seem to keep a stable job. Every employer has a problem. They talk about going into business for themselves but just seem to have a lot of free time.

SPending too many nights at your place and not contributing to the bills. Thinking because they spent money in the beginning that will hold them over.
I had a potential gold digger once. We went to dinner and he mysteriously didn't have any $ when the bill came but "I have to got to the ATM". Well I walked with that jacka** for about 8 blocks (I think he was trying to wear me down), and passed about 5 ATMs but "we have have to go to my bank". When we got there, we couldn't get in the door because his card "didn't work" but luckily someone else came along and opened the door. He was like :eek::nono: but I got my money. I think he thought I was going to let it go.

Second gold digger situation: Guy invites me to the movies. When we get to the window he turns around and asks me for money. I tell him since he invited, he pays and I have no problem going home. He pays for the movie, says he was "just joking". We get seated and then he asks me if I'm going to get snacks since he paid for the movie.:nono: I just looked at him. He shut up and we watched the movie peacefully until he leaned in for a kiss and got mushed. This was about 2 years ago and he still calls me every 3 months or so talking about "what happened to us."

But I have a question for you all, I've had two guys in the last month tell me how broke they are. I didn't ask about their situation, they just volunteered the info. I think they're interested in me, but I wasn't interested in them before and after the sob stories, there's definitely no chance. Is this to prequalify for future gold-digging/freeloading or is it just to set the bar really low?
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See, it's time to carry around some blank job applications. Just pick up a handful at the convenience store and pass them out to these LOSERS. "Aww, you low on money, your finances ain't right, here, I got something for you!" :lachen:
you dont know but they have done background checks on you including family history, where you work, approximate salary

if things look good, they decide they are in love with you and complain about being broke all the time. they're usually clingy and emotionally abusive.
They prey on the more vulnerable women that are newly out of relationships, havent had much luck with men etc.

I had one who asked me to get money from my dad to buy him some shoes. I was 17 and everytime i just think about that 24 year old dumbass, i just laugh. Oh he wanted me to marry him so he could become a US citizen.

Wow, he was really tryin to play you...most of the time when they want their papers, they at least act like they love you; until they get what they want. When I was 18 this African guy told me he loved me after 1 week! I knew he was lying. And he called me like 10 times a day. I got rid of him real quick!
I had a potential gold digger once. We went to dinner and he mysteriously didn't have any $ when the bill came but "I have to got to the ATM". Well I walked with that jacka** for about 8 blocks (I think he was trying to wear me down), and passed about 5 ATMs but "we have have to go to my bank". When we got there, we couldn't get in the door because his card "didn't work" but luckily someone else came along and opened the door. He was like :eek::nono: but I got my money. I think he thought I was going to let it go.

Second gold digger situation: Guy invites me to the movies. When we get to the window he turns around and asks me for money. I tell him since he invited, he pays and I have no problem going home. He pays for the movie, says he was "just joking". We get seated and then he asks me if I'm going to get snacks since he paid for the movie.:nono: I just looked at him. He shut up and we watched the movie peacefully until he leaned in for a kiss and got mushed. This was about 2 years ago and he still calls me every 3 months or so talking about "what happened to us."

But I have a question for you all, I've had two guys in the last month tell me how broke they are. I didn't ask about their situation, they just volunteered the info. I think they're interested in me, but I wasn't interested in them before and after the sob stories, there's definitely no chance. Is this to prequalify for future gold-digging/freeloading or is it just to set the bar really low?

Those two men were so pathetic.

(re last question): I don't know; either way, you don't want no broke *** man. And instead of complaining they broke, they should be complaining about all the job interviews they had to go on, I could understand that. But broke, they won't get sympathy from me at all! :nono:
Ladies, NEVER EVER OFFER TO PAY FOR A DATE! Maybe this is how gold diggers get their "in" on unsuspecting women!
Well, I didn't know what the guy would think. I was just making sure he didn't expect to have _____ just for paying for my meal. :lol: I was inexperienced, I guess. :lol:
I had a potential gold digger once. We went to dinner and he mysteriously didn't have any $ when the bill came but "I have to got to the ATM". Well I walked with that jacka** for about 8 blocks (I think he was trying to wear me down), and passed about 5 ATMs but "we have have to go to my bank". When we got there, we couldn't get in the door because his card "didn't work" but luckily someone else came along and opened the door. He was like :eek::nono: but I got my money. I think he thought I was going to let it go.

:clap:Good for you girl! You better get your cash from his triflin butt. I could just picture his face as the door was opened for him, thinking "Damn, I really do have to pull out my money. Why didnt she just let it go..."