Single : how long

How long have you been Single?

  • Less than six months

    Votes: 20 12.3%
  • More than two months

    Votes: 11 6.7%
  • for a year

    Votes: 8 4.9%
  • for more than a year

    Votes: 124 76.1%

  • Total voters
Whoah, posted in this thread nearly 6 years ago and I'm STILL single. Going on 11 years of chronic singledom. Ouch...
Whoah, posted in this thread nearly 6 years ago and I'm STILL single. Going on 11 years of chronic singledom. Ouch...

Omg you about to make me jump off a bridge... Where's the hope it's going on 3.5 years for me... I hope god has someone for me or like IG said maybe he's not born yet lol
Omg you about to make me jump off a bridge... Where's the hope it's going on 3.5 years for me... I hope god has someone for me or like IG said maybe he's not born yet lol

:lol: Hopefully you won't be single as long as I have.. :look: I wish I could say I've been single by choice but that is totally NOT the case for me.
7 years for me, and I'm 25. That's right, I haven't had a serious relationship or someone I call my boyfriend since I was 18. Went through college and now graduate school alone or with deadbeats who only left me brokenhearted or with emotional baggage and trust issues. I really hope I meet someone soon because love is such a beautiful thing and I would love to experience it. :(
All my life. I'm 28. My friends would count a loser I went out with when I was 25 for about 4 months, but I don't count him because I had 0% attraction to him felt like gagging when he would kiss me. I was in a desperate phase. I've calmed down a little now trying to be patient waiting on God but the suspense is killing me. I haven't even been on a date since May 2011. I feel like I'm left on the shelf and getting dusty.
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