Single : how long

How long have you been Single?

  • Less than six months

    Votes: 20 12.3%
  • More than two months

    Votes: 11 6.7%
  • for a year

    Votes: 8 4.9%
  • for more than a year

    Votes: 124 76.1%

  • Total voters
ive been single so long it hurts. I dont even know how to catch a man anymore.
someone needs to have a get back in the game retreat.

I thought this was neat.

Did anyone see the show where oprah had all those bachelors and the top cities they are in?

this is also cool:
"oprah takes you around the world"

no wonder i'm single, i live in metro detroit. looks like i need to visit
no wonder i'm single, i live in metro detroit. looks like i need to visit

:yep: Houston has men,now if there worth something?Hit or miss.

Ive only been single for 1 month. :ohwell:
Before that it was 4 months.
Before that it was 8 months.
I haven't been single for longer than a year in a while.
I don't plan on being single for longer than 6months.Got my eye on someone right now. :grin:
I like being in a relationship,as long as its worthwhile.
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I've been single for 9 yrs. Maybe I'll look for someone next year or the year after. I need to get myself together first.
I would say that I've been officially single for somewhere between 3 to 4 months.

Why? I'll explain.

I am not single because I am frustrated with or dislike men. On the contrary, I rather love them. I know too many good men in this world to discount all of them in one shot. Are there some bad ones out there? Well, of course. A lot of them really just plain suck. But, they most certainly are not all bad. As if ALL women are always

I am also not single due to not meeting men. I tend to meet guys rather easily, both online and offline. I am extremely extroverted and generally come across as very friendly and open.

I am also not single due to not meeting good, quality men. I come across them quite often.

My PROBLEM is that I end up not picking the quality guys. I make the mistake of labeling them as "boring" or "clingy" when they show a high level of interest. I tend to be attracted to the emotionally unavailable ones or the ones who are unattainable.

Once I realized this, I quickly saw that men were not the problem.

I was my own problem when it came to dating!!!

So I decided to go on a dating hiatus to deal with the issues that contribute to me making such poor choices. Granted, the hiatus has served other great purposes as well - getting a clear assessment of my values and goals in life; getting more spiritually grounded; exploring various interests; and really devoting a lot of time to strengthening family bonds and friendships.

So far, this dating hiatus has been great. I miss dinner dates and the excitement of meeting someone new and feeling that rush of initial attraction. But I remind myself that what I am doing for myself is so important and it's what's going to help me find a long lasting, stable beautiful relationship in the future. It's worth the wait.

My hope for my fellow "singletons"...

Understand that your single status is not a curse. It can instead be a beautiful gift, a time that has been given to you to go deep within and nourish your heart and soul. As a new favorite author of mine says in her book, "Being single is just as natural as being in a relationship." They are both gifts and can both provide wonderful fulfillment in life.
I would say that I've been officially single for somewhere between 3 to 4 months.

Why? I'll explain.

I am not single because I am frustrated with or dislike men. On the contrary, I rather love them. I know too many good men in this world to discount all of them in one shot. Are there some bad ones out there? Well, of course. A lot of them really just plain suck. But, they most certainly are not all bad. As if ALL women are always

I am also not single due to not meeting men. I tend to meet guys rather easily, both online and offline. I am extremely extroverted and generally come across as very friendly and open.

I am also not single due to not meeting good, quality men. I come across them quite often.

My PROBLEM is that I end up not picking the quality guys. I make the mistake of labeling them as "boring" or "clingy" when they show a high level of interest. I tend to be attracted to the emotionally unavailable ones or the ones who are unattainable.

Once I realized this, I quickly saw that men were not the problem.

I was my own problem when it came to dating!!!

So I decided to go on a dating hiatus to deal with the issues that contribute to me making such poor choices. Granted, the hiatus has served other great purposes as well - getting a clear assessment of my values and goals in life; getting more spiritually grounded; exploring various interests; and really devoting a lot of time to strengthening family bonds and friendships.

So far, this dating hiatus has been great. I miss dinner dates and the excitement of meeting someone new and feeling that rush of initial attraction. But I remind myself that what I am doing for myself is so important and it's what's going to help me find a long lasting, stable beautiful relationship in the future. It's worth the wait.

My hope for my fellow "singletons"...

Understand that your single status is not a curse. It can instead be a beautiful gift, a time that has been given to you to go deep within and nourish your heart and soul. As a new favorite author of mine says in her book, "Being single is just as natural as being in a relationship." They are both gifts and can both provide wonderful fulfillment in life.

WELL SAID! :yep:
No wonder my friend who was desperate to get married did so within 9 months of moving there!!!

I agree with the Seattle numbers. There are SOOOOO many men from all different races (VERY GOOD SELECTION) there its really hard to even settle down. I managed to do so and get married, but boy were those the days. :lachen:
Babydall, thanks for that map. From everything I've read the men are in the west.

Wikipedia has info. on the male-to-female ratio for a lot of cities.

As of the 2000 census:
Detroit - For every 100 females there were 89.1 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 83.5 males.

Houston - For every 100 females there were 99.7 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 97.8 males.

Seattle - For every 100 females there were 99.5 males. For every 100 females age 18 and over, there were 98.8 males.

Here's more info. from the 2000 census:

I've been single for over a year. I am also celibate. I don't care for being single but have yet to meet someone who I want to be in a relationship with. No prospects at all!
The poll options don't make much sense. How come the first option is less than 6 months, then the second one is more than 2 months??
I have been single for 3,5 years now and I never date. I said to myself that maybe now I'm ready but when a man approaches me I always answar the same: NO. I guess I'm not as ready as I am.
Been single for about 6 years. I stopped counting. I hate it. When I look on TV, I really upset when I see a woman who has no legs riding on a skateboard married and pregnant. And, I get upset when I see two women together or two men. I have to pray. Here I am heterosexual fair looking and nothing. Okay, I'm through.
19 years,
my mother told me and for religious reasons.
and of course waiting for the right person!
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I have not been in a serious relationship for three years...the last time I dated someone and gave him my all was about 7 or 8 months ago. Why am I still alone? I just have not met my match. Most guys I meet are either not my type...or if they are...they are not really trying to pursue anythign meaningful or there just are no sparks. I guess it is just not my time yet. :)
I will say this...when I think of all the heartache I have been thru...and how special all of those guys made me feel at some point...I remember that when I meet "him" it is going to be all that and I guess that alone helps me be patient...and just wait...and wait...and sort...and sort. Eventually...he will show up. :)
Single for a few years now, and I am fine with it. I have my plans: trapeze school, surfboarding, more travel (the passport is too naked right now-needs more stamps).

I had ex-boyfriends who didn't want to go anywhere, didn't want to try new is so was like dragging a 3 year old everywhere!

I have a few married friends, but their happiness is so subjective. They look for stuff to do now, including making children. It is just not for me...

The grass isn't always greener on the other side. Why is everyone in such a rush to get married? Be paired off? You are not going to get voted off the island because you are single...It seemed like a lot of my single friends hit 30, and went crazy. "Oh, my God, I'm single. Help! I need a man, stat!" Chicks who didn't care at 29 all of a sudden are freaking out at 30. It's whatever with me...I didn't care at 29, and I don't care at 30...

I enjoy being single. I enjoy just learning about me and getting to know me. I am not babysitting nobody's son anymore, be he 3 or 33. Those days are over. It may not be the season to have a mate. It may not be mine. I am OK with that...

Besides, you may want this...

and you could end up with this...
exactly 3 months today. and i'm loving it! it's all about poookie right now, and that's a good thing.
Technically it's been 4 months but it was over a loooong time ago. I just thank God I woke up and moved on.

I just wish I would have ended it sooner. :sad:
about a week. we both knew it was going to happen after the summer was over neither of us was ready to commit to moving to be with the other so maybe in the future or maybe not.

ive been on a date with a guy that i met waiting in line at immigration at the airport of all places he's cute but he's not my guy and its way too soon but he's nice and its a good distraction but i want to be single for about 2 years so i can focus on me.
Two months..... but I'm definitely going to try and stay single for at least a year. I have been dating/in relationships for the past three years (none of them healthy) so I really need to re-evaluate and adjust me---if that makes sense.
You are giving out my stats...

I .... i can't really explain what it feels like..

I am starting to feel a bit pitiful about all this

You really shouldn't. :) I didn't start dating until I was 25.... and let me tell you, I long for the days for when I was not dating and totally into and about me. Relationships are fun when they're good, but not every relationship is going to last and the pain of breakups and heartbreaks is NOT fun.

It's interesting, before I started dating, love songs were just pretty to listen to, but now that I've been in relationships certain songs take on a whole new meaning.

Enjoy and embrace being single.