Single Christian Women's Support Thread

Just making sure I wasn't alone :lol:

Stay encouraged ladies! Some days are harder than others, but by keeping myself busy I haven't really had time to think about it. I actually felt at peace the other day. It was so nice.

I just wanted to check up on you guys to see how you're doing :eek:
Everything is going well, I am just enjoying the peace and quiet. One day I am going to have a man in my face and then I will be begging for alone time. :lol:
Ever since I have decided to seriously live my life for God, I've lost close "friends", social life, any sense of fun, I constantly feel crushing boredom, down, and like I am just going through the motions of each day. I wonder if I am really saved sometimes because shouldn't I be happy and joyful? Where is the joy and peace that is promised? I never cried so much as I have cried this year and I constantly feel lonely even surrounded by people. I deep down I know that isn't true but I just can't shake the nagging blue feelings that have been popping up so frequently. This doesn't make sense because I meditate on The Word everyday and I pray constantly throughout the day but I still am bombarded with negative thoughts and feelings. Does anybody relate?
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Ever since I have decided to seriously live my life for God, I've lost close "friends", social life, any sense of fun, I constantly feel crushing boredom, down, and like I am just going through the motions of each day. I wonder if I am really saved sometimes because shouldn't I be happy and joyful? Where is the joy and peace that is promised? I never cried so much as I have cried this year and I constantly feel lonely even surrounded by people. I deep down I know that isn't true but I just can't shake the nagging blue feelings that have been popping up so frequently. This doesn't make sense because I meditate on The Word everyday and I pray constantly throughout the day but I still am bombarded with negative thoughts and feelings. Does anybody relate?

Omg! LCHF logged me out and totally erased my response! Hopefully I can remember what I wrote :ohwell:

Anyways, I understand what you're going through. I am currently going through the same thing. I have lost a lot of my friends and I do not have a social life. Boredom has been striking me very frequently. And when I have all that time, I start to think about my circumstances. Because of that I decided to get more involved in church and volunteer on the weekends so I don't have too much idle time on my hands.

Just because you're feeling down doesn't mean you're not saved :bighug: God never promised that the life of a Christian was going to be all sunshine and rainbows. There are gonna be days where things go wrong. There are gonna be days where you feel like God is so far away. But Joyce Meyer said it best: it matters the most how you act during these times.

Despite your circumstances, there's always a reason to praise God. Sometimes God tests us to see if we will still have faith in Him even during the bad days. And trust, I have had several bad days :look: But I look ahead and praise him for what He will do in my life. I have wanted to give up, but God always shows me that he is faithful. He will never forsake me.

Spend some quiet time with Him and pour your heart out! Tell Him why you're unhappy. Tell him everything that's bothering you. I do this all the time. I'd rather vent to God than to anyone else. Ask, Lord, what do you want me to learn from all of this? Is there possibly something else that's hindering my progression? Hindsight is 20/20 so there's always something to be learned from your trials.

Keep pressing into the Lord and he will give you your answers :yep:
^^^^^^Great answer

PLUS my two friends went through the same thing and are now happily married. You have to pray because this is spiritual warfare. The enemy uses these tactics to get us off course and not fulfill our destiny because even THE ENEMY knows that God is in the process of delivering something GREAT!. He wants you to doubt, lose faith, and backside. Don't give in to this.

I was told by my friends that they got active, memorized scriptures and used it whenever you feel an attack (emotionally, mentally,etc). They prayed and most importantly spent time with God and also got busy in his ministry. Volunteering is a great distraction

Everything is going well, I am just enjoying the peace and quiet. One day I am going to have a man in my face and then I will be begging for alone time. :lol:

Lol. This is true ladies. I not married yet but seeing someone and its getting serious. I'm already wanting alone time cause he always wants to see me and talk to me. I'm just drained trim work and school that half the time I just want to nap and not deal with him. Smh
Lol. This is true ladies. I not married yet but seeing someone and its getting serious. I'm already wanting alone time cause he always wants to see me and talk to me. I'm just drained trim work and school that half the time I just want to nap and not deal with him. Smh

Well you can't say God didn't answer your prayers :lol: I'm learning to cherish my single days because I know marriage is hard work.
I'm so much more consistent with reading The Bible this year, so happy about that. I'm highlighting the passages that really speak to me so that once I finish reading it I can reread it again, study and meditate on it. Yesterday I celebrated my 28th birthday, I usually organize something to do for my birthday but this year my sister and friends surprised me, it was very nice! It reminded me that this is the time to work on those relationships, to enjoy getting to know me and being carefree.


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Maracuja Happy birthday!!! You look exactly like my friend in the States--it's scary!!! Are you Nigerian LOL? You have a twin :yep: Hope you have a blessed year.
Maracuja Happy birthday!!! You look exactly like my friend in the States--it's scary!!! Are you Nigerian LOL? You have a twin :yep: Hope you have a blessed year.

Thank you ladies for the birthday well wishes! belle_Du_Jour: Really? Now you've got me curious to see a pic of her lol. I'm not Nigerian though, I'm Angolan.
Emily Stimpson, a well-respected singles author, recently gave an awesome interview on EWTN's Life on the Rock:

Her book, The Catholic Girl's Survival Guide for the Single Years is a great resource. Even if you aren't Catholic there is a lot of info to glean from this book. IMO, it's the Catholic version of Finally the Bride (except Stimpson, unlike Cheryl McKay, is still single).
“To a great extent the level of any civilization is the level of its womanhood. When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the more devoted she is to truth, justice, and goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.” – Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

Raise your standards:

I have been looking for this quote for the last 5 years.

Thank you!
Hey ladies. So today I was listening to this sermon by Paul Washer about being ready for a relationship. I know we all probably fantasize about our wedding day and finally being able to spend the rest our lives with someone, but this sermon really helped to define what marriage should be. Most of our desires to be married are selfish. We want to be married to this person because he's funny, he's attractive, or he makes us feel good. But all of these desires are selfish. What happens when those same characteristics fade over time? When we no longer want to be around this person? None of these selfish desires should be the foundation of a marriage. This person should be able to lead and hold together a family. Marriage should ultimately help to complete God's will for your life.

What's so great about this sermon is that he is speaking to men. He goes over how a man knows he's ready to pursue a relationship. We should make sure our men have reached these levels before pursuing a relationship. I will post the link once I find it. It's a great sermon.

The more I learn about God centered relationships, the more I'm learning that marriage and relationships are not about us. They're about glorifying God. We have to consistently die to our fleshly desires. I want to do this relationship thing His way, but it's definitely a challenge!

ETA: Link to sermon

Exactly - there is so much truth in this statement.

Only the Father knows the end from the beginning - Our desires have to line up with His will and His plan for our lives to the end that His purposes are fulfilled.

It was such a burden lifter when I finally began to understand that our marriage had very little to do with us and our "happiness or completeness" but about what we are able to accomplish for His glory and to add to His kingdom.
Which is why it is SO very vital to make certain that we are led by God when considering marriage.

Our "happiness" is merely a by-product that comes from our obedience... God gets the glory because His work is being accomplished - we just happen to enjoy the benefits.
It was such a burden lifter when I finally began to understand that our marriage had very little to do with us and our "happiness or completeness" but about what we are able to accomplish for His glory and to add to His kingdom. Which is why it is SO very vital to make certain that we are led by God when considering marriage.

Our "happiness" is merely a by-product that comes from our obedience... God gets the glory because His work is being accomplished - we just happen to enjoy the benefits.

Dang, I just got spiritually checked. My singleness today is a part of God's will. I need to be embracing it instead of trying to run away from it. David talked a lot about delighting in doing God's will and being obedient to His commandments. I tend to think in terms of the "big" commandments i.e. no lying, killing, stealing, fornicating, etc. But what about being still, trusting Him and being content with what He's given me? He promises to give me my "daily bread" and enough grace to deal with today's troubles. I think if I could learn to live day-to-day and not worry about growing old alone in 20 years, I could be a lot happier.

Thanks momi and divine :yep:
I think if I could learn to live day-to-day and not worry about growing old alone in 20 years, I could be a lot happier.

Exactly :nod:

You have to learn to be happy without all the extra fluff. Your friends, job, boyfriend, or money can't make you happy. In order to obtain true happiness, you have to grow to be content with just God. Being single has become easier for me because I don't look at relationships as a cure all for my problems. I actually learned that I have way bigger problems to deal with than being bothered with a guy right now :lol:

So let's start finding happiness in God and not in our circumstances!