Single Christian Women's Support Thread

Still single! I'm not really putting myself out there, though. I'm self employed and my business has really taken off so I'm putting all my energy into that.

All the men I've encounter lately just stare, but don't approach. Years ago that would really bother me, but I can't muster up the strength to care. :lol:
We've been studying about love and its nemesis fear at my church since january 2013. Yesterday my pastor highlighted several passages in The Bible that speak about love so of course we got to 1 Cor 13:4. He read each definition that God gives of love, paused and explained what it meant, because of this I came to understand it in a new way. The first definition God gives of love is patience and it hit me, as single women we can exercise our patience in a way that married people can't. What greater way to show our love for God but through the first definition that He gives Himself? I've got work to do.
Exactly :nod:

You have to learn to be happy without all the extra fluff. Your friends, job, boyfriend, or money can't make you happy. In order to obtain true happiness, you have to grow to be content with just God. Being single has become easier for me because I don't look at relationships as a cure all for my problems. I actually learned that I have way bigger problems to deal with than being bothered with a guy right now :lol:

So let's start finding happiness in God and not in our circumstances!

I have heard this before, but the way you phrased it shed new light on it.

Their story is so powerful, I just love it.
Perhaps someone else besides me needs to be reminded of this: don't let other people point out the blessings in your life without you taking notice of them first. I walk around with a spirit of grief every single day (hardly ever smiling) simply because my life has not unfolded as I wished/planned. In the process I've received some of the best life lessons ever but I'm still not satisfied. I hardly have any debt, I'm able to work part time so I can work on my passions and still not lack food, I have a supporting family and great friends...but instead I keep focusing on how my life is not deemed successful based on the world's terms. By doing this I make it seem as if God has not blessed me when He really has in ways I can't even find the words for, other people are the ones who see it all the time, it's time I started to take notice aswell.
Just lonely I'm putting a time limit on my on love life and it's eating at me Don't want to be that bitter woman I just turned 28 a wk ago and everyone's acting like I turned 40 Gi e feeling like a late bloomer
stephluv please don't do what I did at that age and jump at any guy who showed interest in me. I rather you be lonely for now than having to go through rejection, heartbreak and hopelessness. This feeling shall pass and when you look back several years later, you will laugh and wonder why you ever doubted God.

Happy Belated Bday :-)
Just lonely I'm putting a time limit on my on love life and it's eating at me Don't want to be that bitter woman I just turned 28 a wk ago and everyone's acting like I turned 40 Gi e feeling like a late bloomer

Girl youre a baby!! You have plenty of time. :)
stephluv please don't do what I did at that age and jump at any guy who showed interest in me. I rather you be lonely for now than having to go through rejection, heartbreak and hopelessness. This feeling shall pass and when you look back several years later, you will laugh and wonder why you ever doubted God.

Happy Belated Bday :-)

You're older than 28?? For some reason I thought you were around my age. (I'm 28 too)
sweetvi & pre_medicalrulz Thank you for the words of encouragement I am trying to wait for God's timing It's not easy but I'd rather wait even it's for a few yrs then rush and be unhappy in a few yrs instead I just wish I had more of a singl Christian women support team It feels like its me and either the mothers of the church or the teenagers now lol

Yes maam! I am slightlyy older, but in the early thirties. I do look young however according to people who I reveal my age too. It is so funny you say that, because I thought you were older!! LOL

why did you think I was younger?

Yes maam! I am slightlyy older, but in the early thirties. I do look young however according to people who I reveal my age too. It is so funny you say that, because I thought you were older!! LOL

why did you think I was younger?

I don't know, lol. You know how you kinda have someone pictured in your mind and when you see them they don't look the way you thought. Its kinda like that :-)
My heart is so heavy after Trayvon Martin's killer was set free. My God, is it even right to bring children into this hateful world? :nono: Sorry, don't mean to destroy the positive vibes going on here but I'm just re-thinking everything. Maybe being alone and at peace with myself isn't such a horrible way to live. . .

ETA: I rebuke that spirit of despair in the name of Jesus. I had to rebuke the devil real good while working out on the elliptical this morning. Fortunately, I was in the gym in my apt building by myself :look:
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Today I was checked by the Holy Spirit. I recently did a fast to gain clarity on a relationship I was clinging onto and boy did I receive that in a big way! I felt like today's message in church was just for me. It was entitled "The Jonah in Us." Basically it was discussing how we go the opposite direction when God tells us to do something (which is what Jonah did when God told him he was to speak to the Assyrians).

The reason why it touched me is because I knew that God was telling to me to shut this relationship down to focus on Him. However I have been doing the total opposite. I have been keeping this thing on life support :lol: The more I try to "fix" it, the worse it gets. It's like God is purposely not letting this relationship work my way.

For weeks I had this knot in my stomach and today I realized it was the Holy Spirit giving me my answer all along. I have not felt any peace since this guy has come back into my life. I would have some one day, then the next it was shattered. Ironically, I felt the most at peace when he wasn't there!

I didn't want to do it but I have to be obedient to what God is telling me. I need to be still. I need to just let Him work. I have no clue what this means for me and this guy but that shouldn't be my concern. God needs my attention right now.

So moral of the story: If you ever feel that knot in your stomach, listen to it!
You and I are not created to be somebody's mistress or wifey, playing house, giving our goodies away like they’re a down payment on a ring that, most of the time, never comes. - Ashley Peterson
Ladies I an not giving up.. I am doing the Messianic preparation for marriage right now.. But.. I keep Him at the forefront...
We are many to be with someone that we can minister to the world with
You and I are not created to be somebody's mistress or wifey, playing house, giving our goodies away like they’re a down payment on a ring that, most of the time, never comes. - Ashley Peterson

Preach!! ^5 I made it to yr ladies....i know its not long but umm yea I wasnt exactly virgin mary prior :look:

Where are the success stories?!! We have to encourage ourselves...its tough I know and there is nothing wrong with falling down...but you gotta get back up agian and keep pushing, striving, and believing!! mustard seed of faith women mustard seed of faith
Preach!! ^5 I made it to yr ladies....i know its not long but umm yea I wasnt exactly virgin mary prior :look:

Where are the success stories?!! We have to encourage ourselves...its tough I know and there is nothing wrong with falling down...but you gotta get back up agian and keep pushing, striving, and believing!! mustard seed of faith women mustard seed of faith

One year over here as well lol The Lord knows my struggle :lol: I honestly can't believe it. In a world where giving up the goods is the standard, a year is an accomplishment.
Preach!! ^5 I made it to yr ladies....i know its not long but umm yea I wasnt exactly virgin mary prior :look:

Where are the success stories?!! We have to encourage ourselves...its tough I know and there is nothing wrong with falling down...but you gotta get back up agian and keep pushing, striving, and believing!! mustard seed of faith women mustard seed of faith

it's been about 8 years for me.. and it has not been easy.. but it has been worth it.. I have GROWN SO MUCH as a person in these 8 years.. healing... growing learning loving YAH and others stephluv
Belle Du Jour it's what Hassadah/Esther went through
another major aspect is that it is custom to prepare a tallit/prayer shawl for your future husband which is what i'm in the process of doing right now.. and Abba also has me writing poems and love letters AND praying in advance for him

Very interesting! I started praying for him again (I had stopped after getting discouraged). I'd like to learn more about the tallit/prayer shawl. That sounds like a cool tradition. :yep: Thanks for sharing!
I admit there is a, fear I'm having that if I hope and pray and prepare again and it didn't come to past I'll be devestatedbeen eight years.. Thats why I do disengaged it was beginning to hurt too much and it was taking my focus off if YHWH
One year over here as well lol The Lord knows my struggle :lol: I honestly can't believe it. In a world where giving up the goods is the standard, a year is an accomplishment.

@Divine.- aww I missed this post CONGRATS!!! WE DID IT!!!!:grin: I really dont think ppl realize how difficult this can be esp in the society we are in now....I pressures come from both men and women, even aclaimed children of God who think committing fornication with their fiance is ok cause "we gonna get married soon" GIRL BYE! still have alot to work on but now I can say I was able to get to a yr and not live under a rock to do it lol

I admit there is a, fear I'm having that if I hope and pray and prepare again and it didn't come to past I'll be devestatedbeen eight years.. Thats why I do disengaged it was beginning to hurt too much and it was taking my focus off if YHWH

luthiengirlie - thats all the enemy....and i know the feeling....going to pray for you my friend
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it's been about 8 years for me.. and it has not been easy.. but it has been worth it.. I have GROWN SO MUCH as a person in these 8 years.. healing... growing learning loving YAH and others stephluv

One year over here as well lol The Lord knows my struggle :lol: I honestly can't believe it. In a world where giving up the goods is the standard, a year is an accomplishment.

Preach!! ^5 I made it to yr ladies....i know its not long but umm yea I wasnt exactly virgin mary prior :look:

Where are the success stories?!! We have to encourage ourselves...its tough I know and there is nothing wrong with falling down...but you gotta get back up agian and keep pushing, striving, and believing!! mustard seed of faith women mustard seed of faith

Congrats on your celibacy ladies! Ill pray for your continued strength and self control!

My mom and I were talking yesterday about my future hubby and so weird and crazy that without me telling her my mom described(spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally) the guy I saw for myself. I fell like that's confirmation and I need to start praying for him now.

Thank you so much for posting this! This segment in particular spoke to me the most because it's what I've been fearing for some time now:

6. Recognize that marriage itself won't cure the lust that you have and the desire that you have to watch sexual movies and masturbate. Don't you know that you will compare them to what you see on the videos and will expect them to perform some "porno" show? As if GOD needs a porno to HELP your marriage sexually? HE is GOD. He created SEX to add to your marriage and if you have to use ungodly means to add to your marriage-life, then you're pushing the Holy Spirit out & inviting other spirits in.

I spoke about this some time ago here, on how I've been celibate for quite some time but just haven't been mentally single: every guy that just shows some interest in me, I start making up scenarios in my head. For us women I think our porn is love songs and romantic comedies, which is why I really want to see the movie 'Don Jon' so much, it addresses this issue.