Single Christian Women's Support Thread

I don't understand this post. Why not just be happy for folks ventures. I swear folks always think someone has some ulterior motive for something. Just be happy for people.Who really cares if she only has been married for two years? How is that taking away from her overall message? And some of you ladies wonder why you are still single? Mentality is all wrong. If you don't like her just don't support her. Problem solved.

The bolded is what is ruffling some feathers (not mine though). The meaning behind the bolded may have been sincere and caused some of us to reflect but the way in which it was presented was blunt. Let us keep Proverbs 15:1 in mind: "A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." The bolded could've been said more gently or not at all, depending on whether you wanted others to reflect or whether you were operating from a place of defensiveness/attack, respectively. Note how others responded softly to cyrealla's comment.

Aw lord. I see I done ruffled some feathers. I swear I refuse to sugarcoat anything for anyone. I call it as I see it. I just find it rather interesting for a christian womens thread that a few of you who call yourself christians were not being supportive of another christian womens venture but were questioning her level of genuiness. I know Heather personally so this naturally struck a chord with me. Hmm doesn't seem christ like to me.

Providing a "gentle" response is not the same as "sugarcoating". I actually appreciate your viewpoints in this thread, but the way in which they are dressed could be gentler. Given that you know Heather personally, I now see why you are defending her ministry passionately. That is fine, but it can be done without harsh words.

Well I stand by what I said also.. I like their ministry and can understand the idea of books, but selling lipsticks, rings and bracelets is imo not needed, their message is powerful enough without the extra money making gimmicks which looks to me like they are trying to make a profit out of their growing following.

oh, and I'm sure ur single too so erm yeh :rolleyes:

And let us please keep in mind Matthew 5:39 and turn the other cheek. It does not help to respond harsh with harsh.

That all being said, I am just pointing out how we can respond differently. I am not holier than thou and certainly have my own things to work out. But we should all do our best to keep in mind the teachings of Christ in order to become more Christlike ... in order to represent Christianity.

I love you, ladies. Now, let's get back to supporting each other in this thread.
Really you don't need to preach to me. Like I said previously it was pretty amusing behavior for women who are calling themselves christians. It's way to early to be debating back and forth. I have said how I felt and personally don't see the point of explaining myself several times over to a bunch of hypocrities who say they are one thing but obviously behave otherwise. I'm kinda over it now lol.

So when you address cyrealla's comment in the manner that you did, it is fine, but when the rest of us address your comment, it is considered preaching? I see all of our words are lost on you. So unfortunate. It is apparent that you mean nothing but to cause strife.
Sigh...and to think that I finally found a quiet, drama free thread that I can hide in when the other threads are going postal. Sigh.. off to find another hide-out. Until then....headed back to the hair forum.
I wonder how Heather Lindsey would feel about this exchange, it's all so contrary to who she seems to be and what she teaches.....oh the irony.
Strife? so it's okay for one lonely bitter person here who wishes she was in Heathers position to degrade her like that? That's not cool. Heather has what all of you are desiring to have which is why this thread even exisists. Can't stand for someone to be happy and have something. Just be miserable but don't hate on her. Hating on someone is the equivlaent of being a psycho:yep:
Sigh...and to think that I finally found a quiet, drama free thread that I can hide in when the other threads are going postal. Sigh.. off to find another hide-out. Until then....headed back to the hair forum.

pre_medicalrulz: I understand your hiding out, but don't go for too long. I have a feeling this drama will die soon enough. I too want to get back to our regular posting. Sorry that we are experiencing this at the moment.
Thankful for the spirit of the Lord showing up in you ladies--I was working on and praying for a suitable, edifying response, but you all have already covered all the bases. :yep:

Just blesses me to see so many lights shining in one place. His work in and through you certainly isn't going unnoticed. :)
Another testimony of an engaged friend:

This could be several pages long, but I'll spare the details and get down to the essentials. Years ago, my friend didn't think that God would grant her marriage with her boyfriend. Man stood in the way. Distance stood in the way. Challenges of different forms and shapes stood in the way. At one point, she ended the relationship because she lost faith in its future. I and her sisters had to sit her down and told her to fight for her future union. To not give up but to believe God for it. We (her sisters and I) knew that this man was to BE her future husband. My friend knew it initially but allowed doubt in the form of man, distance, and challenges to deteriorate her faith. But she held onto to a little faith though it was just as small as a mustard seed. She continued to pray and so did I for her. Long story short, those obstacles melted away and her boyfriend proposed to her yesterday. I am so happy for her and said "I told you to believe". :lol:

I carried the following Scripture when I thought of my friend and her boyfriend during their time of struggle:

What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

Though it is referring to a union already made before God, I believe it can also apply to any future unions that God has ordained. No man or obstacle could prevent her from her future union with her future hubby. I believe that the same applies to anyone else in a similar situation in which our Lord has ordained for a future union. You have to believe though. You have to believe.
The reported posts in this thread have been deleted. If there's more, let me know as I don't have the time to read through this thread to find what started the drama.

Ladies, please keep in mind that this is the Christian forum, and you need to make every attempt to conduct yourselves in a more civil manner than what goes on in other forums. Think twice before posting, because there are certain behaviors/tone that will not be tolerated here. Please, review the forum rules before posting, as you will be held responsible for what you post! Any questions, please feel free to pm me.
Stay encouraged.. and focused. Life itself is drama, so you can't escape that, even in a Christian forum.

Just wanted to tell you God is faithful and will NEVER give up on any one of us. This Forum and this thread has the presence of God and always will... so you're in the right place. :yep: stay prayerful and hopeful in all that you do, because El-Eyon...... Almighty God ... has you in the palm of His hand and He will give you the desire of your heart... His Joy is buried so deep in your heart, no man has the power to diminish it! Isn't that great to know? God bless.... Amein~

Prov. 18:10
The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

Sigh...and to think that I finally found a quiet, drama free thread that I can hide in when the other threads are going postal. Sigh.. off to find another hide-out. Until then....headed back to the hair forum.
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At one point in time we had a marriage prayer circle. I wrote the leader a while back because it tapered off, but I didn't get a response. If there's interest, we could resurrect that group again (I'd create another Ning site.)

The Lord is doing something through prayer with respect to marriage. I've only shared this with my sister, but I've prayed for 4+ different people over the past couple of years, some of whom had expressed frustrations with even finding a date at all and by all of the prayers combined (theirs, their friends, loved ones, etc.) all are engaged and/or married now.

It can be easy to focus on what we feel we want/need, but there's blessing in letting that go and focusing on what others need and then letting them be concerned about you. We can all have one another's backs. :)
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At one point in time we had a marriage prayer circle. I wrote the leader a while back because it tapered off, but I didn't get a response. If there's interest, we could resurrect that group again (I'd create another Ning site.)

The Lord is doing something through prayer with respect to marriage. I've only shared this with my sister, but I've prayed for 4+ different people over the past couple of years, some of whom had expressed frustrations with even finding a date at all and by all of the prayers combined (theirs, their friends, loved ones, etc.) all are engaged and/or married now.

It can be easy to focus on what we feel we want/need, but there's blessing in letting that go and focusing on what others need and then letting them be concerned about you. We can all have one another's backs. :)


This is a great idea! :yep: Yes, the Lord really is doing something through prayer with respect to marriage. Count me in! I'd be more interested in praying for others.
Great ladies, looking forward to it. :) More to come in the next day or two.

GoddessMaker I saw your posts about starting a prayer line. Do you want to make that a part of our prayer circle? Maybe a monthly call?
nicola.kirwan Yes I still want to do the prayer line. I think it needs to be done more than monthly but that's just me. I could go into wise but this thread isn't the thread for real rawness that I have.

Also I really want folks to chill in here. I know this topic is a sensitive matter. We have some who have a man some who don't. It's all cool honestly. Attacking or being overly sensitive isn't going to help. Sometimes the truth hurts like raw. Jesus didn't sugarcoat nor was he always gentle about what is the truth just saying. I have been real scared to really go in this thread because I'm raw as they come. I don't hide about mines.

I will do some research now though on the prayer line and update. Maybe we can kick off in Feb since it's that devil day I mean V-Day lol.
From The Veil blog

Today’s topic is Myth #3: Something Is Wrong With Me

Blessed Repeated Rejection

This myth will be the most rewarding one for me to bust because it is the myth that tormented me the most as a single girl. Because I was single for so long, I naturally came to believe that something was wrong with me. I mean, what was with all the repeated rejection? I could only find one common denominator in all those failed relationships: me.

I will share with you a detail about my life to prove to you that I understand rejection. I wrote about this in my book and provided the substantiating details, but I will give you the overarching trend that I experienced in my dating life. Are you ready? Every. Single. Guy. that I dated went on to marry the very next girl he dated after me. Oh, talk about a Divine sense of humor! Each guy, no matter their age or the length of our relationship, was ready to marry but just not ‘inspired’ to marry me. Talk about an ego buster!

“…Be still in the presence of the LORD, and wait patiently for him to act.…” Psalm 37:7

I also felt very confused by what I was observing all around me. I knew that I was not perfect but I wondered why everyone else (and their imperfect and often unchaste selves) seemed to get married. Why not me? What was wrong with me?

Well, I now have the benefit of hindsight and I am here to tell you that there was nothing wrong with me. I also want to reassure you that there is nothing wrong with you.


All that rejection led me to imagined that every other girl was prettier, thinner, more interesting, more athletic, more fun, more ‘you name it’ than me. This belief caused me to doubt myself. These thoughts and observations led me to believe that in order to be loved and cherished, I could not have any glaring faults. So, I focused on the things that I felt I could control and change in the hopes of capturing and keeping my guy’s attention.

This feeling of inadequacy also made me feel afraid of marriage. I seriously could not imagine living with someone 24/7. I may have been able to hide my glaring faults before marriage but what would happen once my husband began to see the whole package?

In a way, this fear was actually a gift. It kept me from taking significant stupid risks and kept me committed to Chastity. Sex is supposed to be revealing and no, I was not ready to be revealed. Certainly not without the covenant of marriage.

Now, I am not saying that I did not have plenty of room for improvement. I had plenty of ‘issues’ that needed healing and some are still with me today. But those issues were not the ones that I focused on and tried to change. Thankfully, my good Lord sustained me through it all and covertly healed me in ways that I can only now see through hindsight.

The Veil

As you may know, I have this concept called The Veil which is the idea that God places a protective veil over all of us and the purpose of the veil is to hide us from every possible suitor except the one that God intends for us to marry. I call the person God wants us to marry our ‘holy spouse.’ This protective veil makes us ‘unclear’, similar to looking through a Mylar plastic sheet, to those suitors who are not our holy spouse. These suitors may be attracted to us but they hesitate to pursue us fully because they can’t fully see us; we are hidden by the veil. This may feel like rejection but it is really God’s protection.

If you struggle with the same beliefs, rejection and fears I described above, I understand. However, once I met Gregg and realized that there was nothing wrong with me, I had to laugh at myself for thinking that there was. Well, yes there were things that were wrong with me but none of them kept Gregg from falling in love with me and marrying me. And it will be the same with your Holy Spouse too.

It is funny because I thought the problem was that these other guys, the ones that rejected me, could see me and did not like what they saw. However, now I believe that a more realistic explanation is that they could not see me. I was covered by the protective Veil. The rejection was good because it was a signal to me that those guys were not who God intended for me.

With Gregg, however, he does see me and he loves what he sees. I cannot explain this other than the idea that God lifted the protective veil. And, once God lifts the veil, our holy spouse sees us through the eyes of Love in all our beauty and virtue filled with grace and trust. Gregg loves me despite all my faults and the only explanation is a supernatural one. I believe the Superabundance, which results from our chaste marriage, significantly diminishes my faults and almost makes them invisible to Gregg, my Holy Spouse. I also believe that Superabundance somehow then magnifies, for him, my good traits.

Side note: The movie When Harry Met Sally has a scene in it where Sally finds out that her former boyfriend, Joe, is getting married to his “transitional person”, Kimberly. In the scene below, Sally says, “Why didn’t he want to marry me?? What is wrong with me??” She concludes, “I’m difficult!” Harry responds “You’re challenging.” Sally protests “No, no, no, I’m too structured. I’m completely closed off!!” Harry responds, “But in a good way.”

I am not a fan of Harry in this movie (and do not condone the pre-marital sex) but his response is a humorous example of how the one that loves you can see your faults in a positive light. Here is the clip from the movie:

Sacramental Life

I cannot express enough the importance of living a Sacramental life for combating this myth. Without the grace from the Sacraments, the myth that there is something wrong with you will grow and fester like mold in a damp basement. The time when I was away from my Catholic faith and not living a Sacramental life was when this myth was strongest and most difficult to overcome.

May I recommend that you tell God you are feeling impatient so that He can send His angels to comfort you? Share with God your feelings of inadequacy. He wants to heal you and the main avenue for healing is His grace, His very own Divine Life, which is imparted through the Sacraments. Spend time with Him in Eucharistic Adoration and pour your heart out to Him. Know that the deep yearning you have can only be satisfied by God. Cling to Him.

Most of all, commit to Chastity and ask God to strengthen you with His grace. Unchaste behavior will magnify any feelings you have of self-hatred and will result in shame. Then, the enemy will taunt you and you will really believe something is wrong with you. Worst of all, it will separate you from our Holy God and lead you to despair.

The ‘one’ that God has for you will love you despite your faults. There is nothing wrong with you that will keep him from marrying you. Trust and wait. I know it is hard.

You are in my prayers. God love and bless you.
I knew that I was not perfect but I wondered why everyone else (and their imperfect and often unchaste selves) seemed to get married. Why not me? What was wrong with me?

All that rejection led me to imagined that every other girl was prettier, thinner, more interesting, more athletic, more fun, more ‘you name it’ than me. This belief caused me to doubt myself. These thoughts and observations led me to believe that in order to be loved and cherished, I could not have any glaring faults. So, I focused on the things that I felt I could control and change in the hopes of capturing and keeping my guy’s attention.

This feeling of inadequacy also made me feel afraid of marriage. I seriously could not imagine living with someone 24/7. I may have been able to hide my glaring faults before marriage but what would happen once my husband began to see the whole package?

:yep: This mentality, especially the bolded, can very easily tend toward a "What's the point?" attitude--and, if left unchecked, even resentment toward God for seemingly favoring every other (married) woman. :ohwell: Unwavering faith that He knows, has, and wants what's best for us is so essential. This just reminded me that despite my own inadequacy complexes and "daddy issues," I have a Heavenly Father who thinks I'm tremendously special and is taking His time to craft a special gift just for me. :)

I recently had a resurrected suitor--a "one that got away" type about whom I always felt some slight remorse--tell me straight up that he felt he didn't measure up spiritually and that he had to "step his game up" in order to be involved with me. There's certainly something to be said for God obstructing the view of every man except the one He intends for us. What a loving, loving God. :love2:

This is definitely something I'm still working on, so this was encouraging.

ETA: I was just reminded that around the time things collapsed with the aforementioned suitor, I asked the Lord to hide me so that no one but the one He has for me would even see me. Shortly after that, I started a new job and suddenly encountered an onslaught of men with obvious sexual interest. I felt horribly exposed and vulnerable and wondered what I was doing to bring on the sort of attention I hadn't consistently gotten since I was younger, thinner, and...worldlier. :look: Even worse, it not only seemed that my prayer wasn't being answered, but also that I'd been thrown out to the wolves despite it. It was an unsettling feeling. :nono:

I'm only now realizing that seeing me with the natural eye is not synonymous with "seeing" me spiritually (especially considering those unequipped with spiritual "eyesight"). I'm still not sure why so many men suddenly took interest in me; I do know that, if nothing else, it should quell the assertion that I'm undesirable/un-marriageable because I'm too fat/too ugly/too tall/too dark-skinned/too nappy/too bald-headed/too any other superficial attribute about which I had become self-conscious in my enduring singleness. More importantly, though, I now know that the superficial was all they were able to see.

I'm no longer internalizing that my body is all I have of value to a man. The counterfeits can't see the rest of me because it isn't for them. It's not--I'm not--available for them to mishandle and use up. I don't even think I've been asked for my number since that prayer, and all the men with whom I've had extended contact by default (one of whom I actually liked :look:) suddenly stopped talking to me shortly before I left their presence. The Holy Spirit in me immediately discerned it for what it was, but that nagging little whisper still had me wondering, "What is it about me? Did he ever even like me?"

Whether they did or didn't, the Lord shutting them down before anything could leave the ground reassures me that whatever it would've been wouldn't have been any good (Psalm 84:11). It all comes back around to trust. Despite my lack of faith, He's yet revealing Himself and His work to me, and I'm so thankful for the God that He is.

(Sorry this is so long ladies...just sharing my little testimony/revelation in hopes that it speaks to someone...)
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:yep: This mentality, especially the bolded, can very easily tend toward a "What's the point?" attitude--and, if left unchecked, even resentment toward God for seemingly favoring every other (married) woman. This just reminded me that despite my own inadequacy complexes and "daddy issues," I have a Heavenly Father who thinks I'm tremendously special and is taking His time to craft a special gift just for me. :)

I'm getting much better at telling myself this as I have been known to say i'm the ultimate match maker for me and you'll probably marry your next gf :look:

Singles ministry authors Eric and Leslie Ludy are adopting twins from Haiti! IIRC, they have 2 children of their own and 2 other adopted kids (1 from China). May God continue to bless them. :yep:

Aww as fellow Haitian this brought a smile to my face this grand Monday morning
So Im scared and nervous and I just don't know. I never had a guy pursue like THIS before! I want run in the other direction...Just when I thought that he was out of the picture come to find out different.
So Im scared and nervous and I just don't know. I never had a guy pursue like THIS before! I want run in the other direction...Just when I thought that he was out of the picture come to find out different.

This is so awesome! Don't run in the other direction out of fear, feel it, acknowledge it and run towards him!
I'm that state of contentment... There is someone amazing out there just for ME so I'm waiting growing and healing

I wish I could thank this three times, lol. I was just thinking last night about how much stronger and more secure I've been feeling about waiting lately. How I've been resting in my "specialness" (that is, becoming thankful for His sanctification rather than resentful due to perceived rejection from the world and those who adhere to its standards).

You testifying to the same feeling make me praise Him all the more for His peace. :love3:
^^^^Yes and yes and more yes! I'm ok with being single until it's my time to be married. I don't cry or lose sleep over it.

Actually my promise to myself was to live all the more! Do more work for the Lord. Just live!
I feel like there is certain knowledge and healing that can only come from being in a relationship. Some lessons can't be learn on your own. Thoughts?