Should She Sleep With This Married Man?

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No, a sidepiece is a recurring sexual relationship on the side. She and I laughed about whether she should take it there if it continued to escalate. As we discussed it would have been a one time deal. Steal his underwear and place them on wife's office desk. I was checking LHCF for any suggestions/ moral code. Cause we were wayyyy out there with ideas.
Whaaatt? Nope I refuse to believe grown women are thinking like this. I'm going to assume y'all are some 18 years old working at Forever 21.
No, a sidepiece is a recurring sexual relationship on the side. She and I laughed about whether she should take it there if it continued to escalate. As we discussed it would have been a one time deal. Steal his underwear and place them on wife's office desk. I was checking LHCF for any suggestions/ moral code. Cause we were wayyyy out there with ideas.

And take a page out of the basic ***** bible and be sure to snap a pic of him while he's sleeping


No, a sidepiece is a recurring sexual relationship on the side. She and I laughed about whether she should take it there if it continued to escalate. As we discussed it would have been a one time deal. Steal his underwear and place them on wife's office desk. I was checking LHCF for any suggestions/ moral code. Cause we were wayyyy out there with ideas.


None of this is a good idea. Now I'm going to need you and your friend to repeat after your Aunt Crackers.
Sorry... Just got back from the gym. No, I am not 18. No need to do research. My age doesn't matter. It's easy for you all to judge a persons reaction to a situation from the outside.. Like... okay stay...calm don't react to swiftly... Miss me with that BS. You know damn well if it was your situation or a close friend/ family member.. You would be foaming at the mouth. Don't make me do my stalking/research on some of y'all.
His wife would have more to say if your friend sleeps with him and has his baby.

My friend has been dealing with a married man for years, and they have kids together. She ended their relationship after the wife confronted her, but then she reconciled with him the next day.

We had lunch a few months ago, and she started bashing the wife. She said, " I didn't start it. He pursued me." :confused: I had enough and said he told the truth up front and still got what he wanted. I also said "His wife is stupid to put up with all of his mess...What's the point of cussing him out and threatening him only to take him back later?" I said much more that generally applied to his wife and her. She hasn't mentioned his wife to me since.

She rarely complains to me about him now because I always say he's been like that since day one. I know she gets mad that I don't take her side, but she went into this relationship with eyes wide open despite what others said. All the things he fails to do is what he said he doesn't do when they first got together.

Your friend will do what she wants to do in the end.
Sorry... Just got back from the gym. No, I am not 18. No need to do research. My age doesn't matter. It's easy for you all to judge a persons reaction to a situation from the outside.. Like... okay stay...calm don't react to swiftly... Miss me with that BS. You know damn well if it was your situation or a close friend/ family member.. You would be foaming at the mouth. Don't make me do my stalking/research on some of y'all.


If I would've heard this story from one of my friends I woulda slapped the devil outta her.
You two need to go to church
No, a sidepiece is a recurring sexual relationship on the side. She and I laughed about whether she should take it there if it continued to escalate. As we discussed it would have been a one time deal. Steal his underwear and place them on wife's office desk. I was checking LHCF for any suggestions/ moral code. Cause we were wayyyy out there with ideas.

I just don't understand why yall are so mad at the wife, OP?! Why aren't yall trying to embarrass the CHEATING HUSBAND?! what in the entire ****?! :drunk::spinning: It seems like yall want someone to 'pay' by doing some crazy 'by any means necessary' ish. Ok, I can understand that lol. Why don't yall focus your efforts on the husband? His actions (cheating on his wife) is what LEAD to the wife treating your friend like ****. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh. Get HIM. Not her. She is just responding to the situation. He started it. **** his life up OP! I'm rooting for yall :lol:
I just don't understand why yall are so mad at the wife, OP?! Why aren't yall trying to embarrass the CHEATING HUSBAND?! what in the entire ****?! :drunk::spinning: It seems like yall want someone to 'pay' by doing some crazy 'by any means necessary' ish. Ok, I can understand that lol. Why don't yall focus your efforts on the husband? His actions (cheating on his wife) is what LEAD to the wife treating your friend like ****. duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhh. Get HIM. Not her. She is just responding to the situation. He started it. **** his life up OP! I'm rooting for yall :lol:
We are going after the wife because she turned co-workers against my friend. She could have very easily had a sit down discussion with my friend. My friend is a very approachable person. There was no need to drag her name, when nothing was going on.
Sorry... Just got back from the gym. No, I am not 18. No need to do research. My age doesn't matter. It's easy for you all to judge a persons reaction to a situation from the outside.. Like... okay stay...calm don't react to swiftly... Miss me with that BS. You know damn well if it was your situation or a close friend/ family member.. You would be foaming at the mouth. Don't make me do my stalking/research on some of y'all.

I don't think anyone will mind your stalking. Everyone willing shares here aware of the consequences. And I don't think anyone has friends bothered by men's WIVES. The man is a disrespectful dog. It's unfortunate he got your friend involved. Those are the breaks. If your friend was the wife she would be talking about the ho-worker to you and you'd be rolling your eyes and upset as well.
I don't think anyone will mind your stalking. Everyone willing shares here aware of the consequences. And I don't think anyone has friends bothered by men's WIVES. The man is a disrespectful dog. It's unfortunate he got your friend involved. Those are the breaks. If your friend was the wife she would be talking about the ho-worker to you and you'd be rolling your eyes and upset as well.
See this, right here... Is why I go to bat for my friend. It is between the husband and wife. When he strays the wife should direct her attention to the husband not the other woman. It's a real B***** move when she goes after the woman for fear that the husband will probably leave her.
We are going after the wife because she turned co-workers against my friend. She could have very easily had a sit down discussion with my friend. My friend is a very approachable person. There was no need to drag her name, when nothing was going on.

Ok. But HE is the root of the problem, is he not? Yes!
What do you mean 'nothing' was going on? He was outwardly flirting with, approached, and asked your friend out on a date! (I didn't mention her actually going out on the date, because yes yes I know, this was 'to get back at' the wife for being mean to her lmaooo ok fine) He was already basically cheating on his wife before they ever went out. So yes, something was going on.
OP, the husband needs to pay. He needs to pay for making his wife act crazy toward your friend. He needs to pay for making your friend feel bad due to the whispers behind her back. He needs to pay for causing you to create this thread and waste brain cells over his loser cheating ass. He needs to pay for making LHCF respond to this ****ery. OP. This 'man' needs to PAY.

So. What are you gonna suggest to your friend that yall do to make him pay?
So. What are you gonna suggest to your friend that yall do to make him pay?
I hear ya. I really do. But this is where I disagree. Yes, the husband should pay... But that is the wife's job. She chose to marry and stay with a philandering man... So deal. The only thing my friend should have to deal with is what is put upon her. He didn't break any vows with my friend he doesn't owe her anything.
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