Should she expose this trifling woman? I say YES!

thatt thing would already be on bossip and all those other dirty little sites i would make this woman pay make her imbarrest to ever show her face again i'd find the address of all her family and send it to themmmmmmm .............ohhhhhh i need to leave this thread im heated
Ok well the husband is heated! He's been emailing my girl venting and stuff. Said he was pissed off cause he's been working his butt off to support this girl, bought her a house, and she doesn't work. His wife talking about it was a joke or something. Since when did being a trifling wife become jokes??? GTFOOHWTBS!!! And my girl's husband...I want to kick him in the...ooohhh...It's just sad that people do this. The girl's husband sounds like a nice guy. I think he was throwing her stuff outside. I just gotta be there for my girl, she's actually been holding up well.
Ok well the husband is heated! He's been emailing my girl venting and stuff. Said he was pissed off cause he's been working his butt off to support this girl, bought her a house, and she doesn't work. His wife talking about it was a joke or something. Since when did being a trifling wife become jokes??? GTFOOHWTBS!!! And my girl's husband...I want to kick him in the...ooohhh...It's just sad that people do this. The girl's husband sounds like a nice guy. I think he was throwing her stuff outside. I just gotta be there for my girl, she's actually been holding up well.

You sound like a good friend. Just make sure your girl and that tramp's husband don't get to close while sympathizing with each other. It's been known to happen when the emotions are running high.

If my dh was bold enough to send this kind of video to some woman, I'd want to have a copy of it to give to my divorce lawyer. Case closed!

ETA: I see she sent it. I'm glad. Like someone else said, this woman shouldn't be able to just walk away from this scott free.
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You sound like a good friend. Just make sure your girl and that tramp's husband don't get to close while sympathizing with each other. It's been known to happen when the emotions are running high.

Good call. Didn't even think of that.

Angellazette, you are a good friend to stand by your friend while all of this ish hits the fan. Tell her to stay strong, and not fall for any foolishness that the hubby is bound to tell her to keep the marriage together.
yeah i def. think the husband could have lead the woman on, because alot of times that EXTREME type of behavior wouldn't even happen if the husband was frank and told her "it isn't going to happen slut bucket, So keep it moving!!"
I woulda put that ish all over the Internet. She sent it to the husband so that's cool, but I personally think posting it to every public site you can possibly think of would've been even better.
you darn right he is encouraging her and she does need to be exposed
agreed. if she's making that tape thats certainly not their first time communicating. he's likely been all up in her face trying to holla. most times the guy is the one initiating the entire thing. do some of you really think she just really sent that tape the first time they spoke??? not. they would both equally get it in this situation. i'd be on his a$$ like white on rice. and on hers by sending that tape.

I'd send it with a quickness. Sure her beef should be with the husband but when you have women like her that KNOW about the wife and still decide their bold enough to disrepect like that.....
i'm all for dealing with the cheater. but if i had proof and she had something to lose yeah i'd send it. she was woman enough to make the tape. be woman enough to take the heat.

Yall are speaking the truth. Her husband is trifling too and I bet he was definitely encouraging it! The video was explicit meaning boobs and birth canals being shown!
see. told ya. he may have even asked her to make a tape and tell him how badly she wants it. not excusing her in the least just saying many time we women want to jump on the chic first but all we know her husband may have instigated it all. so yeah i'd send the tape but i'd be all in my husbands guts for this one.

yeah i def. think the husband could have lead the woman on, because alot of times that EXTREME type of behavior wouldn't even happen if the husband was frank and told her "it isn't going to happen slut bucket, So keep it moving!!"
yeah cuz most of the time they are to busy in the chics face coming on to them trying to get them to do what they stupid skeiza did. no matter who started it he's married and he knows it. he should have said kick rocks. and she is married also. that man knows he doesn't have anything. tryin to turn a ho into a housewife is all.
"I'm not for getting revenge?"

This isn't about getting revenge per se. . .
If you knew your best friend's husband was cheaing andyou had proof.... on TAPE, etc, you wouldn't say anything because "you're not trying to hurt other people?"

Yea right....

I say tell... even though there's a chance the woman's husand is grimey too
I would send the tape. Some women think they are not going to catch hell especially when they mess with someone's husband. In this case, this woman was all in your face with it so I would definitely send it to her husband.
I'm a little confused OP. Was your friend's husband in the video? Or was it an explicit video of the woman (i.e. she was undressing/masturbating/etc.)
Sorry I haven't been back to the thread!, it was one of those short vids you can take on a camera phone. It looked like she took it in front of the bathroom mirror, like 30 secs showing her nasty parts and emailed it. I saw it.:nono: